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Mark Parker Jun 2015
Untrodden silver cesspool, 
Darkened by bombshell blast, 
Riding in weathered abyss, 
Covered with killer cannon fodders past. 

Black battle went into starstruck night,   
All started to fall, but not all fast, 
Over tricky time they all did fight, 
With wind guiding bloodstained mast. 

Lovers light broke with rising sun, 
Gleefully gallivanting through hours passed, 
Tediously tiptoeing with hopes to run,  
Over red salty sea made infinitely vast.
Another old poem.
Yenson Nov 2018
Where is the terror please in a blameless mind
Show me the pain and fears in a brimful loving heart
Find me the nightmares 'n demons in blessed slumber
Wish me the tears in pious gratitudes real and plenty

Produce a charge sheet of dark deeds and secrets hidden
Bring witnesses of a stained criminal past and stolen items
Front me a past lover with tales of **** or ****** misdeeds
Show me anybody truly implicating me in any foul deeds

Ask my betrothed of ever knowing me drunk and disabled
Dig out any associations of me with friends of ill-repute
Point a day I conducted myself disgracefully 'n disrespectfully
Stand out a neighbour I went begging and borrowing from

Twirling taunting is nowt but delusions of ****** fantasists
Nothing to do with one devoid of fears and guilt of the neurotics
Show us the happy contented one who gives time to mudslinging
Even the most basic of intelligence tells us this is an impossibility

There are nasties out there kicking a poor policewoman in the head
There are repugnant foreign Taxi-drivers prostituting teen girls about
There are hate filled Terrorist willing to **** innocents unflinching
While our deranged think school playground antics is all they're worth

These are the ones that salivate in front of computer screens
Unwashed Keyboard cowards parading malfunctioning brains
Attention and ambition lacking deficits sad subhumans waiting to be fed
How can wasted western fodders impact on my consciousness or even my subconscious
Those by their evident actions already show they lack rationality, intelligence or understanding
Inadequates whose only recourse is to showcase their inferiority in pained envy and jealousy by trying to bully
Insignificant runts who can't better themselves despite opportunities abound
Dr Livingstone come see what your children from your Great Empire has become
You told our forefathers you came from the very cradle of Civilisation
A land of freedom and great knowledge
How come now your childrens are pathetic ignorant irrational insecure deluded cowards
What to do with morons other than to pitifully toss them a morsel of our talents once a while and laugh as they feed hungrily

You gotta laugh!
Nat Lipstadt Jul 2023

walking the feeble line

there is a name for what is witnessed nearly nightly,
common ****** and/or scientific, when I awake circa
3 AM,  and the entire sky is overhung with a stolid,
calmly, ponderous inverted ******~single, sky-filling cloud,
with  faint, ragged line of far distant of didactic, urban and natural light, an imagery what s presumably the end of the world insofar as far as the human mind can interpolate the faraway mystique, for our
modern eyes see but cannot necessarily comprehend  the enormity and the simultaneous limiting granularity of the night horizon,
when it is
just outside through the clear glass, this enormous fog that is indescribable, an overwhelming, inconceivable conception that our ancestors took for granted as a natural demarcation of everything physical,
of our world’s entirety.

3:47 AM when the semi-roused mind bids the entirety of me
to awaken, ascertain the mystery of the sky and the sounds of rushing water within the confines of the cottage, both
which have no earthly reason to be simple, self-explanatory.

the parallel of external state to body internal,
comes first to mind when I creakily stand,
to better understand
the grandeur vision seeing, and the noises
so localized hearing, that a time/body disorientation disorder
is the sole explanation for my disrupted feeble state of mind,
physical and mental, occupational hazarding
  of my confused existence.

are you still here?
are u coming along with me on this journey?

amazing, if yes is your cognitive reply!

is this a poem, an essay, a plaintive wail for a general infirmity
that is irreconcilable with facts and the imagery of a mobile
man, who yet dodders and toddles, when stumbling stiffly through the fodders, them open spaces of his mind, and his physicality,
both stumbling erratically like that sort of
out there, sort of not,
feeble line in the sky,
and the feeble line inside him of a shuffling old man he knows or recognizes not, hence the title of the poem, created in a millisecond of cellular cognition, whose explanation, exploration
and expiation of his existence needing some kind of sensible

edging past 4AM, WITH NO answer for anything clouding through the rivulets of the mind, he summons up the time
in memoriam summary of all men, for all essential existence,

it is what it is,

that neither satisfies at all but just sufficiently,
that he could put down the imagined pen, pull the cover beneath the chin line, letting sleepy reign over him once more,
and perish the thought,
he will do it all over again,
tomorrow some twenty four hours hence, thankful the murk
of clouds prevents him from seeing
a battlefield of stars, which

too, comprehensively incomprehensible to the feeble
line he hopefully, is yet then still a straddle.

good night you boon companion,
meet you on the other side
of the line, which is what lines are for, a demarcation between
you and me that we welcome, to cross wordlessly and word fully,
and shall do, as is our due, again,
soon enough.

