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The uniVerse Feb 2016
Melon Collies
Mashed Potato
Lemon Lollies
Aspect Ratio

Burnt Toast
Green Crisps
Dry Roast
Scratched Discs

Missed Calls
Cigarette Smoke
****** Fools
That Annoying Bloke

Bed Shakes
Bus Fares

***** Hands
****** Hairs
Flirty Grans
Bruised Pairs

Unwashed Pots
Dented Tins
Acne Spots
Overflowing Bins

Living Beyond Ones Means
Benefit Cheats
Being Obscene
Anger In Defeat

Long Ques
Cutting In Line
Being Rude
Wasting Time

Self Service
Disc Error
Being Nervous
Ugly Mirror

Discarded Wrappers
Paper Cuts
Hardened Slappers
Naked *****

Bad Taste
Sore Throat
Sad Face
Raw Goat

Smelly Feet
Missing Socks
Unclean Sheets
Talking *******

Flat Tires
No Ink
Tangled Wires
Loo Stinks

Muddy Puddles
Cracked Pavement
Minor Scuffles
Black Enslavement

Tax Returns
***** Glass
Chinese Burns
Half Mast

Fingerprints on Screens
Points that are Moot
Friends that are Really Fiends
Two Finger Salute

Melted Ice Cubes
Third World Poverty
People Being Rude
Unjust Sovereignty

Unpaid Fines
Hasty Follies
Doing Lines
Nasty Bullies

Mold on Bread
Lumpy Custard
Off My Meds
Cheeky *******

Painful Splinters
Dead Batteries
Rainy Winters
Springy Mattresses

Filled With Dread
Slow Divorce
Cold Bed
No Remorse

Saying Goodbye
Not Wanting to Part
No Reply
Broken Heart
Originally Written: 01/02/2014
Jump up a kangaroo’s ****,
See him enjoy your warlock warrior.
Now roll in **** on that grass,
Revel in rounds of Wadbock Collies.
Followed in great succession by brollies.
DANGER! DANGER! Total stranger!
Big Virge May 2015
MAN … !!!
I've had … " ENOUGH " … !!!
of … Lies that … Run …
from … " Fork-Tongued " … mouths …
Who … Act like … " Clowns " … ?!!!? …

" Enough " …
of their … " smiles " …
and … CLEAR … " Denial " …
of … TRUTH … They REFUSE …. !!!!! .…
to … Accept … as … " TRUE " … ??!?? …

What's with … THESE FOOLS … ?!?
who … " think " … They're Cool …
when … ALL THEY DO …
is act like …. " Tools " …. !!!!! …

NOT … The ones … !!!
that are … put to …
… GOOD USE … !!!

More like … " The Guns " …
That … Policemen Shoot … !!!!!

I've had …
ENOUGH … of … " Them " … !!!!!
and … " Criminals " … TOO … !!!!!!

who cause … PROBLEMS …
when they … LOSE … Their Heads … !!!
and cause … " Bloodshed " … !!!

BLOOD … that runs …
like … " My Pen " … Now does …
" When My Thoughts "… Transcend …
Into …. " Written Poems " ….

Have I written … " Enough " … ???
of this …. " Poetic Stuff " …. ?!?

for me to … Get Respect …
and those … Fat Cheques … !!!!!
from … " Corporate Heads " …
Who … SET … " The Trends " …

I've had … ENOUGH … of them !!!
and … Who They … " Select " …
to ….. " Represent " …..
THIS … Art Forms … BEST …

When … Who They Select …
Seem to … Care Less … !!!
about … " What " … They Present …  

I've NOW …
Had … ENOUGH … !!!
of … So Called … " Friends " … !!!

….. Who …..
" Run Their Gums " … !!!

"V, you haven't made it,
because your words,
aren't good enough !"

… and they're …
MY FRIENDS … !!!!!

I've had … ENOUGH … of them … !!!!!
and Their … Disrespect …
for … My Poems …

… when they …
DO NOT … take the time …

… to … Ingest …
These words … I Rhyme …

because …
The Stars … THEY LIKE …
Don't Shine … Up In … " The Sky " … ?!?

