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Bintun Nahl 1453 Mar 2015
Islam adalah ajaran yang sangat sempurna, sampai-sampai cara berpakaian pun dibimbing oleh Alloh Dzat yang paling mengetahui apa yang terbaik bagi diri kita. Bisa jadi sesuatu yang kita sukai, baik itu berupa model pakaian atau perhiasan pada hakikatnya justru jelek menurut Alloh. Alloh berfirman, “Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal itu adalah baik bagimu dan boleh jadi kamu menyukai sesuatu padahal sebenarnya itu buruk bagimu, Alloh lah yang Maha mengetahui sedangkan kamu tidak mengetahui.” (Al Baqoroh: 216). Oleh karenanya marilah kita ikuti bimbingan-Nya dalam segala perkara termasuk mengenai cara berpakaian.

Perintah dari Atas Langit

Alloh Ta’ala memerintahkan kepada kaum muslimah untuk berjilbab sesuai syari’at. Alloh berfirman, “Wahai Nabi katakanlah kepada isteri-isterimu, anak-anak perempuanmu serta para wanita kaum beriman agar mereka mengulurkan jilbab-jilbab mereka ke seluruh tubuh mereka. Yang demikian itu agar mereka mudah dikenal dan tidak diganggu orang. Alloh Maha pengampun lagi Maha penyayang.” (Al Ahzab: 59)

Ketentuan Jilbab Menurut Syari’at

Berikut ini beberapa ketentuan jilbab syar’i ketika seorang muslimah berada di luar rumah atau berhadapan dengan laki-laki yang bukan mahrom (bukan ‘muhrim’, karena muhrim berarti orang yang berihrom) yang bersumber dari Al Qur’an dan As Sunnah yang shohihah dengan contoh penyimpangannya, semoga Alloh memudahkan kita untuk memahami kebenaran dan mengamalkannya serta memudahkan kita untuk meninggalkan busana yang melanggar ketentuan Robbul ‘alamiin.


Pakaian muslimah itu harus menutup seluruh badannya kecuali wajah dan kedua telapak tangan (lihat Al Ahzab: 59 dan An Nuur: 31). Selain keduanya seperti leher dan lain-lain, maka tidak boleh ditampakkan walaupun cuma sebesar uang logam, apalagi malah buka-bukaan. Bahkan sebagian ulama mewajibkan untuk ditutupi seluruhnya tanpa kecuali-red.


Bukan busana perhiasan yang justru menarik perhatian seperti yang banyak dihiasi dengan gambar bunga apalagi yang warna-warni, atau disertai gambar makhluk bernyawa, apalagi gambarnya lambang partai politik!!!; ini bahkan bisa menimbulkan perpecahan diantara sesama muslimin. Sadarlah wahai kaum muslimin…


Harus longgar, tidak ketat, tidak tipis dan tidak sempit yang mengakibatkan lekuk-lekuk tubuhnya tampak atau transparan. Cermatilah, dari sini kita bisa menilai apakah jilbab gaul yang tipis dan ketat yang banyak dikenakan para mahasiswi maupun ibu-ibu di sekitar kita dan bahkan para artis itu sesuai syari’at atau tidak.


Tidak diberi wangi-wangian atau parfum karena dapat memancing syahwat lelaki yang mencium keharumannya. Nabi shollallohu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda, “Jika salah seorang wanita diantara kalian hendak ke masjid, maka janganlah sekali-kali dia memakai wewangian.” (HR. Muslim). Kalau pergi ke masjid saja dilarang memakai wewangian lalu bagaimana lagi para wanita yang pergi ke kampus-kampus, ke pasar-pasar bahkan berdesak-desakkan dalam bis kota dengan parfum yang menusuk hidung?! Wallohul musta’an.


Tidak menyerupai pakaian laki-laki seperti memakai celana panjang, kaos oblong dan semacamnya. Rosululloh melaknat laki-laki yang menyerupai perempuan dan perempuan yang menyerupai laki-laki (HR. Bukhori)


Tidak menyerupai pakaian orang-orang *****. Nabi senantiasa memerintahkan kita untuk menyelisihi mereka diantaranya dalam masalah pakaian yang menjadi ciri mereka.