4:26 AM
Michael Marchese Dec 2016
Is it truly human nature
This fear of the unknown?
We see aliens among us
And we'd rather be alone

Not look inside their homeless void
To seas of stars they drift across
From planets now destroyed
Systems rendered lifeless  
By battle droids we have deployed
And Death-star machinations
Despot warlord tractor beams
Cause anti-gravitations
Of resource, culture, sovereignty
Drained into the mothership
Warp-drives of Lady Liberty's
Distortion of democracy

To us their eyes are oil
Their tongues are suicide
Their offspring are jihadists
That we have crucified

The future of their species
Ethnic cleansed and slaughtered
Galactic-level genocide
By humanoid marauders
Reducing sentient creatures
To ion-cannon fodders
Then activate the forcefields
Preventing the invasion
Of refugees we've added
To the anti-life equation
As worm holes of our hatred grow
Infinitely to all we know

Different in appearance
But of the same design
If we'd but open universal
Borders of the mind
Yenson Feb 2019
The shallow souls of concrete-ville
in aimless throes of desires unmet
piqued by glares truthful
inconsequential battery raised stocks
uninspiring and homogenised fodders
raison d'être in minds  assailed in
vacuous slumber, raw yet percolated
in the pollution of concrete dirges.
closed eyes and minds
and hysterical
screaming in angst
and gorged on ******* burgers
ingested bile from troubled twisted
innards in the bleakness
of the
emptiness of regressive lives
and cloying degenerative stances

Notice me, recognize me
plaintive pleas from damp
soot soaked injured damaged minds
I matter, I can write, let me show off
my ambling strides
my opaque being
is melting
in this insipid concrete life
and the brilliance
of The Together
and howls in my
fragility and limitations
I who truthfully
have less
have less
have less
Chris Byng Nov 2014
Stars... Big gaseous bodies of light seen by all. Filled with unlimited amounts of energy displayed as light. But all are not seen by everybody. Energy which fuels our cities,  light which energy fodders, the light that illuminates our homes, and also disburses these beautiful bodies of light we call stars. We, as human beings, are actually one in the same. This materialistic plan is a watered down version of what we truly are. In each one of us is a similarity that resembles a star. If we could see the other plans of existence we would be in the likeness of gaseous beings of light, just like stars. Our brains are not yet developed or matured enough to understand, comprehend, or interpret what exactly we truly are. We are capable of great things, we are powerful, we are bright. En-yet we choose, more times then not , to be the entities of that which are hidden from the masses. We choose to be entities that are drowned out by the city lights. The ones that shine the brightest are the boldest, praised, revered, feared, and hated. No matter what your preference, every entity figures out how to display energy and exude light in their own way.... Eventually.
Just some rambling mixed with some prolonged thoughts.
Yenson Jul 2020
Like its my fault
you are amongst the Seventy percent
of the worlds poor and under-privileged mass
but our feral chavs can talk
after-all you're brimming with bacon butties
and full of fish and chips
while you collect welfare money and zoom to
off-licences for *****
be proud you're in the same league table of poors
as Calcutta street beggars
of those from the shantys' in S. Africa or favela
in Brazil or bridge sleepers in Gambia
they don't get welfare or have the hot chippie
or kebab shop round the corner
as for ***** they say we can't even afford food
for belly much less *****
so our western seventy per-centers fighting elites
why not give up the bacon butties
and the pub trips and the weeds and crack smack
and go spend a month in Africa
where the sun will roast you and toughened you up
and street life will learn you to hell
then come back and fight your war against the elites
cos as you are now you're just cannon fodders
with full stomach and useless idles
like all that is my fault, n'est-ce pas ?
Yenson Jul 2020
Emoji crowds
emoji brains from state welfare
they think and write in emojis
no critical faculties to discern or reason
with the attention span of ants they see the world in emoji
laughable semi-illiterates trashed un education
by asians and foreigners who fill all the unis
and now take all the top posts
earning mega salaries
while our dunces play computers games and think and write
and the dweebs think others are like them
mass produced cannon fodders
relevant in their irrelevances
sound bites and emojis drunkards
planting stupidity
does anybody remembers 'Planters Nuts' yes, off course the're nuts
Yenson Aug 2019
Baser thoughts, baser scripts from baser life for baser deeds
live and do by numbers as regimented primal fodders
programmed legions marching in primed unison
hence the ideology of data generally applicable
un-programmed a crime meriting expulsion
demand is one track minds for one track
do as we say not do you think is right
say as we tell you not say yours
see what's shown no discerning
we are your Nannies, hear us
yours is not to wonder why
yours is to do just as told
so living ghosts march
vacuously purposeful
in all colors and shades
bland empty entities
to their masters' voices
to the command of...
and mirrors
Yenson Dec 2019
Pond lives in the murky gutters
tadpoles, worms, maggots, amoebas in muddy slime
a mess of microscopic inane entities in septic unity aroused
solidarity of low-lives in putrid dis-composition and toxic malaise  
bleachers in bleach twirling and squirming in dark benign iodine trap

