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Amoy Feb 2018

The burning sensation of those word were hard to digest
Sorrow, Tear, How ugly can I be
Black is Beauty I say…to whom they say

Midnight! Midnight!.. you are as dark as Midnight
I'm haunted by those words, As they stuck to me like fresh sap from a tree..
I’m drowning, I’m drowning, I can’t get free, those words will forever trail me..

They trailed me; they jarred me, Blackie Tutu! Blackie Tutu!
How can kids be so cruel using skin color as a tool
I held my own and stayed cool for I knew has long I was in this school my fate was doom.

Pickey-Pickey head! was the melody of the song
I listened allowing the word to sink into my soul
The beat made me sick and I knew this one would also stick
I Looked up to the sky wondering why
No! No! No! Woman don’t cry
Be an African and hold your pride…

Hands by my side, I held my head up high
I found the fight within me, Stone faced Killer bee
I faced the music and it set me free
On the attack I had them flee…using word to conquer thee
I carried on knowing freedom wasn’t free and then
Like bolt of lightning it occurred me  
To defeat them I had to BELIEVE in ME
David Huggett Sep 2020
George Merle had to take a trip to Calgary for a medical assessment at the bidding of his union. He had to be there June 24th at 9:00 a.m. to se a Dr. Paul Darlington. George was apprehensive to say the least.

George made a booking at a motel close to the clinic. He also made a booking to fly from Regina to Calgary the evening of the 23rd.
He arrived in Calgary and took a cab to the motel near the clinic. He made himself comfortable in his room and tuned on the T.V. Around 10:00 p.m. the evening began to drag and things were getting pretty boring.
He left the comfort of his room and went out into the cool crisp night air for a stroll. He passed an all night tavern. He went in, sat down and ordered a coke.
Inside the dimly lit tavern he met a man whose name was Blakie. Blakie was dressed in,  you guessed it, black. he had a full black bear, wore a black leather jacket, and a black New Jersey Devil's peaked cap.
Blackie told George a few food jokes and they became fast friends. Blackie said he was from the Mission down the street, also they would go there later for a bite to eat. He then ordered George a drink.
When the drink arrived Blackie paid for it. George sipped the drink, it tasted good so he drank it down. The affect the drink had on him was devastating. The music became deafening, the room spun, strove lights flashed all around him. Blackie suggested the go outside for some fresh air.

Once outside, George stumbled in the street. Blackie grabbed him, kept him from hitting the ground, but at the same time surreptitiously stole his wallet. They stumbled down the street to a poorly lit doorway that read Mission of Lost Souls.

They reached a plateau and a door that said Belfry. He had the dry heaves then opened the door. The door to the belfry creaked open. His eyes took a minute to adjust to the light of the moon. There was a huge raven sitting, staring at him atop a 4x4 crosspiece that supported the bell.
Then an eerie voice that seemed to come from nowhere said, "What is your name, why have you come here?"

"My name is George, I have come to find a better way of life."
The raven began to caw loudly as if laughing at him. It flapped its wings and took off. It flew wildly right through one of the stained glass windows. There was a loud crash and scream that cried, "You will forget?"
Once again the eerie voice said, "What is your name, why have you come here?" He could not remember his own name. He was completely perplexed and mumbled, "I don't know.
He returned to the Mission of Lost Souls and thereafter became known as "Ralph." The Mission of Lost Souls had claimed its 617th victim, George Merle never made it to his appointment with Dr. Paul Darlington in Calgary on the 24th.
From Ghosts in my closet. by George Merle
John Stevens Jul 2010
When Mom died in June of 1991 Dad was rather lost,
like the rest of us. I started writing little letters in
big print so he could read them. He would not talk on
the phone so this was the only way to make contact.
I found out later that he carried them around in his
bib overall pocket and pulled them out from time to time.
Occasionally they would get washed and when Sharon
let me know I would run off another copy and mail it.
It became a means for me to remember the past and help
Dad at the same time. My kids loved to hear stories of
when I was a kid so I would recycle the stories between
the kids and Dad. Now as I read them it is a reminder of
things that have become a little fuzzy over the years,
also a reminder that I need to fill in the gaps of the stories
and leave them for my kids before it is too late. So here it is,
such as it is, if you are interested.


    Letter­s to Dad

    Nov. 14, 1991

    Dear Dad,
    Your grandkiddies, as you call them,
    send you a big hug from Idaho. Sara is
    five and in Kindergarten this year and
    doing very well. Kristen is in the forth
    grade and made the Honor Roll list the
    first quarter of the year. We are very
    proud of both of our girls.

    Do you remember when toward late
    afternoon you and I would get in the car
    and “Drive around the block” as you
    always said? We would go up to Cliff’s
    and go east for a mile then down past
    Cleo Mae house and on back home. I
    remember you would stop at the junk
    piles and I would find neat stuff, like
    wheels from old toys, that I could make
    into my toys. I think of those times often.
    It was very enjoyable.

    I will be writing to you in the BIG PRINT
    so you can read it easier.

    It is snowing lightly here today. Supposed
    to be nasty weather for a while.

    Bye for now.



    Dec. 3, 1991

    Dear Dad,

    Just a note to say we love you. I miss very
    much talking to Mom on the phone and
    having you play Red Wing on your harmonica.

    I remember quite often when I was very
    young, 4 or 5, and we would go out to the
    field to change the water or something.
    The sand burrs would be so thick and you
    would pick me up on your back. I would
    put my feet into your back pockets and
    away we would go.

    These are the things childhood memories
    are supposed to be made of. Kristen and
    Sara love to hear the stories about when I
    was a kid and what you and I did
    together. I try with them to build the
    memories that they can tell their kids.
    Thanks Dad for a good childhood.

    Bye for now.
    Kristen and Sara send you a kiss and a

    Your son, John


    Jan. 12, 1992

    Dear Dad,

    We went to Oregon for Christmas and
    had very good traveling weather. Do you
    remember when you and Mom went with
    us once to Oregon at Christmas and
    there were apples still hanging on the
    tree by the Williams house? We made
    apple pie from the apples that you
    picked. Turned out to be pretty good pie.
    There weren’t any apple on the tree this
    year. I thought of you picking the apples
    and bringing them into the kitchen in
    your hat if I remember right.

    We have had some pretty good times
    together. I was thinking the other day
    about a picture that I took of you about
    12 years ago. It captured you as I will
    always remember you. If I can locate it in
    all the stuff, I would like to get it blown
    up and submit it to the art section at the
    Twin Falls County Fair this year.

    I hope this finds you feeling well. I love
    you Dad. Kristen and Sara send you a
    kiss and a hug.

    Oh yes, I would like for you and Tracy to
    sit down sometime and talk about when
    you were a kid and record it on tape. I
    would like to put your remembrances
    down on paper.

    Bye for now.

    Your son, John


    Feb. 11, 1992

    Dear Dad,

    Happy Valentine’s Day!!

    Spring is on the way and soon you will be
    85. Just a spring chicken, right? I hope I
    can get around as well as you do by the
    time I am 85.

    Thanks for the letter. I will keep it for a
    very long time. It is the first letter I have
    received from my Father in 48 years.

