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DM Nov 2012
I've heard mention,
of a choir of angels,
A myriad of angels,
Sounding like a thunderous orchestra,
Singing unto the Almighty,
This concept I can understand,
An All-powerful creator,
Would require an amazing soundtrack,
Background vocals of creation,
Filling Him with whelming tears and pride,
Perhaps choking-back tears,
As word became light,
And heaven and earth were created.
I suppose again too,
Like any King,
He would have other court appointees,
A muse perhaps,
To inspire His creations,
A scribe to record His every breath, sigh and description,
At last a jester,
To amuse Him between acts,
A folly,
A clown.
I still exist,
Here, In the mortal realm,
To continue to make the Architect of the Universe,
Laugh His ******* *** off,
As I dance and perform silly tricks,
To amuse and distract Him,
from the serious business,
Of being God.
I've noticed a lot of Right/Left dichotomy on this site. What's happening in the U.S.A. right now has nothing to do with Republicans and Democrats, liberals v. conservatives etc. What's happening right now is an attempted destruction of the system of government of the U.S.A. a/k/a our Constitution. Our system of government is based on the Separation of Powers, which you hopefully learned about in high school. The purpose of which was to prevent a dictatorship. Trump is trying to overrule Congress and appropriate the powers given to Congress by the Constitution, such as  the power to appropriate funds. The only barrier between our democracy and a dictatorship remains the Judicial branch. It remains to be seen if the Judicial branch will put a check on Trump's power; if not, it's all over for American democracy.

Who and what is Trump? I'm a licensed psychotherapist with more than 30 years of experience, and spent 30 years in New York City, as Trump's neighbor. Trump is a sociopath. This is clearly seen in his value system, in which power and "winning" is the only virtue, and losers deserve whatever horrors happen to them. Remember what he said about military service people who lost their lives defending the U.S.A--that they were "losers" because they were killed. He is in love with Musk because as the world's richest man, Musk is the ultimate "winner." There is no morality or community obligation in this mindset; winners take all, losers can be treated as food or as garbage. Trump does have an ideology, which is somewhat uncommon among sociopaths--he's a racist. He isn't "anti-immigrant;" he loves immigrants who are white, such as Musk, Melania. He cut USAID because he wants to **** black and brown people. Trust me, all New Yorkers have known for a long time about Trump's racism; he was famous for it in New York.

Trump is gutting the federal bureaucracies as part of the type of purge that all dictators engage in early in their dictatorships. He wants total control and to perhaps give jobs to his supporters. The long-running paranoid conspiracy theory about a "Deep State" has groomed the American public into thinking this purge is a good idea. The civil service is actually a bunch of professionals and workers who have been doing their jobs for a long time and have expertise. They only implement the laws and regulations that Congress passes or that the President orders. Without civil service workers, an large array of government services will cease to exist or will be done incompetently by Trump's political appointees. These include processing and mailing Social Security checks to the elderly and disabled, regulating the sale and marketing of medicines and consumer products, and collecting intelligence overseas about our enemies (yes, we have enemies). The enemies of the U.S. are chortling and licking their lips.

I don't know how it will end. If things get really bad, I'll take my inheritance and perhaps flee to Scandinavia. The rest of you will have to fight or resign yourselves to living in something that will resemble Putin's Russia.
Bob B Apr 2019
Defrauding the public isn't hard
When you're one of the Trumps.
The president is especially good
At duping his loyal chumps.

So, after Trump fired James Comey,
He fired AG Sessions.
Those two firings were just a part
Of the president's indiscretions.

Next came Matthew Whitaker--
A Donald Trump lackey--
As acting AG, and whose background
Was--let's say--a bit tacky.

Now AG Barr is there
To willingly play his part
And show how he and Trump are both
Connected heart to heart.

Barr's recent appointment has
Very clearly shown
That the president has managed
To get his Roy Cohn.

Keeping Congress from seeing the full
Mueller report, Barr
Acts LESS like a fair AG
And MORE like a czar.

Flouting the rule of law, Trump
And Barr, political hacks,
Can end up doing a lot of damage
Behind Americans' backs.

Now Barr has mentioned the word
"Spying." It never fails
That Trump's appointees tend to go
Completely off the rails.

Making Trump a victim only
Satisfies his base.
Trump and Barr don't care whether
Their actions are a disgrace.

Now the tinfoil-hat group can say
"All the acrimony
Toward Trump is a nasty plot."
What a bunch of baloney!

