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matthewkirn Feb 2011
The sky it keeps faling apart
You share my rib,
We share the same heart
I'll keep you safe from the storm
keep you clean keep you sheltered and warm.
Isaac come to the mountain top,
Everything is okay,
Yeah your with god
If you hear a mouse
Don't be alarmed
Its just my heart
Tagging along
I've gotta go now so heres my amends
The hero goes to hell, the storm it ends
Yara nehme Nov 2016
falling in love was the greatest thing that has ever happenend
that rushed feeling inside knowing you'll see the eyes you fell in love with the next day
The butterflies in your stomach that you get whenever you see them laugh
Being flooded in euphoria every single time n they smile

The tingles you get when they hold you
Hold you so tightly that you just can't let go
Dreaming about them every night
Thinking about them all the time
But have you ever taken a second to realise
And ask yourself
Does he y think of me as much as I think of him
Does his heart melt whenever I hold him, whenever I sync my arms into his
Does he get butterflies as soon as I walk through the door
Does he even care
Does he even love me?
Does he cry when I don't text back
Does he feel alone when I don't call
Does he feel like half of a whole when im not around
No he doesn't
He doesn't love me because
Well because he's too busy thinking about her
Not me, why would he think about me
I'm. Not nearly as beautiful as her
I don't have her body
I don't have her hair, her eyes, nothing
I have nothing
I'm worthless
I'm just the wind blowing him away from who he really loves
Am I just the rain who showers his mind with love while his thoughts revolve around her
Am I just the sky that he looks at but doesn't care enough to touch
Am I just the cloud of his thoughts
The negativity that fills him up enough to stop caring & find someone else
Tell me you still love me even if I'm your shadow
Tell me it's not really over
Tell me ww didn't jut say our last goodbyes
Tell me ww can start again
Tell me ur worth one last try
Tell me something that won't make me feel as bad
Tell me something that won't make m e hate myself
Tell me that you still care
Tell me that little piece of your heart is saved for me
But by now you've left
Left me e, heartbroken
I always knew faling in love was a battle but I didn't care because I had met you
But I was wrong
And here I am all alone once again
I knew faling in love was the greatest thing that has ever happened
Realise how I said it was the greatest thing
Now it's another step to Misery , & hopelessness
A step to the end up
Dez Apr 2020
I was asked to describe myself
So took a dictionary from the shelf
And I read the definition
Of a word I thought best fit my disposition
Failure was the word I thought best
The descriptions said, “lack of success”
I closed the book and looked at my questioner
And confessed I am on the road to no where
And in faling to prepare
I have prepared to fail
So I guess this is the way I say beware
Even good looking trains derail
Even those who look like they have it together are falling apart. Many people have told me I am a good young man and I will go places in life. But I feel as though I am not that great and in truth I have not prepared much.
irinia Dec 2023
to be
or maybe just
trying to be

to be or not
or yes
or like you were without truly being

let it be...

to get in
or sometimes out
of your own mind
as if you would not even care about exuberance or sorrow

naught or infinity

to lay/to stand
faling into a slumber is like an upside-down waking
one sleep with many dreams inside

a single step more or one less
in open space or hidden path
not knowing everything
nor nothing knowing about

down here all seems to be
falls or rebounds

to be almost at all
or only to-cease-a-little-bit-to-be


all seems not to be anything than always the same shamelesss
swollen from so much foolish tension/internal/but eternal/rather
flat/mat/fat/and mostly incorrigible
                                                    ­       "This is the question"

by Gigi Caciuleanu, from "Miroirs"
Ahna Jill Sims Sep 2016
I wanted to love
but i failed
I keep on trying
but i keep on faling
now theres a wall
blocking my hart
so now...
the only part of me left...
is the part thats falling apart...
I fell to my feet
now I cant get back up
but thats what happend
because i blocked love
Far apart
Hearing your whispers
in my ear
Like wind passing trees
Giving a cool gentle breeze
Written down feelings
Reaching the soul
Faling in love
over and over again

Shell ✨🐚
You can fall in love over and over again.
So don’t be blue.

— The End —