    Talked to Ed the other day. He said he
    talked to you on the phone and that you
    were wearing your hearing aids and
    glasses. Great! Mom would be proud of

    Talked to a guy last week who is
    president of the John Deer tractor group
    here. He invited me to bring my “M”
    John Deer to the County Fair and
    participate in the tractor pull contest.
    Might just do that.

    Well the page is filling up using these big
    letters but if it makes it easier to read it is
    worth it.

    Bye for now Dad, I love you. Pennye,
    Kristen and Sara send their love too.

    Your son, John
    April 13, 1992


    Though the years have past and you are now
    85, you are still the same as when I was a
    child. The memories of going with you to the
    field, when you were “riding the ditch”,
    surveying in a lateral, loading up the turkeys
    in the old Ford truck and taking them to the
    “Hoppers” - is just as if it were yesterday. I
    think of you playing Red Wing on the harp. I
    remember when during the looong cold
    winters we would play checkers. You would
    always beat me. I learned to play a good game.

    Not much has changed except we are both
    much older now. The values you did not speak
    but lived out in front of me has helped make
    me what I am today. I pray that I will be a
    good example before my children to help them
    on their way through life.

    On your 85th birthday, I want to wish you a
    Happy Birthday and thank you for being my


    April 13, 1992


    June 10, 1992

    Dear Dad,

    I hope this finds you well. The Stevens
    family in Twin Falls Idaho is having a
    busy summer. Kristen just finished the
    fourth grade and was on the Honor Roll
    for the entire year. Sara will now be a
    big First Grader next year.

    The other day we went out to eat and
    Kristen had chicken and noodles. She
    said, “This tastes just like Grandma
    Nellie’s noodles.” I hope they can keep
    these memories fresh and remember all
    the good times we had back in Nebraska.
    It is difficult to accept that things have
    changed and will never be the same again.
    We miss the weekly phone calls to Nebraska.

    It is clouding up and we might get rain
    this week. It is very dry around here.
    Some of the canals will be cut off in July.

    Bye for now.

    Your Son John

    Love you Dad. I think of you often.


    June 22, 1992

    Dear Dad,

    Hope you had a good “HAPPY PAPPY”
    day. This note is to wish you a late
    “HAPPY PAPPY” day.

    I was thinking the other day about the
    times you would take me roller skating
    out at the fair ground on Sunday
    afternoons. I really enjoyed those times. I
    remember how you could give a little hop
    and skate backwards. For me staying on
    my feet was a challenge.

    Sara will be 6 years old June 29. Seems
    like yesterday when she was born. Time
    has a way of passing very quickly.

    Love you lots Dad. The family sends their
    love too.

    Bye for now.


    Aug. 11, 1992

    Dear Dad,

    Just a note to let you know that your
    Idaho family love you. It was good to talk
    to you for a minute or two the other day.
    I miss the harmonica playing you would
    do over the phone.

    We are all well even though the place
    was covered with smoke from all the
    forest fires last week. It got a little hard
    on the lungs at times but the smoke has
    moved on now. Probably went over

    Talked to brother Ed the other day. He
    had just returned from from Nebraska.
    Ed said you looked good for 85.

    Bye for now.



    Sept. 10, 1992

    Dear Dad,

    I am sending a copy of what Mom sent
    me a few years ago of what she
    remembered about growing up. I wish I
    had more. How about sitting down with
    Tracy and Sharon and telling them some
    of the things you remember about
    growing up? They can record it and I will
    put it on paper. I would really like that.

    We are ok here in Idaho. Summer had
    disappeared and it is school time again.
    Kristen is in the 5th grade and Sara is in
    the 1st grade. The family went to the
    County Fair today for the second time.
    One day is enough for me.

    I think of you often and love you Dad.
    Thinking of the good times we had
    together while I was growing up always
    makes me happy. You and Mom raised
    four pretty good kids.
    God Bless you Dad. We love you from

    Bye for now.



    Oct. 11, 1992

    Dear Dad,

    We are fine out in Idaho. We are having
    beautiful fall weather. It has not frozen
    enough to get our tomato plants yet.

    Kristen and Sara are doing very well in
    school. They brought home their mid
    term report cards and are getting A’s
    and a B or two.

    Remember when we would go out in the
    corn field and pick the corn by hand? I
    would drive the tractor and you and Ed
    and Wayne picked the corn and threw it
    in the trailer. You guys kept warm from
    the work and I was freezing on the
    tractor. Before that we used the horses
    named Brownie and - was it Blackie?
    The one that kept getting out up north by
    the ditch was Brownie. He figured out
    how to open the gate.

    I remember the times that you were
    hauling cane or sorghum from the field
    east of Mercers and I would ride behind
    the wagon on my sled.

    I had a very good childhood really.
    Thanks for being my Dad.

    God Bless you Dad. We love you from

    Bye for now.



    Nov. 10, 1992

    Dear Dad,

    It is snowy here and cold. I have a hole in
    the back of the house I must get sealed up
    to keep the cold out. We are redoing this
    part for the kitchen.

    Kristen and Sara made the Honor Roll
    this quarter in school. Kristen’s teacher
    said he wished he had a whole room full
    of Kristens to teach.

    Sorry the phone connection was so bad
    when I called the other day. It was good
    to here you say “hello hello….” any way.
    Glad you are feeling better.

    Your account in the credit union is about
    $34,000 now.

    I was just thinking back when we were
    cultivating corn with that “crazy wheel
    cultivator”. The one that you drove the
    tractor and I rode on the cultivator and
    used the foot pedals to steer it down the
    rows. I remember sometimes it cleaned
    out some of the corn row. Cultivator
    blight, right? It was kind of hard to keep
    straight. Those were the days.

    I keep remembering little bits of things
    while growing up. Sometime I will put
    them all together for my kids to read
    about the “good ole days”.

    God Bless you Dad. We love you from

    Bye for now.


    Dec. 17, 1992

    Dear Dad,

    The snow has fallen and the kids stayed
    home from school today. The wind is now
    blowing so it will begin drifting the road
    shut. Besides that the whole family is sick
    with a cold.

    We are putting together a Christmas gift
    to you but it won’t be ready for
    Christmas. It is something that you can
    watch over and over if you want. So
    Merry Christmas for now.

    Last night was the kids’ school Christmas
    program. Kristen started playing the
    flute this fall and played with a group for
    the first time this week. She did very well
    and I got it on video.

    Time to get this in the mail. Love you
    Bye for now.

    Kristen and Sara send you a kiss and a
    Your son, John


    Jan. 11, 1993

    Dear Dad,

    We have a lot of snow on the ground
    now. I was telling the family about the
    winter of 49 where the snow covered the
    door and you had to scoop the snow into
    the house to dig a tunnel out then haul
    the snow out through the tunnel. That
    was a 15 foot drift wasn’t it? It sure
    looked big to this 6 year old. Then the
    plane flew over the house for a few days
    until we could get out and signal an OK.
    Those were the days! What I do not
    remember is how you took care of the
    cows and stuff during this time. I
    remember being sick and Wayne took the
    horse and rode into Broadwater to get
    oranges and something else. The big
    white dog we had went along and was hit
    by a car. Wayne had to use a fence post
    to finish him off. I remember feeling very
    sad about the old dog.
    We haven’t had this much snow in 8

    I trust you are feeling well. Our prayers
    are with you all.
    Bye for now. Love you Dad
    The family send a BIG Hi!!!!

