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Matalie Niller Jun 2012
Catch a falling star on your tongue
soak in the gaseous matter
millions of years of history and marination
long ago
careers were optional
we picked apples and drank milk
big n strong farm folk
tire swings and moonshine
tractor disasters
Ford made robots of robots
gym class saw mills
ashes to ashes
well hello there my jumpy friend
not enough sulphur in your supper?
Tatted body guards in grass skirts
hubba hubba
let the shayman give us some insight
fire side and full of hallucinogens
we will see the future and past simultaneously
martians will be proud
shame on you jumpy junior
mince the words like horror-flick killers
jack of all trades
let this be the silk road to tradition.
deanena tierney Mar 2011
1.   Chew 3 pieces of Grape Hubba Bubba at the same time.

2.   Wash your car in the rain in your bathing suit.

3.   Walk in and out of a store over and over again just to be greeted  
       repetitively. (this works best at Racetrak and Cici's Pizza)

4.   Wear comfortable clothes.

5.   Stop caring what you look like.

6.   Sing loudly in your car without any music (even at redlights), with your
      windows rolled down.

7.   Swing, for heaven's sake, swing at the playground.

8.   Be nice to everyone, even the snotty retail girl.

9.   Go to a church where every Sunday the hairs stand up on your arms
      because you feel the presence of GOD.

10.  Visit an old cemetery and just sit for a while.

11.  Say "I love you" at the end of every phone call, especially to the bill

12.  Play a video game with your kids, just so they can laugh at how bad you

13.  Go without underwear one day.

14.  Read Pope and the Bible.

15.  Once a month eat whatever you want and however much of it you want.

16.  Work out.

17.  Snuggle with the warm body of someone who loves you.

18.  Let a dog lick your face. (it's really not that bad)

19.  Call a random number just to say "hi" to the person who answers.

20.  Be yourself so others can know who you truly are.
Phi Kenzie Jul 2018
Exchanging or replacing an old automobile
can be an intensely emotional experience for anyone
I still have the license plate screws from the first car my mom sold
although I didn’t care at all when my dad sold his car first
I remember crying at the dealership when they took my mom’s Toyota
I don’t even remember my dad telling us he got a new Ford
backseat on the left, behind the driver, was my designated spot, still is

I kept them in an empty Hubba Bubba OUCH! Gum tin, the screws
sometimes I’d open it up just to hold them
and wonder why I’d cared so much about that car
Divorced parents and abandonment issues meet in this look back at childhood
Gigi Tiji Oct 2014
sickle say sigh
****** stars of showers
diddly hum drum bye
bickering baths of twilight
moongazing goons
chewing on chalk
hubba hubba
abcdefg Mar 2012
Gum is another tongue in your mouth,
taste-bud studded with sugar and pink

Hubba Bubba Double Bubble

Your jaw feels like expanding bread
when you rest from chewing
flatten it into a saucer and
let it balloon from your mouth,

it distends like an internal *****
or the full stomach of a frog
spilling from your lips

(When he stretches, you see veins
******* across his amphibian chest)

It hooks itself on your nose
and wilts into a pink tangle.
Terry O'Leary Jan 2019
.              <Once ShallowMan had dared to question>
              <FactoidMan’s sublime suggestion:>
“With a little predigestion
all my Facts compel ingestion
helping shallow decongestion.”

                               “FactoidMan, take no offense,
                               I know your knowledge is immense
                               amidst your store of Facts quite dense,
                               yet still I’m hanging in suspense
                               about your unassumed pretense
                               and if (or not) your Facts make sense.
                               What say you, sage, in your defense?”

“My Facts are self-sustaining views
supported by my mighty muse;
if disbelief is what you choose
just listen to the gull that mews,
eructing fake and faulty news.”

“My Facts are meant for one and all”
              <cried FactoidMan within the stall>
“I plop them out and when they fall
(yes, be they large or be they small)
they leave all witnesses in thrall.”

