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Mary Ab Jul 2014
When the night is here ,and all the eyes are asleep
Mine refuse to close,I crave to taste your meeting
I lose myself and regret my sins
My spirit starts to mingle in faith
My soul states Allah's super vision
His miracles , His super power and holy pure love
I yearn for that special corner
which gets perfumed by my sincere tears
Yet,I yearn for it with extreme heartiness

I start yelling to His majesty ,
expressing my situations well aware that He know more than I actually do !
Keenest in my heart! I do feel His mercy
In that corner , I feel my faith's warmth
and I feel your closeness for that you're closer that the vein !
And when I gather my feelings with sacred rain
and perfume my mouth with your holy presence fragrance
I get overwhelmed with the deepest purest emotions of relaxing !
and my heart is wondering and regretting ! "how much I lost from my life like this night ! "
In your presence , Time passes sweeter than honey and prettier than roses !!
Than my tears start pouring like rains ,mixed with regret salt and happiness sugar of such moments !!
A sudden shadow sends me arrows of pain and roses of hope !
I start calling upon you with a shaking heart !
Oh my LORD ! I came with regret! I'm repenting to you !
Forgive me my lord ! I seek your mercy !
I have no one but you ! I run from you towards you !
whenever I remember a sin that I've committed !I get burned with the deepest shame and vexation !
i get melted ,I kneel and bite my fingers' nails from regret and sorrows ...
Ya Allah , you are the most beneficent , the most merciful !
please ,hear my call ,guide me to the straight path and forgive me for I'm a week slave of yours :")
Forgive me ...
May Allah heal our souls and minds and may His guidance sparkle all around our hearts and spread faith ♡
Mary Ab Sep 2014
Looking high , staring down
Have you ever wander ?
Falling cry, having to deny
Have ever surrender ?
Being near , missing dear
Have you ever yearned so closer ?

Dancing memories on the melodies of your charming hearty beats ,
Playing the old fascinating blessings from the moment you meet

Catching hope
Spreading happiness ,
Defeating mope
Hugging heartiness

Holding a pure blessed heart within your soul ,
Shedding innocent tears , hoping for a merry call
Marvelous beauty stands there in your hearts ,
Sunnshine , moonlight drops mingle as pretty parts
Rosy buds of honey scents and outstanding roses ,
Radiating fascination and admiration
A thousand pure sights from deep inside your innocence,
Landing with spiritual wings on the lane of happiness

There appeared the glittering fluttering butterfly ,
Lightening your way through the moping way
And you stand there and say :
Oh dear flying beauty , vanish all the darkness away
Send me faith and happiness everyday
Go along and watch me pray ,
Faithful grateful trills every single day ,
That everything will be perfectly okay ...
Sam Miller Jun 2013
Darling sister,
with your hair the purest shade of carrot
falling to the middle of your back,
and eyes the clearest blue,
and freckles splattered across your nose and cheeks
like the angels couldn’t stop blessing you once they started.
You look far too much like a ghost of my past.

Your sparkling curiosity,
your tendency to stay up far too late
because you just can’t put your book down,
not yet, because it’s just getting good
and you want to know what’s next.
The innocence of your smile
and the heartiness of your laugh.
You look far too much like a ghost of my past.

Forgive me, but you are scarier
than any monster in the shows I watch.
Because when I think about how you crave my approval,
how you cling to my company
like it’s the last time you’ll ever see me again,
and how you say, “Will I be like you when I grow up?
We’re just like twins! We’re sisters forever!”
It feels me with liquid fear,
like silver nitrate is being pumped through my veins.

You haven’t seen the darker side of me.
Not all of it, not the breaking down of my very psyche
as the world prepares to squeeze the live out of me
the way we squeeze Jell-O through our teeth
because we think it’s fun.
No, you don’t see the times where I don’t want to face the world.
Instead you see this quirky older sister that you probably always wanted,
I know I did.

I want to be that older sister, the one that you look up to,
the one that takes you places and teaches you things and
helps you understand how to survive in this world.
But I’m scared that I can’t.
I’m scared that one day I’m going to fall,
like Sherlock off of St. Bart’s.
But unlike Sherlock,
I don’t think I’ll be getting back up again.

I don’t want you to see me fall.
I want to be The Boy Who Lived for you,
and **** it if I’m not going to try.
Sure, I’m terrified of all this role model stuff,
it’s not easy, not by a long shot.
But you need me and I’m going to do the best I can.

Your Big Sister 4Ever
Imran Islam Jul 2017
You love to smile
At kids and parents
You love to smile
At family and friends

You love to smile
Awakening yourself up
You love to smile
At the morning coffee cup

You love to smile
At the store and on the way
You love to smile
At work and on a busy day

You love to smile
At me for heartiness
You love to smile
At all for kindness

Your smile is glad
And my happiness
It's pretty, niceness
And never ever sad.

You’re looking sweet
and gorgeous
Your smile is gentle
and contagious.
Soumya May 2014
You said things -
because its easier to speak-
and gossip, and later forget.