    Your son, John


    Feb. 9, 1993

    Dear Dad,

    When the kids go to bed they say “Tell us
    a story about when you were a kid on the
    farm”. So I tell them things that I write
    to you and a LOT that I don’t write to
    you. The other day going to school we
    were talking about one of the first snow
    falls we had this year. I spun the van
    around in circles in the parking lot and
    they thought that was GREAT fun. Then
    I told them about the time that their
    Grandpa cut some circles in the Kelly
    School yard and hit a pole with the back
    fender. Do you remember that? I
    remember Mom bringing it up every now
    and then. Then there was the time you
    got a little close to the guard posts along
    the highway just west of Broadwater and
    ripped the spare tire and bracket off the
    old Jeep. Of course none of US ever did
    anything like that. HA.

    It is good to remember back and tell the
    kids about the things we did “in the old
    days”. They find it hard to believe there
    was no TV and I walked through rattle
    snake country to go to the neighbors to
    play. It WAS a good time for me and I
    had a GOOD Dad to help me grow up.
    Thanks again Dad. You and Mom did a
    very good job on us four kids. Sometimes
    we don’t show it often enough but I for
    one thank you and LOVE you.

    Soon you will have another birthday.
    Before you know it you will be 90. I
    should be so lucky.

    I trust you are feeling well. Our prayers
    are with you all. Bye for now. Love you
    The family send a BIG Hi!!!!

    Your son, John


    Mar. 9, 1993

    Dear Dad,
    Time has a way of disappearing so
    rapidly. I was going to write you a note
    two weeks ago and now here we are.

    It looks like spring is just about to arrive.
    I am ready for it. I’ll bet you are ready to
    get out side and do something. Do you
    miss not farming? I think often about the
    farm and the things we used to do. The
    kids always ask for stories about being on
    the farm. I tell them about raising a
    garden, rattlesnakes, floods, the BIG
    ONE in 49, anything that comes to mind.

    The family went to Sun Valley about 70
    miles north of here Sat. with Kristen’s
    Girl Scout troop for a day of ice skating.
    Pennye used the VCR and played back
    their falls and no falls. It reminded me of
    the times you would get your old clamp-
    on skates on a cut a figure on the ice. I
    never was very good at it. You could hop
    up and turn around. I couldn’t stay of
    my back side and head. I still have a big
    dent in the back of my head from the last
    time I tried. Nearly killed me. So much
    for that.

    Next month you will have another
    birthday. 86 years! Before you know it
    you will be 90.

    I paid your insurance for another year
    I trust you are feeling well. Our prayers
    are w
Verdae Geissler Jun 2013
I met a girl when she picked me up while  I was hitch hiking back from the health food store.

Her name is, well, I’ll call her “Mirror”. She was seventeen, with three different colors in her hair,and she was driving this great big mafioso looking thing down an old country road.

AND she picked me, a hitch hiker, up. like it was it was no big thing to her.

My first response after the normal howdy do’s, was;” Okay, first off, we are on this desolate back road, in the middle of BFE ,and corn fields forever. How do you know that I am not going to pull out a gun or a knife and slit your throat, or blow you away for your ride, or WORSE?”

She snickered and said,”Cause’ I can tell .”You aren’t that kind of person!”

My responsewas ,”How can you even  pretend to know THAT?”

She comes back with; “I can just tell”!

“Anyway, aren’t you glad I picked you up?’

“Of course!” I said, “but you need to be more careful!”

She dropped me at my house, and that was that.

I was left with hoards of memories sweeping my mind. Memories of myself at her age, along with her responses to my concern, and her total disposition, I knew I was staring into a mirror of my past!

I would, for sure, be seeing her again!

It was approx. two weeks later that I saw her, in a little mustang, as I was walking my dog on that same old road.

She pulled of as she turned the stereo down, I think it was blasting some new girl band, “Hey girlfriend” she says with this sweet little sideways glance, as if she’d known me for a lifetime, “whatcha up to?”

Having done the small talk thing, we decided ot hang out.
So she came over to the house, we talked.
As I got to know her situation a bit better, I knew.
... I was looking into the mirror of my past once more.
I had been placed into her life for a very special mission.

I also knew in my heart that, according to what she was telling me, she was headed for the same path of disaster and destruction, I had, not so long ago, put my own self  through.
It had all started at her exact age. but I did not, at this point know what to do about helping her.
...But it would come! ...yes, it would!

I found out, a little more than a year later, i could not have done anything to stop it from happening, when I met her. ...In her beginning...
It was during the “aftermath” or the “beginning of the end”, where I would be called back into her life to “play my part” so to speak.
It was about a month ago, I just happened to be browsing through a thrift store, in Spruce Pine, with my neighbor. As I stood there, looking at an old quilt I wanted, but could not afford, I heard that  soft, sweet, little voice call me by my name.

”Romy?’ “Is that yooouuuu?!”
“*** I can’t believe it!”,
.....and so on and so forth.

My sweet friend from the road by my house, was there, was handing out Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

Mind you, I knew what this meant...
...She’d gotten herself into some kind of trouble.
And now, she was doing community service for it.

Sure enough she had.

I gave her my  telephone number, and that was that.

It was about three days ago when I got a phone call.
It was her.
She asked if she could come by to see me that afternoon, after school.
She needed to talk.
She actually did come on by.

Here we are some years later. I am scared.
Not for myself , physically, but something told me my time was up.
The gig was up.
The angels had finally found a way.
For me.
For her.

I need to back up to two years ago, so that you can get a real sense
of what is really going on here…..

After our first meeting, after she came back by my trailer,  in the cow pasture, the first time,
She hung with me the whole summer, and then into fall.
I got to know her parents very well.
I n their eyes I'd become a big sister/baby sitter for her.
She thought of it as just hanging out.
...a place away from her Dad, but close to her home.
She had never been with a boy, she explained,
but she'd made an attempt at a relationship with a girl at school, which turned out disastrous.
It even landed here in trouble at school, with the cops, and with the DSS, here in Yancey County.
(a place no one would ever want to land!)

Her mom was going through chemo and radiation, and so was I.
I was uncanny.
I had at least SOMETZHING, one thing, in common with almost every member of her family.
I became part of her family!

I knew from my own life and my experiences,  
she was dabbling in some kind of drug activity.
I just did not know what at first.

Made myself a promise.
I would find out what was really going on with t his girl.

Once I got her to open up to me.
I discovered she was stealing her dad’s 40mg Oxycontin and his 1mg klonapin out of his locked box.
This only AFTER he'd been giving them to her when she turned fourteen.
She was not only snorting them, but she was selling them as well!

I also did some digging, and found, she was getting in with some pretty savory characters.
Of course it wan't long, before she met this guy...
He was handsome, manipulative, and cunning.
But most of all, he had a raging monkey, the size of Detroit, on his back!

