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Muskan Purohit May 2020
क्रिएटिव राइटिंग का कोर्स था करना,
साइंस का नहीं,
पोएट्री का स्वाद था चखना !
गिरना है,
पर कुछ सीखना है उससे,
भागना है,
पर गति का ध्यान रखना है ।
संभालना है,
और हमेशा खुदका ध्यान रखना है ।
क्या मतलब जब में खुश नहीं हूं ?
क्या मतलब जब में इतना सेह रही हूं ?
चलो मान लिया कि सब ठीक है,
पर मुझे ऐसे नहीं जीना !
सब का मन्न रखते,
खुद को खोती जा रही हूं ।
डर लगता है कि कहीं इतनी गुम ना हो जाऊ,
की वापस ही ना लौट पाऊ ।
यह टूटे ख्वाब लेके में कहा जाऊ ?
इस धरती पे, किस पराए को अपना बनाऊ ?
सबको लगता है कि मेरी लाइफ तो सेट है क्यूंकि यह बंदी तो सबके सामने हस्ती है,
पर केसे बताऊ की ज़िन्दगी केसे कट रही है ?
Muskan Purohit May 2020
यह दूसरो की बेटी को छेड़ के खुदको स्टड समझते है,
और खुदके घर की लड़कियों को पर्दे में रखते है ।
अपनी बहन का मुंह बंद कर,
खुदको रक्षक बताते है ।
क्या उसूल है इनका ?
हर लड़की पे मरते है,
पर फिर भी खुदको शरीफ बता रहे ।
जुठ बोल के,
फ़ालतू रेप्यूटेशन का रोना गाए जा रहे ।

यह वोह ही है जो " show me your ***** " वाला मेसेज भेंज,
चौराहे पे चार लोगो के साथ, रिप्लाइ का वेट कर रहे ।
अभी भी तेरे थरक की बात नहीं है ?
यह लोग तो हमेशा सही है ।
एक्साइट हुए तो लड़की के तन की गलती है,
यह भूल रहे है कि वैसे ही एक तन से निकल,
अपने मा का दूध पिके,
इस धरती पर चल रहे है ।
इनका एगो ना हर्ट हो जाए बस,
क्यूंकि फिर यह एसिड फेक,
डर और जोश दिखा रहे ।
अभी भी हम शांत रहेंगे ?
भाई तुम गलतफहमी में जी रहे ।

"क्या माल लग रही है यार वोह " यह बोलने में तू नई कतराया,
पर तेरे बहन को बोला गया तब तेरी केसे गान्ड फट गई और तू सिर चड गया ? वोह तूने नहीं बताया ।
तेरी **** कितनी hard,
यह बताने में लाज़ याद नहीं आयी ?
अब periods पे बात आ रही है तो तेरेको घिन आ गई ?

इनकी नीयत हराम है ।
नज़रे नहीं संभालती,
ना शरम आ रही है ।
देश के केसे हाल है ?
जब ऐसे इंसान है ?

इनका दिल कठोर और,
दिमाग में गंध है ।
उसकी चीख में दर्द में,
क्या रेप के पीछे एक सच्चा मर्द है ?
उसके कपड़ों में तकलीफ नहीं,
पर इनके दिमाग में खोट है ।
क्या सच में इन लोगो की इतनी गिरी हुई सोच है ?

खुदको राजा समझते है,
पर इनमें कुछ दम नहीं है ।
नामर्द है और धरती पे इसी का काम काज नहीं है ।
जीने के भी हकदार नहीं यह, टांगो न सालो को,
किस बात का डर है ?
आज फिरसे एक नन्ही परी की जान पे बात आई है,
और तुम्हे बस इस बात का खेद है ?

कोई एक्शन नहीं लेगा,
आवाज़ नहीं उठाएगा तो,
रोज एक रेपिस्ट जन्म लेगा ।
एक कदम बढ़ेगा और रेप होगा,
फिर कोन ज़िमेदार होगा ?
Muskan Purohit May 2020
मेरे जज़्बात से वाकिफ मेरी कलम,
हमेशा मेरे सपनो को ही लिखती है ।
और मेरे सपनो का हिस्सा,
तुम भी हो ।
वैसे तो पत्तझड़ में गिरते पतो को कोन पूछता है ?
पर पता नहीं क्यू, में,
मेरा मन,
हमेशा तुमसे यह आशा करता है की,
बस तुम साथ देना ।