Than it is to
follow a crazy butterfly of a dream,
when everyone asks you
to chase instead an angry bullfrog
of tradition.

To flick your fingers
and dismiss failures
as unthoughtful mistakes
and heartiness as an
an ugly carnival of
embarssing emotions.

Follies of other are good fodder
for two minute advice soliliquies
a distant critical review.

Dear friend,
or foe - as you like,
Come around to this side
of the window,
and wear the torn shoes
of his distress
or live through
her sorrow

And then tell me,
Would you again,
given a chance,
say the same ?
Underyourradar Aug 2018
I , to whom thee attribute the massacre ,
I speak as your creator ,
Thee cameth to me o traveller ,
As a fickle narrator

For you **** me for your fate ,your condemnation
You attend to me as my foundation crumbles to dust
Your sentiment of zeal was mine own creation
You tainted it with your ambition , mutating it into lust

As the viscious cycle of your adultery reiterates
You indict me of being a silent beholder
As the heartiness and probity of my realm eviscerates
My heeds and warnings are met by your cold shoulder

Your embarkments of upsurge , and the subsequent collapse
Rendering my pattern blurred and unrecognizable to mine own eyes
now you stroll over a mine of your own traps
From my great design springs your eventual demise

Tis' not my trial you stand but shadows of your own that you face
As my realm scorches in your blaze, you drown in the multitude of my waves
For thee to elude eternal damnation
O traveller thee shall fade without a singular trace , dawn anew from disgrace
Hence shall come thy salvation
Sometimes you seek
A powerful word;
To express your inner self,
To voice aloud your eternal queries,
To show others your feelings...

But the reality is, that
There are no almighty words.

Whereas all high words emit
Falseness and half-heartiness of your soul.

When you want to be just who you are
You don't need to formulate a speech
'Cause simple words are here
To cast the magic spells...
be honest :)
Kq Feb 2017
there is something small going on here. something large. a revolution. a one link, one point, one dot burst. there is us. a learning of love. this is not minuscule. this does not barrel forth on a diet of mindlessness. there is engagement. there are histories colliding. there is spackle. there is grout. there are narratives. there is a riot. there is rage. 4 hands, feet, kneecaps, hips, cheeks, lips, eyes, ears. there is wanting to slam 4 fists on table. there is eye contact that is melting long frozen. there are times when there is only 1. 1 giant. 1 strength heavy, spilling heartiness, settled creature. there is 1 detailed single fluid specimen. this is the power.
Muskan Purohit Dec 2019
I grew up watching and listening to fairy tales ,
and movies of innocent love .
But things changed ,
when I entered my teenage .

I always learnt that real queens fix each other's crown ,
but today , when I look around ,
all I can see is ,
girls trying to put each other down .

I see boys having lust to cherish all the girl's body ,
rather than one's inner beauty .
Where are those caring prince charmings ,
who sticks to one girl ?

I see precocious children ,
the children whose mental attitude is developed beyond their ages .
The ones who treat the innocent ones acidly ,
all they fancy about is ,
how to ruin someone's life .
Where's kindness ? Where's humanity ?

Even home don't feel like sweet home .
And what all these kids feel is ,
loneliness and homelessness .
Why so ?
Where are those chuckles and laughter of family members in the home ?
Where's heartiness ?
Because all I get to see around is ,
parents behaving snappishly ,
and , ignoring their kids getting disconcerted by this .

I see brothers fighting like foes over the money of the people who whelped them .
Then , I see people censuring them ,
without having proper knowledge about the things going on .
I see people supporting tyranny with graces and glories .
They only do this for fun , right ?
But what about humbleness ?

This rage and brutish behavior will take this world nowhere .
So , I still sit under the sky of full of stars ,
and , glance furtively .
I try not to weep over trifles ,
I know this world is worn out ,
and thinking about all this ,
makes me feel woeful .

Sometimes , I groan ,
because I'm not valiant .
And my cowardice nature ,
don't let me blaze forth .
I think about making a change ,
I think about being a change .
But I don't know if I'm worth it ,
I don't know if it's necessary to have a poetic license for it .

I honestly don't know if I should adapt all this or ,
put on my gay dress to gallivant .
So , I walk , stumbling and timidly and with agitation , unwillingly , like an impassive child .
So , when someone will look around ,
and notice me ,
they'll just find me a crazy and daft child .

I really don't know what's going on right now !
Because I can't see anything beautiful happening ,
maybe this world is turning into something very different !
I honestly have no motivation to post here because I'm not getting any attention and no one even really reads my poetry but I'm still trying to post one everyday :))
Daniel Niemi Jan 2019
Sweetheart one thing I want you to realize
You can’t hide beautiful
It’s not only apparent on the inside
But shines on your outside
Your eyes
Lures me in
Sense of humor
Kind heartiness
Blows me away
It’s your sense of style
Your shyness
Eyes that are so alluring
Melts my heart
Your personality is second to none
Your essence drives me wild
Your true beauty is what captured my heart and soul

— The End —