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He worships me
As a goddess of health and cleanliness
Hygieia his hygieia
My beloved Hippocrates how are you love me so
And how I love you so
I wish we could be united as moral and goddess but our love is for bidden and we can all unite but in  secret
Come to my temple of healing and all of you as I see fit
My beloved physician
Jv Starry Feb 2021
Dimas Hippocrates
Our love is pure
Yet misunderstood
I wish people would see you not
Zombie like
But a beautiful and brilliant physician
That I see
As you call me your hygieia
The Greek goddess
Of health
I cannot help but call you my Hippocrates
Even though that is your name
I await you
And your touch
As you lovingly kiss me
My Hippocrates

Your Hygieia
AM Dec 2015
but, my darling
I'd steal health from Hygieia
**** Clotho for your thread of life
and let the Gods forbid me
breathing inside this galaxy
because you, your existence,
means a lot more important
than the all the beauty
they could ever offer me
Universe Poems Jul 2023
De novo

Vis medicatrix naturae

© 2023 Carol Natasha Diviney
#greek #latin #hawaiian

— The End —