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Batteries destroys the mind
You achieve next to nothing with your plug in baby muse
But here you lay, yet again, questing for a Stone Ring that gives a +1 to all of your skills as a sorceress
When somewhere else in the world a kid just made it to the next round of american idol
and who knows, maybe next year you'll be jamming to his hit track on your ipod
while your sitting in the library busting your *** to get the grades to become somebody you dont even know if you want to be
But I'm sure Einstein would agree with me that being something makes more sense than being nothing
Even though when your nothing your something, unless your a giant whole ******* me, Asia, and Justin Beiber into you to fill the void
But at the end of the day, when you really think about it, it's not even about whether or not you did your best, you just need to be able to sleep that night, and accept the day thats passed...not that you have a choice
Because the PVR doesn't work on the LIFE Network
You can't skip back to the beginning of the track, if you could, why not scratch the CD and listenin to a different remix every time
But Jacob knows it's never too late, there's always tomorrow.
So turn off the screen close your eyes and think for a bit, or at least until that late night ice cap wears off.
Are You going to find your call of duty? or spend another day wishing your brain had built-in bluetooth.
The bottles were scattred monuments to beaten livers and bad decisions.
I awoke like any other morning okay afternoon hungover and to void of ***** to deal with
hampsters or flying monkeys .

The agony was what I was used to but the ringing in my head was altogather a diffrent matter.
it grew louder that constant annoying ring and to my suprize much like the voices in my head after my
usal sixpack and half pint of Wild Turkey it was still there.

It rang and rang and caused such a clatter I had to finally get up off my **** and see what the **** was the matter.
I opened the door to the pub to be met by a bright light jesus christ it was the rapture or one of thoose other
big hippie rock festivals dam you  lalapalooza!

But it was just then I remebred to put on my sunglasses.
That huge annoying lightbulb was a cruel ***** indeed.
Now in the realm of what most called the outdoors the noise was clear and to my suprize it was some
strangley dressed ****** slash recruiter for the Forein Legion or Salvation Army really whats the diffrence
ya see one fashion cult ya seen em all ohh snap!

The woman kept ringing the bell as if in some weird trance and like some strange witch she stood by a kettle
dear Lord! what if she was putting a curse on us all.

Hello sir care to make a donation?
It seems I could pay to keep the witch at bay why hadnt i thought of this scheme myself.
In a slurred voice i spoke to the witch in her native tongue most people call it english.
For ?
I said in a naughty school girl way inwhich a ***** ses to the teacher when she wants good grades
or a ride home with a happy ending.

It's to help the needy on Christmas.  
It seesm the pagan was raising funds for one of her bizzar rituals.
being the reporter with the heart of gold and not grain of sense I asked her to speak of this
strange custom.

It seems as though her good had had one to many and made another little hampster
so far this God sounded like someone I could enjoy a drink with.
Then he called on his homeboys to vist the little dude and give him some totally useless
gifts hope they kept the reciets cause ***** that crap give me a gallon of Turkey and a Xbox

She rambled on with her fairy tale and how now people seem to all give things to one another
On this strange holiday .
Boy like that will ever catch on sister .

She jingled her bell as i jumped and screamed like a little girl a very manly little girl may i add
dear lord woman !
That noise you may use your magic to scare other's into paying you but when I pay
a woman it usally ends in *** okay almost always.

She looked at me deepley she must have been undersing me with her eyes i felt so ***** in the right kinda way.
But enough with the foreplay children.
Are you insane?

The witch asked in a angry voice her grip on her bell tighten she spoke again.
get outta here  you ******.
Yeah i know she was totally into me.

Witch I know you've cast a spell on me so why toil with your silly made up holiday scheme.
Of all the pubs you could have decided to hook in front of you picked the home of
Hello's favorite guilty pleasure .
I say we cut through this silly spell  **** and go into the bar and i give you the most forgetable experience of your life.
Hey as long as im happy thats all that counts kids.

She paused caught deep in the moment then asked whats Hello?
Oh that was a site that used to be really fun and now really isnt.
She paused yet again pulling in her magic purse often used by witches
and candy **** singers like Justin Bieber!

She pulled from it some magic spray that blinded me.
the pain was terrible i herd her blow a whistle  lucky whistle.
Calling her warlocks who I feared were powerful and *****.

Soon I  found myself locked in a dungeon with other strange people all under spells.
there was a man dressed as a pagan God calling himself Santa
Seems he liked to play with his candy cane in public.
Yeah who doesnt?

