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Paul Hardwick Mar 2015
See what life gives to me
before you ever judge me
look and see
never stay in your tree. Think of me.

you empty your head
@ me.

Look @ the good
in me
all the tricks i have.

and then think
what do you have
and come back to me.

when I cut myself I ble@ds.
P@ul.  just thought it was time to slip one in.

Surreal dreams.
Her Dec 2018
let the pain from my past
be the ink that bleads from my body
onto paper

turning pain into power
turning feelings into words
Akash mazumdar Nov 2014
I never represented my self as truth,
in any one's front but i do,
i open myself in front of you,
if i am hurted please try to understand,
why i am presenting me like that;
why i want your hand,
to hold my hands and my chin,
to put it front of your face,
am broken please make it trace,
on your eyes and see what i sufferd and what i am suffering,
these are not things these are feelings,
it alters and at the peak when it must be not,
to go upto the extent of beyond the thought,
numbness it's not i created,
i fought with situations and they not demonstrared,
that i am lieying in my aches,
am trying to stand up see it and believe it with truth and upcoming changes, if you have any query want any change,
just speak once i'll make upto my ability base,
nothing is dull against the beats,
but keep it in your mind that it bleads,
when the beats are not understood,
behind every reason there is a story that you should,
and must know
being my love just never let me go
Ajit Saigal Dec 2020
The Beauty of Love !
The Colors of Hope !
The Fragrance of Life !

Why are you so Encumbered ?
Why Wangled by Time ?
Why Fiddled with Deadly Thorns ?
Is that all for Me from Your Unpleasant Past ?

My Heart abides Undeterred
The Writhing intense for your Exotic Bloom
The Scarlet Petals Enticing and Replete
The Swarm of Love all Invading
The Painful Spike, I know is just Inevitable.

My Heart Bleads profusely
My Soul Stings soothingly
Every Melodious Duet intimidating
Every Blissful Ambience excruciating.

I hail the Aroma,
I hail the Perception,
I hail the Enchantress,
I hail the Scarlet Rose.
Ladyink Dec 2019
You left me in a red hot mess
How i still desire
How i still love
My darling doctor
My heart bleads for you
As i give it to
Love is a sacrifice to achieve eternal heights
And to get spiritual success to elevate soul
Above every contempt and all the dim lights
To resonate with actual mission and goal
My heart bleads to nurture red roses
To feel the swings of spring in joyous mood
Life is a strange drama opens. close
In ecstasy beloved is innocent and crude
Love is to give without any return
it defines and refines all surrounding
it makes body and soul to just burn
it celebrates life in true abounding
Colonel Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright Feb 2022 love remains

— The End —