Germs warfare by sightless malingerers
society's malignant wasters and losers of racists bents
damaged fodders, hoods and maintained western non-achievers
rail on best of the best, the strongest, the smartest the most capable
in ants minds and ant speak and anodyne group-think flowing froth

Watch them drowning in the cream
of a consistency alien to Arachnids, maggots and the spineless
hear the narcissistic Schreeching and contemptible scratchings of lice
mired frenzied angst an impoverished acumen garnered in stupidities
the asinine revolt of termites orchestrated in the neon stench of anthill

The Red sea once again is dammed
its momentum diverted by the blue legions in broad-church
its about fair opportunities and gainful endeavors not hate and lies
murkiness. deceits, lies, chicanery do not fool all in all ways and times
infamy, pond lives infamy known to all even if not told to your disgraced faces
the Anti-Semites and haters know themselves, they always hate strong, intelligent smart and capable people. These toxic haters hate honest endeavors, success and progress, they want all in the gutters with them.
Yenson Jul 2020
Ye gods of salts
the ground dirt's kisses
and worships you on agonized knees

Our smokey minds liberated in dense fog
bellowing united in disunity
we praise our broken lives in decaying choruses
connected in wireless paradise
our fingers does talk and see all to see

Yet neighbors know no neighbors
mamas and papas languish away in regimented homes
drilled fodders take stage as dogs eat dogs
and lasting love was for past gone days
hating in love and loving in hate

Multiracial is multi-utilities in powder-kegs
tinder dry hypocrisies and Statutory lies
your youths are feral in unconditional prisons
leaders on expenses and pension pots in gold
while toads yodel unity and solidarity

In broken lives and their broken society
but our war is not cleaning realities
just give us one man
community bullying adds the flavor
to the
unity of disunity
Prevost Jan 2022
girl…. you and I always knew the edge was close
we always teetered
gasping our breath at every breeze
this was no common **** story
frayed fragmented fear found us frothing
for this entangled mass
of passion and sweat
driving ourselves deeper with each
stroke of this swollen brush
reaching into the drip wet nights
and afternoons
living and dying all in one hard driving ******
of an existential existence
thus laying fertile the fodders of
of beauty and its pain

for how could one grasp so much
as their own
the vastness would beg to differ
as to our meager needs
of love
perhaps…. she said
it is simply getting ******
that is real
for our love
betrays everything the soul
hungers for

except……(the moon softly whispered)
for the one deeply harbored truth….
you see…. the constituent element of the soul is
Yenson May 2022
And all sing in unison

trumpet in disarray tunelessly

*** notes and discordant keys off chords

the exclusive choirs of melee of rented fodders

croaking infused scripted dialogues from disposables

and how they lark and hark in selves lacking

raising arias and tenors in witless refrains

orchestrated in gutless recitals

the sounds and fury

of incognizant
Yenson Sep 2022
In pearly sham and shame
lets fester in the aberration of corruption
in our visage of our cultured banana Republic

In blind and broken minds
lets luxuriate in the odious mentalities
of red necks and inbreeds from the deep South

In pathetic clamorous files
lets milk irrationality and loutishness
and our vandals and barbarians plunge the depths

In mental retardations
lets display our renowned ignorance
as we marry vituperous nonsenses and disgraced guilt

In narcissistic demeaning's
lets reveal pains envy inadequacies and hate
the malaise that afflicts and governs our deranged selves