The days passed and i was put through a horrible torture worse than having
to watch the O network or listening to Justin Beiber that musiacal ****.
I went days without  my ***** i was put into a strange state called sober.

Finally the curse was lifted as the guard showed me out he informed me
it was cause it was Christmas .
Dear lord !
The witch had  cast her spell over the world.

So as I sit in the confines of my Pub whiskey flowing like water.
I've learned beware of this bell ringing witch and her tales of strange Gods
and give or fall victem to her charms as did I.

Untill next time stay crazy hampsters.
The pub under the hands of some fellow madmen and
my divorce already in the works I set out cause why sit around a place and be misreble when ya can be heartbroken and drunk off your ***
somewhere else.

That and and my new wifes boyfriends were stealing all the dam covers
dam you Dallas Cowboys.

The trunk looked as if i had ran over a drug dealer and knocked over a liquor store ****** had i been sleep walking again?
There was uppers downers wild turkey and beers chips dips chains and whips oh my.

Yes this would be a journey that would test the limits and like a boozed up college girl.
On a ******* video would expose many
things for a T shirt  and a chance to make dad proud and kinda weirded out at the same time being he was trying to have some alone time to ummm   do some deep thinking  and touch apon  well yeah.
But enough with the foreplay children.

I was loose apon the highway bound for the place of true insanity
home to killer thieves perverts and the rest of my family.

Knotts Island N.C. is but a small island off the Virginia border
but remeber kids it's not the size of your island that counts.
or at least thats what your girlfriend tells ya cause secretley she's
******* half the state of texas  but hey who's bitter.    
Yes there was a smell of outdoor fires corn whiskey maybe
some organic  umm tabaco  that was green and Dr Jerry  had prescribed to me for my vision although i still couldnt see ****
but after awhile who gives a **** I never liked that guy anyways.

So after dumping the body in the marsh i had arrived.
Home where i could smell the microwave pizza burning cause mom
was to busy  helping 16 year old Brain  with his homework.
Yeah public schools ****** good thing Momma Gonzo loved to teach
and who better to teach *** ed than the town *****.

After there session had ended there we stood.
John how the **** are ya  you little *******?
Well it was a moment of only true gonzo  understanding and after are usal  conversation like hey did ya bring a bottle? And hey are we related?
And hey mom do ya think ya could  put on some clothes cause its kinda awkward im just saying.

We laughed we cried we turned on the tv and watched are family reunion on jerry springer ahh memories all alone in the moonlight.
Hey mom great left hook you really showed that ***** although
grandma did put up a hell of a fight.

We drank my mother knew her little Gonzo was hurting
and so we spoke over ten, tweenty cases of wild turkey.
Well son did ya pay her after ***?
She wasnt that kinda ***** mom.
What a stupid ***** hell she could at least made some money i mean really though look at you.

Thanks ya heartless *****.
Your welcome honey.
Going home it really reminds ya why ya left and went in the witness protection program to start with.

And looking at my okay kinda perverted lush of a mother I relized
****** no wonder im ****** up.

We drank talked I relived the old times as i held
her hair as she puked.
then she spoke to my heart once worried me that just maybe she had finally drank herself sane.

Ya know son sometimes people's are just a plain pain in the ***
but no matter what mom always loves you.
But ya gotta leave cause the Hells Angles are coming over
and you know your uncles Skull and Eightball still are a little sore
over the whole   you turning state witness thing.

Yes the thought of getting drug behind a mottorcycle for a few miles till your flesh was ripped from your bones really did sound like a downer.

So as I hugged my slighty weird kinda crazy okay perverted demmented  hell of a gal i called mom goodbye.
I realized the journey had just begun and Mexico was a calling i needed a save place to relax  and where better to than a semi insane drug cartel controlled  country  hey but other than that it was swell.

As I herd the chopper's apraoching
And had to ask for my wallet back now mom.
Really i havent fell for that since highschool  when we were on are double date at the prom.
i know what your thinking the Gonzo clan are nuts and momma Gonzo really shouldnt had me at such a young age but she was very mature at 13 and corn whiskey and football teams  happen.

Hey she said suprized looking at the pic thats Skeeter?
Umm  yes.
Hey can I have her number?
Ahh family moments.
And as I sped away like some
hyped up teenage girl  after there God Justin Beiber.