Bukan untuk mencari popularitas. Untuk apa kalian mencari popularitas wahai saudariku? Apakah kalian ingin terjerumus ke dalam neraka hanya demi popularitas semu. Lihatlah isteri Nabi yang cantik Ibunda ‘Aisyah rodhiyallohu ‘anha yang dengan patuh menutup dirinya dengan jilbab syar’i, bukankah kecerdasannya amat masyhur di kalangan ummat ini? Wallohul muwaffiq.

(Disarikan oleh Abu Mushlih dari Jilbab Wanita Muslimah karya Syaikh Al Albani)
Bintun Nahl 1453 Mar 2015
3 Maret 1924..
Tak banyak уαηg tahu αρα уαηg telah terjadi ∂ι hari itu | dahsyatnya makar & kemunduran umat telah melupakan peristiwa detik2 hancurnya institusi daulah Khilafah sang pemersatu
Hingga derita mendera bertubi silih berganti menimpa muslim ∂ι segala penjuru | teraniaya,terhina,tercabik,tertindas,tersakiti,terjajah,menangis tersedu
Umat уαηg satu tak lagi menyatu | terpecah tersekat oleh nation state buatan sekutu | bak anak ayam kehilangan induk terancam hidupnya sewaktu-waktu
Begitulah wajah muslim hari ini | ketika tiada lagi institusi уαηg melindungi | problematika terjadi tiada henti
Hari ini | tepat 91 tahun umat Islam hidup tanpa institusi Khilafah | saatnya melawan lupa & bergerak mewujudkannya
Khilafah janji Allah tersampaikan melalui lisan mulia Rasulullah SAW | walau banyak уαηg beranggapan utopis kembali mewujudkannya | yakinlah tiada janji уαηg pernah ingkar kecuali janjiNya
Nabi saw bersabda,
"Akan datang kepada kalian masa kenabian,& atas kehendak Allah masa itu akan datang.Kemudian,Allah akan menghapusnya,jika Ia berkehendak menghapusnya.
Setelah itu,akan datang masa Kekhilafahan ‘ala Minhaaj al-Nubuwwah;& atas kehendak Allah masa itu akan datang.Lalu,Allah menghapusnya jika Ia berkehendak menghapusnya.
Setelah itu,akan datang kepada kalian,masa raja menggigit (raja yang dzalim),& atas kehendak Allah masa itu akan datang.Lalu,Allah menghapusnya,jika Ia berkehendak menghapusnya.
Setelah itu,akan datang masa raja dictator (pemaksa);& atas kehendak Allah masa itu akan datang; lalu Allah akan menghapusnya jika berkehendak menghapusnya.
Kemudian,datanglah masa Khilafah ‘ala Minhaaj al-Nubuwwah (Khilafah yang berjalan di atas kenabian). Setelah itu, beliau diam".
[HR. Imam Ahmad ]
Telah tiba saatnya satukan langkah satukan perjuangan,
Menyongsong kembali janji Allah Sang Penggegam Kehidupan,
Tegaknya kembali Daulah Khilafah ∂ι atas jalan kenabian..
Takbir !!
Allahuakbar !
nabi 나비 May 2018
***** this ****
do you know how much this *****?
in all reality a little bit but not that much
but it feels absolutely terrible
i have been crying all ****** day and i am the exact definition of a mess
and none of this is your fault, so don't be emotional and blame yourself
and don't avoid me, that just makes this 10x worse
it's okay to not feel that way anymore
or to not be ready to be in a relationship
or to just be in a bad mental spot and need to not
i respect that ****, it's completely okay, but this still hurts like a *****
i can't function and i just keep breaking down
and im so angry with myself because i shouldn't feel this way
but then he's on my *** about it being okay
and its confusing my emotions cause im angry with me but he's not
my brain has been all over the place today

i hate this so much
because now you know how i feel about all of this craziness
and i really didn't want you to know cause i didn't think anyone cared
i just expect every person who leaves me to just walk away without ever looking back
but i guess you didn't and now you know that I've been a blubbering mess
hopefully you at least know that it's okay
it's okay to not like me, i get it
i'm me and i just talk about Delilah and old books and music too much
and i don't know how to be romantic at all
i understand, so why can't i just snap out of this?
oh wait, it's cause your fricking amazing

yea, so ***** this ****
why do i have to pretend like i'm fine when you already know i'm not
why do you have to shut me off along with the power button?
****, i hate feelings
Aridea P Nov 2011
Palembang, 8 September 2011

Dia adalah..
yang mampu membersihkan fikiranku,
membuatku tertidur di malam hari,
menemaniku hingga pagi.

