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tangshunzi Aug 2014
Un giorno zeppo -a - blocco pieno di matrimoni di Erich McVey è una buona giornata nei nostri libri .Il suo lavoro è arte .pura e semplice .Da Londra a New York e ora Southern California .stiamo approfondendo una vicenda che mescola la ariosa .bontà scoperta di mangiare all'aperto con fiori organici di Stacey Fitts e la vera bellezza della vecchia architettura spagnola di La Villa San Juan Capistrano .Tuffati nelle immagini di Erich .poi dare un'occhiata al film realizzato dalla moglie di talento .Amy McVey sotto .

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Da Sposa.Steven e mi è piaciuto molto l'idea di avere una sensazione organica naturale nel cuore antico di architettura California spagnola .La villa in San Juan Capistrano ( una città che ha una missione spagnola dal 1776 ) si adattano perfettamente l'immagine .Dal momento che il locale aveva tante bellezze naturali .( alberi .pietre.legno) ci wasnè ètanto che abiti da sera lunghi abbiamo bisogno di fare per far risplendere locale.La nostra visione finito per essere una sensazione di fresco.pulito e organico con tavoli in legno naturale e lenzuola di tela .

Ci sono una quantità illimitata di fai da te che una coppia può fare per il loro matrimonio .Noi didnè èvogliamo spendere troppo tempo su numerosi progettiècosì abbiamo fatto un paio di piccoli oggetti che hanno avuto pochissimo tempo

Le prime voci erano mano stenciled / cuscini dipinti .Abbiamo comprato alcuni grandi cuscini e le coperte in un materiale di tela di lino .Abbiamo poi stampato su varie frasi ( Mr. \u0026 Mrs. .10.12.13 .Amor che significa amore in spagnolo) in uno dei nostri font preferitièBombshell Pro .Questo è stato poi rintracciato sulla carta di cera che viene tagliato con un coltello X - acto .stirato sul cuscino e poi dipinto .Per un tocco in più .il signor cuscino aveva un farfallino messo su di esso e la signora aveva un fiore .

Il secondo reca alcuni dei nostri articoli di carta .Il mio computer marito esperto è in abiti da sera lunghi grado di creare carte di nome .i numeri di tavola .menu e tag coperta che hanno abbinato la nostra suite invito.Tutti gli articoli di carta stampata ha contribuito a mantenere bassi i costi dal momento che didnè èavere il nostro calligrafo loro fare ( 130 + articoli possono essere costosi ) .

Uno dei nostri elementi preferiti del matrimonio erano i fiori.Dato che c'era un sacco di bellezza naturale presso la stavaè èbisogno di fare troppo per fiori .Abbiamo finito con verde fresco con i classici fiori bianchi e avorio .Rami di ulivo sono stati collocati sui tavoli come questi legami in stile California spagnola .

Un altro elemento preferito era tutti i pezzi di calligrafia che sono state diffuse in tutto il locale .Avevamo una bellissima Piantina .segni bar .guestbook .Thank You banner.legno segni signore e la signora presidente.e un segno di benvenuto .Ogni pezzo è stato completamente personalizzato per i nostri gustièanche fino alle allori dei font e foglie di olivo .Questi elementi sono quelli che terremo per sempre nostro bar segno (che ha ciascuno dei nostri consigli cocktail firma ) viene visualizzato nella nostra cucina !Consigli

per le altre coppie : due cose .Primo : Alla fine della giornata .il giorno delle nozze è su di voi e la vostra sarà presto coniugeèuna celebrazione del vostro viaggio insieme attraverso la vita .Dopo la giornata è finita .tutti sono felici e le piccole cose donè èmateria .

Secondo: E ' estremamente importante scegliere un fotografo che siete entrambi a proprio agio.Durante il vostro matrimonio .questo è quello che siete ( probabilmente) trascorrere più tempo con .Poiché questo è un giorno molto nervoso per molti .sanno esattamente cosa fare per contribuire a calmare i nervi .Per noi .Erich McVey e Amy McVey erano marito e moglie team perfetto per noi .Ci siamo conosciuti su Skype ( come sono basate in Oregon) e sapevamo in pochi minuti che erano la nostra squadra .Dopo averli incontrati giù a Santa Barbara per la nostra sessione di fidanzamento solo solidificato che eravamo in ottime mani .

momento più memorabile : Eravamo seduti al nostro tavolo innamorato abiti da sposa stile impero e aveva la vista perfetta di tutti i nostri ospiti di mangiare.ridere e semplicemente divertirsi .Per vedere tutto quello che abbiamo immaginato veniamo insieme così perfettamente e guardare tutto l'amore e il flusso di felicità tutto intorno a noi è stata un'esperienza magica