And in inherent insignificance
let us like the poor man's Don Quixote
find power in illusions and raving delusions
and fight air psyche warfare against Princes from Africanus
we, after all are lowly insignificant cannon fodders in our society
Yenson Aug 2019
simple wiggins from hanky panky
lucre snatchers, con artists and hatchet jobbers
conjoiners fleecers and dastard pirates and blighty racists
all in the mix waiting for a fix to put the licks on an unexpected brick

simple wiggins twisting and turning
crooks from nooks and dopes with hapless hopes
takes on a softwood that turns out an oak that's no joke
now they're all in a tizzy frizzing and frazzling in dazzling dizzy

simple wiggins confused and nonplussed
flinging pans, pots an kitchen sinks cause they're ****** finks
plans astray and lies exposing they're decomposing pansies in panic
shamed, belittles in prattles, rattling as dumb cows in stinging nestles

simple wiggins oafs without loaves
liars and shysters wanting unearned pearls and oysters
foul bullies in foul follies ganging a set-up con for purloining lollies
using all fooled cannon-fodders as watchers, informers an performers

simple wiggins thieves and chalk scums
go dig your rig and rind your grid for your putrid grimy tosh
undermined criminals in urinals politicking garbage to your trash
most now see your game for you're lame in your shameless lanes
Yenson Aug 2022
Cripples of decadence wax lyrically
scripting forsaken dirges
mined from venomous hearts and empty souls
the messages in bottles
floated from ghosted emotions in frozen minds

they hawk a trillion takes on takes
easy cometh and easy goeth
and all around lays the wealth of their discontent
fickles' in feckless loving
know all about the bitterness of meaningless trysts

five papas to one mama is not unusual
in the jaunts of disposables
dancing through revolving hearts and thighs
tis the age of trials and errors
where staples are fodders and standards judgemental

so Cripples of decadence wax lyrically
to impact wisdom of the crypts
where harlequins mate with Salomes' to birth dopes
the funny haha with malicious bents
who rains doubts best served by them and their shallow parents
Always remember, someone's effort is a reflection of their interest in you
Yenson Aug 2019
Do not expect the morons
to see the obvious, its not in their nature
low voltage minds neither reasons nor rationalizes
not a processor, it merely ignites and carry wattage
thus, merely a repetitive uno-conductor, electrical parrot
a switch, basic and simple , on off, on off in circuit frame
overloading an advanced mind, I think not from a mere tool
a cannon fodder task for cannon fodders ain't worth the time
triggers obsolete, hinges and anchors only applies to simpletons

A sane realist knows a positive union is two ways
the onus is not just from one side if it were real and sincere
they cannot see that's where their drama leaks like a torn sieve
in their world a one sided currency note is genuine and real kosher
and they would keep it to buy their mothers a pink scarf and roses
or perhaps save it to attend the puppet show for the blind and dumb
or buy that bestseller, ' How to win Enemies and influence Nothing'
Ah, the snowflakes and snow-minds and snow bodies all frozen cold
life on the piste, ******* with their **** heads all amiss in tizzies

Yenson Mar 2022
The activists indoctrinated and brainwashed
spoon-fed lies and distortion
were mere puppets doing as they were ordered

It is a campaign by villainous corrupt bureaucrats
to cover their misdemeanour
smearing and discrediting the truths is their defense

The activists are expendable and can be expunged
they are pawns and useful idiots
in the scheme of things they are collateral causalities

As in covert operations activists can be discredited
used then thrown to the wolves
clever activists know to feather their nest in return
its not nothing for nothing

The compound fools are the thugs runts wets and loonies
who are cannon fodders on acid
and are without sense worth or value knowing nothing
copiously fall in and do just to do
celebrating fallacies falseness and idiocies like festooned *****
at a dig-your-own-carrots farm
Yenson Sep 2019
visions for seeing
ears for hearing and listening
mind and senses to decipher, discern and govern
mind tells them all what to make and do with stimuli
perception control and stupid triggers all for you illiterates mugs
I am in full control of my my mind and senses not mindless sheeps  you're ordinary cannon fodders who do stupid mindless acts as fools
what gross stupidity makes you think I carry you in head as you do me
when you are so dismissively unworthy that nothing fascinates about you
just a pack of feral pointless beings festooning the landscape in pests mode, just simple ******* repellents
instantly dismissive
Yenson Mar 2022
Products of State assistance
after a pint and two packets of crisps
to be raised unintelligent
in non questioning mindless indoctrination
to be fooled and tamed into blind obedience
the cannon fodders and Erranders of Red dusk-set
hollering fake news
swallowing delusions
******* themselves in ******* to **** up
La bohème  Bolsheviks drinking Quixotic wine
specially farmed to do as told
theirs is not to think or question
the State picks up the tabs
the Reds scribble neon cheques
from the Bank of Envy and Jealousy
and the dumbs march up and down in unison
besotted and obsessed with the one that sees through it all
down with the black blue prince
with gold in his heart and pockets
who laughs at the ridiculous
in their war of the roses
and the slave traders now playing as game-keepers
Yenson May 2020
And you see them with Cheshire smiles
and a cache laden with chameleon messages
with victories in misleadings
and allegiance to confusion
the two-faced bloods in ritual masks
in servitude to the raised clouds
selling betrayals of black earth

