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Kalia Eden May 2014
creative destruction
too beautiful to fault until ashes
(and even then all I want is a different ending or none at all).
silent sunrise that you can’t hear but you can feeeEEEEL
the hum of existence and how you always danced around it
and coincidently it never lined up for me.
self is such a strange concept that sometimes I forget
and other times it consumes and I am    sorry  so    sorry.
what are you if you aren’t always discovering?
what is she when there is a cost?
what would she have been if rewind and stand outside to see truth
it’s like looking through a kaleidoscope
what is the magnitude?
this is called spring
and I’m through wasting it.
Mute that blare
Swing that low
There's no room
for the old oboe

Slide on down
Make no bones
Oh ! Mercy !
Mr. Trombone

*** on keys
Sax done deed
Clairinet nukes
that reed

Going down real
Feeeeeeel !
Jazz and coffee
So surreal
PawanTube May 2019
without reason...
we can't love,
without known..
we can't love,
without medium..
we can't love,

we don't even try,
we don't even trust,
we don't believe,
we tell it absurd....

but when
, closing an eyes,
dreams start talking,
nerves starts reading a heart
the picture of our scene
moving upright to paradise
liting up all the light
dancing on the sky
only we'were in the sky
all four direction so new,
peace by a side

opening an eyes
searching you by my side
movement of sadness
in  a bit second. it mad me upset
we dont know where we relate....
but where we came up  is same
dusk and dawn passed by
just in your memories......
in the shut of an eyes

feeeeeeel my love.................
if you try

— The End —