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The needle falls down on the record, a thump deep in the bass, the speaker cone shakes and the sound ocean floods from my Serwin-Vegas...That alien who stepped out of the saucer in Close Encounters of the Third Kind decides to speak to Dreyfuss, and this is what it sounds like. This is the language of his planet, on the other side of a black hole in the Gamma region.

A ****** of crows, cold in the snow, muttering low, squeaking and squealing. Love taking on flesh and blood, suffocated by skin, now let's let the service begin. They sing their gut-hungry praises then flitter away.

Signifying nothing.

The priest places the wafer on the infidel's tongue. He lifts the cup to the liar's lips. A subtle glow emitted from a place slightly behind his head. He intones the Mass and tries to empty himself to allow the Holy Spirit to work through him as he ministers in the name of Jesus Christ to his congregation. The Spirit lifts up his voice to the sky and intercedes for my weak soul.

These chants are ancient, as old as the book of Genesis. These are the languages of the Mishraites or the Zareathites or the Eshtaulites. These are the tongues spoken by Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuah. A language taught to them by their slave ancestors, excommunicated from the clans of Sarah, mother of the promised. A language used by Abraham himself, when he beckoned Isaac to the land of Moriah, making him carry the sacrificial knife soon held to his throat.

The procession moves forward, each recieving the body and blood in turn, enriched and better for recieving it. They walk like slaves submitting to a kind master they love to serve back to their seats in the cathedral, to wait, to get lost in the sacred relics and the sacred art scattered throughout this beautiful sanctuary.

And surely the Lord is in this place, for all that is good is from the Lord and this music is exceptionally good.

The chanting continues, now sung in the language of Baal-Zephon, where the king went after the Israelites, translated: "Wasn't there enough room in Egypt to bury us? Is that why you brought us out here to die in the desert? Why did you bring us out of Egypt, anyway? While we were there didn't we tell you to leave us alone? We had rather be slaves in Egypt than die in this desert!..."

These tone poems, written in the days of the Exodus, have a modern sound to them that is uncanny. Aliens who landed on earth in 897 BC bestowed gifts of prophecy and tongues to the individual members of the head's charge, and they are merely tools at the disposal of the leader of the aliens in their attempts to express themselves to the earthlings. No, there's no way any of us not from their planet could ever understand their language, borrowed as it was from the priests, Zadok and Abiathar in a meeting held on Mount Calvary the last time they landed on earth. The chord progressions are subliminally tainted with commands to relax, encourage a sense of floating, drift off with the thoughts that interest you most.

A looping tribal dance, recorded on site at a Buddhist monastary where the monks would mumble polyphonic OMs and the tourists would catapult their spirits through a needle's eye just to show that it can be done... Are they praying for rain? Or is it a rich harvest they petition the Great Spirit for today, their knees to the ground? The dance turns into an ****, bodies tangled up misplaced pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

They **** the whale, and so we mourn.

They fester hate like a sore that won't go away, so we sing this lamentation. Translation: "The Son wants you...Hear things in the music that aren't there, only in your hammer struck head. Ring the living bell, ring the living bell, shine the living light, shine the living light...

They incite aggression, so we back off.

They treat the blind man with scorn and contempt, so we judge them.

They are good for nothing but fighting your wars, their stone hardened hearts too far gone to notice each life snuffed out under orders from ground patrol. So we pray for conflict. We petition the Lord for strife and dischord. Exterminate these burned-out husks of men before their 4 years are up.

They lay hands upon the genius and lock him in institutions with people who pull steak knives on strangers. They are afraid of him, so they put him away, in sweat-stinking padded cells or wrapped up nice and tight in a straight, mornings woke and hustled to the breakfast line. They extricate his confidence, thought pattern by thought pattern, and curb the flow of his intellect. They leave us to sing a funeral song for the postmodern society on the day when common sense is evenly distributed amongst individuals and Moral Law is accepted as fact by each and all. A dirge for each time you've ever been hurt by someone's words or actions. Our common denominator of heartache and sorrow. Divided about all other things, by necessity united by tears, wailing, howling at the moon, primal scream therapy and insomnia.

