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The *** with match, lit the fire
scolding kettle with burnt goaless ambition.
claiming snobbish golden prowess
paid in wanton , savage, screaming tuition.
"It is I" said ***
"Who has sent aromas of worlds
preperations in lifes gluttonous lust
smiling rewards genorously hailed
with slothed culanary trust..."
"tis true" whispered kettle
"It is I, the ***,
forged in iron clad
who in laborious toil
so generously cast my sweet savory scraps
amongst your soot and soil..."
"tis true" hissed kettle,
"For I, the ***,
adapt in multiple arrangement
of compliment and comfort where you lack
with singular solitary function
wailing, seared and scarred in black..."
"Tis true" whistled kettle
"I, the ***,
filled in glorious substance and magnificant sustenance
praised in lifes delicate, vital, victuals and viands
in with which I do enhance..."
"Tis true" howled kettle
"Yet it is I, Kettle,
in further fashion of design
than copious function in fare
do not heed your song and dance..."
"Blah" clammered ***
"For it is I, the lowly kettle,
sing to each melodious morning
to begin the days
unknown magical soaring..."
"Pishaw" growled ***
"It is I, kettle,
bestowed in somber, modest truth of fact
nakedly express that
you too, my dear ***
are simply black..."
"humbug" steamed ***
*** humbled... kettle mumbled...
"It is in each honorable day
we serve our distinguishable stay
in detectable unadorned identicle way.
"Tis true" said ***...
Andrew Harris Nov 2019
Thoughts run
Aimless, goaless, chaos incarnate
Thoughts run
My mind into the wall
Thoughts run
And run
And run

Like a pipe burst
Like a faucet
They just run
Aimless, goaless. Chaos incarnate

Can I map them?
Define them?
Bring them to resolution?
Present myself the solution?

Can I?
A late night the other night
Nick Strong Oct 2018
One by one,
We trudge
In the opposite direction
To the place we want to go
Work, Work, Work,
Press the button,
Again, Again, Again
Spaced intervals
Nine minutes
Fifty nine seconds
Not a nano less,
Not a second more

Big Red button
Press, Press, Press
Until the End
Daylight dies
One by One
We trudge
Back the Path we came
another sunset
Precedes another dawn

One by One
We trudge again
treadmill of drudgery
Work, Work, Work
Nine fifty seven
Nine fifty eight
Press the Big red button
At the Stress Mine

One by one
Trudging onwards
Souless, goaless
Encased in vulcanised rubber
Protected against
melt down
Chemical disintegration
Sneezes on this hive of workers
Press, Press Press
The button

Two by Two
Thoughts flow
Under the dim wattage
State controlled home lighting
Press, Press Stop
Don’t press the button
Would it make any difference to the
One by one daily trudge

Three by Three
The terror rises
Stop Pressing
The spinning top world
Would stop.
they criticise her and make her hate the moment
her dignity and pride is stolen
they break her stance and potent
she does succumb the omen
they offer her zero condolence
they laugh and mock and curse her
they call her *******
they call her a ****
and other names of such
they drain her to danger red
they call her witch and theft
they make her hate herself
she scurve her face and wept
she cry herself to sleep at night;
hoping that things would change
she 'd told herself that things 'd be right;
one day my pain and scar would fade
and if she would never fly
she said " i'd rather die"
she strive to reframe her picture
her heart and soul is injured
she strive to reframe her name
so she 'll overcome her shame
now the path to succed is open
she's out the heat of oven
she smiles behind her rolex
her foes is rendered goaless
her shame has turned to fame
and her life is not the same
her haters now adore and love her
now none of them can stop her
their hate and game and hurt
is the reason for what she'd turn
Ilya Molotov Mar 2017
clumsy like a newborn deer, eating sugar, drinking beer
what you say to bring me down, flys away and turns around
have no talents, set no goals, heart speaks freely, mind is cold
love me gently, be with me, just be patient, you shall see
stars are shining, extra bright, life is going, passing by
i am worthless, i am soft, like a tree stump, grown with moss
life is perfect for the trees, they express themselves with leaves
goaless travel, empty heart, no attachments, from the start
flowing river, carries me, wait with patience, you shall see..

— The End —