They're ones … whose art …
comes out …. " Their **** " …. !!!!!
and thus … are on … PRIMETIME … !!!!!

and of course … !!!
Their views … online …
are … Enough to … " Ensure " …
that they'll be … " Liked " …
Long After ...............
They Have … " DIED " … !!!!!!!!!!

But …..
ENOUGH … About Death … !!!!!
and …. " Killing Trends " ….

How About … ??!??
More Lines …
of … " This Here Type " … !!!

"Oh, you've had, enough !
Here's the deal man, TOUGH !"

Man ….
ENOUGH with … dismissing …
Wordplay … that breeds …
……….  THINKING ……… !!!!!!!!!

Humanity's … "SINking" … !!!!!
Just …… "Check" …...  
How We're Living … !!!!!!! …

ENOUGH … !!!
with … " The Net " … !!!
and … FAKE … " Online Friends " …

It's … ALL …
A … "Pretence" …
That … Doesn't make …
…… " Sense " …… ?!? …...

Haven't you … had …
……. " Enough " …….
of … messages from …

People … who … SEE YOU
but … Don't  … " REALLY " …
…… " See You " …….. ??!?? …….

The Pretense … is … SO ...
….. SEE THROUGH ….. !!! …..

ENOUGH … !!!
with these … " People " …
Who … "click" … to be … " Friends "
But … QUICKLY … Get Upset … !!!?!!!

when things that … you post …
start … " Rocking " … Their Boat … !!!

ENOUGH … !!!
About … " Boats " …
with … " Coc " … Up Their Nose … !!!!!

It seems that … " Nigella " … ?!?
Does deals with … " Coc' Sellers " … !?!?!

I'm meaning … ******* … !!!
ENOUGH … for … Her Brain …
for … Charles Saatchi .. to say … !!!

" Some ads',
can bring pain !
from which I refrain !"

ENOUGH with …
" Campaigns " … !!!

Do you get … ?
what i'm … Saying … ?!?

ENOUGH … advertisers … !!!!!
should now be … " Retired " … !!!
just like …. " Marketeers " …. !!! ….

Whose plans are to … " Steer " …
what's … " Between Your Ears " …

to …
" Material Planes " …
where you … DON'T …
Use … " Your Brain " … !!!

ENOUGH … of … " The Games "
These **'s … Like to play … !!! …

ENOUGH of … " Racism " … !!!
" Sexism " ….. ALL Ism's ..… !!!!!

ENOUGH … of the vision … !!!
of Blacks … "FILLING PRISONS" … !!!!!

ENOUGH of … " Conditions " …
That … Poor People … LIVE IN … !!!!!
That … ARE NOT … Forgiving … !!!!!!!!

While … Rich Folk … COMPLAIN … ?!?
about stuff that's …. " INSANE " … !!!!!
because things have changed …
to the point where ... they're saying ...

that ....

"Pressure's engaged in
touching their gauge !"

and … ANGER …
They … " CLAIM " … !!!

cos' their ……
" Golf Time's " … RESTRAINED …  ??!??

Enough of … This … POKING … !?!
and Racist Folks … " Joking " … ?!?

About … EVERYTHING … !!!
from our … Lips …
to our … Skin … !!!!!

As if that's … The Way …
for them to … " Maintain " …
PROOF … that their … " Status " …
Isn't That … of … " Race Haters " … !?!

Man … ENOUGH … !!!
cos' it's … BLATANT … !!!

that their … brain space …
is …         Vacant           …  
cos' it's on a … " Hiatus " … !!!!!

Enough with these … " Fakers " … !!!
I Won't … " Waste The Paper " … !!!!!!!

So …..
What about …. " Work " …. ?!?

Haven't you had … ENOUGH … !?! …
of … working with … " JERKS " … !!! …  
whose gums always … " Run " … !!! …
" Until " … The Boss … comes … !!! …

Up In … Their … " MOUTHS " … !!!!!

What's wrong with … ?
These … CLOWNS … !!!

I'm talking bout' … " Colleagues "
who run round like … " Collies " … !?!

But … ENOUGH …
about … " Them " … !!!

because … This Poem …
has now reached … It's End …

So …..
If you're like … ME … ?
and see … what i'm seeing …
in …. how most are being …
and …. " Society " ….

