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In the endless of the Universe in an Unknown World exists a Lone Black Rose that flourished at the beginning of when time itself did not even exist. Its mysterious mesmerizing power drawned the God Of Immortality towards it's enigmatic eerie existance. The unimaginable beauty perplexed the God that he drawn himself closer to it not knowing the outcome of what might happen He asked himself ...what could be there in the endless void of the multiverse that has not been created by my hand doing here? All the sudden tremendous power eminates from flower and it's beautiful tentelizing petals begin to transform it's root begins to take shape and the rose itself the color of the purest form of the shades of black materialize to a gorgeous young woman a Godess the color of the void.

God known by endless multiple names mainly known by the human race as Yahweh* or Immanuel* the immortal one the one in charge of creation the ultimate light or radiant one stands there petrified at what he has just witnessed. At the brink of an instant the mysterious Black Rose that transgressed to recreate itself to the image of a woman telepathically communicates to Yahweh calling him by his nameless name a name not even the Son his primordial creation knows. I am the Goddess of the Void the one in charge of ending the endless cycles of Galaxies, Stars and Universes. I am the opposite of you and I am the ultimate force that will always remain aware and alive to complement your divine power and will. We are the Gods of creation and destruction you being the Creator and I being the Destroyer. You who's boundary of power is limitless and forever changing, transforming and evolving into the purest form of Light ...and me who's power is limitless like yours but is never changing forever staying the same and always and constantly destroying and disposing of matter and at times even anti-matter who's sole purpose is to bring death to all things excluding you. We need each other for the Cosmos to coexist peacefully within the Multiverse. For your time and my time has no boundary no limitations therefore we are linked to each other we share the fate of immortality and unimaginable power a force so that immense that in itself you are me and I am you.

You are the White Rose the Divine God of Light. Maker of the Multiverse,Time and Space. I am the Black Rose the Ominous God of Darkness. Maker of Parallel Dimensions, Ultimate Death, Dealer of Destruction. Without us...Nothing can exist without us no source or essence can withstand to be able to be created without us what makes everything work in the past,present and future cannot be. Our sustainability depends on the link we share as God's of the Universes. As you know and I know we are ONE made to share this power and to never abuse or unbalance it's nature. Hence the moment we do that will be our last instant alive and upon us self destruction shall be made.

From that moment on destiny changed the Gods in charge of all reality. The Immortal Gods balancing everything together making sure creation itself is sustained in the everlasting balance a equilibrium so perfect that even perfection is not good enough to describe it.

From there on the God of Light and the Goddess of Dark became close and discovered a force even greater than themselves...LOVE. Finally unified they made the races of many kinds to inhabit the cosmos to worship them. In time imperfect they all became due to disobedience to their makers and that created disharmony and hate among each other.

That displeased the Gods and in the end and ever since the beginning it all stayed as it always was...The Right to have Free Will. Lastly, we can search for the immortal ones but they can be found within you...for you and I where made in their likeness and their image. So come now search deep within your soul and find the God in you and awaken the ONE who gives eternal life and ultimate bliss...

Who is the intermediator...his name is Christ. Talk with him in your heart and he will change you. Allow love to exist in your life and it is the first and last step you will ever make to getting to know the path you must take to gain salvation. May the Light of the Radiant One shine in you and may the Darkness be embraced carefully but do not allow evil to roam in your heart. Allow love to flow thru you so you can die knowing where your headed.

May the Gods bless you. Thanks for reading.
Franko The Christian Poet® 2016
The Two Immortal Gods
Deities of Alter Reality
Valentine Mbagu Aug 2013
I never taught true love really existed,
until the first day l set my eyes on you.
My heart stopped beating for a moment,
my attention suddenly turned towards your direction;
though l didn't speak to you but knew within me that,
that missing part of me that makes me complete has been found.

I tried to concentrate but failed to get my eyes off you,
then l was convinced that my missing rib has been found;
knowing fully well that we have a great destination together.
I walked away hoping that destiny will bring us together again,
though passionately admired your personality and beauty from afar;
believing that nature has it's own way of fulfilling destinies.