And now the church is empty. Angels lingering to usher the Spirit from the echoing halls. Silence and stillness brutal proof of God. Music from the other side of this life. Welcoming songs played at St. Peter's Gate. Stubborn prayers from those passed over, coaxing us through, waiting with scissors at the ready to slice the mortal coil. Believers bellys full of the body and blood of the Lord, digesting it at this very moment, letting the body do it's digestive work, preparing it for re-birth.
In Easter’s silent night
The beach had held its breath
Reverence for the morning’s might
Sustenance for some, others, death

The swollen belly of the moon
Taunting the depths of impending rapture
A massive haul, soon come, soon!
To spark much frolic and laughter

the sun’s rays began to warm the sands
and footprints followed after
The pulling of seine by many hands
Brought much dismay, if not disaster

Cries of saboteur!
Fingers had never pointed faster
The fault lay with an amateur
“bad lucky” said the wiser

And at the end of morning’s light
When bellys held their breath
The pelicans and gulls squawked in sweet delight
Sustenance for some, others, death
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Just a stupid tribute to my favorite candy!*

So many wonderful colors,
Forty-eight different flavors,
It's my favorite candy treat,
A whole jar full of them,
Makes me smile like the sun,
Every piece is so tasty,
So many flavor explosions in my mouth!
Written 18 March 2016
pat Aug 2014
penny pocketed pencil pushers
mutton chopped smash mouthers
salad tossers and *** washers
tangible tap dancers dancing
tea timing tofu fools spooling threads
dead men walk fed up with funeral talk
experimental drug takers bathe them
Meat cleaving beefeaters teach their kids to chop down
cockroach feeders jot down things
crossing their eyes they dot their T's
tea drinking spider creatures fight for meals
lightning buggers squeal
lighting up bellys and sharp teeth with a surreal glow
God knows I'm only trying to brown my nose
though, by ironing my clothes
it should only show that my clothes are ironed
My foes are inspired
and my friends are tired from all the walking
we go on, talking
and joke about the things that we saw
JM May 2014
Sad monkey, blue girl.
Stars in eyes, hungry bellys.
Crying, now sleeping.
Purcy Flaherty Feb 2019
Our love blossomed from the sheets, we liked to play but not for keeps.
You set me dancing on the air,
we lived our lives without a care.

Once or twice you bought me flowers,
we'd often talk for hours and hours.
We'd watch the rain through the sky
and play a game just you and I.

~ and there goes my soul again,
I gave my all and we're still friends.
There goes my soul,
There goes my soul,
There goes my soul again.

I've seen them walk down the road,
I've seen lovers come and go;
I've seen them smiling
and I've seen them drunk,
There goes my soul again.

Once or twice you bought me flowers,
we'd often talk for hours and hours.
We'd watch the rain through the sky
and play a game just you and I.

Sketching pictures in the sand,
picking apples hand-in-hand.
We drew the water from the stream,
our bellys busted at the seams.l

~ and there goes my soul again,
I gave my all and we're still friends.
There goes my soul,
There goes my soul,
There goes my soul again.
sSlow old time  jazz song in the key of G
JidosReality Sep 2016
I remember wen I walked onto albert road, I was this mix race stubby funny looking toad.I wonder'd around lost with no were to go.

I walked and I looked and came across this Fox, he said his name was Sam but they called him Fat Fox, he whispered in my ear! Than kissed me on the chick! told me that Albert road and poetry needed me.

And than something magical seemed to have happened, I went from a toad to a poet addicted to writing. I stopped and I listened and was shocked at wat I could see, 

A dog with one eye! A One eyed Dog trying to get free, now the sounds it was making it was never barking or growling, it sounded so strange stuck on a corner watching! 

A strange sight to my eyes I decided to keep on walking, I found my self fishing on Albert road whilst thinking, I cought some bass some cod with a bag of pickle onions I was using.

This goose than approached me asked if I had some bread to give it? I said yes I do! come along with me let's move qweekly.

I took it to this place that I had seeing this guy earlier! His name was Alberrito a mexican lost in a bottle of Tequila. He gave it some bread the Goose passed out qweekly! 

He laughed out so loud said the feast will began shortly, so i called my friend Sam! You know that guy they call the Fat Fox, we all sat at the table and fed our bellys with this roasted Goose that ended up Lost. 

