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Edna Sweetlove Aug 2015
One Christmas Eve in Stranraer
I found mahsel' ****** in a bar
Wi' a fat Dumfries ****;
Ach, 'twas easy tae score,
Once I tell't her I'd kipped wi' her Ma.

I spent Christmas morn in Prestwick
Wi' a girl whose lips were aye thick
(not the ones on her face
but in t'other place).
Their hugeness fair crushed ma braw ****.

That night near auld Newton Stewart
Wi' a lass who declined aye tae do it,
I used all mah' charm
And twisted her arm,
But the smell in her breeks made me rue it.

On Boxing Day evening in Ayr,
I met a girl who had a huge pair
Of bonnie fat ****;
They thrilled me tae bits
Before I explored her "doon there".

Galloway lassies are corkers
And Girvan girls are laud squawkers;
But for suckin o' the ****
Tak' yersel' tae Cumnock,
If ye dinnae mind fat spotty porkers.

You're no wondering doubt, in this poem,
Why no lassies have met a fell doom
(so I'll mention the death
of poor ugly Beth
Who got squashed in a ******* in Troon).
Ellen Joyce Jun 2013
And Ovid said "she asked for it"
she turned Tereus to lust on sight and caused him to **** her
over and over and over
the only control remaining to speak the truth.
a tongue turned phallus
that was to be cut off, castrated
to silence, make powerless -
Philomela subjugated
beneath the vile grunts of the patriarchal chorus
mumbling grumbling over the rumbling
of a revolution of women rising to dance, to shout, to sing
to bring Philomela from Hades to cascading waters of womanhood
extinguising the flames of the hell that is here.

Here in the he said - she said
in the legal loop holes
in the seems like
in the ridiculous pondering of legitimate ****
as if when Tess, at pitchfork, took off her clothes before Alec
that it could be consider seduction, romance.
The threat of violence - silence.

Here where we remember world cup victories but forget Nanking
hundreds, thousand of women violated and broken for sport
because **** is a weapon of war
because Lord knows bombs and bullet aint enough
Soldiers photographing rapes like snapshots to take home as souvenirs.
- the sadistic ******* who sexually assaulted, mutilated and murdered
daughter, sister, mother, grandmother
and then headed home to the ***** of the matriarch,
to hold their own teenage daughters in the arms that turned screams to silence.

Voices silenced.  
Vocabularly lost.
Women have come to fight silence with art
to speak in a language without words because there are not words
to tell of a hell that ------------------------

But when Toni Morrison told the truth
the truth in all its gorey graphic raw ugliness
the people tried to stick together the pages
to conceal the painful truth,
to build up pyres of life stories and watch them burn
The pen stamped underfoot into silence.

And Pa simply said "shut up and *** used to it"
and those words still echo now across the world
and there was noone to tell
nothing to be said - just the colour purple
and silence.

Silence is being broken
across this world women rise to tell, to share, to voice, to shout, to say, to sing

We've had enough, enough of being treated like dirt,
we've had enough enough of putting up with the hurt,
we've had enough enough of getting trashed from above,
us women have had enough -

we've had enough they say
of this vile hierarchial structure of **** that almost always favours the male
of arseholes like Galloway and Akin putting forth their perverse poisonous perceptions
of one in three women being ***** or beaten
of one in three women having to pick up the pieces and find a way to live
of one in three women feeling the weight of the silence

As the monologues echo in theatre stalls
as ***** taken to the streets both female and male
as men declare themselves feminists and walk the walk
the spirit of Philomela unites with her tongue,
the silence created by the threat of violence is cracked
the us and them mentality that allows us to hurt the other challenged
the once burned books have gone mass market
and we as a human race will no longer be told "to shut up and *** used to it"

We are standing as one
for the sake of the one
the every one in three women
one will billion rise
Inspired by Slutwalk movement and One Billion Rise.
For Katharine R. Cole

If gormless is as gormless does unite
That past of him and present me, I’ll turn
His other cheek against his waning sight;
I’ll **** his Hamlet soul to cringe and burn.

But dripping cannot thick or think in depth.
Blobs like blackened bulbous beads of eyes
Persist on shrinking into transits swept,
And down through dullard pools of choking fire.
Yet treacle binds my bole wood vocal chords
In rapture from such silence to withdraw
From sand that quickens, thickens, and distorts.
Can earth and water’s union mask my flaws?
The answer dares to dream but I refrain.
My name is Mud. Dear God, that is my name.