If you see … How Tough …
Life's … CLEARLY … become …

Do you ever … " Sit back " …
and say to … yourself …

Enough is …..

……. " Enough " ……. !!!
Will the Uk have had enough of Cameron & Clegg ??? Black folks in the U.S. would seem to have had enough of Police Brutality and Charles Saatchi seems to have, only recently, had enough of Nigella Lawson, daughter of Ex MP Nigel Lawsons', ******* deals !!! So, here's some other things i've had ENOUGH of ... what about you ???
Paul Butters Mar 2021
Over thirty thousand years ago a pregnant she-wolf
And her mate lay hidden in the grass
Watching some of our human ancestors
Hunt with spears, bows and arrows.
They were very impressed
But more than that so hungry
That they followed those humans home
Hoping to steal some meat.

They were just about to ****** that food
When a humans appeared
All around them.
They were caught!
All they could do was look up with pleading eyes:
“Please don’t **** us! We just want food.”
Seeing one of them was heavily pregnant
Those humans presumed them starving
And threw them meat
Then let them go!

Hungry again, they went back for more
And the humans fed them
And even stroked them.
This was so much better
Than having to search for prey
So often without reward.

And as time passed they took to accompanying these humans
On their hunts
Then ferreting out some prey for them to shoot
Rounding animals up
And retrieving those shot down by arrows.

Soon the rest of their pack joined them
And the female wolf had her pups
Near the human camp
Where it was safe.
She taught her pups
To plead for food and care
With their eyes and whines.

Those wolves remained forever,
Generation after generation
Each litter getting cuter
And softer
And more loving
Towards mankind.

And so they evolved
Into a seemingly endless variety
Of “Dogs”.
From Rottweilers to tiny Poodles,
German Shepherds and Collies to Chihuahuas.
They became known as “Man’s Best Friend”,
Showing us unconditional Love
And loyalty:
A bond like no other.
Even evolving raised eyebrows
And deeply sad eyes
To attract our love and care.
Domesticating themselves
Yet begging the question
Who is really “the master”?
My money is on

Paul Butters

© PB 20\3\2021.
Inspired by a Chris Packham documentary on Animal Communication.
Ashley Browne Jun 2014
I sit on a bench by the water, alone.
Old couples silently stroll by,
young men run on
with their collies and yellow labs,
and children race
down the fine gravel path.

Even the ducks
that come to say hello
do not linger.
They bob away
and don’t look back.  

I walk to the edge of the water
and crouch down,
looking for a skipping rock.
I wonder…
Have all the best ones
already been skipped?  
I throw a few;
they don’t jump
more than twice.

I head back to the bench
and watch a family of four
stopped by the boulders
bordering the shore.
Dad snaps a picture of his wife and near-grown kids.
“Would you like a photo with the four of you?” I offer.
Dad grins.
“We haven’t had one of those in years!”
I smile and take the photograph.
They thank me
and carry on their way
down the fine gravel path.
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2018
If there was no difference
     between Freedom and
Independence, a vote would
not be necessary in Scotland.

The Irish are independent
The Scots are merely, free.

        Freedom is the dog,
        bordered is the lead..
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
Old MacDonald had
a farm, EU EU - Oh!

Now he's on the Isle of
Sheppey with all the
other sheep farmers
and their boredom
Collies, drawing the
dole, listening to a re-
branded version of Ewe 2.
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2018
EU negotiations are
becoming D.Raab &
just so you know it,
there is no such thing
as an Irish Border,
because we have
Terrierists not Collies!
Ryan O'Leary Apr 2021
Balmoral will be returned and
Faslane, besides, it will give
the Border Collies a purpose.

Imagine, our own minister of
fisheries, could be Salmond,
Sturgeon wouldn’t mind that.

There’s no Duke, Edinburgh
Castle is ours, we’re sending
on the rag pole with your staff.

Re the flag, we were needin'
our [X] back, Jack, and you'll
notice, we’ve tookin' the box.
Borne aloft into the netherland
the body bearing thee soul  
of Boyce Brandon Harris
birth name given to my late father
buoyed aloft united with spirit
of mine late mother Harriet,
whose passing well nigh eighteen
orbitz of the earth around the sun.