I thought well no matter where the road takes me  
as long as I have the blood of that  lush, perverted,kinda insane,southern bell in my veins it will always be second nature to forever stay crazy.
If ya cant be yourself amigos than who the hell are ya?
Love you all  like sisters well except jack cause he's my brother and
really would make a ugly chick  cause i have  much better legs.

Stay crazy kids
Forever Gonzo
Dave Zucker Apr 2013
You always complained,
hated the way you looked,
Felt you had to compare,
Yet on you I was hooked,

You Felt you were chubby,
you hated having a scar,
Despised the stretch mark tummy,
Said your teeth were quite bizarre.

You, so strong and Independent,
Hating being between Jobs,
Living in poor conditions,
Stuck in a house full of slobs.

All you wanted were the girls,
Who were (wrongfully) taken away,
You could talk of them for hours,
Always having more to say.

You find all these faults and flaws,
You tell me that you're "Broken"
Yet you're perfect in my eyes,
I leave no praise unspoken.

Your eyes, like gems, They sparkle,
The way when you smile, they're amazing.
Your voice, cute, feminine, airy.
I really did love it when you'd sing.

The hair?  Good god.  That Moe Hawk.
Worst haircut choice you ever made.
And the Beiber haircut?  Speechless.
Your independence I could not dissuade.

Yet you were still her, the one I wanted.
The looks always grew on me in the end.
You made me honestly happy, Love.
I thought you'd always be my best friend.

The Piercings? Attractive.  The tattoos more so.
Everything I wanted I saw in you.
Your curves?  Your body?  Your shameless flirting?
Incited a lust in me no other woman could do.

You strive so hard to be individual,
Beautiful, Strong, Smart, Charming,
Even now, that you've left, your smile,
So pretty and pure, still completely disarming,

No matter what I've said in Jealousy and Anger,
You're an amazing woman.  I just can't lie.
We may never even talk again after this,
We may not ever be able to see eye to eye.

But I think you were my "one",
Cause I am affected by no other,
I'll never forget you, Jen,
The Music loving nerdy Mother,

But now I'll walk away, while wishing you the best.
Hoping you find the happiness you want so badly.
It seems our chapter has ended, in such a poor state.
If you change your mind, I'll be here.  Open arms.  Welcoming gladly.
aviisevil Feb 2014
All i want to do is break away , today , i want to break away
No more closed windows , lets break down those doors  today
Out in the open, i want to taste the sunshine
Just one more hit , need a fix and I'll be on my way
Hit the road, no holding back , 'gotta wash over some black
Been a while , all the pretty needles are aligned to stab
Too sane for my own good but now I've 'gotta break bad
All the pills just swallowing me, made me so mad
And all the other kids are out playin' in the sunshine
I've 'gotta leave the shadow now , about the time
Part of the sin for so long , ready for the lazy crime
Just one more hit, don't worry , I wont be fine
The maiden blazing through the summer heat
Remembering the lessons that loneliness  teach
Out in the corner there's a boogeyman trying to preach
I know i can't fly but there's just no land beneath my feet
Its happening again , I'm going insane , shutting down my brain
Just voices in my head, i need some more *******
The world's a stalker , humans are just so strange  
Falling back to my happy place , i need  Cobain
I can hear my heart beat, sounds like a grenade blast
Everyone's walking around in a Justin beiber mask
I've 'gotta **** everyone now and I've to do it fast
'cause i know my super human strength won't last
Head banging super cute droid just passed me by
So rude , didn't even care to say one stupid hi
She knew i was drooling just for her,
She even had the latest v5.1 ultra zoom eyes
After all i belong to the race who created them in first place
I'm her master , 'gotta teach 'em a lesson before they take over
'gotta head to the store and buy the latest  Angelina Jolie re-make
That kardashian woman is just at every corner
But i have no money , I forgot i was so broke
Gave my all to the scary chimpanzee for one smoke
But there's nothing more hilarious than seeing a chimpanzee trip on coke
I strongly recommend the ban on chimpanzees in the strip clubs to be revoked
I wonder if chimpanzees like the stupid  droids
I've seen planet of apes and i know soon humans will be destroyed
But chimpanzees against the droids that'll be an awesome ploy
Every science fiction nerd will erupt in ecstatic joy
Oh boy, if i could only remain in a trip forever
I would've been there in that epic final  battle
I hope tomorrow I'll wake up in one piece ,
Now that I've banged Jolie, I'll sleep better
Notes (optional)
ayroba dutton Aug 2014
2014, a year where 90s and late 80s babies are happy hyper turnt up not turnt down are swaggerific vs Brillitelegerent. Everyday we live is a commercial Just because we see many commercials Young fly and flashy is what we all want to be but what about those that just want to be "young wild and free"