The scraps we were dropping, Little Jonny was eating, see he was a Jack-Russell so hungry and needy. 

And at the end of the feast! The Mexican, And the Fox And the Toad that became a Poet made our way to Huss "House"

We sat there drinking pills-Ners staring out of the window, The Good Politician across the road could only wish that he knew us.  

JidosReality 15.5.16
#JidosReality Poemn is about all the pubs named after animals on Albert Road Portsmouth, thought it would be a nice qwerky poem.
erin walts Sep 2016
And the way to get through life
Is to tell them all what they want to hear*

The sweet **** spews out
With rotting apple cores and snow pink freezerburned meats

Starving pigs eat it just the same

Like robots and drones they are drowning themselves

In ****

Mouthful after mouthful they swallow

And after their fat bellys over fill until they explode from gluttony

I will be rich
The needle falls down on the record, a thump deep in the bass, the speaker cone shakes and the sound ocean floods from my Serwin-Vegas...That alien who stepped out of the saucer in Close Encounters of the Third Kind decides to speak to Dreyfuss, and this is what it sounds like. This is the language of his planet, on the other side of a black hole in the Gamma region.

A ****** of crows, cold in the snow, muttering low, squeaking and squealing. Love taking on flesh and blood, suffocated by skin, now let's let the service begin. They sing their gut-hungry praises then flitter away.

Signifying nothing.

The priest places the wafer on the infidel's tongue. He lifts the cup to the liar's lips. A subtle glow emitted from a place slightly behind his head. He intones the Mass and tries to empty himself to allow the Holy Spirit to work through him as he ministers in the name of Jesus Christ to his congregation. The Spirit lifts up his voice to the sky and intercedes for my weak soul.

These chants are ancient, as old as the book of Genesis. These are the languages of the Mishraites or the Zareathites or the Eshtaulites. These are the tongues spoken by Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuah. A language taught to them by their slave ancestors, excommunicated from the clans of Sarah, mother of the promised. A language used by Abraham himself, when he beckoned Isaac to the land of Moriah, making him carry the sacrificial knife soon held to his throat.

The procession moves forward, each recieving the body and blood in turn, enriched and better for recieving it. They walk like slaves submitting to a kind master they love to serve back to their seats in the cathedral, to wait, to get lost in the sacred relics and the sacred art scattered throughout this beautiful sanctuary.

And surely the Lord is in this place, for all that is good is from the Lord and this music is exceptionally good.

The chanting continues, now sung in the language of Baal-Zephon, where the king went after the Israelites, translated: "Wasn't there enough room in Egypt to bury us? Is that why you brought us out here to die in the desert? Why did you bring us out of Egypt, anyway? While we were there didn't we tell you to leave us alone? We had rather be slaves in Egypt than die in this desert!..."

These tone poems, written in the days of the Exodus, have a modern sound to them that is uncanny. Aliens who landed on earth in 897 BC bestowed gifts of prophecy and tongues to the individual members of Sigur Ros, and they are merely tools at the disposal of the leader of the aliens in their attempts to express themselves to the earthlings. No, there's no way any of us not from their planet could ever understand their language, borrowed as it was from the priests, Zadok and Abiathar in a meeting held on Mount Calvary the last time they landed on earth. The chord progressions are subliminally tainted with commands to relax, encourage a sense of floating, drift off with the thoughts that interest you most.

A looping tribal dance, recorded on site at a Buddhist monastary where the monks would mumble polyphonic OMs and the tourists would catapult their spirits through a needle's eye just to show that it can be done... Are they praying for rain? Or is it a rich harvest they petition the Great Spirit for today, their knees to the ground? The dance turns into an ****, bodies tangled up misplaced pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

They **** the whale, and so we mourn.

They fester hate like a sore that won't go away, so we sing this lamentation. Translation: "The Son wants you...Hear things in the music that aren't there, only in your hammer struck head. Ring the living bell, ring the living bell, shine the living light, shine the living light...

They incite aggression, so we back off.

They treat the blind man with scorn and contempt, so we judge them.

They are good for nothing but fighting your wars, their stone hardened hearts too far gone to notice each life snuffed out under orders from ground patrol. So we pray for conflict. We petition the Lord for strife and dischord. Exterminate these burned-out husks of men before their 4 years are up.