Elysian fields embraced dada's soul
which rocketed into aerospace
(courtesy General Electric satellite)
just a tadpole more than three
guppies and a half years ago
froggy (disguised as grim reaper)
went a courtin for fresh corpse,
nevertheless melancholy
still plucks mine heart strings.

Mine psyche still situated awry
placid countenance of yours truly doth belie
residual sadness easily prompted
can easily trigger me to cry
linkedin when grim reaper gloated
October 7th, 2020
ye did somewhat peacefully die
though methinks immortality
I did briefly espy,

when miracles of modern medicine
tried, but could not
stave off mortality nor fortify
depredations of aging concerning
one wunderkind whose accomplishments
laudatory when a young handsome guy,
whose intelligence scored high
native talent aptitude tests did imply.

The late Boyce Brandon Harris
exhibited prolific talents at young age
aside being scholastically gifted,
acquiring graduate degree
courtesy Columbia University,
freshly minted mechanical engineer
(he admirably ranked within
uppermost percentile academically),
I hashtag thy mine deceased father
(a polymath - jack-of-all-trades),
who possessed (née excelled)
at diverse creative abilities.

Aside from being schooled
as mechanical engineer,
(which courses in mathematics and science
he passed with flying colors)
his mind genetically bequeathed
to craft almost anything under the sun
evidenced first by yours truly,
the second offspring and sole son
who ofttimes felt intimidated
at being in presence
of said Renaissance man.

Handicrafts included
expending blood, sweat, and tears
to craft multitude of projects;
i. building me Flintstone (foot powered)
car with wooden license plate.
ii. making playhouse for all three
of us - his progeny.
iii. amassing wood pile(s),
to stoke wood burning stoves
iv. designing Zayda trail for Teddy and Ruff
(two doggone mixed breed Border Collies
rescued courtesy youngest sister
at her Jacobsburg, Penna work site)
v. constructing sauna in cellar,

vi. etching, detailing (al fresco),
vii. plus trimming living room ceiling,
viii. shingling (while fiddling) on the roof,
ix. tiling the kitchen floor,
x. building a cistern for brethren,
xi. wood paneling many rooms,
xii. building custom made toy chest,
xiii. stringing up lights to increase visibility
driveway lit like Christmas tree after dark,
xiv. partly assembled a kayak,
xv. retooling - enhancing porch
(formerly slate covered),
where Morris dancers performed
at wedding for eldest sister.

Unlike him who did beget me
I experienced cognitive challenges
that beset one painfully shy
and severely introverted male
more to the point
as a lad and mediocre student to boot
promotion to next highest grade
occurred just by the skin of my teeth,
which may help to explain
why I wear dentures,
oh... these choppers worn for about
one eighth of mein kampf livingsocial.

A sense of inadequacy prevailed,
when absolute zero self esteem
strikingly and suddenly manifested
in tandem when parents moved
their young tender family within
Lower Providence School District,
but into a larger house
(initial summer estate constituted
about one hundred acres of woodland -
named Glen Elm
think Winnie the Pooh -
house at Pooh corner -).

Not quite two score plus ten years
spent livingsocial at 324 Level Road
(above mentioned abode alluded),
and twas there majority
mine existential highs and lows,
where nadir of mein kampf transpired,
I emotionally hit rock bottom
upon onset of prepubescence
yet major event triggering
mine major depression
set in motion,
when parents chose February 28th, 1968
to move out of shoddily constructed domicile
located on Lantern Lane.

As shared with Renee Cardone,
(the therapist whose virtual sessions
linkedin courtesy portal -
similar to Zoom),
that aforementioned date
marked a turning point
after which time, I floundered
experiencing irrevocable mental health issues
punctuating my psychological equilibrium
with chronic distress,
though I forgive father and mother,
who unwittingly made decision
how uprooting their offspring
to move without consulting
either yours truly, or older
and younger sibling.
Elysian fields long since embraced dada's soul
which rocketed into aerospace
(courtesy General Electric satellite)
just a tad more'n eighteen plus months ago,
nevertheless melancholy
still plucks mine heart strings.