The moment you appeared before me again,
there arose a special feeling of love and happiness never experienced before.
When I followed the stars of heaven,
they brought me to you knowing we are created for each other to be together.
Then l knew we had a special bond,
for my heart acknowledged you as the chosen one.

I was convinced to speak to you despite inner resistance.
You prompted a love word out of my mouth,
even when l knew that l couldn't your smiles drew me closer and made me speak.
Your character and charisma drawned me into loving you,
then l knew the moment of love had finally come.

As l talked with you,
l discovered a divine personality with character and charisma.
As l thought of you,
l discovered my friend.
As l came closer,
l discovered my missing rib.
As l walked with you,
l discovered my wife.

Besides my weakness your smiles gave me strength,
knowing my heart was strong with you.
I knew my heart has found a place with you,
a place of solace and love unexplained;
l now give you my heart for my spirit agrees with you.

I was taken by your smiles which soon became my light in darkness.
You came into my life and quenched my fears with your character.
Your voice is all l hear when thinking about you.
I watch your memories like movies in my dream.
Your glorious face beaming with smiles runs through my mind all day.

The memories of your character and charisma gave me hope for our future.
The thought of your personality sealed my admiration for you from the moment we talked;
for my feelings of loneliness were erased by your smiles.

When you are close to me,
my worries are forgotten for your voice provides me with scrumptious meal.
Your voice alone captivates the inner spirit of my heart,
transforming it into the realm of love.
Your voice is the highest form of magic,
it's spell captivates every attention.
You are a full moon shinning through the cloudy night sky,
which glitters like the stars of heaven.
You are a priceless treasure worth contesting for.

I have never experienced such intense feelings l have for you before.
I searched for love and discovered you as the best among the rest.
At the gaze of your beauty nations pause to behold your glory;
even the hands of time stop in honour of your beauty.

In the dark cloudy night,
your love brightens my day.
With you there is nothing to resist knowing your love drawns me to your heart.
My thoughts of you are like rain drops on flower,
which waters the roses and the flowers of heaven.
My thoughts of you are like a rainbow in a splashing waterfall,
which runs down the centre of the ocean.

Grant me the honour of being my wife,
so we can live together forever as lovers created for each other.
Luna Sep 2014
Classic nerd.
Thick-framed glasses.
Mole on his cheek.
That weird walk that he has.
That funny look that he has.
Girls would pity him,
But never be with him.

But I was drawned.
Like a moth to a flame.
I always had a thing for shy guys.
The way they bow their heads in a crowd.
Don't get me started on that tight smile.
I would kiss him that instant.

It wasn't hard pulling him in.
We all knew he was looking for a fairytale,
All I had to do was be in it.

And things were fine for a while.
Being in the love bubble.
But I guess the bubble thinned or burst and I noticed the snickers, I noticed the stares.
I noticed his flaws.
And it was hard not to care.

I grew cold.
So cold.
Was it society? Was it me? Or was it him?
And I broke his fragile heart.
I broke his fragile heart.

As if life hadn't done enough already,
I had to add salt to his wounds.
He didn't take it very well.
He was suffering and I knew.

Staring into nothing.
His walk was slow.
Everybody could see,
He loved me so.

And which was better might I ask?
To never have known love at all?
Or to have loved and lost.
This is the only person I've truly felt bad for leaving. I could've cracked a big heart, but I chose to find a small one and crushed it. I'm sorry.
Kitty Jun 2019
As i walked there i looked up
The grey sky was grining at us.
I looked at the room in silence
And the cold came in waves of pleasure.

As i looked in the black orbs
I felt myself drawned by corpes.
I looked down '*** my heart was bursting
And the wind blew all away the singing.

The yard was like a big pie,
But with chocolate mud and cheries that die.
My hair was flying like mad,
But noone seemed to mind as i strangled flat.

Soon enough the blood came down
And the wings were hard and seems to drawn,
To grab with giant feathers from the sky.
I looked up in the black orbs that cry.

