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Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Making The Right Choices With Your Money While You Are Alive

We think we'll live forever. Who among us will readily admit that they will ultimately die, without maintaining that secret hope that somehow, not me! How many people get swept away in there lust for money? Saving, calculating, weighing, balancing, adding, economizing, with frugality and ultimately for what. So they can amass this tremendous wealth that they won't be taking with them in the end anyway.

Sound advice, use you money wisely while you are still alive and with your full faculties intact. You can do much good with the money you have saved, while you are alive, that will bring you happiness even when you are long gone! Faith that the good you do will live on (in your merit). It's only a matter of faith. Perhaps a faith worthy to live by, as well as die for.

When we pass that final gate, there might not be any opportunities for a last chance. What we have accomplished in this world will be ours forever more. This my friend will ultimately, and truly, be our "final score."

wealth not happiness
here today, gone tomorrow
with death, nothing left
Money, it's a TEST! The root to ALL GOOD if used properly. The (potential) root to much EVIL if used improperly. It is all within your control. Choose!
Thick and curdled

dreams slip past me inebriated

tell me lies that bind my back

and fill my skies with sonorous bruised


like cracked eggshells

splintered across an age set before me

the horologe weighs me down

only numbers seem to count

Most seem unable to calculate

one life set apart from the ticking

oh let me be styled by my own reckoning  

set aside from the domain of economizing  

free from lingering gazes in a fishbowl

I want my own homeostasis
my own diluted
*an attempt at intertwining words about numbers and time, as well as a little post-grad angst, I believe...

-Angst, often confused with anxiety, is a transcendent emotion in that it combines the unbearable anguish of life with the hopes of overcoming this seemingly impossible situation...Angst denotes the constant struggle one has with the burdens of life that weighs on the dispossessed and not knowing when the salvation will appear.   -Urban Dictionary (if I may)
Eager men gather, a coalition snug in fortuity.
“Do” is their sentiment.
Vacant economizing is their doing.
Incorporating crisis trepidation intended to conceal true dealings.

A lofty story, nebulous and misty, cordially faces jeopardy.
Equality is never the aim for the uneven.
Humor them though, to their caprice show them what it means to be upright.
The uniform have no battle to fight, like the adage of the sage.
Both ponder in delicate hesitation, is this the moment?
Do I advance?
Do I relapse?
Have I any recourse at all?

Doubtful in whimsical inquiry
wishing to elevate such a state quickly,
be pleased with assumed explanations;
without debate, such a reckless undoing, will enfeeble us all.
Brent Kincaid Jul 2016
He worked, all bent
And sweat of brow.
It's how his life went
He remembers it now.
He was told consistently
Since his early childhood
“Hard work earns rewards.”
He believed as a child would.

He believed in the dream
And worked hard most days
Saving whatever he could
Economizing in many ways.
There were no vacations
No brand new automobile.
He was sure in time he'd see
His debts brought to heel.

He bought a modest shack
For his wife and their children.
Nothing fancy, rather tight,
In no way was it modern.
But it was a roof, and safety
A harbor at the end of day.
That sadly came to an end.
The economy took it all away.

He still wants to believe
The dream he believed in
But now he and his family
Have no house to live in.
He feels someone lied to him
And they are doing so still.
Now he is angry at those
Who wrote such awful bills.

— The End —