Mine psyche still situated awry
placid countenance of yours truly doth belie
residual sadness easily prompted
can easily trigger me to cry
linkedin when grim reaper gloated
October 7th, 2020
ye did somewhat peacefully die
though methinks immortality
I did briefly espy,

when miracles of modern medicine
tried, but could not
stave off mortality nor fortify
depredations of aging concerning
one wunderkind whose accomplishments
laudatory when a young handsome guy,
whose intelligence scored high
native talent aptitude tests did imply.

The late Boyce Brandon Harris
exhibited prolific talents at young age
aside being scholastically gifted,
acquiring graduate degree
courtesy Columbia University,
freshly minted mechanical engineer
(he admirably ranked within
uppermost percentile academically),
I hashtag thy mine deceased father
(a polymath - jack-of-all-trades),
who possessed (née excelled)
at diverse creative abilities.

Aside from being schooled
as mechanical engineer,
(which courses in mathematics and science
he passed with flying colors)
his mind genetically bequeathed
to craft almost anything under the sun
evidenced first by yours truly,
the second offspring and sole son
who ofttimes felt intimidated
at being in presence
of said Renaissance man.

Handicrafts included
expending blood, sweat, and tears
to craft multitude of projects;
i. building me Flintstone (foot powered)
car with wooden license plate.
ii. making playhouse for all three
of us - his progeny.
iii. amassing wood pile(s),
to stoke wood burning stoves
iv. designing Zayda trail for Teddy and Ruff
(two doggone mixed breed Border Collies
rescued courtesy youngest sister
at her Jacobsburg, Penna work site)
v. constructing sauna in cellar,

vi. etching, detailing (ala fresco),
vii. plus trimming living room ceiling,
viii. shingling (while fiddling) on the roof,
ix. tiling the kitchen floor,
x. building a cistern for brethren,
xi. wood paneling many rooms,
xii. building custom made toy chest,
xiii. stringing up lights to increase visibility
driveway lit like Christmas tree after dark,
xiv. partly assembled a kayak,
xv. retooling - enhancing porch
(formerly slate covered),
where Morris dancers performed
at wedding for eldest sister.
xvi. Helping, née completing
homework/school assignments.

Unlike him who did beget me
I experienced cognitive challenges
that beset one painfully shy
and severely introverted male
more to the point
as a lad and mediocre student to boot
promotion to next highest grade
occurred just by the skin of my teeth,
which may help to explain
why I wear dentures,
oh... these choppers worn for about
one sixth of mein kampf livingsocial.

A sense of inadequacy prevailed,
when absolute zero self esteem
strikingly and suddenly manifested
in tandem when parents moved
their young tender family within
Lower Providence School District,
but into a larger house
(initial summer estate constituted
about one hundred acres of woodland -
named Glen Elm
think Winnie the Pooh -
house at Pooh corner -).

Not quite two score plus ten years
spent livingsocial at 324 Level Road
(above mentioned abode alluded),
and twas there majority
mine existential highs and lows,
where nadir of mein kampf transpired,
I emotionally hit rock bottom
upon onset of prepubescence
yet major event triggering
mine major depression
set in motion,
when parents chose February 28th, 1968
to move out of shoddily constructed domicile
located on Lantern Lane.

As shared with Renee Cardone
(the therapist whose virtual sessions
linkedin courtesy portal -
similar to Zoom),
that aforementioned date
marked a turning point
after which time, I floundered
experiencing irrevocable mental health issues
punctuating my psychological equilibrium
with chronic distress,
though I forgive father and mother
who unwittingly made decision to move.
Elysian fields embraced dada's soul
which rocketed into aerospace
(courtesy General Electric satellite)
just a tad more'n six months ago,
nevertheless melancholy
still plucks mine heart strings.

Mine psyche still situated awry
placid countenance of yours truly doth belie
residual sadness easily prompted
can easily trigger me to cry
linkedin when grim reaper gloated
October 7th, 2020
ye did somewhat peacefully die
though methinks immortality
I did briefly espy,

when miracles of modern medicine
tried, but could not
stave off mortality nor fortify
depredations of aging concerning
one wunderkind whose accomplishments
laudatory when a young handsome guy,
whose intelligence scored high
native talent aptitude tests did imply.

