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Henk Holveck Aug 2015
unexpected beauty entered my life
this is what i love about life
the golden spontaneous event's
that come after you dont think you can't keep trying.​

when people let you down
life puts a spark to light the pilot light.​

last night was one only felt
in our tender touch
and will always rest in my sheets

when we began our temporary bliss
i knew you'd never see me again,
although it might seem sad,
but love is just a drawn out game

so even if we never meet again
i still know where a piece of my heart is
unlike them you won't break it
you left me the words of tenderness
tangshunzi Jun 2014
<p><p> Avvio di settimana con un bellissimo matrimonio in Spagna suona come un'idea possente bene.non sei d'accordo ?Questa bellezza catturata da Jimena roquero Fotografia sicuramente iniziare la vostra settimana fuori sul più bello di piedini .E ' romantico e rustico e tutto intorno incantevole.e c'è ancora di più vi aspetta qui .<p>Condividi questa splendida galleria ColorsSeasonsSummerSettingsHomeStylesCasual EleganceRustic <p> Dal Jimena roquero Photography.Ruth \u0026Javi  <p><a href="" target="blank"><img width="240" height="320" src=""></a></p>  sapeva che tipo di matrimonio che volevano avere .Erano sicuri che vogliono che i loro ospiti di godere di una serata memorabile e un partito che non dimenticheranno mai .Dal momento che entrambi sono tecnici professionisti super affollato .hanno assunto la sorprendente squadra di Bodas de Cuento per progettare e coordinare il loro matrimonio .Quando Wendy da Bodas de Cuento mostrò loro il luogo che hanno trovato per loro erano in lacrime .che era proprio quello che avevano sognato : Monte de Cutamilla .un rustico di famiglia circondata da montagne .dove si può facilmente trovare cavalli e mucche al pascoloselvaggiamente !<p> Hanno celebrato una bella cerimonia all'aperto e hanno risparmiato alcuni limonate fresche alla fine di esso .Hanno consegnato i fan e cappelli per gli ospiti per combattere l' impostazione tavolo heat.The e tutto l'arredamento è stato scelto con grande cura e gusto .e per l'ora di danza .hanno dato anche loro donne ospiti alcuni flip- flop per riposare i piedi daltacchi <b>abiti da sposa on line</b>  alti !Ottima idea !Hanno anche dato loro un cd con una compilation di musica con le canzoni preferite della coppia <p> Fotografia : Jimena roquero Fotografia | videografo : . Amarcord | Event Design : Bodas De Cuento | Pianificazione : Bodas De  <a href=""><b>abiti da sposa on line</b></a>  Cuento | Scarpe da sposa : Magrit Couture| Scarpe sposo : Andrea Chenier | Muta dello sposo : Dolce e Gabbana | Profumo : Verde Pimienta | Sposa Abito : Jose Manuel Peiro | Hair \u0026 Make- up Artist : Xiquena Peluqueros | Musica : Dosaune Audiovisuales | Wedding Venue : Monte De CutamillaJimena roquero Fotografia e Bodas de Cuento sono membri del nostro Little Black Book .Scopri come i  <a href=""><b>abiti da sposa corti</b></a>  membri sono scelti visitando la nostra pagina delle FAQ .JIMENA roquero FOTOGRAFIA vedi portfolio Bodas de Cuento The Wedding De ... vedi</p>
Romantico .Wedding Rustico a Guadalajara .in Spagna_vestiti da sposa
Your Plans, my Follies to this Planned Event
Since your After-Victory bakes un-planned
To Note your Prayers for these Dames' consent
And the Serpent-God's Children sings at-hand
Now by this Bile - your Testosterone give
Demure the Elders by your Brighter Pew
Appears to Reason; Their Sweetest Seeds live
Only for such Store display for a Few
Yet the Frost you owned took plague by your face
Shows a lot how Open your Doors could be
Though ATTITUDE - the Goblin of Disgrace
Makes all the Difference which most could see.
Your Goodness keep Faith; Your Prime Youth endorse
Niño to Señor: The New Driving Force.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Big Delta airliner racing overhead , I pray all her
occupants have safe travel this gorgeous Spring day
A passenger from Atlanta scoring a big business deal ,
an elder , excited Grandma on the way to see kids in
Young soldiers headed home for much needed leave ,
a blues picker leaving Nashville bound for New Orleans
Students headed back to Texas Tech , Notre Dame and
Newlyweds on their honeymoon to San Diego , an Engineer with a meeting in Guadalajara , a family reunion in Texarkana* ...
Copyright April 27 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Doug Potter Oct 2016
I am like winter’s  bluebirds surviving
January instead of migrating
to  Guadalajara with kin