              <Then FactoidMan informed the crew>
              <(you know the ones, the chosen few,>
              <who try to twist his Facts askew,>
              <subjecting them to peer review>
              <which puts them in the waiting queue>
              <for litter to be hid from view):>
“Well Facts are Facts, yes that is true
so don’t be sad and don’t feel blue
when sitting dazed without a clue;
once more, that’s why I’m here for you.”

“For in my wisdom you may wallow
if you simply seek and follow,
chew my Facts, then gulp and swallow,
stuff your soul, now blank and hollow.”

                               “But FactoidMan, I fail to see
                               the emptiness inside of me”
              <said ShallowMan with modesty>
              <and cert’nly not hyperbole.>
                               “You’ve filled me with a potpourri
                               of concepts bathed in harmony
                               all self-contained and error free
                               (adjudged by you, the referee,
                               with whom no one could disagree
                               and still remain your devotee).”

              <FactoidMan may steal a stride>
              <with Miss Direction at his side>
              <to conquer, baffle or divide;>
              <she sometimes slyly serves to guide>
              <us on a roller coaster ride>
              <through subtle logic simplified>
              <and fuzzy Facts unverified.>

“We’ll make you guys sit back in wonder
stealing all your blood and thunder
when you’ve found you’ve made a blunder,
thrusting you to realms down under
dank defeat, dun dirt and dunder
(pseudo-logic’s would-be plunder,
Miss Direction’s torn asunder).”

                               “Do Miss Direction’s humble graces
                               pivot progress towards new places
                               into which loose logic races
                               (hinged on fundamental bases
                               counter argument outpaces)?
                               And what about the other cases
                               tied with loose ends time unlaces?
                               Just *******, reason soon erases
                               leaving lumps or tiny traces
                               in the gaps and other spaces?”

“Yes, Miss Direction will confirm
my wisdom hides no wily worm,
though simpletons will surely squirm
with Facts they fail to disaffirm
within the short or longer term.”

“She can lecture, you can learn
about the twists at every at every turn
in arguments that you should spurn
when served an ace but can’t return
without disgrace and ego burn
that leaves your ashes in an urn.
(In case you listen, you’ll discern
that winning spins are my concern.)”

              <Well ShallowMan was full of stunts,>
              <posed one more question which confronts:>
                               “Although your data sometimes blunts
                               the points of other’s arguments
                               your reasoning quite oft affronts
                               when based on claims  that logic shunts.
                               Well, won’t this break your covenants?”
              <Then Miss Direction screamed at once>
              <that “ShallowMan’s a silly munce”.>

“But that is neither here nor there”
              <said FactoidMan with scant a care>
“for ShallowMan may often err:
without my Facts, he’s not a prayer,
so should believe and be aware
that truth is mine and never dare
to think new thoughts (and so despair).”

              <Then FactoidMan revealed a frown>
              <in which a pompous smirk could drown:>
“Yes, ShallowMan’s a depthless clown
who must look up for seeing down;
he lives his life in Flatland Town,
his thinking cap’s a dunce’s crown.”

              <But ShallowMan took no offence>
              <though things were getting kind of tense>
              <(with some regrets for being dense)>
               <and answered in his own defense:>
                               “At times credulity replaces
                               rationality in cases
                               where belief in faith’s the basis
                               (filling holes with empty spaces)
                               voiding proofs that logic traces.”

“Does logic really play a role?
It’s certainly not the aim or goal!
Instead, to wheedle or cajole,
while using Facts which I control,
is somewhat simpler on the whole.”

                              “Oh FactoidMan, it’s now so clear
                               the reason why we need you here,
                               protecting from the puppeteer
                               who pulls our strings to interfere
                               with Facts of yours we should revere,
                               and paves our path with morbid fear
                               our straight and narrow bent may veer
                               from certainty you hold so dear,
                               rejecting theories which cohere,
                                ensconced in science, so sincere;
                               and all be ****** should doubts appear.”

“ShallowMan, if you’ve conflictions
owing to your mind’s addictions
to subconscious maledictions,
due to doubt in old convictions;
tell me now of your afflictions.”