Only I could see him for the ****** ******* he really was.
I tried many tricks to expose him.
Her partents were blinded by his enamering.
His story was easy:
..he had been in the military, only to come home to a trailer trash wife, on drugs, of course, who had neglected their four year old child.
He'd come home just in time to play the knight in all his armour....!
I KNEW better!

But when I tried to warn her parents
they would hear nothing of it!
They refused to see in him
the evil that i could....

So when she started seeing him, I went to her parents with my premonitions.
They told me I was over  reacting.
And that i had become attached to their daughter, that I should just stay away for a while.
Her mom’s exact words were:
”I mean really, Romy...
" He is a MARINE for goodness sakes... !"
"... and the only reason he is home right now, is to save that yungin' from his drug addicted mother!”


I had to let go....

Only years later, it would come out,
To her parents and everyone.
...He was a **** and dilaudid ******.
His mother was one, as well.
They used the little boy for food and money,
as well as their own selfish adgenda of feeding
that monkey from Detroit,
and the disease he brought with him.
They conned everyone from welfare, to  churches, to the department of Social Services.

I remember a conversation a had with her mom, while trying to get her to realize what he really was.
It went like this:
mom: “How could you even say such things about him!”
I never said another word.
In my mind I was screaming;
"Because I know this *******!
He is addicted to drugs!  
He told me so, in the beginning!
He bragged to me about how he’d been doing dilaudid with his MOTHER for years.
And, all  of us junkies know, the only way to do dilaudid, is to shoot it up in your veins!

I said to myself.

"PLUS, I even know his  other name."
"THE NAME is Daniel!"

"I know him well!"
"I ruined most of my young life trying to win his love."
"Only I did not know then what  I was up against...."
"This addiction was more powerful than another woman, or anything else, for that matter!"

"There IS no match
  for it!"

...I was screaming this all to myself.
...I knew then.
I was talking about my own life experience.
The years I spen, hurting myself, all the while attempting to impress my first, and truest love of my entire life.
He almost proved to be the ruin of me!
...The man on whom I waisted more than half of my life!
He, who became the beginning of my end!
He was the beginning of a lifetime of  ****** addiction, tears, disappointments, lies, and horror!

As I saw it, he and this ******* were one in the same.

More importantly, I also knew, in my heart of hearts, he would be the beginning of  HER end.
He would prove to be the beginning of her  horror.
I also knew, if she were to end up staying with this nobody *******, for any length of time, she would, inevitebly begin sticking needles in her arms.
My bet would be she'd start within one year.

Sadly,  I was correct.
she was,
and had been,
sticking needles in her arm.

The way I found out went down like this:
(and thus my reason for writing this)

She phoned me, upset, and crying.
Don't ask me how, but I knew she was dope sick.
...Perhaps it was the quiver in her voice.
The desperation.
A feeling I knew all too well.

I told her to come over.
She did.
I'll never forget.
She was working at Mc Donald's, to pay her way through cosmetolegy school.
So she still had that Mc Donald's uniform on. (The one, I knew, she loathed with every part of her being!)
And bless her heart...
...She brought me a pie.

I told her she looked like ****.
Then I asked her to explain why she'd gone so long without having any contact with me.
(although I knew the answers to each of my questions, I asked them anyway.)

I gave her motherly/sisterly hugs, while attemting to make her feel loved.
(something she had not experienced often, at least, not without a price!)

I needed her to know, that no matter what she had to offer , for the time I hadn't heard from her, I would love her, and I would help her, and I would hold her, until she needed me to let go.

It was after hugs, love, some understanding eye contact, I made the promise of understanding. She had to know, that  no matter what she might reveal, I would ALWAYS be in her corner. I would always be hers. I would be whatever she needed me to be.
..As long as I was helping her towards her self understanding,  towards love, and  towards happiness.

It was a few seconds after our long embrace and our moment of connection and understanding, when she took me into the bathroom.
She uttered these words, nervously, and with shame;
”Romy, Do you really want to know how bad I've gotten, how far I have now fallen?”
...Or perhaps her words were, in actuallity, more like "Romy, look at how bad this has gotten."
I am not sure which of the two is more correct, but I got the message loud and clear, and my heart broke.
Litererally, it broke into a million pieces.
My heart broke for her, but it also broke for the girl I once was, before my own demons came to visit.

I knew then, from the depths of my being,
how the scene would play out...
I knew the ending,
before it ever began.

In a moment I will share with you, the dialog that went on between us on that cold, cloudy, winter afternoon in Nowheresville, NC.
This is one conversation I shall, forever, remember until I take my final breath.
It will remain with me through lifetimes to come.
...It has become a part of me.

ME: ”So. have you learned how to do yourself?”
“Or is that why you are here?”
"If it  is the later, you've come to the wrong place."

She started to cry.

"I know how to hit myslef", she said.
H uge tears runnig down her face.
"You warned me, Romy." "And I didn't listen."
"How DID you know, anyway?"

I could not hold back the tears.  
They poured straight from the depths of my being.
Again, he I stood, once again, in front this georgous girl, who was destroying herself!
Again, all I could see was myself in the mirror!

I have yet to felt such a sadness within me, as the one I felt at that moment.

As she rolled up her sleeve, there it was...
a site too familiar..
Uncanny, it was.
How could this girl be the SAME?
...The same arm.
...The same hole.
...The same sore.
...The same color.
..The same sad and bewidered expresion.
It said. No, it screamed;
"Help me please! I'm so ******* gone!"
"Help me please!"
" You're all I've got!"

I wanted to turn and run a fast and far as I could get.
Heer she stood in front of me
Here she stood.
The exact ******* same as me.
I couldn't move.
I couldn't think.
I wanted to puke.

The silence was broken by her voice, and by her expression.
She obviously saw my transition from a strong woman who cared so much,
into a womean who had turned white as a ghost.
Then she asked;
” How did you know, Romy?”
“How ever COULD you have known?”

I did not.
I could not.
Begin to answer her then.

But I thought to myself;
"How could I not?"

I left that tiny bathroom not knowing WHAT to do, or what to say.
I, for once,was at a loss.
For the first time in my life,
the words  would just not come!

I couldn't speak my usual words of incourgment.

Until she came to me, and gave me a hug.

...she has just left my house.
My heart is heavy.
She'd  come to me today, for reasons,
she herself,
could never have understood.

I went into my bedroom, whee she sat.
I asked her what she'd been up to that made her decide to call me.
She said she did not know.
She'd been out driving after work,
and so she'd just ended up calling.
Now she was at my place.

I shared with her the importance of truthfulness.
With oneself even more than with others.

Then I shared with her my story, and my reasons for caring so very much for  her well being.

I told her about the mirror I saw between us from the beginning.
..of my battle with herion addiction.
But I told her  also of the stubborn dream I'd carried with me for eighteen years because of a guy, just like hers.
I answered all of her questions.
I completed her sentences.
She completed some of mine.
I felt her heart breaking.
And I helped her to let go.

She was so shocked at what I shared with her, about myself,
and about my own life,
that it  literally brought her back to her self. I had somehow, reached her inner being.
She was able to return to her own reality, away from the deceit.
And away from the web of lies which had been woven around her.