And you see them speaking in false tongues
appeasing to displease in soulless diatribes and lies
the merchants of identities
counterfeits nationals in false nations
the negative blanker devoid of integrity
scoffing the communion plonk
embracing dutifully the Judas kiss

And you see them holding court in charlatan pits
in serpentine tuxedos they are waiters and bar-men
bellboys and hoops at masters pleasure
devoid of conscience fodders
forfeits intelligence if its unjust
two-tone shiners raised for feet level
where are men of honor and integrity
Real men of wisdom, knowledge and truth
in the crucible of creation
as two footed man awoke
some walked into clouds
Yenson Apr 2022
The melodrama of carcasses
playing in the theatre of latter day spooks
our mendacious transparencies
at the mirage stage  of dunces à la carte
gnarling whimsical oratories
in white noises from mindless cavities
here's their play written by fools
full of sound and fury garnished by shame
signifying the boo-hoo politics
of dead brains and soulless cannon fodders
Vive la République of nonentities
the revolution of the premature ejaculators
and small penises dead in action
Yenson Jul 2022
From the Queen to the Princes
from the Prime Minister to the rich Authors
from the distinguished Sportsters to the Winners
from the very famous and rich to the shinning talents
in fact anybody Notable Successful or extremely talented
they all get it in spades from the anodyne demented bullying trolls
you are nobody
if you do not have spite dribbling eyes rolling rank haters
frazzling and frothing with their branded type hate
and their asinine delusions and nastiness being
puked at the gloss and glorious of Talents
its the rants and vents of the wretched
its confirmation of your Grace
they know they are chaffs
mere cannon fodders
trash and husks
the debris
No brainer equation....
Yenson Oct 2020
The republicans in Republicans operas
arduously miming inaudible scriptures of red rage
furloughed in endemic pandemic
they are rooted on stage in hamfisted drama
improvising illusions of scatterlings and simpletons
begging revisions and reviews of a bored audience
who sees the pathos of idle damaged playing Zeus of Hades
in slapstick genre of hams and pigs in spotlights
the tragedy of no-marks in insignificant control
ignoring and dodging the snook from side stage
desperate for credence in elemental insignificance
for in the asylum of simple minds
there are more out in public than inside
Reviewer who bothers to watch the inane plays
save your comments and dissections
our hapless actors can neither read or reason
the spirit of Madame La Guillotine has possessed the hams
Insanity rules, viva la revolution of worms and maggots
paste on the greasepaint of self-deceits and ignorance
march in unison with your leader the Marquis de Sade
in your coven theatre a perfumed aristocrat laughs in disdain
even facing oblivion you are all nothing but wounded fodders
Do you serve cakes in your imagined theatre of defunct horrors
or is that how bloodlust and stupidity and ham actors smells
Viva la revolution and remember to return all you stole from
the Colonies....

Yenson Aug 2022
Hahaha hahaha
they keep them down to stay up
oh common salts oh labourers
oh you you you and you
just do as we tell you
you are the pawns
you are cannon fodders

we will magic you all
create divisions and distractions
we will grace you with delusions and illusions
we will feed you lies
distortion amid misinformation
make you fight yourselves
as we line our pockets

hahahaha look at that one
he is greedy so go get him
he is taking your birthright
so call the nihilists and make his life hell
go show people power and red democracy
so do as we tell you because we own you
you have no will of your own

we are the leaders
and we cream from the top
the salts will never learn so let them
heckle and bay from the shop floor
lets keep on fooling and brainwashing them
they are too stupid and easy to manipulate
we just make them look the wrong way
as we fill our boots
yes comrades go fight one small black man
its your revolution salts

LOSING THE PLOT Sir Keir Starmer hid secret land ownership from Commons chiefs for eight years

SIR Keir Starmer hid a secret land ownership worth tens of thousands of pounds from Commons chiefs for eight years.

The Labour leader was finally forced to admit he was the true owner of a seven-acre field in Oxted, Surrey, during a probe by the Commons Standards Commissioner.

Sir Keir has now had to apologise for not revealing the plot — purchased for his poorly mum to graze donkeys — was held in his name.