They lay hands upon the genius and lock him in institutions with people who pull steak knives on strangers. They are afraid of him, so they put him away, in sweat-stinking padded cells or wrapped up nice and tight in a strait, mornings awake and hustled to the breakfast line. They extricate his confidence, thought pattern by thought pattern, and curb the flow of his intellect. They leave us to sing a funeral song for the postmodern society on the day when common sense is evenly distributed among individuals and Moral Law is accepted as fact by each and all. A dirge for each time you've ever been hurt by someone's words or actions. Our common denominator of heartache and sorrow. Divided about all other things, by necessity united by tears, wailing, howling at the moon, primal scream therapy and insomnia.

And now the church is empty. Angels lingering to usher the Spirit from the echoing halls. Silence and stillness brutal proof of God. Music from the other side of this life. Welcoming songs played at St. Peter's Gate. Stubborn prayers from those passed over, coaxing us through, waiting with scissors at the ready to snip the mortal coil. Believers bellys full of the body and blood of the Lord, processing it at this very moment, letting the body do it's digestive work, preparing it for re-birth.

This music is a hand reaching out and over the chasm of being to grab and pull you into another reality for a few moments. For a few moments you will experience the world from the viewpoint of Jon, Orri, Georg & Kjartan. It is an exhilirating sensation, coveted by all.

This music is the voice of Thor, the cries of Aphrodite, the sins of Baal, the dreams of Pontius Pilate, the sound of coyotes cuddled in a cave, wailing at the moon. This music is the war of the worlds. It's release. ******. A little death. Afterglow then off to sleep. Waking to Philip Glass, inspired to listen to him by Sigur Ros.

The needle is yanked from the record and silence and stillness return to claim their divinity.
Yeah i was addicted
To happy feelings
Looking at my Momma's belly
ceiling chilling
Hoping I came out with
A militant mind drilling
Holes in my foes left exposed
Cuz the lord chose
Me as soldier to propose
A restless battle war is inevitable
Bullets edible my sources credible
A don like Pac once I rolled on block
All of my homies had the glock cocked
Just in case to knock off a cop
Now drop
I been wishin for a long time
To ease the crime
But since it's pain it take times
I realize I was placed in a place
Curse to worse
Gotta taste but my faith  long to waste
My passion is now blasting
Advesaries into an eternal abyss
My slugs don't miss
Sending hell to foes
Casket maked up
Cuz you deeply failed

And if I die tonight
Will they miss me kiss me ?
Or send more gats to empty
To make sure really dead
Gotdamn I'm scared
Though my body tucked
In a casket
How heartless can these *******
Be I'm sleeping peacefully
My family weapin' miserly
Desperately i failed
As I combatant rappin'
My tactics ain't never died
I planned my wake
Just to see my enemies shake
Yeah close ya eyes
And I'm right there
In the dark eternal sparks
Soon to park
My ammunition never missin'
Foes thought I was dead
But didn't listen
Now they clutching
Bellys drenchin' blood
Wipe the crud
Out ya eyes surpise
Mr Yosef on the rise
I pop on you muthphakkaz
Like a surprise open yo eyes
Cuz I'll always get away
Winter as cold as the frozen night and bitter winds draw nigh ,
and fairy lights ,
and fir trees are cut down and hung .
Forest lamps ,
Elves and fairys dance in the pale moon light ,
and man with spears and nets ,
and burning wood to find Oxon ,
Deer , and fowl to hunt ,
**** ,
And hang  before the snow takes the night .
Wine will flow ,
Camp fires lite ,
They dance around the fire .
They feast ,
Gorge on meat until their stumuchs are full .
Their meat turns to rotten ,
Their ale to vinegar
Their bellys sick with too much wine ,
The fire light ,
The fairys have gone ,
the embers of the flame grow dim and die .

A beam shines from heaven like a light out of the black ,
Isiah bent down to gather some wood ,
To kindle a flame ,
thou man cuss and spit ,
Shall never grow dim ,
and die .
Karisa Brown Nov 2018
A hidden locus written under my tounge
Rooted at the umbilical cord
Under my bellys sleeve

To be cont.








— The End —