Fotografia : Erich McVey | Fotografia: . Amy McVey | Planner: Michelle dalla villa di San Juan Capistrano |fiorista : Stacey Fitts | Abito da sposa: Victoria Nicole | Dolci : Jocelyn Jung con I Am The Caker | cancelleria : Alimentazione | Scarpe : Christian Louboutin | Gioielli : Pigment A San Diego | Rosticcerie : Iva Lees Catering | Hair \u0026 Makeup : 10.11 .Trucco | Calligraphy : Mon Voir ( Jenna Rainey ) | Scarpe sposo : Ted Baker | Sposi Abbigliamento: Hugo Boss | Nastro Su Profumo : Frou Frou Chic | Wedding Venue : Villa San Juan CapistranoErich McVey fotografia è un membro del nostro Little Black Book .Scopri come i membri sono scelti visitando la nostra pagina delle FAQ .Erich McVey Fotografia VIEW
Organic Garden Affair a San Juan Capistrano_abiti da sposa vintage
He was
either a
Captain or
Tory to
lead river
by Alamo
where want
toiled much
and delay
soiled so
much together
unfortunately his
somber face
many that
Hasici died
and San
Antonio implored
diocese while
Serra's Chapel
also became
an acorn
for fruit
and burial
for Franciscan
outward envy
of mission
for peace.
Serra's Chapel refers to early mission by the same name in  in Orange County in California
Geno Cattouse Mar 2014
I remember from my first memories with all senses humming waking up on Sunday mornings to the squealing seagulls. The smell of briney sea air was sharper

On most sunny sunday
mornings I would awken and lay in bed wake..dreaming for what seemed like hours.
The smells of grandma's rose and flower garden mingled with the smell of sunny Sundays.
The BBC wafted in through kitchen and bedroom windows.Mozart and Sinatra tag teamed  against The Ink Spots and, Stan Getz.  The Swallows flew back to Capistrano on yearning wings.
Then up and out on walk and sprint to the Caribbean sea, a gem coated shimmering twinkling dancing blanket of rising sun meets amniotic blue churning as froth and mist drifted in a sunday sermon from the water's deep and shallow.

A bubbling embrace as sprint turns to
Swan dive into the Sunday morning sea.
Seven day ritual baptism in the Sunday morning one with and free.
A sprint to the bobbing fishing boats that never drew fish from their restfull retreats of the morning Sea.

The sounds of tinkling teacups another ritual as granny stirred brown sugar and condensed milk into a carmel swirling with Johnny Cakes and coconut oil fried eggs waiting and wafting out
To the Sunday morning sea.
My Puppy and me then down through the flower garden.
Of we scampered with cares falling away and secrets to share while throwing stones into
The Sunday morning sea
My puppy named Ranger,barefeet and knee pants the hot sting on my ankle from a chastising fire ant rudly stabs at my reverie
As far as the horizon will let.
My imagination flees and unfetters to shores unknown that kiss and caresses my Sunday morning sea.
A stained glass window come alive
Ten thousand butterflies , so alive
Monarchs on a barnyard board
Such beauty made by our dear Lord

I never knew that this I'd see
It's beauty there in front of me
It is the greatest thing of all
Alive on Capistrano's wall

They make the flight away from cold
Now here they struggle just to hold
A place inside this natures frame
Their life the goal of this strange game

A moving silhouette I see
Ten Thousand Monarchs  in front of me
This thing of beauty five feet tall
On a Capistrano barnyard wall
Arman Jul 2013
Nightingale dances to a union jack's tune
Blonded and bonded to the winter wind's croon
Black leather lost, soul-searching for safe havens
Soothing the streetlight as she serenades,
Healing the moonlight as her honeymoon fades.

In flocks, it is said,
That safety will travel
And numbers protect those that fly,
But the heart, indeed, is a lonely hunter
So land your weary arms in mine.

You can return with the swallows to Capistrano
Or follow the flamingos as they swoon and sail
You can hang onto a hummingbird's heartbeat,
Just wrap me in the wings of this nightingale.

It's the lark, that's true,
That sent me to you -
Nursing the daylight until it flutters then soars,
Nestling the twilight by the hospital doors.

In the dark, it is said
That the truth hangs lower,
And slower move the birds in time
So un-tether from your trembling sadness,
And land your weary arms in mine.

