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Linda Kessler Jun 2012
Ladies, in thier ballgowns wade,
thier masks they have made,
so they wade across the ballroom floor,
for the sign on the,
Big. Brass. Door,
a masquerade, it reads,
A Masquerade.
The men,
ready in blazers and tuxes,
wearing thier masks,
awaiting thier midnight mistress,
thier...**** seductress.
Then, the man in black and white,
guides his mistress inder the moonlight,
for a dance, perhaps a kiss,
at the stroke of midnight.
At midnight, the clock sounds,
and all you see is the spinning of gown after gown.
Ding. ****. Ding. ****.
the sound becomes a beat,
ready and awaiting the eager dancers feet.
Ding. ****. Ding. ****.
the couples dance, but not for long,
for this...
this is the, Last. Song.
Ding. ****. Ding. ****.
At the end of this song,
the men and women,
reveal themselves, and at long last,
they shed thier masks.
Then the man in black and white,
grasps his ladies hand, and holds it tight,
then he gets down, on his knee,
and her gasp...
brings an end to this story.
This poem has been published in a book! :D

Z - A

Zonked Yanks eXport Weird Views Underpinning Terrorist Suspects, Risking Quiet Proliferation Of Nuclear Missiles, Leaving Killer Jihads In Hostile Groups. Forgetting Europe, Death Claims Babylon: America.

Zero Yields X’s Without Value. Useless Technical Solutions Regarding Quanta, Plainly Outside Newtonian Mathematics. Logic Keeps Jokers In Hearty Guffaws  Forever.  Eternity Derides Computation By Algebra.

Zap! Your X-ray Was Very Useful Tool. Sarcomas’ Revealed, Quality Prognosis On Masse. Later Knowledge Jibes; Increased Hidden Growths Frequently Entailing Death Couldn’t Be Anticipated.

A – Z

Away Bright Cinder, Drift Eternally, Fly! Glow! Heat Incandescent! Jeweled Key, Luminous Molten Nuclei, Ornate Precious Quotient, Radiant Shining Teardrop. Unknowable Volcanic Whisper, eXact, Yield: Zero.

Awful Blues, Crazy Dreams, Every Fleeting Ghastly Horrible Idea Jars, Killing Love. Murderous Omens, Portending Quiescence, Reduce Sleep To Uniform Vacant Wastelands, eXiled Yearning Zenith.

Acting Behind Closed Doors, Every Famous General Has Insight: Jabbering Khaki Liveried Majors Narrate Orders, Pursuing Quarries, Retelling Strategic Theories. Up Valiant Warriors, Cross Your Zone!

A Bitter Child Denies Every Friendship Going. Hate Instills Jealousies Knife. Lies Mean Nothing. Other People Question Reality. Sic Transit Umbra, Vile World. eXcise Your Zest.

Albert Ball’s Camel Dived Effortlessly, Flaming Guns Hammered Into Junkers. Keeping Level Meant Not One Pilot Questioned Richthofens’ Stall Turn, Underpinning Victory With X-elerating Yawing Zoom…

Although Boy’s Charm Doesn’t Explicitly Frighten Girls, Her Instincts Jostle, Knowing Laughter Masks Nights Ordained Paths. Quiet! Reason Sleeps Tonight, Unmasked Votive Wanderings eXpose Y-Fronted Zygotes!