to eat  larvae & hover flowered
women with ***** feet who
breastfeed their

babies with gelatinous
eyes and coo

coo, at the occasional
sight of the bluest
in flight.
A Lopez Dec 2015
Guadalajara,I miss your taste
Puebla, I miss your peoples face.
Texcoco,I miss your ways
Mexico city, I'll be back someday.
Toluca, your people cry
Jiquipilco, please keep those colors, do not die.
Zapopan, where are your men?
Guadalupe, I'm still your friend.
Coyoacan, of my own city
I want to see you, I want no pity.
Paseo de la Reforma, your tower rises,
Viva la raza, viva la Mexico!
Gillian Jun 2014
a phone call from a parked
toyota in hyde park
rings my desk in guadalajara
i have just settled an argument
about mopeds and fat girls
you're drunk, crying, hyperventilating and
i am booking a flight to chicago as soon as
i hear  your tenor

you begged me to come
charged me with childlike charm
that i was guilty of loving our sister
more than you, an outsider

never one to be alone, you
brought me home,
showed me Chicago

that hole in you filled now
you wish i was far away
so you could call in
every unsunny now and then
I will love you after-wars
I will love you before-wars
I will love you during-wars

7th grade: ESL class...
I thought afterwards was “after-wars”
it wasn't until I took English 101 that I learned the proper spelling/meaning of this word
meanwhile I constructed a whole theory as to the origin/definition of such word:

such word according to the carlito's little immigrant dictionary is used to describe that time in which one is fatigued by so many battles, fights, skirmishes, attacks, abuse... and begins to see and feel all things around in a slow but certain process of apacigüe
that very moment in which one feels the cool air caressing each wound, each bitter memory.
Like a teaspoon full of honey after coughing to the point of bleeding.
The moment in which the universe seems to have mercy of/on the oppressed: when grandma's hoarse singing and laughter suddenly emanated and filled our hearts with a sense of peace after-wars:

Guadalajara en un llano
Mexico en una laguna
me he de comer esa tuna
aunque me espine la mano

during-wars: our time, in the middle of societal scrutiny. See? They don't seem to care much at sight, yet their thoughts of exclusion tend to disembowel us, hang us in public and use us as examples of what can happen when you bend or brake the rules. Yet it is not hate but love that can save us... and them. You and I, by practicing this horrendous act of resistance called “amor” are in fact saving the world, or at least diminishing the painful moments.

And one day, I promise you we will touch the stars... after-wars.
Ven a Guadalajara, dictador de cadenas,
carcelaria mandíbula de canto:
verás la retiradas miedosa de tu hienas,
verás el apogeo del espanto.

Rumoras provincia de colmenas,
la patria del panal estremecido,
la dulce Alcarria, amarga como el llanto,
amarga te ha sabido.

Ven y verás, mortífero bandido,
ruedas de tus cañones,
banderas de tu ejército, carne de tus soldados,
huesos de tus legiones,
trajes y corazones destrozados.

Una extensión de muertos humeantes:
muertos que humean ante la colina,
muertos bajo la nieve,
muertos sobre los páramos gigantes,
muertos junto a la encina,
muertos dentro del agua que les llueve.

