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Ira Desmond Aug 2014
The comic convention
has cardboard cutouts of
all of the main characters of
Harry Potter.

All motionless in a river of people,
glossy but worn down,
bathed in cold white halogen.

And one by one,
the cosplayers—
the Harrys

Have their pictures taken
with the cutouts,
one cardboard cutout cut out
and replaced with a real human being.

Being human, we
crave companionship,
fear solitude,
crave solitude,
fear companionship.

We try to avoid becoming cardboard
cutouts of ourselves, but sometimes
a retreat into inanimacy
is what the animus needs.

The cosplayers continue to shuffle forward in line
each waiting to pose for a selfie.  Each
politely smiling at the living Harry Potter characters around them,

but not striking up a conversation.
harry was a hedgehog he loved the rodeo
a visit to america decided he would go
he boarded  on a plane to the U.S.A
way across the ocean so very faraway.

he headed for the venue to see the the rodeo
then he put his name down so he could have ago
harry was excited as happy as can be
now he could ride the rodeo for everyone to see

harrys name was called and mounted on his horse
now his time had come to ride around the course
he new all the tricks and new what to do
chasing after steer with his big lasso

people they all loved him shouted out for more
an hedgehog ride a rodeo they never saw before
hedgehog he was happy his dream it had come true
riding in a rodeo is all he longed to do
Keith W Fletcher Jan 2016
Have you ever had the experience
A coincidence becomes dissectable
And every nuance  and subtle twist
Can be seen for the impossibly relatable
Series of razor thin events connected
By the most tenuous reality imaginable.

So there l was ... sitting  on a bench
In the very mall I practically lived in
Back when I was a kid of the eighties
"20 years since I had even ....drivin
   The cracked and humbled asphalt  parking lot  

College called  - I answered  
Job  offer - ouldn't refuse
First wife walked-while I strayed
Second paid me back my earned dues
Third passed my name on into tomorrow
And the next ones due - Doc says is two

Mom called ....had cracked her vision
Time to readjust her optic imbalance
So here at the mall her optometrist  catered
While I kept tripping on that crazy window display

Why was it so familiar
I knew I knew  
But had not a clue
Where why or how that motorized
Chunk of plastic oscillating there

Next morn it was back to the routine
Of a now eight year old commute
25miles on the turnpike then 3 mile of side street
To the .....o.m.g.  It was sarge  at the mall
It was sarge that musta always waved ...... it was sarge
   That what I nicknamed him
Funny how you can miss something
And not know that it was gone
Until that moment of clarity
When suddenly it will dawn...
That you should have noticed a week ago.

There had been a time when the routine route
Had just become a part of my future
And he stood there waving like a mad king
In that small patch of green behind the chain link
Beneath the curving memosa limb
Leaning on the triangle leg of a kids swing
Comical the first week anoying me the next
But every day rain or shine he was there
Smiling as he waved --enthusiasm portrayed
On the round cherubic ageless down --syndrome face
Infectious as a yawn everyday his hand waggling
Back and forth, back and forth until a week ago
When he was gone. Just a worn down spot in the grass
So.... Today I shall make commuter history. By pulling over
I parked among the honking horns .the shaking fists
And walked along the lawn through the gate and to the door
When a lady laced with smells of cinnamon rolls and coffee
Opened the door and began to cry when I told her why
His name was Harold he prefered Harry 52 just 3 weeks ago
And thats as old as he will ever get. We had coffee and a roll
As she told me of his life and times and I said his waving
And his smile would be missed. By more than just me I did insist

That day I didn't go on to work I set off for the mall
Where I entered into that novelty gift store
Then I left with a package that contained some yellow plastic
A motor and a battery and I had splurged on a solar panel
Then I parked again where earlier I had been
On silent steps and unspeakable joy I mounted what I carried
To the leg of the swing directly in line with the worn down grass
Then I turned it on and watched that yellow hand wave
Waggling to beat the band just like Harry did .
When I knocked she answered with puffy eyes you can't disguise
So I wasn't sure as I pointed toward my tribute -manic and gaudy
I felt as though I had crossed a line till then I had denied
But then Harrys mother looked real close . then busted out laughing  till once again tears filled up and ran from her eyes
It  aint the same , nothing replaces but I see smiles each morning
As his audience of jaded commuters replace the driving faces
With entheusiastic smiles that lightens up the commuters  route
And all those endless miles.
Alex Mar 2015
I wish it was easy to tell the good guys from the bad guys
Like it is in Harry Potter.

The world is full of Snapes and Sirius-es and Peter Pettigrews
Not Dumbledores and Harrys
Crystal Jun 2018
Harrys POV:
My tear stained cheeks
My sobs re being blocked from the pillow
Why did I let you go
Thats right
Because I was breaking you
You were a sweat girl
And I broke you
You did everything for me
I love you Alexis
I love you more than anything
More then I thought I could love
I dont know how I am going to stay away
I dont think I can
"Im sorry. Lexi. Let me love you in the way i can express. Im going to be a better man than before. I love you"
I made it worse
Why did i just send that text message
"I love you Harry. Please come back."
My heart skips a step
My tears keep falling
My tough act is down.
No one has seen me like this
A boy with tattoos and piercings
Noone but you Lexi
I love you
More than anything
I love you
This is #2 from my novel.
Malcolm Price Mar 2020
It was winter in the farmyard. The pond was full of ice
Douglas Donkey said lets have a dance, now that would be so nice
The others said oh not again, but didn’t disagree
And so a new pursuit began, ice dancing like on TV

Reg the ram said we’ll go in turns to do our finest dance
Maybe one or two good reels we’d practiced in advance
And when we finished doing that we’ll vote to see who’s best
Then the winner gets a prize, whatever they request

The first on up was Dan the dog who really did enthrall
He turned and twisted all around, with summersaults and all
He never made a single fault, to every bodies joy
And when he finished the all cheered. oh what a cleaver boy

Next along came Reg the ram, who’d practiced all his moves
His circles were a masterpiece while digging quite big grooves
First he ran on two left legs, then two legs on the right
And when it came to jump the ramp, he went with all his might

Douglas however was not that good, he couldn’t even stand
They propped him up on trolley wheels they borrowed second hand
He spun around without control, relying on a push
And only stopped eventually by colliding with a bush

Mary mule, she wasn’t bad, a bit more skilled than some
She did a few good summersaults, but landed on her ***
She tried to spin around to end. But couldn’t stop the turn
Until Dan came to her aid and tripped her with a churn

Gerald goose came on the ice and showing off he cried
This is what I do the best, the water is my pride
Water yes but not the ice, he couldn’t even start
And slid from one end to the next and smashed into the cart

Harry Horse said It’s my turn, and winning is my goal
I used to do something like this when I was just a foal
However it was not to be, the ice was getting thin
And Harrys weight proved just too much, ice cracked and he went in

So it finished, all was done, no more would have a chance
Everybody voted, Dan the dog had won the dance
They gave the prize, a great big bone which made him jump and bound
He ran across to softer earth and buried it in the ground

— The End —