Free to speak, free to act, free to stand, free to move, free to sing, free to dance, free to read, free to eat and more importantly free to choose how and what we want things to be like Females: I see we got swag of soul urban sophisticated finesse then theres those of us who are preps that are chic may be geeks. Lastly the girls that love to twerk alot plus cover themselves in thick make up and hair dye or is it a weave or a bob (Bob)

They say we sweet cuz we got that "bubblegum" question is what is your flavor something like K Michelle? Nicki Minaj? Rihanna? Miley Cyrus? In that case so do we all skirts and crop tops and bikinis and short shorts or is it galaxy leggings or perhaps jeggings.

Fellas they say you are pimps and players dons and brothas that be like "Forget the haters" they say you are cool with swagger as Kesha said something like that Nick Jagger. Urban dominance, fitteds and suits glasses and high fades what about those high grades Yasssss my brotha ooh I cant forget about those gorgeous dread heads now Ayeeee

Alright I mentioned alot about the guys but which are you...chris brown? Drake? That boy Meek milli or Justin Beiber well whichever it is Ladies and Gentlemen Just remember your place and Destination our Generation peace
Matthew James Apr 2016
Poem 1

I Teach!!
I taught...
Here's a lesson that I taught...
I had this lesson. It were ace in my mind!
The planning was tight, concise, well timed

Going into the room - my stage
Put on the teacher face, the act
(My phone is buzzing but I don't react)

Lights, camera, action! You're on!

"Hi guys! Come in, unpack your things!"
But I'm just thinking about why it rings

"Hi guys! Come in, take off your coats!"
For some reason now I'm thinking about goats

(Why ******* goats?
Why now?!)
I thought
(I need to teach a lesson on...
Oh crap! The whiteboards not working!) "****!!"

Right, try again...

"Excuse me Chelsea, that skirts too tight,
And too short and you aren't wearing tights.
Go down to student point and get yourself a note"

And now I'll get back to the lesson that I taught


Class - "Totes! Hahahahaha!!!"

I think ... Look you little tots, all you're thinking about is **** ... and your tots and your shots and your tokes in her tote!
You think you're ******* clever but you're not!!

I say... "This is an amazing lesson that I've got!
Does anyone remember the last lesson that I taught?"

"No sir, we do not"
"You're boring sir"
"Are you gay sir?"

On a parallel universe, where I don't care about my career and my home and my children...

I think in my head for a bit, then I say...

"Look you little spaz, you think I'm tight?!? I've been sleeping in a mates spare room at night
because me and the mother of my kids had a fight
and everything in my life is turning *****
Because all I do is stay up all night to plan a ******* lesson for a bunch of little scrotes! Who can't even take off their coats, And sit and ******* listen to the lesson that I taught! I'm marking so much that my body's not taut and my mind spins round and round in thought (a word which you spell ******* tawt!)
Progress and differentiation!
The future of your education!
And I just hope that in some way, I might actually TEACH you something today!
But all you think about is **** and tats and texts and sexts and COD and Christiano Ronaldo and Justin '*******' Beiber AND YOU CALL ME GAY?!?
You spell thought ... T.A.W.T!! You're 18 for gods sake!!
How you gonna make a living eh?!

A couple of them titter

And the rest go silent...

And I think I've won!

'Til one of them says "sir... I'm gonna get you done!"

"And you're gay"

"And you're a **** teacher"

The end
First poem I ever wrote. 14/3/2016
AJ Robertson Jan 2013
‘I prefer it dry’ he lied
& proceeded to try
& impress her with a story
about his income & his busyness
& his car & his business

she pretended not to care
answered a phone call
& laughed
cos her & her troupe
were ever so proud
of being real crazy
& funny
& busy
& they found
that people wouldn’t notice
unless they told them
so they made sure they did so
when there was someone new around

she then hung up the phone
&  listened to him drone
about the perks
& the jerks
he worked with
& how
he could do much better
if and when he was in charge

he then talked of which countries
he had been to
all over asia, these last 4 years
& how he had got drunk