You can sing the songbird's symphony
Or fleece the  feathers off a sparrows tail
You can hang onto a hummingbird's heartbeat,
Just wrap me in the wings of this nightingale.
Actually song lyrics, more than a poem.
Hal Loyd Denton Apr 2013
With all we have we are but vagabonds our need is breathe life into us as at first you did with
Adam see it a lifeless fleshly body the stillness contended with nothing it was as fragile clay
But the almighty stepped forward bowed close and blew into his mouth the outward became
Animated but inwardly a temple was formed the selfsame spirit that gave life wanted to receive
Have a dwelling place imagination jumps into play this most ancient and unique center though
The outer rises only some six feet but a temple towers to the heavens it changes features there
Is the dark and brooding the underground of a colossal dark ever moving river and then with
Ascension to the heights of the steeps that draw and filters wonder His name is called
Wonderful the white winged wonders of doves in Island paradise of Hawaii and the coastal
Swallows of Capistrano play here and endear place by extravagant thought and shear visual
Transparent purist glass gleams and in the recesses an opaque turning reduces lights it
Surrenders its power willingly creating a hunger to search delve with intuitive suggestion and
Bending conscious thought downward and inward where the unconscious swells defines
Enriches one beyond compare the cry the longing of all that is human finds expression in
Unknown depths you truly are in this quandary you are out of your depth but you are finally
Completely alive you no longer feed on empty promises or the glitter that mesmerizes without
Content you are spirit and you are being wasted in natural purists exclusively it is told in the
Structure of your inner being erosion failed timbers the very timbers the cedars of Lebanon that
Sweet and most pleasurable scent that is so prized has died and been consumed by rot dead
Soft odor what a metaphor for living for other interest outside the most treasured promise
There is I will put my spirit in you I will make my dwelling place a living spring waters more
Appreciated than any oasis that is found in the sparse far flung wastelands that are found in
Boundless deserts but that’s how you exist burned by sun and wind your lips are cracked by
Want of water your clothes are tattered you loathe the word slave but you are imprisoned by
Acts you perpetrate against your higher selves you are my children prince and princes your
Dress is to be royal robes but the enemy the supplanter has cast a spell on you he built up
Worthless trinkets as something you should give your whole lives for you miss the mansions I
Have prepared for you is there any greater wrong than stealing a fathers children from him it
Was done but He came and by blood sacrifice paid the total price making you redeemed in
Agony and torture by love unfathomable this was achieved please stop your misguided steps
Return in stillness and awe stand in the courtyard of the temple utter the words of contrition
And the wilderness that has crept up and choked your very life of blessing will be uprooted and
New life will surge you will be bejeweled with humility joy unconditional love you will know a
Home coming that will only be second to your Heavenly home coming I bid you come my
Darling beloved children
Jeff Gaines Mar 2018
Snow will fall
Rocks will fall

and dust
and hail.

The sun will shine …
as will the moon.

Infinity never fails.

Milk from the cows.
Honey from the bees.

Love will always warm our hearts
and shade will bring us ease.

Swallows to Capistrano.
Lemmings to the sea.

Racers to a finish line.
Captives to be free.

We can never change these things
No matter how we try.

We will always walk upon the grass
and gaze up in the sky.

A girl will grow to be a woman …
A boy to be a man

And when they are gone …

More will come.

The destiny …

The plan.
ad in·fi·ni·tum   (ăd ĭn′fə-nī′təm)
adv. & adj.
To infinity; having no end.
Fictional account related
courtesy one pink flamingo.

Aves lusting for verboten tweet
reed lubricious sin after giving
Twiggy another peck on the cheek.

Whenever this birdman
alone with his thoughts
(as they metaphorically
worm their way to my nest
of quintessentially straggly,
and uncombed matted hair),
I doth twitter tomb
eye self unbeknownst that
a flock of seagulls fly
like an eagle twittering

morning mister magpie
while dipping and diving
on peregrine wings fluttering
at the speed of sound owls
watching without giving hoot
unless aware someone maliciously
poisoning pigeons in the park,
(one doubting thomas - leering)
perhaps a lunatic ranting and raven
whooping crane like, whooshing

to rise like a Phoenix, yet grudgingly
accepting fate as a stool pigeon,
even settling with destiny
as the cutty wren, a lark
ascending, pontification asper
observations of a crow keeping beak
clamped shut surreptitiously scrutinizing
the ostrich (with her/ his head
buried in the sand), or noticing
how the sparrow looks up

at the machine, which appears
to by an audio device issuing
the thieving magpie overture
alight with such braggadocio
and effecting a birds eye view
of determining contrasted
with the ugly duckling left friendless
and instantly bringing to mind
that somber tune when doves cry
setting the impossible to shake off

feeling emotionally caged,
though with utmost exertion muster
humming when the red red robin
comes bob bob bobbin along eager
to join a whir thee claws such
as when the swallows come back
from Capistrano (with an un spa
beak able aromatic deliciously
decadent Reuben manwich –
an American hot sandwich
composed of corned beef, Swiss cheese,

sauerkraut, and Russian dressing,
grilled between slices of rye bread)
interestingly enough the vicinity
wheresoever eagles gather
all the while wondering
if woody woodpecker, now a free bird
(after aphid david imbroglio) –
an accusation where plaintiff
accused of feathering the nest -
did tern out favorable, or whether

the filed aphid dove hid –
juiced when the believed
by this American avocet and done,
an unexpected eggs add jure
rated claim fed the media,
and seedy shenanigans
Toucan entire troops of Archaeopteryx
to placate all parties concern,
that **** er end
finally delivered peace plover.

— The End —