The foot: an endlessly dull point
Breathing technique, perfected by Roman Bill,
And a tall, sinewy, fine china ***** heel,
Cheap to most and worthless when submerged, submerges.
The tough Elephant hide surface
Of a swamp-like state and state.

Q. How does one become embroiled in such a located province of mind?
A. Alcohol’s venomous beauty and cheap living costs.
     The South.
An Elephant on a scooter stares blindly
At its own reflection circling the limb,
Shrugging dew drop eyes at what man had forgotten.
Not once, but twice.
The foot becomes a divulging calf of information
Sputtering in this bubbling torment of beige,
And pulsating around like an African tunnel
Waiting to be filled – fulfilled – ******.

The knee complies,
                                          Not painlessly,
                                                             Not quick.

     The mercy of a lethal injection’s lie becomes
Absurd when one’s limb is the needle;
One’s brain the plunger of acceptance.
His gasp, a roar of silent fruit ripening in a
Mode too fast, cutting life and laundering
Expectancy whilst hanged from a
Whined whimper of Penance.
Purgatory’s whistle blows for time.  


A small red car clenched tightly
In the hands of a tightly tiny black boy,
His eyes huge and deep, but white; untouched by
Time’s clock or the weight of granite black that
He leans upon. Plastic tires screech horizontally along the
Structure of a Library’s historic insight.
Below, the ground is dry.
Beneath him, the ground is solid.
        Meanwhile, molten muck pulsates around
Our swirling antipathy of soul crushing
Nullness, with a lack of guilt unimaginable.
It bubbles, it bubbles: it toils in boiling rubbles
Of the past’s present and All I Could Have Been.
And I have never, could never
Sink lower in reality;
Blow harder against punishment’s wind;
Cry for this other as a **** filled wound weeps down her face.
The swirl of liquefied dirt and sand bags me,
Drags me, as if some *** lover of Hades is not done
With what is left of me. Disease to spread: just a little, just
A little more, like the detrimental bottle that
Knew me.

      As the hip is engulfed, an angle of almost perfect
Ninety creates  itself against the horizontal extremity
And puny ballsacksquash entails. Useless yet overused;
Timeless yet impressionable, pensionable. Gone.
Nothing knows me but this thickness’ quickness.
          That wants too much
From nothing               but existence
And the scab that fastens with time.


Turn the bottle back and find strength to
Outpour the clock and grant eternity.
Non compliant strength paid a fiver
For a soul worth two at the most.
A penny for the worthless: For the sickened lame.
Empty time feeds rays of golden from the sun fuelled
Encrusted *******, mudfast on heat.
This somehow seems like action.
Firm firmness but cracked with ease and
Non-returnable once inflated;
Non-negotiable on the bloodorgans of salt.
Weakness and powerlessness: *****.
*** for tat, for ***, ***, ***. For tat.
     The Elephant rises.
You brought this upon yourself, this rain of mud;
This treacle that will dry when you are dirt.
You would not let it ******* lie.
All of your ******* life: this strife, that wife.
     Your second leg (the grasper) tries,
     At length, to shield your heart:
     The only thing that cries.
     That does not want to die.
     Cartoonish bubbles of brown pop to the tune
     Of Loonies; of your shoebox brain that screams in vain.
What is your name? What is your want?
There is no blame you ******* maniac.
Everyone knows. Sink awake. Sink.
     Rest: do not sleep. Freezetimeframe.
     There is one more timeless point to make.

The sun and moon meet brief: the seconds count,
But die shy of one minute. Clear the road.
‘Tis dusk, I fear they named it. Raise the mount
And sacrifice another drowned sot load.
The moment thence: Anonymous descent.
The digger meets the dead in buried time.
The wish is washed in mud, the liver spent.
The blood-stained hands of Glasgow dodge the crime.
Make speed my sick sad Miller, grind the grain
Of Galloway, Gibb, Neave, Dunlop and Cole.
Your ghost will haunt your tag if not your brain.
Your heart should part this city river’s soul.
The sunjoke frozen, captured, stumped, and framed.
My name is Mud. Dear God, that is my name.
Seán Mac Falls Feb 2014
This wee Scottish imp fell from the skies,
One mythic creature, telling only truths,
Fresh from a fabled land called Utopia—
Once gave a lecture to a room full of old,
Future splatterers of the status quo, dim
Poms and drones from a garrison called:
Oxford.  God save the dream!  Help us all . . .
Conservative 'right' is always wrong.