The late Boyce Brandon Harris
exhibited prolific talents at young age
aside being scholastically gifted,
acquiring graduate degree
courtesy Columbia University,
freshly minted mechanical engineer
(he admirably ranked within
uppermost percentile academically),
I hashtag thy mine deceased father
(a polymath - jack-of-all-trades),
who possessed (née excelled)
at diverse creative abilities.

Aside from being schooled
as mechanical engineer,
(which courses in mathematics and science
he passed with flying colors)
his mind genetically bequeathed
to craft almost anything under the sun
evidenced first by yours truly,
the second offspring and sole son
who ofttimes felt intimidated
at being in presence
of said Renaissance man.

Handicrafts included
expending blood, sweat, and tears
to craft multitude of projects;
i. building me Flintstone (foot powered)
car with wooden license plate.
ii. making playhouse for all three
of us - his progeny.
iii. amassing wood pile(s),
to stoke wood burning stoves
iv. designing Zayda trail for Teddy and Ruff
(two doggone mixed breed Border Collies
rescued courtesy youngest sister
at her Jacobsburg, Penna work site)
v. constructing sauna in cellar,

vi. etching, detailing (ala fresco),
vii. plus trimming living room ceiling,
viii. shingling (while fiddling) on the roof,
ix. tiling the kitchen floor,
x. building a cistern for brethren,
xi. wood paneling many rooms,
xii. building custom made toy chest,
xiii. stringing up lights to increase visibility
driveway lit like Christmas tree after dark,
xiv. partly assembled a kayak,
xv. retooling - enhancing porch
(formerly slate covered),
where Morris dancers performed
at wedding for eldest sister.

Unlike him who did beget me
I experienced cognitive challenges
that beset one painfully shy
and severely introverted male
more to the point
as a lad and mediocre student to boot
promotion to next highest grade
occurred just by the skin of my teeth,
which may help to explain
why I wear dentures,
oh... these choppers worn for about
one sixth of mein kampf livingsocial.

A sense of inadequacy prevailed,
when absolute zero self esteem
strikingly and suddenly manifested
in tandem when parents moved
their young tender family within
Lower Providence School District,
but into a larger house
(initial summer estate constituted
about one hundred acres of woodland -
named Glen Elm
think Winnie the Pooh -
house at Pooh corner -).

Not quite two score plus ten years
spent livingsocial at 324 Level Road
(above mentioned abode alluded),
and twas there majority
mine existential highs and lows,
where nadir of mein kampf transpired,
I emotionally hit rock bottom
upon onset of prepubescence
yet major event triggering
mine major depression
set in motion,
when parents chose February 28th, 1968
to move out of shoddily constructed domicile
located on Lantern Lane.

As shared with Renee Cardone
(the therapist whose virtual sessions
linkedin courtesy portal -
similar to Zoom),
that aforementioned date
marked a turning point
after which time, I floundered
experiencing irrevocable mental health issues
punctuating my psychological equilibrium
with chronic distress,
though I forgive father and mother
who unwittingly made decision to move.
Circa April 9th 1929 - October 7th 2020
gratitude wells up inside me
middle grown child begat
reproductive assiduity Boyce and Harriet Harris,
who flashes back and forth
analogously hopscotching gamut of time
comprising thee dearly departed dada.

Affirmations galore
(regarding superlative traits)
beg to pour forth with utmost zeal
toward thee recently deceased papa
memorialized till eternity
as Earth turns round the sun
tracing an approximate orbital wheel.

Despite unpleasant days of yore,
when ye and mama did bellow
at nonestablishmentarian offspring (me),
an average dude with attitude (purse lips)
courtesy passive resistance
billy me, he idly exhibited his rebel yell
harbored aversion at receiving end
of parental red hot anger,

while sulking and swallowing pride
behind bedroom door
experienced paternal rejection
pitiful exemplar of mine de facto failure,
I fell short (just 5'10'')
of even nada so great expectations
immobilized by fear

to risk trusting instinctual ability
particularly livingsocial independently,
viz electric kool aid acid test
forfeiting, buzzfeeding kickstarting
requisite metamorphosis into adult
starkly aware how ye accrued
major accomplishments whereby
late twenties/early thirties

found thee owning successful career
at General Electric (as mechanical engineer)
proud homeowner (Lantern Lane, Audubon)
eventually purchasing property at 324 Level Road,
which latter abode ye did transform
into resplendent work of art,
where family and friends stood agape.