Dia adalah..
yang berharga dari benda apapun,
sangat suci dan terang,
sumber hidup yang bermakna.

Dia adalah..
penerang jalan selamanya,
takkan pernah berubah,
terkadang dilupakan.

Dia adalah kitab milik Nabi ku Muhammad,
yang abadi,
warisan paling mulia.

Dia adalah Al-Qur'an,
hal yang selalu ku baca sebelum tidur,
ayat yang selalu bku ulang setiap sholat,
nilai yang selalu ku aplikasikan di dalam kehidupan.

Aku cinta Al-Qur'an.
Diska Kurniawan Sep 2016
Seteguk apapun, semua tak akan berakhir*

Aku adalah seorang pemabuk yang selalu menguarkan harum arak kemanapun aku pergi. Anggur, dan berbotol-botol ***** telah kutenggak pagi ini. Dan hanya hari ini pula aku ingin bicara, tentang segenggam racun yang kalian semua suntik ke dalam nadi dan pembuluhku.

yang dengan bangga kalian pakai
tak ubahnya ketelanjangan
hanya mengumbar malu dan aib

yang sesenggukan kalian jeritkan
hanyalah tangis jiwa kalian yang memudar
memutihkan kejujuran dan kebajikan

Oh, beginikah cara kerja dunia
berduri dan berbatu, sama saja
disetiap lajurnya
kemanapun aku pergi, dijejali
mulutku dengan dusta dan hanya dusta

Menghitamnya jiwaku, seandainya
bagai langit malam
tak ada chandra di ufuknya

Sudah selayaknya aku berkabung atas jiwaku, dimana dia merintih penuh sesal dan tanya. Apakah lalu lalang motor dan diesel itu memusingkan kepala atau hanya sebuah kesibukan belaka. Dan dengan itu pula jiwaku berakhir, terdiam, dalam kematian.

Kukubur dia dengan layak, diantara nisan-nisan lain disekitarku, yang diberi nomor, sesuai urutannya. Jiwaku tersungkur di nomor tujuh. Beruntung sekali!
Kukubur dia, pelan sekali dengan tertidur. Tak berharap bangun lagi di keesokan pagi. Kutaburi bunga-bunga dan prosa yang harum, dan kusiram dengan sebotol Martini dan bir.

Harum. Seharum embun yang kau injak ditepian jalan.
Wangi. Sewangi sukmamu yang kuingat telah pergi.

Aku adalah pemabuk. Yang selalu menenteng sebotol arak, bermabuk di tepian jalan kehidupan. Mengambil jeda diantara kalimat-kalimat mencela dan busuk, yang tergelincir masuk ke dalam telingaku.

Botol-botol inilah sang penawar, berminum pula para nabi terdahulu menyesali umatnya, sedangkan aku?

Menyesali kalian.
David Jan 2019
Like a butterfly that comes out from the cocoon,
you've changed my life,
you taught me how to fly,
you taught me how to watch the world from a different perspective.
I don't crawl on the ground anymore,
but I fly high in the sky,
in the spring wind and your sunbeams that makes my heart warmer.
Thanks to you my life is better
and one day I'll fly to you,
whom, more than anything else, shines of love.
Nabi means Butterfly in Korean
dreadfulmind Nov 2013
If you are hurt or betrayed, If you are hurt by people, who share the same blood as you. Remember Yussuf A.S, who was betrayed by his own brothers.

If you find your parents opposing you. Remember Ibrahim A.S, whose father led him to the fire.

If you are stuck with a problem where there's no way out. Remember Yunnus A.S stuck in the belly of a whale.

If you are ill and your body cries with a pain, remember Ayyub A.S who was more ill than you.

If someone slanders you. Remember Aishah A.S who was slandered throughout the city.

If you are lonely. Recall Adam A.S who was created alone.

If you cannot see any logic around you. Think of Nuh A.S who built an ark without questioning.

If you are mocked by your own relatives. Think of Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.

