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cypress Jun 2013
You are my sunshine
You light up my world like clouds clearing up on a rainy day

With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair, you dance
Prancing around like a deer
Asking me to join
Your voice sweet like honeysuckle

You add flowers to my hair
Making them like yours
Little daisies sticking to my hair like flypaper

You make me forget the world
Pushing the problems out of my head
i was forced to make this for school
it may or may not be about flowerchild harry
WickedHope Dec 2014
There were flashing lights,
lasers, where we met.
There was loud music
and cheap drinks.

I found myself with the three of you,
only one of whom I'd met before.

That was the year I only wore plaid, mostly.
I was protesting make up at the time,
a leftover idea from my two year flowerchild period.
You were arrogant as ever,
self involved ****
with great taste in music.

I remember in all the conversations that followed
you'd compliment my impeccably perfect playlists.
I digress.

You stayed away from me that night,
let me hit on your friends.
But you got me that shirt.
I still wear it.

I had forgotten that night for over a year.
Even when I saw you next,
I didn't remember you.
I didn't remember you
and that has always bothered me.

I don't forget people.
I just don't.
Especially since it was both our first night out with that crowd.

You remembered me though.
And I'll never know why
I forgot and you remembered.

But now you forget me,
and I never shall forget you.
I promise you I'll never forget you.

And if you recall,
I don't break my promises to those I love.

— The End —