मंज़िल चाहे हो भी हो,
जैसी भी हो,
सफर बोहोत सुहाना होगा ।
जब मेरे हाथों में तुम्हारे हाथ,
तुम्हारी बाहों में मेरा बदन,
और दिल को इस बात की तस्सली की,
मेरे पास तुम्हारा साथ होगा ।
कुछ अासान नहीं होगा,
हर मोड़ पे तकलीफे होगी ।
एक पल में सब खो देने का डर तो होगा पर क्या फर्क पड़ता है ?
झेल लेंगे न,
क्यूंकि तुम्हारा साथ भी होगा ।

और अगर कठिन स्तिथि में तुम साथ हो,
तो अच्छे दिन भी जल्द ही आ जाएंगे ।
ज्यादा कुछ नहीं मांगा है,
क्यूंकि कठिनाईयां तो हर मोड़ पे है ।
में बस हर तकलीफ तुम्हारे साथ देखना चाहती हूं,
उससे लड़,
उससे बाहर आना चाहती हूं ।
हमेशा तुम्हारे साथ रहना चाहती हूं,
वोह हर लम्हा जब तक में यह पे हूं,
वोह तुम्हारे साथ जीना चाहती हूं ।

ज़िन्दगी है यह,
यहां कभी भी कुछ भी हो सकता है ।
एक कदम, एक गलती,
और सब खत्म हो सकता है,
पर शायद उस एक कदम से,
बोहोत कुछ बदल भी तो सकता है ।
आज जी रहे है,
कल शायद यहा सांस लेने को नहीं होंगे ।
इसलिए तुमसे पूछ रही हूं ।

जैसे भी रास्ते हो,
हर कदम में साथ दोगे ?
हर खुशी और गम में,
मेरे साथ रहोगे ?
तो क्या बोलते हो तुम ?
मेरे साथ जीना चाहोगे ?
Muskan Purohit May 2020
Feminism : " the belief that women should have same rights and opportunities as men " and not, "demoralizing other men in the society".
Equality is "situation in which everyone has the same rights and advantages" and not "the situation in which you put men down, just to get what you want".
Are you wondering why am I explaining these meanings of the words, that you hear everyday ?
I'm doing so because a lot of people don't get the concept properly but have a habit of talking ** and choose to practice fake feminism.
Now, what feminism is ?
Basically, an act of teaching what you don't even preach.
You can identify the people who follow this,
By looking at the people around you and noticing how they act different at different places and still manage to handle situations with ease,
Because they're fake feminists.

Who are feminists ?
People who support the act of feminism.
Someone who supports everyone out there and think before they speak about anyone's gender or sexuality.
Someone who fights for the rights,
Regardless of all the struggle and what they'll get because they're doing so, for everyone.
Someone who don't want attention,
Or your sympathy.
Someone who stands for females,
Not just in front of camera or when someone's watching,
But also, when noone's around to see.
Someone who are educated enough to believe that there's nothing wrong with women getting equality in every field.

There are people in the society who think that a girl shouldn't speak loudly because it's not good,
But what about the men of the same house who keep shouting, even when they're just talking.
People who don't want a daughter in law who have had relationships with someone else before,
Well ! What about your son playing Bangkok games ?
People who **** a girl child before she starts dreaming or before she's even welcomed on this Earth,
So what are you doing now ? Family planning ? Okay now, I see why you've 7 kids in your house.
People who think that girls should cover their bodies, And "Free the ******" is a topic of shame,
But what about those men who shows off their penises even when someone's not interested ?
People who think that girls can't have dreams and can't work, because they're physically weak and wasting all their money on their son is worth it.
People who think that girls are just a curse and shouldn't be given equal rights because they can't handle it,
Okay so what about your mom ? You think she's a superhero, right? But at the same time, you're just disrespecting all the females, including your mom, by thinking like this

Do you know why women don't get equal opportunities ?
Because people think they're weak and dumb.
And some of the people who support this kinda thinking,
Aren't even aware of the reason why they believe in this, so, who's smarter ?
Go to any classroom and you'll find a girl in the topper's list,
But why do men still have more seats in the election ?
Why can't we just choose the one who deserves to performs the duty ?
People think that women belong in the kitchen, well ! Just give them the power and you'll get to see.

I don't get it, why do we've to fight for our rights ? Why can't we just be treated equally?just because of people's sick mentality ?
It's sad how people think that,
Giving a girl what she wants is inversely proportional to their reputation in the society.
If god has made these different genders, with its own significance,
There's a reason !
Respect each and every person you meet, without thinking if they've ****** or a ****.
This fight is for standing together and not against, forward or backward.
I guess you all just misunderstood this whole act of feminism.