I feel good!
I feel like she will be alright.

May hope is, through me, she was able to see how easily we can fall into someone else's need and addiction. How we make it our own by allowing someone elses demons drag us down, down into oblivion, and how their misery can, so easily, consume us. Then take over our very life!
IF we let it!

....I held her for a long time.
We cried together.
I cried for her.

I also cried for me.

I cried for the girl that I once was.

...Before Daniel.
                              ...Before Manhattan.
                                                                ­       ...Before the misery.

She cried her own tears for herself,
her kind heart,
and for what would never be.
She cried, grateful tears, knowing now she will no tso easily loss her way,
she knows the angels now. She can feel them guide her every day.
She is not alone.

I will forever be there for her.
wherever she may be.
...we are connected now.
...Little Miss Kim and me!

Her spirit is strong.
She will succeed.
She recieved what she needed most.
... A friend
... A kindred spirit.
...and  a bit of wisdom from little old
Oh, and now I know why my Blackie walked me down the old country road.....
My sister, Kimberly, needed me!
Jonny Angel Mar 2014
Mandolin harmonies
trailed up Bear Hair Gap,
echoed between
the chestnuts, hickories
& sweet blackberries.

Lodi & a bad moon rising
stifled the cool air,
wood spirits whispered
secret incantations
to the fairies & sprites
flying amongst the fireflies.

This is the sacred
Coosa place,
where bricks have names,
where the wolf man
drove his Impala
spooking summer campers
& where old blackie
got trapped.

Two are gone now,
one succumbed to the bottle,
the other still stalking hikers
near the Raven Cliffs
o'er near Helen.

The bricks will remain forever
'neath the phases of the moon
beside the maiden Trahlyta,
up from Blood Mountain.
Holly Salvatore Apr 2012
Meowing through the fields
Frolicking through the meadows
Blackie won the race
This haiku was originally conceived by my sister
Jim Snape Jul 2015
While sitting home one night, I hear burglars fiddling
with the lock. This is what I've been waiting for!

I run around to the back and open the door, invite
them in, and pour some drinks. I tell them to relax,
and I help them off with shoes and masks.

In a little while we are fast friends, and after a dozen
toasts to J. Edgar Hoover, they begin to carry things out.
I point to the hidden silver, hold the door as they
wrestle with the bed, and generally make myself useful.

When they get the truck loaded and come back inside
for one last brandy, I get the drop on them. Using Spike's
gun, I shoot them both and imprint Blackie's
prints on the handle.

Then I get in the van and drive away,
a happy man.
"Moving Day" by Ron Koertge, from Making Love to Roget's Wife: Poems New and Selected. © University of Arkansas Press, 1997.
Zai K Sep 2014
At 18 my chocolate skin is almost close to perfection.

Light stretch marks surround my hips, which makes some feel insecure but reminds me of my natural beauty.

Oh...and don't bother asking me for any make up tips, cause baby I don't do it.

I stand 5'3 and my walk is mean.

My smile is too die for but my hair as ***** if not nappier than baby blu's.

I can't keep my hair the same for nothin, from tracks to braids oooooo!

So many options with my "*****" hair.

They call me ******, blackie, midnight...list goes on but what they don't know is black don't crack.

I mean you gotta learn to embrace what comes with this chocolate skin..
Because if you don't love it who will?
¿Qué hemos de hacer nosotros los negros
que no sabemos ni leer?
Fregar escupideras en los grandes hoteles
encerar y barrer
manejar ascensores
en el Gran Club servirles de beber
o hacer que el cadillac sea más lujoso
vistiendo la librea de chofer.
Tenemos la respuesta siempre lista:
en París "oui, monsieur"
y en Georgia, en Lousiana o en Virginia
un eterno "yes sir..."
Los negros, pobres negros de este mundo
¿qué cosa hemos de hacer
debiendo de comer todos los días
(y a veces sin comer)?
Bajar la testa reverente
y a lo mismo de ayer.
Hasta que llega un blanco y "nos descubre"
nos mete al ring
y aquí comienza para mal de males
el principio del fin
Footing, training, sombra;
saco, pera, soga;
upper cuta
Duchazos, masajes,
fotos, reportajes.
¡Okey, boss...!
El cañaveral de mi lejana tierra
me dio estos fuertes bíceps.
Los buques cargueros de todos los muelles
me dieron envidiable complexión.
Y corriendo, voceando millones de diarios
Ahora, en el Madison Square Garden
de New York,
dice mi manager:
¡No whisky!
¡No tobacco!
¡No girls!
(No money)
Negros acomodadores
ubican a los blancos en ring side.
Perder esta pelea
significa volver con ellos:
Con Blackie de Maniatan.
Con Brown de Alabama
Con "Nando" Rodríguez de Puerto Rico
...y entonces
no whiksy
no tobacco
no girls
no money
My challenger
es *****, como yo
Si pierde le espera lo mismo
        (Aquí los únicos
que nunca pierden
son nuestros managers y el promotor).
Comienza el round, voy hacia el centro
-en este plan voy a perder-
este es el round numero trece
¡voy a demostrarle quién es quién!
Me está llevando hacia una esquina,
si caigo aquí me cuentan diez.
¡Virgen del Cobre estoy perdido!
No puedo ver
No... pue.. do... ver...

La gente aplaude al que me mata
El referee no dice "break".
Que mi mujer no sepa nada...
Mi nombre es BENNY "KID" PARET.
Al Melaskev Sep 2019
Someone dropped you off
Thank them for their cruelty ,
Your the best cat ever!
Blackie was left at a camp and is one of the kindest cats I have ever met. She is  the camps barn cat.
Blackie the cat has gotten old, it's time to say goodbye,

my heart is broke,  after all the pleasure he gave,

17, long years, we miss him now , and he's still here.

What's it going to be like, looking at an empty chair. !

On death row, he sleeps, he dose'nt  know ; bliss

a date was chalked down, a reprieve turned up,

Cold feet, and trembllng   hands we called the Vet,

" Can you wait till next week, he is still our  pet ".

Arthritis, Diabetes , Cataracts , and that's only me ,

the cat is worse, he can hardly see.

All his health problems, can disappear,

when he looks up, and Miow's in your ear.

By Holly Barrett
saige Nov 2018
Following your footprints
My favorite stepping stones
Even with a pebble in my shoe
It's finally in season
So I keep marching on
Forfeiting white flags *** I have you

And, which tree is that one?
Quick! Catch my balloon
God how I love watching you look

Following your whistles
Jungles won't make me blind
I'll find you through the heatwaves and the blues
Every time

Where'd this leaf fall from since
The forest glows in your glasses
When you are facing the sky

Following your fingers
Won't get thorns in mine
Tell me stories about Blackie and Sunshine and
I'll be fine when summer's gone
I can skip the berries
*** you can pick the Blossom
And there are no thorns on fretboards

So it's a sugar maple?
Lord knows I won't remember
But I'll never forget you
Looking up
you keep me looking up
Ariana Oct 2019
I am 6 years old
it’s Christmas again and I pretend
I’m not excited.
My fingers are sticky and the house
smells like cinnamon, till my family drifts in releasing the scent through the open front door. Polite blather gives way to the deep roar
of a man’s laugh, he says,
“Santa’s not black.”
Eyes dart from me to the door,
me to the floor,
back to the door.