Sir Keir acquired the land in 1996 when he was a well-heeled lawyer, and claimed he had “gifted” it to his late parents.

But his name was on the title deeds — and he is now in the process of flogging it.

Last night a Labour Party spokesman said: “Keir was unaware the field’s value had increased above the declarable limit.
Yenson Jun 2021
The cannon fodders sing for their suppers
and pay for mine
they have the freedom to do this
their chains are just accessories
and they have been trained to stop thinking
we will do that for them
and take their minds money and time
and tell them they are urban warriors
and mobbing is their final solution
Yenson Feb 2022
Fame at last
celebrity status
far from the ***** hoi polloi
the dime a dozen hacks
make it up as they limp along
canon fodders digestive
to soothe the gall
log stuck firmly in their eyes
but they strain
to remove the invisible speck
in our eyes
in spot light we know
the unwashed can never have fame
because there are so lame
ah poor poor
double whammy low down
on the downed low
mediocrity is a commons' problem
Yenson Nov 2021
Identikit minds
thinking in blocks
the abacus of common denominations
the placenta of unreal logic
where solace lays in ignorance
and base emotions rule
where the grass is always greener
unified failure is common good

They are all alone together
in solidarity losers are winners
block thinking for blockheads
like minds
Identikit Regulation Fodders
securely wrapped and packaged
easily broken stirred and dispensed
handle with care
Yenson Dec 2020
Their usual wanton fare
in brine spittle and laced tongues
to minimise those which they want to prey
transferring their cancerous breathes in pincers
light fingered light brains murky in misdeeds galore
the minimisers puppeteers playing Svengalis incarnate
disdained guttersnipes declared rots as personality changers
the hyperbole of dismantling a mind by the dismantled minds
degraded moral insolvents frenzying to degrade an unstained
the putrid visitations of mindless swindlers and brazen liars
trenched thugs and rabid cowards imprisoned in piracy
slave traders ghosts in living hosts baying in hunger
in a year of Sundays miscreants will forever fail
never will professed fodders blight my mind
nor will I cave to back street wasters
or ants in jealous and envious ills
I see you lack grace and skills
unworthy to be humans
I am that which you
so can never be
am that one
you fear
Yenson Jul 2020
think it through very slowly
know its hard for the single minded to do
lets break it into bite size pieces for you
action reaction but who pulls the string
you, yes you are my puppets
you look and wait like trained dogs
which actually is what you are
trained and primed to do your skits
I do, you react, barking uselessly and senselessly
snarling and gnashing from your chained kennels
posing and posturing in anodyne malaise
cheap dumb insignificant runts shielding their cowardice
the charade of bullies is well known to the smarts
numbers and packs is nothing for fools are fools, period
you are shamed puppets frying denials in truths all can see
common morons in blinders and grunting knuckle-draggers  
the bottom feeders puppets on their deranged services
you're as dismiss-able as the wasted cheap *** that made you
no responsible and capable parents makes dross and lowlifes
the inadequate fodders who are bitter, useless and resentful
and in fear and envy of real men who make something of themselves
yours is not to question or reason you do not have it in you
yours is just to do as you're ordered
you are the puppets on strings
do your worst in neon stink
we have the meagre measure of ******* dolts
Boris and Cummings have spanked you
and the country laughs at you
Yenson Jul 2022
Fixated dross entranced
floating maladroits' delusions
vacuous visions in arousals
fantasizing present stupors
stunted senses in disarray  
excitable dimness
foraging insignificance

Veracity exclusion zones programed
finding solace in asinine malaise
puerile aroma
reeking in hooligans rank lairs
dives and caves opened
damaged felons
in cuddled spite
the woes of misspent lives

From birth
creepers and crawlers
creped and crawled in lacking grace
dripping in muck from the cesspool
to become
bottom feeders destined cannon fodders
matched with *******
jiving vibes with no veracity
the dance of minions
bang wallop see you later
in essence easily replaced by a vibro
the come easy go easy
just give the baby
welfare will do the rest

Dopes musings flow
in ambiversion.
ignorance flourish ingloriously
in perpetuity
rooted in custom
and tradition
streert vendors
hawking bile
the panacea of the
discontent and disgruntled
Pen's river runs
barrier to the inferiors
the wound is open and raw
Yenson Apr 2020
Mostly birth by wine or two pints of lager
by two lie fed unknowings
conceived in mendacity beer goggles aplenty
it only takes seconds and the linage continues
milked in pasteurized myths
grows in houses of cards on foundations of chips
schooled and trained to hear never to think
photo shopped pictures and altered images implanted
their facade of being, semblance without substance
the armies of doers in basement barracks
readily supplied cannon fodders
at their Masters pleasure