**Can't you see how wonderful our Nabi is and their stories. Islam is indeed beautiful and perfect!
D May 2019
Yang bermula dengan suara,
Berakhir juga dengan suara.
Disaat kita harus sepakat bahwa semuanya mesti disudahkan
Sedunia tak henti-hentinya mencekokkanku dengan bayangnya
Karena belum genap 24 jam sejak kesepakatan bahwa semuanya sudah,
Ku dengar suaranya dimana-mana,
Kali ini, lagi-lagi, tanpa rupa

Disaat dunia mendengarnya bercerita tentang gadis manis berduduk seorang diri,
Atau tentang bagaimana akal serta tubuhnya dikupas habis oleh hidup sehingga dia tak punya pilihan selain menerima bahwa ia dan mutlaknya semua manusia adalah tunggal; adalah sendiri; adalah harus menelan, memahami, lalu (jika beruntung) mencintai kesendirian itu sendiri
Atau sekiranya tentang bagaimana ia mengibaratkan air mata bagai tanda suatu yang kuat, yang tak malu, yang berteriak, yang patut diwadahkan jika bisa;
Lalu disimpan, bukan dilihat untuk sekedar menyenangkan diri bahwa kita ditangisi
Namun sebagai tanda bahwa pada dasarnya semua manusia akan berserah diri

Tak ada habisnya menganalisa karya—ataupun jiwa—yang memang dari lahir sudah pamungkas
Karena disaat bongkahan karyasuara itu berisi wejangannya untuk mereka yang mencari
Suara itu bercerita kepadaku tentang hal-hal yang agaknya butuh dua kali hidup dan dua kali mati untuk menemukan inti;
Seperti perempuan
Seperti keyakinan
Seperti kesendirian dalam kehidupan dan kematian
Seperti jarak dan waktu yang superfisial disaat kita sadar akan Tuhan

Dimalam itu,
Dimalam saat aku menyadari bahwa ada hal-hal yang jawabannya tak bisa kucari dalam prosa Sang Nabi atau puisi Jalalludin Rumi,
Ia berkata,
“Tak akan—sampai mati—ku mencampuri urusan akal perasaan dengan keyakinan yang sebetulnya sudah ada sebelum apapun.”
Disaat itu juga aku memutuskan untuk mundur sepuluh langkah,
Karena disaat kalimat itu kelar terlontar,
Adalah bukan suaranya yang kudengar,
Namun Ibunya.
Ibu, sama halnya dengan keyakinan, sudah ada sebelum apapun.

Malam ini aku pamit.
Affaq Nabi May 2020
An evening in Gulmarg
The dale of flowers in heart of rising himalaya:
Where sun rise's beyond far green cidar trees,
To please the azure lux skies---

And birds of the bush, sings and laughs, nigh,
And eternally, mirth lulls into eyes the mirth,
Oh! be ever, for me--ahh, sweet earth---
Where, Gulah can be seen, in the echoing green,
Wooing with the flowers day and night,
The snow-whistle, and summer shallow, side by side with suman and sumbal keenly looks on,
To welcome into valley-the spring---

And fairest fountains leap up jolly jolly,
And that- Bard sitting under an oak, plays his harp, among the native folk,
"Oh! my dear melancholy"---

Overjoyed, wood winds play the music,
And maple leafs dance in their rhythm,
Heart sinks down for awhile in an ecstasy
It resounds like, as a festival of holy---
And lucy! swings-un fearing
on the green grass,
There is naught a dilemma of upper or lower class,
Still sound of joy, the nature sings round the clock---

O! liberty! come on hurly,heart is unquiet,
A rainbow dwell's beside it,
Yet, bonnie beauty is in it's reflection,
Garden of eden! gracias for your kind affection-

Rights reserved
@Affaq Nabi
max Oct 2020
I guess
I couldn't do it after all
What I'm saying doesn't matter
Even to me
Their eyes are telling me I'm too small
to break free
I wish I could be a butterfly
Enchanted in its short free life
colorful like no one else
"nabi" means "butterfly" in Korean
vircapio gale Jan 2024
my kindness has now been commodified
whereas before it triggered hate
--seen as weakness, as cruelty's plaything--
still, i saturate to what extent i can
my daily happy-dance with honest friendship,
compassion's ease, delight and pet-store equipoise.
yet my sincerity is sloganed, emptied of its worth:
trained to say 'rewards program' in stead of 'membership, account';
'guests' in stead of 'customers'
'team-players' in stead of 'employees'
'long-term relationships' as first and foremost mission statement's goal--
slither-scripted to promote a highest bottom line
as language euphemizes baby mice as 'pinkies,
fuzzies, hoppers': 'feeders' for a petted multitude
of scaly, fang-ed maws.