8 years old and
I stayed home from school on Monday
because anxiety rules my life and
twists my stomach. I rise above it on Wednesday, untwist it, and march back to my desk, impressed because everyone’s eyes focus
on me.
Actuality sets in when I sit down
and Connor asks me if I heard that the kids called me “Blackie” on the playground and
had to come in from recess.
I suppress my welling tears, he sneers,
and I laugh.

10 years old,
it’s summer again and Reno says he wants to play
football. With bare feet and lip gloss I eagerly cross
the road to the school, ring the bell,
and as I wait, I trace the names of crushes engraved
into the metal and ultimately settle ******* on his.
But today is different.
He approaches with a new game called “Slaves”
which doesn’t feel like much of a game when
only one gets a gun and you can’t outrun it. So I bite my lip as airsoft pellets sting my back, my legs.
Tears stain my childish face and I let him chase me
because I adore him, however,
I don’t think he likes me anymore.

12 years old and
A Jewish boy called me a ****** today. He is bold and unafraid of the repercussions,
I want to speak but I’ve got nothing to say.
Tongue pressing my teeth
I breath deep and ... my friend yells “****.”
I don’t know what it means but it seems like he does
as he runs from the room into the open arms of our principal. Detention for me,
She’s Jewish too.

13 years old and I
don’t know what it means when they call me *******. But I can only assume
it means I’m still not welcome here.
I catch a glimpse of my teary-eyed reflection in the lenses of my teacher’s sunglasses,
black and chewed-on by his dog.
He scratches his fair hair and tells me,
“Natural selection will take care of this,”
Miffed, I don’t know if he means me
or them.

14 years old and
it’s the first day of black history month.
For lunch my school is serving fried chicken
and watermelon, it’s either that or PB&J
so I grab a tray, drag my feet to a table
and I sit alone.
A hush washes over the room
and soon, a single piece of watermelon leads
a barrage of lunch in a food fight where
I am the only target. So
Broken-hearted, I pick up the mess and throw it in the trash. My pride and my new shirt,
lay stained
on top of the pile.

I smile in the mirror as if that changes a thing, and
walk out of the bathroom and into the hot sting
that radiates from their gaze. I tell myself it’s
a phase, and in due time I’ll have a place where I am safe from them-
but Sharpies stain and the school budget doesn’t include paint so the words “Go home monkey” will remain
on my locker, covered in tape,
as a daily reminder for the rest of the year.

I didn’t mean to curse at Rachel’s mom
but she asked me if I’d spoken to my Uncle Tom today and

I lost my ever loving ****.
I excused myself to the porch where their dog tried to bite me, because she doesn’t like brown skin or loud mouths either. I‘m never going back.

With a baby in my stomach
and a lump in my throat I sit, arms crossed, across from my principle; He says that attendance is an integral part of my success this year, so it’s best for me to
postpone my diploma and stay at home.
I respond with “no thank you” and stare through him as
he walks me to the door.
Before it swings shut his whispers catch up and
I cringe as he swears to his secretary
that he can’t be expected to save us all.
“It’s a statistic.”

caught in between a woman and a child
I dangle in space, contemplating my place in
a world that’s hell-bent on hating me before recognizing
my worth.
By now, I think, I know that it won’t stay dark forever, so I eagerly await the dawn, crouching in the corner
hopeful that I will one day be UNseen.
And I truly believe that I am a Warrior,
a force to be reckoned with.
Because I am grown now, well adjusted, unscathed, and
wholly unaffected.

23 years old and
I still don’t know what it means to be left
unbothered. But I’m oddly familiar with what it’s like being followed through the store, questioned by a clerk,
and rushed out the door.
I don’t understand why, and I don’t care, to be fair, but
I can’t take it anymore.

I am 24 years old and
for the first time, in a long time, it is quiet.
Only under this cloak of silence
have I begun to pry loose the armor that grew over
my brown skin. The armor that cinched off my ears, covered my eyes, and protected me throughout the years. Beneath it, I’ve discovered gashes

cut through to my bones,
once-soft flesh now turned to soft-stone, and I am no warrior.

I am still a 6 year old girl who spent so much time crafting a shield to protect myself,
that I never had time to learn about myself.

Beneath my armor I am

I am breathless.

And I am Black.
It’s a long road to self-acceptance, but I’m walking it.
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2020
Then the miracles will start happening
And there is nothing the Church fears
More than miracles.
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2020
And there is nothing the Church fears
More than miracles.
For you, Father Greeley!

With Love!
Ariana Jul 2021
I am 6 years old
it’s Christmas again and I pretend
I’m not excited.
My fingers are sticky and the house
smells like cinnamon, till my family drifts in releasing the scent through the open front door. Polite blather gives way to the deep roar
of a man’s laugh, he says,
“Santa’s not black.”
Eyes dart from me to the door,
me to the floor,
back to the door.

8 years old and
I stayed home from school on Monday
because anxiety rules my life and
twists my stomach. I rise above it on Wednesday, untwist it, and march back to my desk, impressed because everyone’s eyes focus
on me.
Actuality sets in when I sit down
and Connor asks me if I heard that the kids called me “Blackie” on the playground and
had to come in from recess.
I suppress my welling tears, he sneers,
and I laugh.

10 years old,
it’s summer again and Reno says he wants to play
football. With bare feet and lip gloss I eagerly cross
the road to the school, ring the bell,
and as I wait, I trace the names of crushes engraved
into the metal and ultimately settle ******* on his.
But today is different.
He approaches with a new game called “Slaves”
which doesn’t feel like much of a game when
only one gets a gun and you can’t outrun it. So I bite my lip as airsoft pellets sting my back, my legs.
Tears stain my childish face and I let him chase me
because I adore him, however,
I don’t think he likes me anymore.

12 years old and
A Jewish boy called me a ****** today. He is bold and unafraid of the repercussions,
I want to speak but I’ve got nothing to say.
Tongue pressing my teeth
I breath deep and ... my friend yells “****.”
I don’t know what it means but it seems like he does
as he runs from the room into the open arms of our principal. Detention for me,
She’s Jewish too.

13 years old and I
don’t know what it means when they call me *******. But I can only assume
it means I’m still not welcome here.
I catch a glimpse of my teary-eyed reflection in the lenses of my teacher’s sunglasses,
black and chewed-on by his dog.
He scratches his fair hair and tells me,
“Natural selection will take care of this,”
Miffed, I don’t know if he means me
or them.

14 years old and
it’s the first day of black history month.
For lunch my school is serving fried chicken
and watermelon, it’s either that or PB&J
so I grab a tray, drag my feet to a table
and I sit alone.
A hush washes over the room
and soon, a single piece of watermelon leads
a barrage of lunch in a food fight where
I am the only target. So
Broken-hearted, I pick up the mess and throw it in the trash. My pride and my new shirt,
lay stained
on top of the pile.