No word of what is really real is known
no original truths grace their side by side
we speak for you so please do not bother your little heads
just do as you are told and when's all done
there's plenty of fun awaiting for your stipends
whole heap of packages tailored specially for you
packages for packaged minds in packaged bodies
tell them no truths, feed them freedom of ignorance
child-adults making babies for the conveyor belts
eating daily made-ups to fill empty minds
the do-as-I do's with numbered registered minds
hey! they have power, they have the votes and Democracy

Yenson May 2022
So I'm richer than you

Yeah, but you didn't rule a whole Nation
and anyway I'm also a multi-millionaire

But Dad, aren't you a Socialist

Shush sonny, don't even go there
do I look like some envy-ridden
under-achieving, psychopathic
semi-illiterate blinded idiot to you

but Dad I could swear you said you are

No, no, no I am a centrist, you know
the sensible ones, the Realist, we drink champagne
and shop at Harrods and make wealth, and yes we
do tax the rich but also show them how to avoid
paying too much, we are not politicians for nothing

hey Dad, what about all those millions of poor people
thought you are working class and have these peoples

Listen sonny, I am nothing of the sort, how dare you
I am middle-class, went to Oxford, practised Law,
worked hard, aspired, have great leadership qualities
and I amcharming and personable, working class my Rolex  

Listen, let me tell you, those mugs are cannon fodders, they
beg to be led and told what to do, they cannot think for themselves
its a sad fact of life but true. They actually enjoy being mediocre
and blaming everybody else for their self destructive lives.
If your mother and I had let you grow amongst them you wouldn't
be the millionaire you are today.

Dad, do you think they will start harassing me and giving me grief
everywhere, calling me posh and intimidating me.

No son. they wouldn't dare, they are all cowards and really easy
to brainwash and manipulate. I've done that for years, they never wise up. Just make sure you buy your rounds at the pub and call them mate.

Dad, I don't go to the pub, I go to Nobu or The Ivy!

It’s an unfortunate fact of birth, forever being referred to as the son of former Prime Minister Tony Blair.

But perhaps Euan Blair’s latest achievement rather takes the edge off: by ignoring his famous father’s education policy, the 38-year-old is now not only three times richer than his dad, with an estimated fortune of £160m compared to his father’s reported £44m, but now also owns a grander house. By quite a way.

According to reports, the Yale graduate and former Morgan Stanley banker has just bought and moved into a £22m, five-storey townhouse in west London, featuring an “iceberg basement” with a swimming pool, 50-foot reception room and a lift for his fleet of expensive cars. The palatial seven-bedroom pad is reportedly more than double the value of his father’s £10m London pad.
In his maiden speech in the House of Commons on 6 July 1983, Blair stated, "I am a socialist not through reading a textbook that has caught my intellectual fancy, nor through unthinking tradition, but because I believe that, at its best, socialism corresponds most closely to an existence that is both rational and moral ...
Yenson Dec 2020
They tried it in East Germany of old
in the end
it all came crashing down
and files and files exposed
the barbarities of bullying tyranny
dressed up in decorated rags of fakes and liars
singing the envious anthem
if we don't have then you can't have
and we'll do all it takes to destroy it for you
destroy away sunshine
and give it your all dummkopf
for what I have I did not steal from you
and the quality of your beings
already shows comrades
you will never have the nuance
the minds
the courage
or the spirit
to be anything but the showcase clowns
and ficken dummkopfs that you are
last I heard of
the Chief of the feared Secret Service
in East Germany
was now a road sweeper in the West
you lot are already cannon fodders
show us how much lower you can all reach
check the news, what's happening to the labour mayor of Liverpool these days