Examples of native talents included:
Begetting three progeny
expending blood, sweat, and tears
to craft multitude of projects;
i. amassing wood pile(s),
to stoke wood burning stoves

ii. designing Zayda trail for Teddy and Ruff
(two doggone mixed breed Border Collies
rescued courtesy Shari Todd Harris
at her Jacobsburg, Penna work site)
iii. constructing sauna in cellar,
iv. etching, detailing (ala fresco),
v. plus trimming living room ceiling,
vi. shingling (while fiddling) on the roof,

vii. tiling the kitchen floor,
viii. building a cistern for brethren,
ix. wood paneling many rooms,
x. building custom made toy chest,
xi. stringing up lights to increase visibility
driveway lit like Christmas tree after dark,
xii. partly assembled a kayak,

xiii. retooling - enhancing porch
(formerly slate covered),
where Morris dancers performed
at Amelie Beth Harris wedding
(upon which eldest adopted
hyphenated McGeehan
as her surname - ~ June 1990.

Multipotentiality oozed
from your every ****** cell
while please (Billy) me idle son
(yours truly) idolized ye
more'n he never did tell,
yet envied thee dear papa,
who exuded indomitable strength

even amidst most devastating loss
death of beloved Bubba, your soulmate
after she succumbed stricken with terminal illness,
whose grievous hardship
handwritten within notebooks
designated as Book 1, Book 2, and Book 3
accidentally discovered ex post facto,
when Amelie rifled thru personal materials.

Now week five after departure to Netherlands
I ask thee a question; Remember me?

One singular, (albeit married) male offspring
christened Matthew Scott Harris
praises of mine father, I sought to sing
poetically, cuz I feel honored
chance genetic dice throw
prayerfully finds ye now zipping off
upon trumpeting political left wing.

The sudden emotional
black hole (sunless) void
exploits, fuels, and generates
sadness begging, dredging, forcing forth
deserved accolades, which
reverberate, resonate and repopulate

at lightspeed prized papa stole by grim reaper
writhing, spindling, mutilating,
fondling, and agonizing absent presence
torturous reminder, viz mine mein kampf
whipsawing, sabotaging, and jackknifing
ability garden variety and generic son to function.

Hasta la vista August father - ferried I know not where
yet..., your distinct voice whispered my name I swear,
though infinite distance betwixt us unreachable ne'er
will thee be forgotten, a stupified melancholy daze
since ye departed inconsolable sobbing (mine) hear?

The finality of life, liberty,
and pursuit of happiness on Earth
writ small within constituent genetic material
seemingly, a lifetime away at birth
chronological dial spun ninety one
orbitz round nearest star well worth
fluke happenstance of events

begetting memorable times of mirth
starting while in utero
expanding mommy's girth
fast forward to meself being old fogey
settled by the crackling hearth
reminiscing treasuring dearth
of scant times with recently deceased papa.

The Princess and the Pea
starring Harriet Harris
courtesy Norristown, Pennsylvania Barn Playhouse
in the Park thespians
did bring down the house
whereby valiant prince
forever warmed her cockles and muscles.
The following words crafted soon after the soul of me daddy set adrift into the empyrean realm joining the rank and file of entities constituting spiritus mundi.

Borne aloft into the netherland
the body bearing thee soul  
of Boyce Brandon Harris
birth name given to my late father
buoyed into the great beyond
united with spirit
of mine late mother Harriet,
whose passing well nigh nineteen
orbitz of the earth around the sun.

Elysian fields embraced dada's soul
which rocketed into aerospace
(courtesy General Electric satellite)
just a tadpole more than three
earth orbitz and a half years ago,
when venerated, loved,
and celebrated then nonagenarian
on par with jumping frog
of calaveras county,  
(whose captor disguised
as toad tilly grim reaper)
went a courtin for fresh corpse,
nevertheless melancholy
still plucks mine heart strings.