I smile in the mirror as if that changes a thing, and
walk out of the bathroom and into the hot sting
that radiates from their gaze. I tell myself it’s
a phase, and in due time I’ll have a place where I am safe from them-
but Sharpies stain and the school budget doesn’t include paint so the words “Go home monkey” will remain
on my locker, covered in tape,
as a daily reminder for the rest of the year.

I didn’t mean to curse at Rachel’s mom
but she asked me if I’d spoken to my Uncle Tom today and

I lost my ever loving ****.
I excused myself to the porch where their dog tried to bite me, because she doesn’t like brown skin or loud mouths either. I‘m never going back.

With a baby in my stomach
and a lump in my throat I sit, arms crossed, across from my principle; He says that attendance is an integral part of my success this year, so it’s best for me to
postpone my diploma and stay at home.
I respond with “no thank you” and stare through him as
he walks me to the door.
Before it swings shut his whispers catch up and
I cringe as he swears to his secretary
that he can’t be expected to save us all.
“It’s a statistic.”

caught in between a woman and a child
I dangle in space, contemplating my place in
a world that’s hell-bent on hating me before recognizing
my worth.
By now, I think, I know that it won’t stay dark forever, so I eagerly await the dawn, crouching in the corner
hopeful that I will one day be UNseen.
And I truly believe that I am a Warrior,
a force to be reckoned with.
Because I am grown now, well adjusted, unscathed, and
wholly unaffected.

23 years old and
I still don’t know what it means to be left
unbothered. But I’m oddly familiar with what it’s like being followed through the store, questioned by a clerk,
and rushed out the door.
I don’t understand why, and I don’t care, to be fair, but
I can’t take it anymore.

I am 24 years old and
for the first time, in a long time, it is quiet.
Only under this cloak of silence
have I begun to pry loose the armor that grew over
my brown skin. The armor that cinched off my ears, covered my eyes, and protected me throughout the years. Beneath it, I’ve discovered gashes

cut through to my bones,
once-soft flesh now turned to soft-stone, and I am no warrior.

I am still a 6 year old girl who spent so much time crafting a shield to protect myself,
that I never had time to learn about myself.

Beneath my armor I am

I am breathless.

And I am Black.
Qualyxian Quest Mar 2023
She said her name is Brigid
I gave her my password
Have a good weekend
Thank you, U2

Father Greeley in Chicago
Riding the Tucson Train
Bishop Blackie Ryan
I will wait with you

Bounce passes to Alex
And to America's Jesuits
Rebellion in Germany
Horton Hears a Who

Ballad of Hollis Brown
Als Ick Kan
To do the best that I can do

Qualyxian Quest Oct 2020
Secular living soon on the way
Applied for a restaurant job today

Soon I will go back to work
I hope my boss is not a ****

American movies I do love
I wait in line; I do not shove

Asian rain touched my mind
Asian trains arrive on time

Life's mysteries: Unresolved
I sleep and wake: no problem solved

She asked if I like mysteries
I replied, I do indeed

My teacher, he wrote one or two
What would Blackie Ryan do?

My brother Ryan has a heart of gold
Hope from him as I grow old

Not far, Not far can I see
My children's voices comfort me

A desperate hope that I die well
No one important; just Todd Witherell.
Qualyxian Quest Apr 2023
Andrew Greeley like Bing Crosby
Gonzaga, Bing is Back
Spoke out against George W.
Spoke out for Iraq

Bing sang with David Bowie
Par *** pum pum pum pum pum
Here said I, with a sudden cry
Is my crematorium!

David Bowie somewhat Buddhist
Never gonna fall for Modern Love
Help comes from my dad
And from Andy Dove

Bishop Blackie Ryan
The beggar girl of St. Germain
Not primarily scriptural
Maybe someday Spain

       Darling Nikki. Purple Rain.

             La Mancha: the Stain.
Yenson Oct 2022
A hardnosed product from the Gorbals in Glasgow
had washed blood from her knuckles in the river Clyde
ran the poliesh ragged and spent days in their cells
she, who knew Robbie Cut-throat and slept with all the bad boys
and can sink drams of ales better than Jimmy-no-limits
here she was now, shaken, still trembling like fleece in the wind.

By the thistle of loch Whistle, she was mad, apoplectic, incensed
the best whiskey from Glenfiddich Speyside wouldn't calm her down right now
His words ran rings in her head, did somersaults in her brain and punched holes in her guts only to then pour burning lava in her dry mouth
but most importantly it was the searing truths of every word that
kept on  burgeoning into her fat solar-plexus mercilessly

" look at you, look at what you are, a common thief, a prime wastrel,
a ***** unwashed drunkard, a useless piece of a woman, a morally bankrupt thing, reduced to stealing from a neighbour who had borrowed you money a hundred times, given you food, helped you out in all your frequently sad and desperate moments."
" look at you, in a civilised Nation, with opportunities a-begging, you
and your delinquent family would rather beg and steal than go find a job, all you do is sit around getting drunk on your Welfare cheques and then come borrowing, when your doles run out.
Have you ever seen my wife and I hanging out on the landings and corridors, smoking and drinking, No, we are out every week day at seven, running to work, not back till after six, have you ever seen us going around borrowing anything from anyone...No, we know you work hard to get what you need and want, You don't go around stealing from people. That is wrong, you thieving wastrel"
" I am going to set up a petition to have you evicted, burglaries started the minute you and your family moved into this Estate, you are nothing but trouble and I am going to make sure the Council know about you and your crimes!"

Those words kept on ringing in her head, running through her veins, Nobody had dared spoken to her like that, how dare he, thieves have rights too. She did what they've always done, that's their profession, he believes in working, she and her family steal.
simple, all he has to do was go claim on his Insurance, There was no need to confront her with TRUTHS, bitter truths, who deals in truths these days?

And to make matters worse, to add insults to injuries, this truth talker is a black man...just imagine that. She thought ruefully...if this was America, she would have got a gun and go shoot him dead, right now!
But no worries, he's dead now anyways, the word is out, she has marshalled her contacts, a contract on him has been taken out, Its Slow death for blackie, slow and painful, he will suffer like never ever and wish he was dead every day. How dare that ******!
Qualyxian Quest Nov 2022
Neil Young comes from the motorcycle
Entranced, entranced - I walk directly to
Rock n' roll is here to stay

The king is gone but not forgotten
First Nations in Canada
Totem poles creatively

Tecumseh in Ohio
Thomas Builds-the-Fire
Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent
Alex I admire

I ride the Tucson Train
Chicago in the snow
Father Greeley freely
Blackie Ryan lo!

                  On we go ...
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2022
So they laugh at me. So what?
Earnest, Hemingway.
Once I was a teacher
Dawn goes down to day

Extinction is forever
That's what biologists say
Blackie Ryan - he was clever
Silent is the Way

Waiting as I'm drifting
My sons: Callooh! Callay!
He loves Kanye West
I love Marvin Gaye

Loneliness is painful
Still i say xie xie
Rainy Night in Georgia
Rockabye in L. A.