pre-thanksgiving christmas-trees
on either side of automatic double-doors--
styro-snowflakes hung
by wrapping-papered end-cap shelves on sale
to swipe our plastics to a higher debt--
to tinsel out the shame of maybe giving less?
reminding 'gift-time soon' and 'this could be a gift'
to ward off never having given childhood its due?
or of being less than cheerful
at incessant jingled tunes?

november fifth--decorations up;
guy fawkes night of trick-or-treater-candies
tweeting hallowed flu-shots
as my manager in elf-cap-antlers squeals in glee:
says she starts promoting christmas back in august.
i tell her that's appropriate!
given jesus was perhaps born in august.
says she didn't memorize the bible.
i tell her that part was left out anyway--
i don't mention the holiday's titular meaning;
or the waiting gnostic manger,
royal transhistoric camels,
mary on her donkey, joseph's wind-blown face
las posadas... the loneliness of exile
O mary... in her starlit tears of unknown pain and joy--
the unremitting love for barnfloor bodyheat,
todos santos
nonhominin humanity...
earthling rights day
a stranger's kindnesses
of yule-tide warmth and evergreen,
solstice-fulcrum festivals of lights
veteran's day's existential loss
and bureaucratic selfhoods shelved;
gurpurb at a gurdwara
the martyrdom of guru tegh bahadur
the garifuna settlement day
the tazaungdaing festival
fasting over christian as well as buddhist lent
the five days of deepawali, diwali:
bodhi day
découverte d'haïti and vertières
jamhuri day
zamenhof day
pancha ganapati
mithras day
osiris, adonis and dionysus day (all dec. 25th)
--republic day! national day! and proclamation day!
in the maldives, brazil, northern cyprus, chad, yugoslavia;
in the central african republic, burkina faso, kenya, malta, kazakhstan, niger, south sudan...
chahrshanbeh soori
the dongzhì festival
the saturnalia of pagans (lit. "country dwellers"; "those of the heath")
dies natalis solis invicti
watch night
boxing day
the day of goodwill
wren's day
quaid-e-azam's day
yeni il
guru govind singh jayanti
international solidarity day of azerbaijanis
fête du vodoun
darwin day
chocolate-egg-laying fertile-bunny-day-- or ishtar day
butter week, crepe week, or cheesefare week-- or maslenitsa
happy holidays to all in particular

on November 24th, 1675, "Guru Tegh Bahadar, the ninth Sikh Guru undertook the supreme sacrifice for the protection of the most fundamental of human rights - the right of a person to freely practice his or her religion without interference or hindrance."
Qualyxian Quest May 2020
No need to be defeatist
Mystery in the search

Franklin Street discussions
St. Thomas More Catholic church

Cardinals in the trees
Birds that sing and perch

I would like the movies
You can have the merch

                      Come as you are
Salmabanu Hatim Nov 2018
He was born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia in 570AD
He was to be the last prophet decreed by Allah even before Adam,
He was the last Messenger of Allah.
He did not belong to one caste,city or religion,
But, to all humanity,
He had the largest followers.
He had been blessed with Al-kauthar-abundance,
He had also been blessed with the most powerful miracles-------
The splitting of the moon in two,
Proof to the pagans of his prophethood.
The miracles of the Quran,
And the night journey of Isra-wal-Miraj,
Whereby  he was only prophet who saw Allah with his physical eyes.
Even in his physical form he was
His sacred body never cast a shadow,
He was always taller than the tallest person who stood beside him,
He could see behind and in front of him,
He never yawned,
His sweat smelled of Kasturi Musk,the most fragrant attar in the world,
He could see in the dark without light.
Plants and animals talked to him,
A fly never sat on him.
Allah communicated with him in every form of wahi,
The Angel of Death sought his permission to take his soul.
He brought Islam,
The religion chosen by Allah,
Which Hussain kept alive till today by sacrificing his head and his family.
The religious,social and political tenets he established according to the Quran was Islam's foundation.
The Quran was revealed to him by Allah,
He received his first verbal revelation in the cave called Hira.
He is the most beloved of Allah,
He will be the first human being to be resurrected on the Day Of Judgement.
Wahi- Revealation of  Allah's words to Mohamed
Affaq Nabi May 2020
Breathing! within the pins and bites-
I'm the suman sweet-
Yeilding perfume!
From the thousand miles
My flavor invites-
Every gypsy and rome'o:
To give their love's a momentary room-
In sweet summer showers
My ground grows more lovely,
Timely rains are food to me
Likewise peace to you,
I hold these honey breaths only for you,
Now adore me: I'may be with you alone,
Oh! what an ****** ground I've found,
Every time as you come to take my kiss,
You'may not found this, merry on ground,
As seldom I am sick,
Suman! ever doesn't on thorns swing.
By: Affaq Nabi
Affaq Nabi Jun 2020
Let Marie, squeeze sweet Suman and pour vin into goblet;
I shall play the mandolin, in crimson evening,
My mate, and you'll sing in hoary-willow a sonnet,
Imagine this evening' ll not return so pretty pleasing,
The shirtless beauty of Karakoram have smitten,
Ahh, mine drowsy eyes, and poetic *****,
There is  lovely poetry that is yet to written,
These rocky hills and ridges reveal lore of sofism,