she didn’t care about the details
but the stories strangely aroused her
but somehow moreso in her *****

she could see her kids now
with blond hair & cuts like Beiber
well clothed
& out of the way
while she stared at day time television
& the lamented the angry day
   that April told her to ‘get ******’
   &  so she slapped her across the face

he was pleasant
  wasn’t smelly
  wasn’t fat
  wasn’t asian
& as for the meal he did pay

the waiter brought the bill
& they quivelled
so for the drinks he didn’t pay
they left together
and slept together

he didn’t call her
but she didn’t care
Jacobo Raymundo May 2014
Monogrammed televisions play
McDonalds commercials featuring
Justin Beiber who has the moves
Like a Syrian rebel

Oh look! The new reality...
TV show to delude the pain
Of a million starving children
Crying for your pleasure

I have a suit and a devil's tongue
Will I have your vote in the next
Slave auction? Please I promise
To not totally destroy your dream

But first; did you take a selfie?
Before you chambered the round
Did you even lift?
Or could you even?

I like sheep on my feet:
Ignorance is a warming peace
Until its a cold war
With an unknown enemy

Idiots don't like to be called idiots
But it's for the common ambiguity
When in Rome, we die together
Ashes to ashes dust to dust
I don't really know how to explain this. I had the thought of the first stanza amd the rest felt right. Take from it what you will
Jane Doe Sep 2013
My boyfriend cheated with my best friend;
I didn't cut
Your parents, they've been through worse **** than you;
They didn't cut
Your grandparents went through the ******* Great Depression, then watched their kids grow up afterwards;
They didn't cut

What's your excuse?

Cause, you're hurting all of them..for what?
A boy?
In high school?
Justin Beiber?
What the **** people!?
Ta'nijah white Feb 2014
I come to school to learn but its why am i bored allday it dont have to be that way so i decided to stay home one day then i came back the next
everyone ran to me tellin how much i missed
i say hey i was gone for a day i much can it be
well lets see
so there was were 7 fights with girls you dont like
your crushed said he likes you
your real mother came to the school with gifts for you
there was a black out in our school
tupac came back to life..
so did micheal jackson we had a food fight it was so tight
and did i say beyonce perfored in the cafeteria with jay-z
and she called you up to hold blue ivy....
and justin beiber sat at your desk and said he likes your drawings
i would never miss another day out of school me im gonna stay in school
Heather Wright May 2013
Ever said something that made you look stupid?
Ever fell down the stairs on your way to class?
Ever sent a private text to the wrong person?
Ever been stood up in the pouring rain?
Ever had your laptop break in the middle of an important essay?
Ever walked in on your grand parents having ***?
Ever lost your respect?
Ever told the wrong person a secret?
Ever found out your favorite teacher quit because of you?
Ever been forced to listen to Justin Beiber with your little sister?
Ever dropped your phone in the toilet?
Ever been lied to by your best friend?
Ever lost your lover to a *****?
Ever had your flip flops break in the middle of  the street?
Ever sat in gum?
Ever found out your lovers actually gay?
Ever had to baby sit a unruly child instead of going to a dance?
Ever rolled in the grass and had an allergic reaction?
Ever been caught having *** by your parents?
Ever accidentally picked a fight with the strongest person in school?
Ever had no one take your side?
Ever walked around with a giant hole in back of your pants?
Ever been pulled over when you were all ready late?
Ever saw your ex with a Megan Fox look a like?
Ever had all your clothes not fit?
But just remember whatever happens…
I still love you.
Blake Oct 2013
The chicken falling apart filling the belly
A second bite brings bones crunching
The car's engine mimics the lions roar before the film
Car's throat is cut at the glow of red
Kiss tastes like an unknown fruit, the right amount of juice and sugar
Lips part quickly leaving past days lunch on the tongue
Bubbles leave the **** whiskey filled sour rushing to your head
Fire rains down from the mouth to the toilet, bodies revolution
Coercion of hatred with the coworker behind the water cooler
Eyes point in the direction, shot from behind the water cooler
Heart pounds to the beat, you can do anything
Screeching grinds the bones of the ear
Baby boy, hair of Justin Beiber and a Mother Theresa's smile
Odd hairs fight for breath and the head, the plugs pulled from the machine and the surrounding eyes
Levi Kips May 2015
The only patience we had for belibers was spent in a quick game of operation and listening to the music their god produced, who may I mention is the age of *******. Let me be clear Justin Beiber the death of your belibers was no accident actually it was a genocide. Our purpose was to take out your dooncoff belibers and believe us it worked since your here to see them go 6 feet under beneath us. Don't get jealous cause you're next, yes this is a eulogy but low key this is a meeting on taking you out. First we take out the army now we moving onto the commander slash general. we're going to assassinate you, my bad that implies you're famous, we're going to euthanize you put you down like a dog but its not going to be a one and done shot, naw, ima have more arms on stand by like a centipede using the 2nd admendment to the fullest extent of the law , my bullets will be hitting on you so much that you will think they was flirting with you just like start of your euthanized dooncoff belibers club.
the theme was. 1 five dollar word, then 2nd word a made up word, and 3rd word is a phrase you wish would die. now make a ulogy for that word and use the other 2 words to while doing it.
Day Oct 2015
people cry when a lion is shot in another country
but no one cares about
the 17,500 people trafficked into the U.S. each year.
we care more about Miley's latest hair choice,
than the thousand of homeless teens.
nobody wants to put in into perspective,
or think about it.
because maybe if we ignore it long enough,
it will go away,
as if sitting and watching Netflix,
will somehow provide starving families with food.
but, we don't talk about that,
because it's not "socially accepted".
if you care about anyone but yourself,
you're not normal,
how is it that Justin Beiber gets more airtime,
than the people trying to change the world.
everyone talks about how terrible the world is,
but so few are willing to do something about it.
oh well, i guess,
go back to youre blissful ignorance,
who am i anyway,
to make you ponder such things.
someday i'm gonna make a real difference
Redshift Feb 2013
i have a dream
that one day i'll have one
one day i'll decide
that this world is worth it
maybe it will be revealed to me
that everything hasn't really gone to hell
maybe one day
all this poetry
will mean something
there's this ancient book
that everyone hates
and this guy named jesus
who reassures us
like dr. king
that we will have trouble in this world
but not to give up
kick the bucket
run off
slice our wrists
because he overcame it
i miss that
radical freedom fighter
bleeding on a torture device
i'm sick and tired of his people
like i'm tired of justin beiber's fans
which is really saying a lot
if you think about it
i have a dream
that someday
i won't be so worthless
i have a dream
that someday
i'll get out of this family mess
i have a dream
that someday
i'll be allowed to dream
crack pipe out on the street
old man peeing off to side
condoms in war zones we call schools
the righteous get torn by the wicked
a woman in need
shapes dreams from her hair my pretty child
choose the day the night is far too spent
creatures lurk for a new fix
cops in cars the local bars
never saw a woman so alone