            Santa Fe
Qualyxian Quest Mar 2023
Not to rush
Don't live too fast
Tomorrow to take it
Today Everlast

Ah! Blackie Ryan
Maybe some clues
Chicago Maroon
St. Louis Blues

Many things buried deep
Have to wait for the Fate
Si Sanuk Di!
Paella for Cate

Got a few ideas
But I need Barnes and Noble
Live in Maryland
Don't live in Chernobyl

               Bullet. Train.
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2021
There are real mysteries in life
But they never do get solved

You die without knowing
Silence forevermore

I like Sherlock Holmes
Blackie Ryan too

Edgar Allen Poe
Inner Harbor, Baltimore
Yenson Oct 2022
A hardnosed product from the Gorbals in Glasgow
had washed blood from her knuckles in the river Clyde
ran the poliesh ragged and spent days in their cells
she, who knew Robbie Cut-throat and slept with all the bad boys
and can sink drams of ales better than Jimmy-no-limits
here she was now, shaken, still trembling like fleece in the wind.

By the thistle of loch Whistle, she was mad, apoplectic, incensed
the best whiskey from Glenfiddich Speyside wouldn't calm her down
right now
His words ran rings in her head, did somersaults in her brain and punched holes in her guts only to the pour burning lava in her dry mouth
but most importantly it was the searing truths of every word that
kept on  burgeoning into her fat solar-plexus mercilessly

" look at you, ;ppk at what you are, a common thief, a prime wastrel,
a ***** unwashed drunkard, a useless piece of a woman, a morally bankrupt thing, reduced to stealing from a neighbour who had borrowed you money a hundred times, given you food, helped you out in all your frequently sad and desperate moments."
" look at you, in a civilised Nation, with opportunities a-begging, you
and your delinquent family would rather beg and steal than go find a job, all you do is sit around getting drunk on your Welfare cheques and then come borrowing, when your doles run out.
Have you ever seen my wife and I hanging out on the landings and corridors, smoking and drinking, No, we are out every week day at seven, running to work, not back till after six, have you ever seen us going around borrowing anything from anyone...No, we know you work hard to get what you need and want, You don't go around stealing from people. That is wrong, you thieving wastrel"
" I am going to set up a petition to have you evicted, burglaries started the minute you and your family moved into this Estate, you are nothing but trouble and I am going to make sure the Council know about you and your crimes!"

Those words kept on ringing in her head, running through her veins, Nobody had dared spoken to her like that, how dare he, thieves have rights too. She did what they've always done, that's their profession, he believes in working, she and her family steal.
simple, all he has to do was go claim on his Insurance, There was no need to confront her with TRUTHS, bitter truths, who deals in truths these days?

And to make matters worse, to add insults to injuries, this truth talker is a black man...just imagine that. She thought ruefully...if this was America, she would have got a gun and go shoot him dead, right now!
But no worries, he's dead now anyways, the word is out, she has marshalled her contacts, a contract on him has been taken out, Its Slow death for blackie, slow and painful, he will suffer like never ever and wish he was dead every day. How dare that ******!
Qualyxian Quest Apr 2021
When the wanting is too much
I have to take a walk

When the Silence is unbroken
I need some time to talk

Bishop Blackie Ryan
The University of Chicago

He has illuminations
Amidst the fool's farrago

I remember Father Greeley
Remember All That Jazz

Please help us, San Francisco
Avoid our Alcatraz

Qualyxian Quest Dec 2021
Time to leave the hotel
Gotta clean my place
Coming snows on Earth
UFOs in space?
Mysteries with clues
Sherlock Holmes can trace
Blackie Ryan knew
Illumination place

       We embrace.
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2020
An Instance of the Fingerpost
Sir William of Baskerville

Monsignor Blackie Ryan
Locked room mystery thrill

Enigmas in the making
Enigmas if they will

Allow for curiosity
Who will this cat ****?
Qualyxian Quest Oct 2020
Michael Dirda and Cardinal Newman
Success only comes by failure

Journey Into Russia, Jens Muhling
Travel lit. can often prevail ya

Irish eyes are smiling
The wisdom of Blackie Ryan

Still it is only silence
But still I keep on tryin'
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2020
Waiting for Blackie Ryan
Waiting for Godot

Waiting for Halloween
Waiting for first snow

All my life is waiting
For that which never arrives

Poems in the night
But which ones will survives?

Talked with my boys tonight
They make me feel alives

Depressively I sleep
Dreams are where I thrives.
Mateuš Conrad Jan 2020
i used my first name and
my second name;
i have a surname because:
there's not better blackie
to fit into: SMITH...

and because...
i used matthew...
and conrad...
there was a "someone"
and a "somewhere"
thast deemed it
worthwhile to
let me hide behind
a name likes... Hades...

for all that see these words...
only yesterday i tried
to k.o. to sleep in a boxing match
with the nuance:

i am the reincarnation
of st. matthew, the levi...

i am the 12th of the count...
may that i am,
come into an avenue of cinema
to give us... 1200 years
of history...
before the 2nd incarnate of
the gentile messiah comes...

let me be the 2nd incarnation
of st. matthew...
the levi: the tax-collector priest...
let me be the 2nd incarnation
of this minor detail...

let me see what history sees
and what i see:
how matthew concentrated
on money...
in Caravaggio of my debut...

this today and now...
cashless society...
i am missing my charon's bribe...
i'm sure that in the past...
the poor dead were not cremated
with two coins of gold
over their eyes...
the poor weren't allowed
to die with shoelace lead
laid over their eyes!

i cried when i saw mel gibson's
the passion of the christ...
it must have been an important
movie: since it used two definite articles...
to never be mistaken...
but if i am the 1st of the twelve princes...
and if i'm the 7th?

what better fiction that entertaining
the sober rigid, delusion
of the Hindu concept of reincarnation?
this **** is like ******* and smoked
******... hindu reincarnation
because i am playing the convincing role
of a minor reincarnation!

i share a name...
a name i also share with conrad of masovia...
and if i went full catholic?
what would be my confirmation name?
i'd take the church, quiet seriously...
not pious... not that much...

in the infiite number of bodies...
the finite number of souls...
that's what reincarnation implies...
to no "me" to a "me":
this being the me of measles?

this demeaning crux of fathoming the wave...
while listening to queen's
princes of the universe...
when the kurgan rides into manhattan...

i wrote this so long ago...
that when i wrote this, being as drunk as i was...
harsh... i'm yet to climb into this sort
of sweet-stew sewer grog of ****
oh look... stew and grog are not...
better phrased: no better phrasing...
a tautology is perhaps...
synonyms very close together?

the crimson red...
daft... minus point for being just "near".
Qualyxian Quest Jul 2020
The Bishop and the Beggar Girl of St. Germain
A locked room mystery
And a female French Catholic priest pertains

Then the miracles will begin to happen
Announces the charming Blackie Ryan

And, as Father Greeley insisted,
There's nothing the Church fears
More than miracles
(Ah! Father Greeley ain't lyin'!)
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2020
Mr. Holmes
They were the footsteps
Of a gigantic hound!

Tony, Tony
Look around

Blackie Ryan
Father Brown

Michael Dirda
Mysteries abound

— The End —