Our leadership has never been
So chaotic. Never!
Elections, they say, have consequences.
Boy do they ever!

-by Bob B (4-11-19)
It was late in November, and dad got a call
that a hiker near Teller had taken a fall.
He had outfitted many a party before,
and responding when needed was never a chore.

"It's an hour to Teller then one more by boat
I took ****** with me", he had left us a note,
for my mother and I had gone shopping in Nome
and he'd not make it  back by the time we'd get home.

The next morning the troopers were summoned once more
for no help had arrived on that desolate shore.
When the search and rescue had responded in force
they had searched for the boat and my father, of course.
But the searching proved futile though traces were found
indicating that somehow the boat had gone down.

A survival suit floating unused simply meant
that my father'd not planned then to go where he went.
The men hunted for days- it was almost a week,
then the weather conditions became much too bleak.

Both my mother and I were consumed by our grief;
that our anchor was gone was beyond our belief.
All the neighbors brought food by and offered their prayers
but my mom would just thank them with blank distant stares.

Then she finally collapsed, at the end of her rope;
her religion had failed her, she'd run out of hope.
I tried to be supportive and brave through it all
then I'd walk by the ******'s food bowl and I'd bawl.
And though Christmas was coming we'd set up no tree
to suggest something merry would be travesty.

When the storms had all passed and the winds had suspended
we borrowed boats belonging to men he'd befriended.
Those men wanted to know that at least they could try
but to say they held hope would be speaking a lie.

The sun's rays so golden when we set out that morn,
but as twilight was falling; most all were forlorn.
We had sailed out from Teller and cruised to the coast
and we searched likely places from least to the most.

'Twas the trip driving home that impacted my heart.
It was useless and dumb, why the hell did I start.
It was twenty-nine miles and a good hour's more drive
to a wilderness area where he couldn't survive.
I was young and impetuous, foolish as well
but if those men thought that the case one couldn't tell.

'Twas the day before Christmas, the morning was bright
I awoke with a vision I'd seen in the night-
without waking my mom I called my dad's best friend
"It is early I know, can we try it again?"

I made myself a lunch and left mother a note,
then under way again- a truck towing the boat.
Appointees to another task most likely sad
set about the uncompleted search for my dad.

I suggested that we this time bear to the west,
I had no explanation, don't know why- just guessed.
The landfall we had targeted, shrouded by fog
that cleared as we drew closer- and I saw my dog!
Unexpected tears fell and yet I did not care.
for then ****** retreated to lead us somewhere.

In a snow cave, injured, immobile, weak and thin
was my dad whom I had thought I'd not see again.
He'd survived with shared rabbit served raw and unspiced.
but said he'd never tasted a meal quite so nice.

And while he doesn't know how he got to the shore
he suspects he owes ****** that and much more.
"Twas the night before Christmas and one family knew
if you care for your dog he might take care of you.

© Lawrencealot - December 23, 2013
Bob B Dec 2016
There was a great nation that wasn't that old.
Born when it broke from tyranny's hold,
The land once proclaimed freedom for all.
Who'd ever guess what would befall?
Here's what happened: a billionaire
With rude behavior and flaxen hair
Bluffed his way through an election
And won because of the law's imperfection.
Many voters could not understand
Why others had buried their heads in the sand.
That this outspoken man was the victor
Shocked many an election predictor.
Some said the win was not on the level
And gave the winner no reason to revel.
Whatever the case, this east coast resident
Became the nation's forty-fifth president.

(Many voters held misinformed views
From eating a steady diet of Fox News,
Gorging on pages of Breitbart sludge,
And wallowing in pools of something called Drudge.
They didn't see the signs that were looming
From a candidate NOT at all unassuming.
When demagoguery's alive and well
And one has a bill of goods to sell,
Some people miss the warning alarm.
They fail to imagine how much harm
A person can do to set back the nation,
And they give that person a standing ovation.
False news reports have power to affect
Election results when facts go unchecked,
And when people blindly accept what they read,
Manipulated "facts" do mislead.)

Before the newly elected official--
Whose reputation had been prejudicial--
Received an official swearing in,
He caused many heads to spin.
Posting on Twitter tweet after tweet--
Some of which were not so discreet--
He, on purpose or maybe not--
Depending on your school of thought--
Made many people and nations wary
With tweets that were more than a little bit scary.
To expand the nuclear capability
And disregard the world's volatility
Would be a plan that smacked of insanity
And also would be a threat to humanity.
The new leader just couldn't refrain
From posting such tweets that sounded insane.