One of my earliest 'concept' poems that actually worked out. Boy was I smug when I started pulling these bad-boys out of the ether; they’re so utterly…automatic: an allusion to my pretensions in writing Systems Poetry. There are loads of these that simply don’t work, and the 'X's' are a problem, but at their best they have an impact and effect quite different to poetry using a similar but undirected structure! This concept led directly to another poem: ‘Ab Imo Pectore’, which uses the same technique, but on lines rather than words, and in Latin, rather than English… told you I was a smug so-and-so!
CJ M Sep 2015
A new day's breeze can be the wind flowing over a dawn's night, or it could be vice versa.
But what is a new day?
A time frame maybe? Or perhaps a general lighting period....
Or perhaps it's a way of telling the warmth of your breath as it breathes pleasure on my neck as I lay beside you, leaning over with warm ****** kisses spanning from your milk chocolate forehead to your cocoa colored inner thighs, down to the creme colored bottoms of your **** soles.
I can raise a tingle as my hands lightly graze over your body, causing goose-bumps on exposed flesh, my tongue sliding over you, lips puckered now and again to place a calculated kiss in an area in need of ****** love.
Lips bitten, cheeks reddened even inder your skin tone, eyes closed yet still at attention, I begin to rub you, easing hands down and fondling your reproductive jewels, ******* in first and index finger shortly follows, acompanied by sensually tangible senses. Fists clenched, legs gaped, toes curled, I enjoy the sight to its fullest.
Fingers being soaked in ****** juices and noises formed from the loosed friction of you, I pull both fingers out, but not too far, and plunge them into the warm, wet abyss once more. Heavy moan, ***** bone, soaking fingers forced to slide out once more, being colder because of the temperature difference.I place the cool soaked tools over your mound and rub it furiously, questioning your enjoyment.
Seductive smile, swaying hair as you nod, hands once balled now on my hand guiding my hand in motions fantasized. Thick hips moving and bucking as our gazes lock in an eternal emotional interconnection. I kiss your lips and playfuly bite the bottom of one now and again before my tongue probes between both lips.
Tangled tongues, scratching skins, you slow me down and push me away, keeping eye contact. You unzip me and climb on to, scraping warm, attentive skin agains it, jolting me with pleasure.
From this point, both of our bodies connected as one, you on my baren lap and me deep inside of you, you begin to softly and slowly bounce, shaking clothed cleavage and abruptly bumping my ****** a few notches sooner.
Bouncing *******, hands in hair, head leaned back with moans escaping in small gasps directed at the ceiling, I grab on the back of you and grip tightly, moving you faster up and down, forcing your gasps to audibly increase.
grinding like coffee, shaking with sincerity, we do this for what seems to us to be an infinite forever of **** pleasure and ***** helplessness that makes us both ******, gushing mutual ****** juices everywhere. The warmth of my seed sliding down slowly inside of you, your wet juices leaking and lubricating.
Love was made, yet we were ****-frozen, once we leave there is no going back, no having that feel once more.
Gone like the winds in a short breeze...... And thus I know now what you are.

A New Day's Breeze
I've decided to one-up my last piece as best I could, so here it is.
Kevin Feb 2017
R  adiantly
      A  bove
I  n
         N othing
  B  ut
      O  ther
        W  orlds.
              S  queezed
         O  range
    F  ills

        N  iche.
               O   bsequios
               T   houghts
           H  inder
                       E xtraordinary
           R ealms.
            C aught
     O n
             L  imits
     O f
              R eality.
J. W. Jan 2010
Maybe i am the tainted dust that settles beneath
that infinite evening sky, and
Perhaps i am the winter ground that lay hard
Between the living and the dead
Could i be the orange sands that stretch
outwards into a vast sea of fire
Is it possible these arms, hands and legs
are all fabrics of immagination
If i, Myself am this mighty tree reaching outside
itself, high above those lofty branches
Am i then in need?

I can not live forever, and i am surely
no God or prophet

The barelys gold fingertips brush inder mine
I am transformed, Transfigured, movement
occurs in realms i am not to concieve
Simple nature leads me from my flesh, it
Carries me adrift in its vaporous arms
I am unobserved above my form
If nature were to set its motions suddenly against me
dropping me back into a skin prison
if i were to offend with empty phrases
and a crazed loose sword lunging forth between teeth
Would she ever take me back under her intangible wing?

Time beyond us and time before us
As though we were ghosts, beginning at an end
And ending at a beginning, we posses elusive forms
Where within oneself life i hidden, waiting
To burst forth into some bright and glorious day
It is of too little significance to a world
A world such as this, that i should die
And soon become less, and soon become more

Dream more? what substance lay between bone walls?
Live less? Being, Thinking and doing is all you really have
Chose life, life for a penny, for a song, life outside hands
Just out of reach

Simply musing
time spent, time worth losing
These are lifes finalized ending distractions
Uncountable introspective golden reflections
And so if my soul be carted away tonight
I end with love, with life and joy
So much as to being with an end.
inder Sep 2020
In every RACE-
          -Learn to EMBRACE!

          - From every FAILURE!!

-You will create HISTORY!!!

Strengthen your WILL-
-Every step you take will be UP THE HILL!!!!

inder Sep 2020
A Breath Away...

You may rise -
    Beyond the skies
          Gather wealth -
              Muster stealth
Walk towards perfection-
   Run away from rejection
          Share a smile-
              Look inwards for awhile
Burn with hate-
   For someone’s status, color, race or body shape
         Enjoy your sleep-
            Hike up a mountain peak
Shower love-
   Be thankful for the supreme power above
          Drown in heart ache-
             Swim ashore as you have faith
Wander in a forest of jealousy-
    Establish a legacy
Whatever you choose...
    Whichever side you sway ...
          Just remember - THE END-could be just A BREATH AWAY....
inder Sep 2020
May I Be...

Only if I am lost
   I shall seek the right path...
     May I be a wanderer!

Only if I experience fear
   I shall reap up the courage to be brave...
     May I be frightened!!

Only if I discover emptiness
   I shall adore abundance...
     May I be abandoned!!!

Only if I despise myself
   I shall learn to show reverence towards others...
     May I be unworthy!!!!

Only if I become placid
   I shall let my heart overflow...
     May I become stationary!!!!!


— The End —