Sangre que no se mueve
de convertida en hielo.
Vuela sin pluma un ala numerosa,
rojo y audaz, que abarca todo el cielo
y abre a cada italiano la explosión de una fosa.

Un titánico vuelo
de aeroplanos de España
te vence, te tritura,
ansiosa telaraña,
con su majestuosa dentadura.

Ven y verás sobre la gleba oscura
alzarse como un fósforo glorioso,
sobreponerse al hambre, levantarse del barro,
desprenderse del barro con emoción y brío
vívidas esculturas sin reposo,
españoles del bronce más bizarro,
con el cabello blanco de rocío.

Los verás rebelarse contra el frío,
de no beber la boca dilatada,
mas vencida la sed con la sonrisa:
de no dormir extensa la mirada,
y destrozada a tiros la camisa.

Manda plomo y acero
en grandes emisiones combativas,
con esa voluntad de carnicero
digna de que la entierren las más sucias salivas.

Agota las riquezas italianas,
la cantidad preciosa de sus seres,
deja exhaustas sus minas, sin nadie sus ventanas,
desiertos sus arados y mudos sus talleres.

Enviuda y desangra sus mujeres:
nada podrás contra este pueblo mío,
tan sólido y tan alto de cabeza,
que hasta sobre la muerte mueve su poderío,
que hasta del junco saca fortaleza.

Pueblo de Italia, un hombre te destroza:
repudia su dictamen con un gesto infinito.
Sangre unánime viertes que ni roza,
ni da en su corazón de teatro y granito.
Tus muertos callan clamorosamente
y te indican un grito
liberador, valiente.

Dictador de patíbulos, morirás bajo el diente
de tu pueblo y de miles.
Ya tus mismos cañones van contra tus soldados,
y alargan hacia ti su hierro los fusiles
que contra España tienes vomitados.

Tus muertos a escupirnos se levanten:
a escupirnos el alma se levanten los nuestros
de no lograr que nuestros vivos canten
la destrucción de tantos eslabones siniestros.
Santiago Jan 2015
My daily hobbies draw, create music, poetry, read, and clean
My favorite sport is soccer, Las Chivas del Guadalajara Jalisco, I love listening to rap music, and learning new techniques
My chosen color is heavy grey like my skies abundant with water, ready to pour down on earth
My clothes has always been simple, baggy, fresh, neat but swaggy
My goal has always been to make a change for everyone, the whole wide world, the struggle and the rich make no difference fair treatment
My best friends have always been Jesus Christ, my family, a few friends I can count on till the end
My lucky numbers are 9, 13, 22, 10, 11,
Not Done
¿Habrá en otra región de azules velos
Un lenguaje de amor y poesía,
El lenguaje del mar y de los cielos
Cuando sus áureas puertas abre el día?

Ese, que en el encino ia paloma
Preludia al despertar dentro del nido;
El que dice a las brisas el aroma
De una flor que se muere en el olvido.

La lengua de la estrella y del celaje,
La que susurra el palmeral sombrío,
La de la espuma que en nevado encaje
Viste al nenúfar que retrata el río.

¿Habrá esa lengua mística y serena
Sin liras burdas y sin arpas rotas?
Existe y tú la sabes, dulce Elena,
Porque tu mano la encontró en las notas.

Cuando tocas, el alma se estremece;
Trema la vida al golpe de tu mano
Y en éxtasis sublime nos parece
Que los ángeles hablan en el piano.

Artista toda luz, tu lumbre clara
A las almas deslumhra y las engríes;
¡Das gloria a la sin par Guadalajara
Búcaro de gardenias y alhelíes!

¡Toca...! los que sufrimos descansamos;
Con tu genio inmortal nos maravillas
Y si por bella y pura te admiramos,
Cuando tocas, te vemos de rodillas.

— The End —