How sweet shining, upon the dimple of karakorin !
This alpine marvel, kindled a light of love in me,
In my verse, I paint, what I saw a pleasent decorum,
Walk beyond me, over cliffs and reefs,
Marie, my mate!
How sweet, I wander from dunes to plains,
I taste the rainy seasons I found the remains,
Of princes kata rani, her coins spikes, and kute kol.
I found lofty villa's that were once safe and warm,

Some lay in ruins, some held by the storm,
The white dove's hum and play in the ring,
Let's swing, awhile in the joyful spring,
Rosa and suman, will make our bedding,
Underside of meadow-bright  dom.
Nymph's of azure heaven will sing, a nupcial song,
O! winds in the willows: walikum-salaam...

Rights reserved
Affaq Nabi
Affaq Nabi May 2020
Somewhere far! when day may past-
And these eyes: paar; in waters's melody may lost-

Someone! may walk into backyard of my sights-
And may!
encender the candle of delights-

Then out of those past sandhills-Some voices would raze-
Some of grief! Some of glee!

And some'll shuffle me to smile-
Some may make me to weep-

Then someone! a moon like fe fe-
May take me in her eyes-
And lull me to slumber-

Within the melody of aire-
Along moves and cheers of umber-

Somewhere far! When day may past-
And these soft-spoken gentle eyes...
---Affaq Nabi
Affaq Nabi May 2020
Neither this moon'll be there---
Nor the stars'll remain,
But I will be for ever yours---
Sight was searching for you
Then sought you---
Neither this moon'll be there,
Nor the stars'll remain---
With flowers of desire,
I've dressed up the brim---
In eyes I 've settled,
The meads of aspire---
By your beam,
Is the blues and rhythm of my *****--
Neither this moon'll be there,
Nor the stars'll remain---
You don't know,
How much I love you---
Every hour I want to hug you,
My rock dove---
Neither the moon' ll be there,
Nor the stars'll remaim----

By:Affaq Nabi
Affaq Nabi May 2020

Neelum (beautiful sapphire always shinning bright)
Neelum is a resting place of
of this blue shimmer.
Where joy lulls into eyes the joy,
And worries vanish.
Like dim, dusky clouds from gracious ezman,
While happy day sinks into sweet night,
My purple past prime,
Comes into eye like leaves on willow tree!
O! you love!
Though naught your's! but you yourself hither live,
The beauty which you bear on tenant,
Notice no prejudice or apartheid,
My love;
When you bear a baby!
You know:
She may receive it **** beauty in heirs'y-
You be mine love-
And she'll use its sapphire treasury-

By:  Affaq Nabi
@ Rights reserved
It is good to travel alone, to venture into my being
no people to distract me
no vision of tomorrow to blind me
nothing but
and everything I neglected to feel together in one room

my body naked in the morning rising
to shower, rinse and pat dry
my headscarf over my wet hair
the peeling of an orange
the boiling water inside the kettle
my willingness to face the day

I send photographs to my mother
she calls me her butterfly, her bird
her brave girl
on a wall of my old room she
had painted “fly “

and I think back to being five years old holding onto her leg
scared of letting go on the first day of preschool
anxious to swim in the ocean for the first time
shaking at the thought of rock climbing

I thinking back to her smiling
telling me to go and be free
this her greatest gift in this world bundled in words of encouragement often too harsh
she used to get mad, that at first I would not take it
but I know I treasure it
her toughness, her zest, the courage it takes a mother to open her palms

my nakedness to feel, the nabi flying
                    my obsequió is
meu vida pra ser quem sou

— The End —