                               “FactoidMan, I must confess
                               I understand you more or less
                               though subtleties provoke distress,
                               and even more your fine finesse
                               inclines to make my mind compress.
                               Forgive me now my cheekiness
                               in asking you for some redress;
                               although you’ve certainly gained success
                               convincing others, nonetheless
                               my valuations retrogress
                               to untold depths of shallowness
                               the more your reasons (which impress
                               onlookers with your cleverness
                               at citing Facts, most referenceless)
                               dissolve like dragons in Loch Ness.”

              <Well FactoidMan must simply smile>
              <(and sometimes chuckles for a while)>
              <when ShallowMan acts infantile>
              <and won’t attempt to reconcile>
              <those Facts that rhyme like truth and guile.>

                               “I know that all you say’s legit
                               though oft your Facts sound counterfeit
                               and leave my dawning mind unlit
                               (just feeling like a retrofit).
                               But, on the whole, I must admit,
                               a mental fog’s a benefit;
                               when eyes are closed and hairs are split
                               expressions vague, I might submit
                               although the Facts don’t seem to fit!
                               Please help me once to cope with it.”

“Oh ShallowMan you’re so amusing
when my Facts you find confusing;
you’ve no profit when refusing
simple truths of my own choosing;
bathe in wisdom I’m suffusing
when awake or else while snoozing.”

                               “Oh FactoidMan, ’twould be a sin
                               to mourn for thoughts that might-have-been
                               if you had had more time to spin
                               some arguments to underpin
                               conclusions bringing much chagrin
                               to those who try to do yours in.
                               For yes, it seems your notion’s thin
                               (though acrid, sweetened up within
                               a grain of salt called saccharin).”

“Yes, ShallowMan, you must have known,
I’d find your mindset set-in-stone
when claiming notions underblown
(especially those I call my own)
ignoring all the Facts I’ve shown,
a lapse to which you’re plainly prone.”

                               “No, FactoidMan, I’m not disbanding
                               your contentions so outstanding
                               (even though they need expanding
                               for a thorough understanding);
                               with some polish or else sanding
                               (you know, somewhat less demanding)
                               they might make a model landing,
                               lack of catwalk notwithstanding.”

“To answer you I’ll write a ditty
getting to the nitty-gritty,
oh so lofty, oh so witty,
where the Facts shine, oh so pretty;
if you’re lost, then more’s the pity,
tell it to my subcommittee,
‘Miss Direction’s Detour City’.
Now it’s time to feed the kitty.”

              <Well FactoidMan’s concluding quip>
              <to give advice and hold his grip>
              <(by letting words of wisdom drip)>
              <displayed adroit one-upmanship:>
“Hubba hubba, ching ching ching,
now I’ve taught you everything
without a hook, without  a string;
you needn’t clutch, you needn’t cling,
just bow instead and kiss my ring.”
jeffrey robin Feb 2015
hubba hubba

                   (                      (
                    /) ) \              /) )\
                   /\                   /\
               walkin  down da road with my    bubba                                                  

A long long time ago


Naked angel song

Love ?

Time to get yer head on straight


Fragile this cosmic endeavor

Some force

Trying to enslave


was asked aloud


Naked bodies fornicating with whatever
Is available !


Sick !

(  •  )  (  •  )

She slid something into something else
And wiggled around for awhile

And cried out


but it was only an old hot dog


After it didn't respond to her pleas for eternal love  she  cried out


and ate it



Mark one one up against the revolution !