Before taking office the leader selected
A team of advisers who truly projected
A frightening image to people who knew
What kind of damage officials could do.
Some appointees had donated huge
Sums to help elect their stooge.
Few had experience in their position,
But that didn't matter since their mission
Was not so much service, but instead
To **** the agency that they led.
One adviser, who stirred up much fear
And had his mouth in the new leader's ear,
Peddled conspiracy theories that made
Him sound like a madman on a crusade.
The country had never seen such a bunch
Of advisers so clearly out to lunch.

The new leader had a connection
With someone for whom he had great affection:
Vladimir Putin, a tyrant who led
A country called Russia, which once was red.
The reasons the two got so tight
Slowly but surely came to light:
The lifting of sanctions, business ties,
How to control people with lies…
The new leader's kids were also expected
To help their dad, who newly elected,
Had to make important decisions
Despite causing rifts and divisions.
(It's hard for a businessman
With a 90-second attention span
And whose thoughts keep disappearing
To make much sense of what he's hearing.)

The newly-elected president,
Who didn't care about time well spent,
Continued rallies from state to state.
The egomaniac couldn't wait
To stand before a cheering crowd
And share his petty thoughts out loud.
"I have a mandate," he muttered,
And falsehoods colored the words that he uttered.
"I'll make this country great again!"
Instead he made many hate again.
He promised to create millions of jobs;
But that was a ploy by him and his nobs.
The crafty plans of this bait and switcher
Would make the poor poorer and the rich richer.
The people would have a lot more to say
After Inauguration Day.

(To be continued…)

- by Bob B (12-26-16)
Bob B Dec 2016
Donald Trump's potential appointees
For high positions are quite scary.
Some have dubious qualifications
And border on being reactionary.

General Flynn as Security Adviser--
Conspiracy theory peddler supreme.
Could Trump find anyone else
Whose wacky ideas are more extreme?

Peddling the lie that Hillary Clinton
Was involved with *** crimes with kids,
Flynn has spread outrageous notions--
Notions that common sense forbids.

There's also appointee Scott Pruitt.
What sense does it make to hire
Someone to head the EPA
Who's a climate change denier?

Some of these people would threaten the very
Institutions they're supposed to serve.
From all of the possible qualified people,
The choice of these strikes a nerve.

For Secretary of Education
Another name for this ship of fools:
Betsy DeVos--an outspoken
Enemy of public schools!

And Ben Carson in charge of HUD?
Someone out there has to voice
Objections to this appointee who
Thinks that being poor is a choice.

To work in his administration,
Trump said he would find the best.
The choices above aren't very
Promising, along with the rest:

Billionaires and generals
Parading before our eyes with pomp.
So that's what Trump meant when he
Said he was going to "drain the swamp."

-by Bob B (12-8-16)

Environmental Protection Agency
I have dreams
Dreams to invent for a brighter humanity

The lack of ways to my destination
have lead to my insanity.

A man wants his own family
A man wants his realistic dreams to become reality
why cannot other's aid in those Nobile creativity?

Thousands try to emulate the same idea
however, yours always stands out, jealousy.

Those you are close to are too busy to help
such is life you understand and support

Such is , sadly, they fail to have time to stand back and to see
Could this be the end of the future for me?

I sit stagnant and plan out idea after idea to make my creations a reality

Donations of my creations are all  I wish to do is brighten the world
Money takes time even to volunteer for such, overseas.

What do I have to do for the "charge" appointees to see
such breaches in communication is causing my hope to cease?

I stay hopeful and strong and fight to spread my messages
Not for fame, money, however investment helps one gain needed tools....

In this conflictive would, how must one become less than one of the dark and given in fools?
nvinn fonia Sep 2024
an excuiste disposition  man .
patterns   off a renditionactedrepetition&repetitions&
shufflingsguzzling _delinqunts_&coefficients
_boldpretty yellowred_ blue the spectrum
and even more_______prisms
all off the “  the probabilities ”,man
blackk walls white ones
_now how will you (know)))))))))))))))))))
oh me  the appointees, appointing _the degrees
dreaming, in
uncutt n undone
/clidosocpicc ,by
ends it
this is it
bit by bit
Bob B May 2020
He longs to rewrite history--
For us to see the world through his eyes,
With help from his favorite TV station,
Which scandalously spreads his lies.

He'd love to control the media,
Eliminating the critics who
Point out his flaws. Watch him try
To shoot one on Fifth Avenue.

