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I've been to Neverland and Back.
The clouds so cold and grey
That I am feeling till this day
My hope and sanity to crack.

I've been to Neverland and Back.
A mirror suited me the doorway finest,
The buttler, man of awful kindness,
Showed me the sought-for track.

I've been to Neverland and Back.
The ruins of what've never ment to be,
Dead forest where falls no seed
And air filled so thick with slack.

I've been to Neverland and Back.
The place's a trap for the poor souls,
Transcendence with a name Lost-Hope,
It's fairy masters' souls are black.
Pitter platter on the plate
Pondered peter while he ate
Sir will be here very late
No one but Mr.teddy

Mama madam makes me mad
Dancing with him, instead of dad
You will be punished if you are sad
Except by Mr. Teddy

Biltrum the buttler butters my bread
Then he pats me on my head
But then he says to go to bed
With my Mr. Teddy

Tippy tozy up the top
No one here except my pop
I wish he could do his little hop
With me and Mr. Teddy

So soft and soundly I drift to sleep
Careful not to make a peep
I will be a quiet little sheep
And so will Mr. Teddy

Teddy whispers in my ear
Things I really dont want to hear
He likes to collect all my tears
Im scared of Mr. Teddy

He has such dark big red eyes
Butler said he lets me cry
But now I think he is full of lies
But I dont want you to go away Mr. Teddy
Mommy messes with the help
Daddys always by himself
Pop is sick with little health
So its just me and...
That thing
I dont know! Im depressing!!!
Karijinbba Mar 2020
Hold me holy lover sinner
worldly lover mine twin soul,
like Rhett Buttler
beheld Scarlet in his arms
as she sobbed

hold me speace me madly
love me long like
Rae Ingram (Nicole Kidman) and her husband, John (Sam Neill),
held each other on their yacht
rocked by oceanic waves in
Dead Calm!
Oh beloved gold key come stay rock me hear my plee

regardles of names time and space or sand hour glass
I love you
fly to me I am wearing my red robe waiting for you up the magestic flight staircase,
the captured sacred
chronological dream spell
impregnating imagination

come up quickly search for me
inside your master bedroom
kick the door if you must
grab me apeace my despair
find me shivering in the closet burning with anticipation
save me hold me
put my fire out gold hearted lover mine
praying eons isolated hold on to your photograph
patiently waiting for a word
news thwt you caré as promised
I am breaking save me

Pop up the bubbly bottle is chilled O sweetheart sweety pie
I long to get high with you
fill up my cup full
twist my gold lock open with your
gold key Enter me! I can't live without you

let the fireworks begin to sing
I adore you do with me as you
eternity is ours to love
let me devour you apeace me
the nights long the days and eves long ***
see you ginham shirt buttons popping up strong long
pants zipper tearing up
my He-Man Ruddy divine

the nights eons long I sought you
out of time and space is only for the devil not for true love.

I have dreamt with this dream
since you and I carved it
lovingly photographic memory
and all once upon a time
has come suddently

and though another soul grabs
you tieing you down
as you gave her presence ring and name
I know you love me forever
more as you're a man of your word
hold me for the ocean waves
drown me they now wrack
our boat for you two as I watch
I break uphold me
Oh how it hurts not to feel you
caressing my existence in person

but I have felt your beautiful loving passionate ways
long time ago my gold lock
and your gold key did laid your bridge
openning heavens portal in me.

and that makes all the
difference today

To honor you in memory
closing the chasm with a poem
a gold lock to gold key.
Karijinbba Dec 2020
When a man one adores
shows up a call girl photo card,
make sure you love him more
then you love yourself,
to let such sweetheart
true love best lover go,
like I let mine fly off.
My king understood love by his woman's  jealousy dinamics
shown for him. I understood love
by the trusting self assured
non jealous attitude owned.
So, for this kind of lover.
Fight for his love do cry!
Instead of letting this jeweled king
go to his call girls like I did because
his joy and happiness
was above and beyoud my own.
iI turns out he had given me all his love in written prenuptial contract and had no love for no other queen or slave or call girl to give her he was telling me he was my true love
only mine after two decades!
Foolish me was amnesic and couldn't speak up about the plot of his ancient prenuptial was since he told me
he was married and to never
look back  then he cursed me
to hate him from afar and move on;
which I did, but I didn't choose right .
I fell victim of human predators.
because his lyrics deceived my naive soul in youth I did not tell him I loved him and I lost his love.
slowly but sureky he took his Kammazutra back but I had my own
and just like him my lover brain sixty nine I give to noone I haven't found one worthy to be loved. .
It's disastrous and very foolish.
As I observe a lifetime after,
we both adored each other
in our own well intentioned ways
interchangeably even but other
forces conspire dod to wreck us up.
  without wanting to or knowing how.
We both understood love
in different ways;
this interpretation was
both our downfall my demise was only silence for in my mouth lips and words I had my cure to his live enchantment and end eternal love.
His Karma had pledged
in his Rhett Buttler past life,
he would search world wide,
or buy love if he had to,
but he was going to be loved
only in his way.
So we both lived out our destiny
but life was never the same
ever again as that which
was between us we were identical within m, twin flanes twin souls

Without him physically
my existance was like a dream.
more often like a nightmare.
I lost everything,
and everyone I ever adore.
like a house if cards it came
tumbling all down and,
it materialized even here on HP
since then I learned to close doors
to disconnect say good bye
but to my twin no good bye
it's impossible.
I feel blessed and cursed.
all in all I found misery and pain.
By Karijinbba 1974-95 & on.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 30
No, this is not about pints
consumed but in my case
it is poetry written.

John Bradburne RIP holds
the current world record
which is 6,000 poems.

My current trove exceeds
Heaney’s, Kavanaugh and even
William Buttler Yeats combined.

When I claim the prize will people
say that it was an unfair challenge
against a society of dead poets ?


5,954  composed 29th Jan 2025

— The End —