Without a spiritual home you are homeless

Without a will to be real you are not


I cry when you cry but for different reasons


The long long walk in the rain

The mystical sloppy way of denying
That anything matters

Except for the ego and it's pride


The utter disgrace

The perverted shame


I guess watching the ***** show

Isn't so entertaining anymore

Sofia Von Jun 2013
Find that pause

To blow up
Like a bubble of hubba bubba poppin neurons
To Flow,
Or stop,
Or twist
the fabric of reality
Flipped to flop across the lines
We were supposed to write on
But didn’t

And for a minute
I felt power.
Calhoun Poetry Mar 2015
Burnt out cigarette buds decorate the pavement with black blobs that were once white cubes of Dentyne Ice Spearmint, green and yellow slivers of Trident Layers , and blocks of pink Hubba Bubba
Some spots contrast to their lighter halves from the melted ice, creating dark slicks of black cement

It's wintertime in Manhattan.
Lynn Hamilton May 2019
Timetable torn in two

Covered in fluff, grit and

Other unidentifiable residue

Instructs you

Where you should be

Weekday between nine and three

If not held together right

You’ll be going to English class

At midnight

A blue pen in hiding

Has blown its cover

Left bendy and limp

Adding its mark to your

Timetable print

But you will struggle on, I know

With tongue stuck out to one side

Concentrating, not daring

To ask for another

The shatterproof ruler

A claim too hard to ignore

Reduced to smaller plastic bits

None of which will measure

Over an inch, I’m sure

But you will have a go

Underlining, shifting, underlining

And shifting

With your bendy limp blue pen

The fallout of wrappers

Of the hubba bubba crew

Shoved in your mouth

One directly after another

Sending your jaw into a

Slow motion, over committed, chew

Breaking down the matter

Of which would

Fill a crack in a nuclear reactor

The tangled and twisted wires

Umbilical cord of twins

Connects to your head

To feed you from a placenta

Of surround sound

Via your ears

It makes you sing so sweetly

Without knowing I can hear

Emptying your blazer pocket

I find you and I feel joy

My beautiful, beautiful boy
Penned in 2015for my beautiful boys
Jess Sidelinger Apr 2018
You left
but seeing the blue of your eyes mirrored in the sky
on a hot August day takes me back
to that first summer when the freckles on my skin were as prominent as the seeds in the middle of the sunflowers
your neighbor planted next door a few months back.
The rain hitting the cracked pavement outside the window of my favorite coffee shop
is a constant reminder of the day you told me about heartache
that would never stop hurting no matter how many ice cream cones we ate
in that old tree house we build in the 8th grade.
Seeing waves crash into one another with my toes in the sand
sends flashbacks of that cold, January trip where the wind was so strong
you didn’t even want to get out of the car to show me the spot you ran to
when life was becoming too much to just nod and smile through.
Running the paths along the river where the railroad tracks used to be
makes my muscles ache just like they did that day we avoided all responsibilities
and decided to climb the rock wall because we were too lazy to hike an actual trail
but too ambitious to stay inside and watch a rerun of Saturday Night Live.
Sitting in my car waiting for the train to clear the tracks reminds me of the countless September nights
we spent sitting on my porch snacking and listening to the train three blocks over
wondering and wishing it would pick us up and take us anywhere else.
Bubble gum popping is echos the memory when you popped my huge hubba bubba bubble
at the drive in the night you bribed me into seeing that action movie
you knew I didn’t want to see, but insisted on anyway.
Clowns at the Memorial day parade tossing candy to the kids lining the street
mimic the Skittles you threw at me as you screamed “I told you so”
when I finally admitted to liking that rapper you never shut up about.
Any scary movie haunts me like the Mexican restaurant off the corner of West Main Street
because it was there you told me you were leaving.
I’m sitting here considering burning  my favorite blue and white stripped sweater
you gave me for my 21st birthday because it was the last time
you told me everything was going to be alright.
It didn’t matter that I moved away
because I saw you in the face of strangers passing on the street.
I’ll never get to send you off or give you away
things have changed and both of us have grown
but we live in a world made of each other
so we’ll never be alone.
Levi Kips Jan 2016
Starting now ima do this evaluation because right now I feel so non related and played with, to her I'm like candy that comes with alot of pieces and she chooses when she want me like now or laters but I am gum sweaty. I am sorry there is only one of me next time you bring more than 25 cents. Well I was her hubba bubble bf but ig this piece has lost its flavor and all that I'm good for is sticking to the bottom and catch all the trash that comes my way. Is that the reason why I'm still holding on to her, because if life is a trash can I'm on side of it somewhere fly fishing for love. I thought you was a bass, a the catch of the a lifetime but instead you turnt out to be a catfish. The only reason I haven't set you free back to sea because you was my first trophy but like all trophies you have to get shelved one day. Don't worry I will be one the shelf to just like a  injured football play but I didn't break my neck or ribs, I got concussion or some head injury because something must have gone wrong for me to let my heart get fractured again. The doctor must be tired of seeing my face, hearing the same copied and paste story but with a new title and about a new face. Then at the end of the day he does the same operation so I can go back out to the sea and start fresh again, find my next mistake and start to fish.
Bubble gum is amazing
It stretches when you blow
You can wrap it miles around your tongue
And inflate that stuff like dough