"Men like Galloway, MP, have an ability to transport their audience away from the mundane and towards the grand and imaginative. Both will insist that they are simply appealing to reason, but human beings don’t just communicate to each other through verbal reasoning. They also use voice, looks, clothes, context and personal narrative to excite the taste buds of the mind. When that happens in perfect combination, politics becomes poetry. And politics – which is all about human communication – is really an art. It’s an art that Gorgeous George performs more beautifully than most of his peers. That’s why people keep on voting for him  .  .  ."
    -– Tim Stanley, the Telegraph
Alan McClure Dec 2014
Midwinter approaches.
You'd barely know it.
Galloway's soft murky skies,
Low clouds born of mudflat and peat,
don't waken the sparkling frost in me

A sudden unexpected pang
for the cut-glass winters of Aberdeen,
skies as clear as no sky at all
and the Dee all poised and crystal
descends upon me in the thick southwest smir

And I long to crunch along the riverbank
with my brother in the frost,
laughter-born clouds
dissipating in the hawthorn branches,
blackbirds startling
in the ice-bound undergrowth -
deep pink sun bursting and bleeding
across the wide blue horizon.

I could return -
follow the waxwings
reclaim my winter home
but I won't -
I'll cast a glance
of sparkling northern granite
across the fields and mulch,
see if I can clear these skies
and freeze this other Dee

And build myself a fresh white landscape
as crisp
and clear
as memory.
A fathers love for a child is pure
So caring to love ones own
To look in their eyes, that glistening glow
To know their love is sure

To be a part of something so sweet
That special little smile
Just to hug and squeeze them tight
If only for awhile

To be there when they entered this world
Holds a special place in my heart
The laughs, the grins the kisses they give
Its hard to be apart

But to know they're always there by my side
Is the only thing I need
For the love of a child is a heartbeat away
God blessed this child indeed

K.T. Galloway
David Tollick Mar 2011
Watching the April northerly
Blow the Spring away to sea from Galloway
Towards Ireland
The lee of the **** for shelter
Low sun warming your face

Massive frequent clouds, megalithic
Dull below to towering snow-white heaven
Their wind-driven gunmetal shadows rush out to sea
The bay, at distance, a breastplate of pewter
Beaten across with countless, tiny hammerings

With animal purpose a shape moves slowly,
Breaking the horizon heading for Man
The breeze, coltish, struggling to be gone
Headstrong with promise and challenge
A fine day for such a crossing!
Kirkdale is locally pronounced Kir-dal
Sometimes days can be soo sad
Its so hard when were apart
To seem so lost without a hope
I look to God with my heart

He tells me it will be ok
No worries all is well
When everything seems lost and void
He loves me without fail

It lifts me up to get through the times
That seem so out of control
But he will guide me through thick and thin
I leave him to pave the roads

I know that all will be allright
When I bow my head to pray
For his comforts me with a gleam of light
He can brighten the darkest days.

K.T. Galloway
Standing in the brisk cold winds
Of yesterdays gone by
And all of me to you I lend
Until the day I die

And on that day that I shall die.
I'll still love you so
For in my chances I had few
Never could I show

I do bequeath my love to you
How much you'll never know
For in my chances I had a few
Never did I show.

-K.T. Galloway
Crowned in a kingdom far away.
His royal majesty' the prince of galloway.
Enchanting beholder of every lass.
Simply noble and loved by the mass.
The first son of a mighty king.
Engaged to a maiden who owns a horse with a wing.
Raised in a place beyond the sea of battle.

Believed to have slain a dragon beneath the mantle.
Escaped the hands of time from the meridian.
Now a legend for being valiant.
Now a light in the cosmic ocean.
In a church above the mountain he got married.
Nine years later his wife gave birth to three sons that she carried.
Got ascended to the throne when he was older.
Taught his sons how to be good and bolder.
One day when he finally had to go.
Ninety years was enough and his blood stopped to flow.
Ryan O'Leary Nov 2024
.                                 M     S      M
                          Mono Sanitised Media

I am frequently asked, Ryan, what is your news source,

you have a very different interpretation of world affairs

than the majority of people? Before I delve into replying

first I feel it necessary to let you know that I am and have

been a (organic) vegetarian for almost forty years now.