Labour Liverpool Mayor Joe Anderson reveals police questioned him for six hours before he was released on bail following his arrest with four others in bribery and witness intimidation probe
Joe Anderson, 62, was arrested by Merseyside Police alongside four other men
In a statement today, he said was interviewed for six hours before being released
Arrests are part of ongoing building contracts probe, local media reported
All five men arrested have been released on bail as investigations continue
Yenson May 2019
No rhyme nor reason
signifying nothing but last week's garbage
factory hands producing factory goods in mass production
when they go low, we remain high looking down on fodders
always hungry, always working, they have no silver spoon to eat
serfs to the feudal lord milling in the grain fields looking for seeds
your sadness is from birth, but you can't be trusted with solid silver
and you do not have the manners and grace to sit at the top table to dine with me
Yenson Aug 2020
"the truism that envy often masquerades as resentment"
write your nonsense all day long
be it your odious quests
taking residency vomiting trite *****
you and acolytes seething in hate, in your inferiority
self-loathing, your talent-less worthlessness and dirtiness
with your ten thousand coerced horsemen of the apocalypse
your braying mob of witless pawns and cannon fodders tripping
and the embittered harridans with wasted lives and bad sad choices
the toxic inglorious collectives of western never-do-well venting angst
look another truism to make you cry,  cream is always stays at the top
I still stand in grace and I still shine like I am only forty years old
my mind still as sane and shape, my temperaments still as cool
you've huffed and puffed in slime and deceits most foul
your serpentine tongues hissing falsehoods by in tons
robbed your neighbor and tried extorting money
twisted it to the blameless becoming monsters
because you envied and coveted their gains
in sickness you can't bear a good man do well
"the truism that envy often masquerades as resentment"
Yenson May 2021
Like rampant moss
trials the pavements of Bashirs
rancid with lies poisons aspersions
conjectures misinformation and disinformation
white washed walls offering refractions to hued stooges
unfit for purpose but always the bred fodders to take the fall

and it went to plan
in year eighty eight when love betrayed
it was to be cut off the head and that body falls
only to realize some minds are so small they offered nowt
that pillar graced solid foundation even when shaken and stirred
some bring more to table while some merely came to dance and eat

the moss Bashirs grew
chalky soil knows no guilt rhythms'
back to the Black Ball casting operation
a hapless innocent made a stooge drip fed in group think
the party turns Dating Agency and minds readers in fake romance
Slave Traders becomes Big Brother and all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—

Did they not say in Dystopia
“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”
“Never again will you be capable of ordinary human feeling. Everything will be dead inside you. Never again will you be capable of love, or friendship, or joy of living, or laughter, or curiosity, or courage, or integrity. You will be hollow. We shall squeeze you empty, and then we shall fill you with ourselves.”
Yenson Jun 2020
They were furloughed
a long long long time ago
but they did not know this
because they've always worked
from home
And they give their time and minds
for free
But their houses are mortgaged to the Mob
It would be better if they did not know this as well
because everything is done on a need to know basis
and cannon fodders live in fear already without adding more
Yenson Nov 2020
listen its painful to accept
that we've been made fools off for so long
how can we know or see that all the checks and moves
you'll check if you do this. you'll check if you do that
merely made us unquestioning lap dogs
sinking dud anchors and firing dud triggers
even the unforgiven preachers are conned
we can never put two and two together
to realize its nothing but shams
as if we are dealing with a simpleton like us
made us obsessive and fixated
seeing only what they want us to see
stocking cheap wino for xmas they see a date night
or a drunk, it fits their diseased minds
yet they told us nothing is as it seems
but we can't accept its us the gangmasters are addressing
we've are useful idiots cannon fodders
they just use us to make up numbers
and give the target
the impression of being overwhelmed
the intimidating tactics of our gang masters
their easy way to recruit mobbing simpletons that's us
see the target laughing
taking the mickey out of us
as we run and toil all over the place
we will look like total morons if we stop now
ok we are total morons
so lets us just continue
or else the gang masters will turn on us
we are locked into Faustian cave
we are bred to be deluded and fooled
by Masters from above or criminal gang masters or both
we cannot stop
we must not stop
....quick quick go on....
Criminals names: Chris, Joan, Tom and Kelly McCafferty, Associates: Lina, Cindy, Bill, **** Bobby and gangs, The Care=Taker Mr Bing. East London Militant Socialists, Mr and Mrs Thomas...East Londoners underworld uniting to 'we look after our owns'...In Ghettos they all unite to protect hence the unspoken code of silence, if you do not join, they will do you and your family for that means you are not one of them. That is why the inner cities are full of lawlessness and you always know somebody who can get you anything you want on the cheap, that's he brotherhood of the ghettos...I am not unto that kind of brotherhood, so I pay the price for saying,,,''you can't do that, I will tell all about you. They stated. I don't belong, apparently I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth, hence I can afford not to be like them...
Yenson Jun 2020
In the ivory towers
the defunct cathedral of race supremacy
where cannon fodders congregate to worship
and bad apples and serpentine goddesses sit in cabal
to dole out miseries and silence the sane and the honest pilgrims
for they know that if the minds are blinded the eyes cannot see
in seductive hazes they coral and embrace fodder converts
while issuing D-Notices and poisoned honey in acid
and pedophiles are given badges access all areas
its sacrosanct what they do underground
remains underground no exceptions
God help the honest innocent men
for those without sins or secrets
will face the buzzsaw
and spun out to dry

— The End —