He caters to his oligarchs--
To those who use their power and wealth
To fill their pockets and gain control,
Often through fraudulence and stealth.

He uses kowtowing appointees to help
Create dirt on his critics to draw
As ugly a picture as he can
And violates the rule of law.

When we have a national
Emergency, and things look dim,
He does his best to cover up
The truth and makes it all about him.

He even wants political
Opponents to be locked away.
Yep, Trump is acting more
Like Vladimir Putin every day.

-by Bob B (5-15-20)
J J Sep 2020
Now who in their right mind,
even those most athiest at heart,
Have not tried to bargain with god?

Those who have not must not know of tragedy

And to not know of tragedy is to sadly be stuck

You were not born to live the life of one Peter Pan

The universe does not owe you an explanation for containing
You in its miracle. You learn the system of good
  and bad karma merely for it to be flipped on it's head

Whence you've been worn to the bone with effort.
Plucking receding hair's
No otis redding necessary

I'm back to smoking, I've tripled my coffee intake

We're getting through the days.

You do not owe the universe a will to live when it's took

Near enough everything you've ever grown to love

On that same token-- body full of drugs but i haven't felt high in months

Skydiving for the view, dispatched heartache that deployed a delayed

Parachute throughout recovery

You can not live this life with strangers

As your appointees,you can't go by lonley

Or you're expected to die.

You can't live in silence or they say you

Should've spoke up

And if you scream until your lungs choke you
They say you've got to get your head ******* on and move on

While these same people

Just sit back all day
                   and whine and whine and whine and whine and(...)

If you've ever been in a similar position;

Had folks step on your shoe when you're not looking

Seemingly just to test your reaction

When you're trying your best just to get home and from the rain

Then try this exercise on for size:

Stand on the corner, stripped bare of all expectation,
And **** debris as it passes your way.

A new morning a new day

Well the same day really-- just re-reeled along the sky,

Do what you must to get by

No one knows your patience any more than you do,

                                     not even close.

So lungs emptied, eyes drained and future up in the air--

Sip the ****** dust from a sea-sunken rose and make it clear

You no longer care.
Post-solipsistic ritual you're no longer here the way you used to be.
Not the best to leave on but a serviceable gameplan if nothing else. I'm done, love y'all
nvinn fonia Sep 2024
oh me  the appointees, appointing _the degrees
dreaming, in
uncutt n undone
/clidosocpicc ,bymy
JohnDuffyASY Feb 11
(A lone voice whispers)

I've lived

Once loved and cried
Indulged in primordial urges and died

By the sharp
Sword of Damocles

No less
For a thousand years

As I fought emotions like a transmitted disease

For I'm immortal

And I've mixed and fought with so many souls

Some with a kind heart

Fierce spirit
And a willing mind

Some so corrupt they would sell you

For anything they could find

I'm the wild untameable Thunder
In a storm-filled Autumns sky

The gentle breeze overflowing
With Spring's symphonies
Of baby blackbirds that cry

The scent of luscious
Winters mornings
Filled with a dash of mildew

The peace and tranquillity
Submissively reflected
in a serene Summer's sky

As whispering clouds
Jostle for kingship and quietly float by

For I'm eternal
Don't you see

Born from unexplainable storm clouds
Just beyond your sight

Baptised by giants hands in The Eternal Fountain

Created by white lightning
Upon Heavens illustrious deep mysterious mountains

I'm just one of many fragments resting deep inside
Until you sleep

And then we'll walk hand in hand through all your keeps

To speak and exchange words of wisdom to ****** and advise
As we together conquer dark dreams

Whilst lost and vulnerable before the early morning sunrise

Walking together bravely
Only to then awake
Fresh and revitalised

To traverse this dangerous life
sometimes soul-draining horizons

Filled with so many corrupted spirits
Who just love to criticise

You'll see me sometimes
By your white picket fence

Standing alone in my grey coat of Salvation
In the swirling mists of

Sometimes you'll hear me in the hidden Alabaster corridors

Within your mind

For I am part of your
Bestowed to you by an almighty power

My only task
My penance
My treasure

Is to stimulate
Encourage and fortify

Within ever-quickening
passing seconds and hours


I am forever yours
As you are mine

And together we go to war
Every day you breathe

To rage against the Paradigms littered amongst the ever eroding Sands of Time

If in me you
Do believe

Your spirit guide

Just one of the Lord's many appointees

Who's tasked to never leave

Copyright John Duffy

— The End —