Mine psyche still situated awry
placid countenance of yours truly doth belie
residual sadness easily prompted
can easily trigger me to cry
linkedin when grim reaper gloated
October 7th, 2020,
he did somewhat peacefully die
(courtesy congestive heart failure),
though methinks immortality
I did briefly espy,
when miracles of modern medicine
tried, but could not
stave off mortality nor fortify
depredations of aging concerning
one (back during his boyhood)
a wunderkind, whose accomplishments
evinced a lad who pulled out all the stops
laudatory when a young handsome guy,
whose intelligence scored high
native talent aptitude tests did imply,
an august presence
his person, especially birthday celebrated,
lorded over, regaled and touted
like fourth of July
completely unlike yours truly
pitifully jejune existence well nigh.

The late polymath and scientifically astute
Boyce Brandon Harris
exhibited prolific talents at young age
aside being scholastically gifted,
acquiring graduate degree
courtesy Columbia University,
freshly minted mechanical engineer,
(he admirably ranked within
uppermost percentile academically),
I hashtag thy mine deceased father
(a Renaissance man
- jack-of-all-trades),
who possessed (née excelled)
at diverse creative abilities.

Aside from being schooled
as mechanical engineer,
(which courses in mathematics and science
he passed with flying colors)
his mind genetically bequeathed
to craft almost anything under the sun
evidenced first by yours truly,
the second offspring and sole son
who ofttimes felt intimidated
at being in presence
of said versatile person.

Handicrafts included
expending blood, sweat, and tears
coercing, fabricating, invoking
earth, wind, and fire elements of style
to craft multitude of projects;
i. building me Flintstone (foot powered)
car with wooden license plate

ii. making playhouse for all three
of us - his progeny;
iii. amassing wood pile(s)
to stoke wood burning stoves;
iv. designing Zayda trail
for Teddy and Ruff
(two doggone mixed breed Border Collies

rescued courtesy youngest sister
at her Jacobsburg,
Pennsylvania work site);
v. constructing sauna in cellar;
vi. etching, detailing (al fresco);
vii. plus trimming living room ceiling
with dainty crown moulding;

viii. shingling (while fiddling) on the roof;
ix. tiling the kitchen floor;
x. building a cistern for brethren,
xi. wood paneling many rooms;
xii. building custom made toy chest;
xiii. stringing up lights to increase visibility
driveway lit like Christmas tree after dark;

xiv. partly assembled a kayak;
xv. Rehabilitated derelict houses
in Norristown, Pennsylvania
xvi. retooling - enhancing porch
with tiles (formerly slate covered),
where Morris dancers performed
at wedding for eldest sister.

Unlike him who did beget me,
I experienced cognitive challenges
that beset one painfully shy
and severely introverted male
more to the point
as a lad and mediocre student to boot
promotion to next highest grade
occurred just by the skin of my teeth
and analogously, figuratively, and poetically
nearly shaved née scalped,
butchered of me pilgrim's pride

thankfully peach fuzz bewhiskered
fine hairs of my chinny chin chin,  
staved off retention
never forcing me to repeat a grade,
which may help to explain
why I wear dentures,
oh... these choppers
then worn for about
one eighth of mein kampf livingsocial.

A sense of inadequacy prevailed,
when absolute zero self esteem
strikingly and suddenly manifested
in tandem when parents moved
their young tender family within
Lower Providence School District,
but into a vaunted larger house
(initial summer estate constituted
about one hundred acres of woodland -
named Glen Elm
think Winnie the Pooh -
house at Pooh corner).

Not quite two score plus ten years
spent livingsocial at 324 Level Road
(above mentioned abode alluded),
and twas there majority
mine existential highs and lows,
where nadir of mein kampf transpired,
I emotionally hit rock bottom
upon onset of prepubescence
yet major event triggering
mine major depression
set in motion,
when parents chose February 28th, 1968
to move out of shoddily constructed domicile
located on Lantern Lane.

As shared with Renee Cardone,
(the therapist whose virtual sessions
linkedin courtesy portal -
similar to Zoom),
that aforementioned date
marked a turning point
after which time, I floundered
experienced irrevocable mental health issues
punctuating my psychological equilibrium
with chronic distress,
though I forgive father and mother,
who unwittingly made decision
how uprooting their offspring
to move without consulting
either yours truly, or older
and younger sisterly sibling.

— The End —