yet in the distance their stands a God who knows
bust up the beat to increase it's tempo
eyes, hands & face
best to live life by faith
we have come this far not to turn back now
can't turn around when your hands on the plow
children crying so alarming
an old woman sips on her cherry wine
blue jeans with a caress for the test
radiate a circus clown smile

still to know all the great while in the ghetto
their are faces you should know
no mere shoulder to cry
a valiant passerby
the taste of fumes coming from the blast
no one get by on any free pass
at a glance Chinese men struggle to mix words,
the weightless cavity of bargian basement pews
still without a clue
their are shadows that block the vortex

a wanderer exposes himself
couples run in the night naked to peak
the quiet breeze beneath the leaves
a fight breaks out over a spilled glass of ***** and tonic
trying to reclaim the logic have you forgotten
Ben Laden with the twin towers coming down
not another Justin Beiber song,
I think I'll pack it in buy a pick up head out to L.A.
find a places to call my own make a brand new day
Kanye West, Shug Knight & Snoop
loose lips sinks ships take some time to move those hips

Trump in his ivory tower
little fat boy from North Korea
o.k. it's getting deeper
no more Pop Rocks just plain Veggie sticks so get a grip
the orientation of new hustlers pimping their ride
it's justice for all in a know it all society
something is blinding them
running to & fro
John Dewberry Jun 2019
Bye bye bye  
Your style of music has died
And girls are awry
For the  ******* that is Beiber
Who's music is in the style
Of your classic songs

Cold- old- scold
You can't start a brand new mold
Ya'll are an an ear-sore
And the chances that you'll never score big
Like you did before

Your music not from the backstreets boy
Your voice is artificially so that  your music is onl in sync
Your style is not new
You’re the 2nd generation of boys who aren’t men
Your lyrical ‘spears’ are choppy sin

— The End —