As i walked away i looked down
The hard concrete was wet under my paws
I looked at the yard that screamed
And the warm came grabing the script.
What does this means to you?
~May the words always be by your side!~
what a calamity i arise to befall
The step i climbed to miss
The ground that drunk of the water i swallowed.
Hissing and blazing, in a count of configuration
The bundles of antiquities flown by the naked ventures of tranquility
Here i bore the question with an empty head of lessonless mind
Look now that i smile nay i show non by the face
See to my lips and read yourself the smiles
Is it all yours
Or you beg for less the more i offer
Many as lame i be to walk, the blind and beauty of those i lead, the bright to line by my back the genuis stuck by my ways.
Aint no way through my heart is taken, hugged in a jar of Love to the hunter of my soul
I see not to venture go by the gone in the
I heal what is hurt in my hurt from the heart
******* the ugly beauty of an angered mind, sweeting gallons of hope to thee that seeks non but faith
Down my injuries i heal of you
To say bye i lie for i stay not to fear but of my choice to go far the worry to stay in one past the known one for joy
I cometh as i leap & leave as i leap, Leaping to stay and to leave the leaper but non for one
Now am there, to stay and to be this to me is further i go to stay her meekness am drawned her thickness am strive her boldness i lay her softness i am dragged
How do i and so can i not be  not to run a race past the behind of my favorite front
I wasn't on earth, not anymore
I wend one's way to a tranquil ambience whilst transcending my divine self
to a higher Cosmic Celestial being
at the time of eternal halcyon...
the Lacuna,that's what they called it in this time (Space was highly praised)

Suddenly life was unending
I guess that's why they use
light years here
it's counter intuitive

A cosmic pilgrim,
in a buoyantly state..
I peregrinated my way to the place in space
I seeked to fill my existence or of it to fill its existence the aftermath resulted twins

My burning hanker being doused with every feeling of passing an atom, I began to feel more drawned to my destination

From a distance, a visual perception of my terminus appeared before me


The third realm to the
East of my origin with
the four daemons seated in
an aligned parallel order manifesting themselves before my eyes..

Ganymede the colossal daemon
The ancient of them all

Callisto the Cherry blossom
the most alluring, artistic and gratifying in sight of all daemons.

Io the Sun's sister

The last daemon, Europa
the soft Pearl

The sight juxtaposed one's eyes for God's
I never felt so alive before
this was the cream of the crop
of the peacefull atmosphere in space..
sending an aesthetic tsunami tide to my soul's core

I belonged
Happy holidays  y'all
You make no choices over it's decision
it grumbles before sunrise
Even when you had loaded to capacity
The mourning yawning
Undesirable fatigue

With no discipline of time
It depends with conditions
loss you call for ulcers
A medical expense to drive
With no age discrimination
no size alteration
it attacks for benefit

When the urge to eat knocks
Your thinking is fired
concentration drawned
Illusions born to you.
Ready for lies, for servitum and steal
An inner feeling that raptures
full body tamed to bow
the hunger in you calls for
The tears in you for
The pain that you bare
Alex McQuate May 2018
A sweet saga sung,
A cigarette crackles as it ignites,
A tale tragic for my lungs,
But chemicals rush through the brain setting it alight.

Sweet accents to the tune as the tale unfolds,
As our hero's story unfolds,
A bittersweet departure,
Kept apart,
Held at bay by ideology and circumstance.

But a darkness approaches,
A dark fate comes closer,
To destroy them all,
And she orders her opposite to take her bow,
Standing shoulder to shoulder to bear the brunt of the storm.

The dark haze creep in the Valley,
Eyes peeled to the east for their only chance to survive to hold out,
Already morning the orchards that would soon be lost.

The rot begins to spread,
Grotesquely twisting the trees as they shrivel and waste away,
The scion of the ****** angered at the pyrrhic victory.

The long night bringing a great battle,
The feral calls are cried,
They meet in a great clash of steel and magic,
In a secret war away from private eyes,
How can just one battle last so long?

Armor is rent asunder as weapons are damaged and woundss attained,
The Scion steps forward with a sword set ablaze,
And the woman lies bloodied off to the side,
The warrior lays set with her bow pulled and arrow drawned back,
Her aiding him even after she was taken off the board.

The Scion draws closer still,
His face finally shown to him,
As the symbols of the before set aglow along the bow,
The arrow is loosed,
Sending it along it's trajectory as the sun finally climbs from the east, washing everything in light.
Battle of Evermore- Led Zeppelin
Part 1

— The End —