Why is it so hard to accept that it's okay to appreciate every opinion ?
It's not that hard to grow and glow together instead of pushing each other down and ykw ? It's better because we'll have more power and more ideas to share.
Don't judge someone or tell them what they should be doing after stepping out of their houses in order to be masculine or feminine.
Can't we just be who we're, No matter what we're doing ?
Can't we all just live together and support each other and not care about our genders ?
Can't we all just get over this concept of feminism by enjoying equal advantages together ?
Muskan Purohit May 2020
बोहोत कुछ सीखा है मैने,
कुछ ज़िन्दगी है, मजबूरियां है ।
उसने गिराया, चलाया, भगाया, रुलाया,
और हम सीखते चले गए ।
ज़िंदगी के कई मोड़ पर,
खुद को अकेले भी पाया ।
भीड़ में भी अपनेपन का एहसास,
कोई ना करवा पाया ।
दर्द देखा, सेह लिया ।
बुरा लगा, संभाल लिया ।
को कितना साथ है, देख लिया ।
सच क्या है, मान लिया ।
मुश्किले है, सुलझाने का प्रण लिया ।
हार मानने से भी इंकार किया ।
बोहोत सिखाया मुझे ज़िन्दगी ने,
बोहोत गिराया है,
इसलिए बोहोत कुछ सीख लिया है मैने खुड्से ही ।
सीखना पड़ा ही, मजबूरियां थी ।
हार मानने का भी कभी इरादा नहीं,
क्यूंकि घर बैठी उस मां के इच्छाओं पर सवाल आया है ।
"कुछ कर दिखाना है सबको",
ऐसा नहीं सोचते अब ।
क्यूंकि काफी कुछ करते आए है,
आजतक किसने साथ निभाया है ?
दिखावे में अब हम मानते नहीं,
ना, वोह नहीं गवाया है ।
जो भी दिखाना है,
खुदको दिखाना है ।
जंग अब खुदसे है,
और आइने में खड़े उस इंसान को गर्व महसूस करवाना है ।
Muskan Purohit May 2020
You've mistaken my words sometimes,
so, I'm writing this for correcting your misunderstandings.
I spent a while thinking that I'm not someone you want me to be,
and this will never make me a good child.
But after sometime, I realized,
you guys raised me, how can you hate me ?
Maybe, lack of communication and understanding,
made me feel so for a bit.

I know I hurted you several times,
but, not intentionally.
I would do anything to give you back all the love you've gave me,
but you know what ?
it won't be enough because,
even on my dark days,
you lightened up every moment.
You helped me writing the best chapters of my life,
when my life felt like blank pages.
I threw away my colors on a paper,
and you made it beautiful,
just with a touch.

Just wanted to say,
thank you for treating me like a princess and loving me more than anyone else.
I'm glad I've you guys to understand me,
thank you for holding me.
Nothing of this will ever go to waste,
and you'll never be in misery because of me.
I'm still your girl, just with a lot of dreams now and believe me,
you'll be proud of me one day.
You'll realize that I was a good decision and you raised me right.
Muskan Purohit Apr 2020
"Who am I and why I wanna run away from this **ed up society ?"
"Just a girl from a middle class family who got big dreams and notices a lot of little things."
"Working hard for my dreams,
because I don't wanna die regretting !"
"I'm here to make a mark,
instead of caring about people's opinions on my activities."

Corrupted officers and ministers making big promises,
but disappearing after they win,
so, who will take the responsibility ?
Little kids at the orphanage center,
have no authority.
People living outside living railway stations and on streets,
got no food to eat.
These people believe in making money,
wasting it on useless materialistic things,
but bother when it comes to donating.

Kids of private schools aren't happy because they're having depression and anxiety.
Mental health awareness ?
No one talks about it, in this society.
And government school kids are just dying,
because there are no facilities.

Girls getting married before getting their college degree.
Guys living on their parent's money at the age of 30.
If you like something that's out of their understanding,
the, you should be focusing on studies.
So many people, undiscovered.
So much of talent, still hidden in the streets.
Suppressed dreams, dysfunctional families,
there is so much more in the story,
that you hear. sitting with aunties.
So many people being judgy and living with a sick mentality.
Welcome to then dark side of the society.

I noticed all this and that's why I don't settle for less than my capability,
and I'm not gonna lower my standards to adjust in this society.
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