Perhaps you are wondering what this has to do with my

daily diet of political commentary and current international

affairs. Well, right now this minute 17:42 pm 10/11/2024

I am house minding in Bourn Cambridgeshire. There is a

local shop, but it is not organic, so, I go by bus twice each

week to Cambridge where there is an organic store and

also bio-bread, I like sourdough brown heavy bread, not

the anaemic sliced impersonated supermarket *******.

We are getting close to an answer now, bear with me SVP.

When I was living in Mallow County Cork, I went twice a

week to Cork city by bus or train (30 minutes) to buy my

groceries at Quay Co-Op which is an organic city store.

Incidentally, Cambridge is 30 minutes from Bourn also.


Ok, here we go. Just as there is nothing in supermarkets

for me ( with the exception of toilet paper ) I can say the

same about Main Street Media. I am now going to give

you a shopping list of my media preferences. But do be

aware, just as I have to put a ruck sack on my back and

go search for organic produce, the same applies to these

names I am about to give you.


Democracy Now

Eoin Jones

John Meirsheimer

New Atlas

Dialogue Works

Max Blumenthal

Middle East Eye

Kernow Damo

Through The Eyes Of

Scott Ritter

Colonel Douglas MacGregor

Norman Finkelstein

Noam Chomsky


Chris Hedges

Judge Napolitano


George Galloway

Ezra Levant (Rebel News)

Eva Bartlet (Electronic Intifada)



I can tell a MSM person in 30 seconds of meeting one and in

case you happen to not know what MSM actually is, then you

will never comprehend why non pesticide herbicide fungicide

food is so important to me, but do be aware that we are what

we think every bit as much as what we consume. Let me start

you off by asking you to google Eva Bartlet and read what WIKI

has to say abut her, then try M.O.A.T.S. which is well worth

subscribing to, Mother Of All Talk Shows, George Galloway.

Ps x 2

Hopefully this answers your question.

Ps x 3

The only piece of literary value in most

MSM is the date.
About me (isn't it all)

Old age is travel towards death, and I spend
the waiting time writing what I call alternative poetry
as I'm not fond of swanky poems full of adjectives.
I have published many books of poetry on the Amazon
and about 30 E-books each book is about thirty pages
consist of poetry and opinion and read by no one.
I have a catering education but what I know comes
from reading massive amounts of books and
newspapers, of a solitary figure, except my wife
have no friend (they are all dead) should she go
before my life would be no worth living.
Every morning I sit pedalling away on my stationary bike,
try to get in an hour, but it is like going nowhere fast.
I comment on what I read in the Guardian and on twitter,
like to read George Galloway's opinions, he is small
of stature, is a narcissist and should be careful not getting
to close to Russia, the bear has sharp claws.
I spend my time (if not wisely) by being active this because
boredom beckons when I have nothing to do.
In the evening I drink wine and fall asleep in front of the TV
I have always been a drinker, but dislike drunkenness.
they called him excellency and a name I forgot.
As it turns out my wife´s brother was his book-keeper
a profession where the person knows a lot of secrets.
The meeting will be conducted in French.
I, thinking of Galloway calling Saddam Hussein
his excellency, must not chuckle.
Since we didn´t know what to serve him, we bought
a bottle of whiskey I had a taste and got instantly ill
the strong drink doesn´t behove me well.
She hopes he will pay for the patient´s stay with
us and the hospital bill.
I think the meeting will go well if I sit still and call
him your excellency without giggling.
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2024

Scott Ritter was arrested under
Foreign Agent Registration Act,
And that is a fact, but could you
Believe it, section 915, of a writ.

Opponents of US intervention are
Against convention, which lead to
His apprehension, let me mention,
Abhor, he said that, about the war.

He likened ******'s ****’s to Israel,
Well, he’s not wrong, but it has not
Taken long, for VP Kamala Harris to
show the world, I’m woman I’m strong.

Lock up the critter with those other litter
Judge Napolitano & George Galloway,
Douglas MacGreggor & Owen Jones
Because I’m not Biden, I’m a hard hitter.

— The End —