Especially Hubba Bubba
The stretchiest of them all
Blow that ***** f*er
And you can have a ball!

But remember it’s only membrane
Though tough it has its limits
It’ll only stretch so far
Til it splits and covers you in it

Stretchy things aren’t infinite
Even they can be spread too thin
So careful with that stuff
Or it’ll burst and splat, done in.

The same applies to people
They can only bend so far
Before they inevitably snap
Broken, clean in half.

We only have one pair of hands
And helpful as one can be
If everyone wants a piece of you
It becomes an impossibility

To fulfil their needs
And still meet your own
You end up depleted
Clapped out, on the floor

So you must set boundaries
Look after yourself
Learn to say ‘no’
Think of your health

When it all gets too much
That’s a red flag right there
So take a step back
Regroup and take care

For if you’re burnt out
You’re no good to anyone
So repeat after me:
‘I’m not a piece of bubblegum’.
barbara Apr 2019
Ignorance is Bliss

If birds chirped in English
How annoying that would be!
How many times we’d have to hear
“this branch belongs to me“

Or “hubba hubba“, “girl, you fine“
On endless high-pitched loops
Or “When is someone going to come
and clean our frickin’ coops?”

“Mom, I’m hungry! where’s my worm?”
It might get on the nerves
Neighbors shouldn’t shout their business
All across the ‘burbs

But as it is, we get to muse
And think our thoughts in peace
Enjoying bits of melody
And wild decorative suites

We think them harbingers of spring
And happiness unbound
I’d like to leave it as it is
And just enjoy the sound
MissNeona Oct 2024
Spreading ruma is ugly, finnish'd, but spreading rumah-rumah in indonesian is houses others
qiyahmah kiyah of koran and karate
kick in a high knee
Prophet Margin of Error - Proper Up-Raise-All
Idolatry from graven images
E-manual, wonderful counsellor
isn't everyday judgement day?

Unhinged jaw of the leviathan
our horse artemis atimiz
building ***** manor
kin of the castle
neo cosmic egg

Irish taitnionn iz shiny tightneon
Tautology say it twice, time constant
7 chinese qi, nana, shichi
Double Pepper's Ghost Torus Field

Full halo proton event
Moon prism power make up
the moon's stars on the broad way

Dark oxygen bubbles

Loyal opposition tweedledee and tweedle dum play ping pong but to score you gotta send the ball to empty space otherwise its just pitching and catching stalemating

Could be aliens, or just a passing truck
Dyuloka is a Sanskrit term for "heavenly world".
annie are you oll korrect?
Mind the Ginnungagap existing between Niflheim and Muspelheim.
Inspecting and expecting the spectacular

Rubrum argilla
mor muman & braiding liliac
Growing up...
Crown shyness: the murmuration of the forest
sphinx in bloom
Unorthodox planting of seeds

David knows how to please a deity, trusting from core, dancing, secret chords... I wanna see that show
*** = them who are they if not us?
Hubba hubble ****** tension
The evolution of the great wave
The rain chain, best linkages
pure seduction?

close-knit skeining
Quota-able metrics
new record? keeping it!
getting SMARTER
energetic investments

Fact Orly? Reset
World computer rendering speed

mighty might-be boss tones of potentiality
self add voca, see!
clean spirit radio signal
compositional undertones
Speak FOR yourself
To each their own

— The End —