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Ashton Nance Dec 2020
I fall to my knees in desperation and feel the gentle touch of The Granter on my shoulder.
“Dear child, I have heard your cries, and I am here to help you. But know this - if l must visit you again, it will come at a price.”
I grasp at The Granter, pleading,
“Please, I just need help this one time. It’s urgent!”
The Granter pulls me to my feet and smiles a smile that chills my bones
“Very well, darling, your wish is my command. May I never lay eyes upon you again.”

Several months later, I feel the same panic arising. I am in dire need of help, but what can I do?
I know The Granter will make me pay if I ask again.
I have no choice - I must.
I fall to my knees and in seconds The Granter is by my side once again.
The eyes are cold and distant, and a sinister smile appears.
“My dear, you did not heed my warning. If you require my assistance, you must give me something you will regret losing.”
I freeze, contemplating if it is worth the pain.
“Please, Granter, I have no other option.”
“Very well,” The Granter purrs, “your wish is my command.”
I realize that I have lost my ability to walk.
“Granter, what happened? I cannot walk!”
“My darling, I told you that you would lose something that you would regret.”

I am once again in desperate need of help from The Granter, and I am terrified of what is to come.
I never regained my ability to walk, and have been wheelchair bound for months.
What could I lose next? Am I willing to find out?
As I weigh the consequences, The Granter appears once again.
“Dear one, you must desire to lose it all if you have called to me again.”
“Granter, I am desperate - I have no other choice.”
“Very well, dear,” The Granter sneers, “your wish is my command once again.”
I am suddenly no longer able to speak.
I gesture wildly, horrified.
The Granter touches my face with a fiery touch and a slicing gaze.
“Oh, darling, you have lost so much already. Will there be another?”

What shall I do? I cannot walk or speak but I cannot go through this life without The Granter.
“Dear one, I must admit that I am growing tired of these trips.”
I close my eyes and feel my pleading wish float to The Granter.
The Granter holds my arm tightly.
“Beware that you are nearing the point of no return. But very well, darling, your wish is my command.”
I can no longer see.
I begin to cry, as I know this will not be the last visit from The Granter.

Life has become unbearable and I have no desire to go on.
I call to The Granter, who I hear next to me moments later.
“You are in a sad way, darling, what pity I take for you.”
I feel the heat of The Granter’s hand on my face, and a whisper in my ear.
“Dear one, you have now lost more than anyone who has sought The Granter. Your wish is unfortunately my command.”
I can no longer hear.
What is left for me?

The Granter appears in my dreams, as we can no longer communicate in person, after all I have lost.
“My poor darling, it’s such a shame. You could have gone on without me, but now you are in an unavoidable predicament.”
That chilling smile appears once more.
“I have visited so many times that you now have nothing left to give...but your life.”
Little does The Granter know that I welcome this end, long for it every day.
The Granter pierces my heart, and holds me tight as I fade away.
“All along I knew what you craved, my darling, and for the final time, your wish is my command.”
Life's a Beach Jan 2014
Battered eyes stare up
in surprise as
Storm strewn skies part to
swallow and
eat, upon their flesh.
This is truly the sign
of a divine caress.

I pray to believe,
wish to look into the heated
moistened breath of
an untamed creator, a
predator, a
beast without mercy.

Somehow stare up at a
loving, pitying,

Maybe I shall ask
The question everyone
appropriately, apparently,
'admits' to wishing to ask
of their path to
the granter of
the kiss
of air.

Whose apple's poison
stripped us bare to

So we want to know, do
Why? Why? What?
What What What
Could you throw a part of
down to rebirth. Your
children of Earth trapped with
the Un-see-ers.

Some of which call themselves
your 'Believers'.
Their love as sincere, and as
rich as 'Beliebers'...

You have become too fashionable,
My Lord. Your many
faces grace the
bored with
fulfillment... they're
using you for entertainment.

They show your teeth,
your fangs,
your bangs.
You cannot be wild here,
you cannot be loved
Our fruit filled hunger can
never be sated.

Love me God?
                         Could you
                                            love me?
You left me here to
persevere* regardless,
was it a mistake? When
you chucked me down,
naked, guard less and

You left my Life Deck
card less.
So, I'm forced to hide my
hand, my
brand from
I hide, because you've
let them hurt

Residing in Silent Sorrowful
Secrecy. The reincarnation
of your Scales,
watch Life nail me down, as
I offer up my body,
damaged and

I am no more than your Beast,
waiting patiently for
your judgment

I am, Least.

Allegra Apr 2017
I beg you
granter of desires
aligner of miracles
throw him in my path once more
Dian Jul 2018
i wanted you to see me
maybe not with the longing stare like i did,
but i wanted you to
i wanted you to look at me
maybe not in an adoring way i once had,
but i wanted you to
i wanted you to fall for me
i wanted you to love me
and maybe not as hard as i did,
but i really wanted you to
so listen,
i know wishing was all i can do
and you were never a wish-granter
so that leave me at nothing
nothing, at all
Juhi Jul 2020
under a hedge
late at night
eyes open
hands skittering through
the smooth grass

a temporary escape
held in a jar
suspended above real life

an invisible structure
and youth in isolation, despite
it being unnatural

and several words
disappearing into puffs
that fade into thin air;
god granted me a genie
and made me the wish granter

cold hands, smooth grass
head full of popcorn
ceilings falling into structures
and all integrity lost
to the skittering hands in
the smooth grass.
IrieSide Jun 28
Things are more
special with God,
a giver of good
gifts that appeal
not only to the
but the

Controller of reality,
all that is beyond
our reach,
the heavens,
and the spaces
in between

Let us find this life,
and not forget you
this one who loves
and shows it

Loving is open,
the opposite
of a calloused

You are the shepherd
of our life's paths,
you are the compass,
and the one that

The granter of special
sent from the heavens
or that which we

Lead us into the best life
that you know for us,
and let us not lean
on our own

Help us to trust,
and bond with
and remind us
why you are

Here it is again,
a certain clarity
that resembles
a truth

— The End —