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Diamond Sparrow Jun 2015
Some girls are lillys
waiting to be picked
some are roses
with one too many thorns
so you can't
touch them.
Brittany Comer Jan 2012
Her Face
Oh so Beautiful
The kind of beautiful that makes you stare
The kind that makes you become a better person
She changes everything
Everything about this life is dull and pointless
But that face

Her giggles
So cute and youthful
Every little squeak is adorable
Her tiny voice
Oh so cute
When she crys mama mama
It melts my heart

Lillys the only thing in my life
That makes me feel needed
Simple as that
She needs me
And I need her
When I'm around her
There's hope light and love
My everything
G Rog Rogers Aug 2017
Dandelions Daisys
and Daffodils
ultra twilight
Mourning Glorys

Beau coups of tragically
beautiful Buttercups

Scarlet Lillys
and Royal Violets
Violently pursued
by less than
gentle sunlight

Sharp piercing
cutting thorns
enticing with
yellow blush
and crimson Roses

Beauty for a time
a moment less
maybe moments longer
Then wilted away

Another then springing
from darkness unto light
and brilliant breath
...and another

Each purposed only to
the sustenance
of the thorns
and the beauty thereof.


B Young Dec 2015
When silver plunges into flesh,
it is crossing the Rubicon to await the last breath.
For, the mantra They say holds true,
across this river waiting for you:
jails, institutions, death.

The Lady's of the flowers, they still speak to me.
Walking through fields filled,Tulips and Poppies and Lillys,
urging me to be free.
Their voices ensconcing, a melody most soothing.
Turmoil will never rip the light inside of us.

War cannot destroy beauty.

My brothers and sisters in this fight, unite!
Let us trample over this devastating blight,
becoming Saviors, each of us enveloped in light.
Let us gather the dust of death in our trembling palms,
blow it furiously into the wind, sowing hope,
against all odds, our fields will bloom and blossom
every color of the rainbow.
Let our gardens grow in honor of our fallen and faint, in memorial of our patron saints.

Fight gravity with everything inside and we will fly.

War cannot destroy beauty.
Zac Walter Jan 2018
Cloaked in black velvet and silver adorned skull peices. A halo of anxiety sits over my head. The intrusive pornographic thoughts rumble like holograms in front of my minds eye. Iris's and lillys. Dandelions and sunflowers. I want to stick my fingers in all the flowers and taste their pollen on my lips. Fantasia salivation elicted with cowbell bass drops. *** sells in seconds, lust in hours, love in years

Feeling  like a ****** journalist. Her, another with straight bangs. A septum and ****** peircing peirce me straight through the heart. Its vanity but its a start.
Let me wrap you in eagle feathers and wolf fur. Let me exercise your cowskull traumas, raging buffalo hormones into rebirth
Huff and blow moaned words into ear canals as I enter your eternal.
Infernal like the lusts of hell
Ethanol and bossom busts sell in seconds, Lost in hours with love to fear.
Gold halo of Anxiety paired with a silver skull clad in black velvet
Thrusts of the pelvic
Release whats held in
Redesigned pulpit seldom held words in
Align with me the divinity felt in
*** (in)finite feelings that last in transnce. Slowly peeling away strips of skin to permanance.
Feeling an earnest sense of wonderment. No time to wonder what it meant when impermance is permanent

Smoke cigarettes for the hurt when life has turned to **** but you heard it when i said i love you and you turned a bit. Looked in my eyes and i caught a glimpse of a future id like to witness. Didnt hear a word you said but i saw the world in your eyes instead. Tried to listen but my brain went dead
No words to say when you glow infared. Hotter than the spectrum
of sight. Glowing infared,
Youre hotter than spectrums of light so burn me like Arizona sunlight
Slap ***, hand shaped sunburn from a liquid honey night. *** on lap, lap up the *** like the last watersource, pour it on my face until gasps of air you hear. Taste your pollen near my lips nectarine fallen on your chest.

Feel the lasting affects
Of sexs' (in)finitely affixed fixation on transience. Glowing infared and ambient. Flowing energy in the pits of sacral chakras, returned to the crown and passed back down. Circulating intuitive lessons, divine bits of each other imbued in fission, fuse them into   living. Seperated by the gods as two seperate beings, unite mind, body, soul
Freeing all in estatic feeling.
Peeling all the tragic sealed in
Two seperate beings fleeing
Into impermanance
Towards a permanent form of seeing
666 eyes healing
hello Apr 2013
You step into the suns rays
Skin blooms roses and pretty lillys
Make up your hair
Your body is the most beautiful hill
Eyes turn into moon and stars
Lips are the birds who sing sweetly
Your soul is paradise
Spear Dec 2019
One day when I'm older I'll make myself a garden
A garden only i know of
A secret place where I don't have to worry about a thing
I'll grow all sorts of things like lemongrass and Lillys
It'll be a place where animals will go to rest
And I hope that one day I'll find someone special enough to share it with

— The End —