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at the start of 2016, old time rocker Bon scott decided to start u[ a rock band

and the songs he will play is the music of astrology and the members of his band is

David Bowie and Lemmy from motor head and Glenn Frey, you see Lemmy and Bowie

and Glenn frey were rehearsing with each other and the first song they did together was

jupiter arising

we were moving up and down the great walls of outer space

understanding that there was a concert playing there

the ,music that was playing was hotel California and the heat is on

and then David Bowie sang ground control to major Tom

you see the music was very loud ya see, very very loud

it was like being back on earth singing to our crowd

oh yeah it is now the hotel california to you

the party that we have, was getting drunk on bottles of scotch

you see that was what my name was mr bon scott

and then i woke up dreaming saying what the heck is happening to me

and the dreaming of a local farmer losing his stock

you see the farmers name was scott and so is my last name

maybe we need to stop terrorism

maybe we need to stop crimes in general

people are committing too many crimes we need to flee them to stop

I know one cosmic music concert isn’t going to stop it no

the man named Jesus Christ said come on Bon we need you to entertain us

my next life is a down syndrome man, living in Canberra

you see he moves his body when he is waiting for the ute doing head banging oh yeah

i really think this whole death thing is quite stupid oh ****** yeah

please send my next life to have some fun, oh yeah jupiter arising

and now here is Davie Bowie

ground control to major Jupiter ground control to major jupiter

this is major jupiter to ground control

planet earth looked doomed and there is nothing more to do

and i will leave my next life to come back and say, i wanna help

ground control to major Jupiter ground controll jupiter

i think planet earth became real bad, with terrorists and people losing lives and all their possessions

ground control to major jupiter

the party is on for young and old and we have no party if the earth doesn’t move

ground control to major jupiter

ashes to ashes fun loving monkey

we know major Tom’s a ******

stuck in heaven and then i met these singers and other singers followed me up

ground control to major jupiter

ground control to major jupiter

i know planet earth is doomed and there is nothing else to do

ground control to major jupiter

all the people in the crowd, just watch ya back because terrorists are coming on your back

ground control to major jupiter

and now here is Lemmy from motor head

i party and i love my life and i know my music was loud ya know

but loud is great and it shows me one thing that i love life

i dream of life and i dreamt of of being dead

I know a lot of us are scared of being dead

everyone lives forever anyway through reincarnation

you can come back to life as a cat or dog or bird

you can come back to life as a magpie or a man who played for the magpies

you see we get down and party party and party on

this is the time for the man to say, let’s party from Lemmy

the motrohead singer who is so cool

he is the singer who breaks no rules

we are on jupiter trying to stop terrorism in outer space and on earth

we need to get rid rid of Ronnie Biggs and Ted Bundy and many many many more

Ahhhhhhhh!   Ahhhhhhhh!, let’s party let’s [arty

as we het together and say, stop the terrorists we certainly say

and now it’s Glenn Frey’s turn

the heat is on, it’s on the street

the heat is on burning everyone we ,meet

the heat is on, we will party right

every day and every night

you see now we have the action and we will keep the flood lights on

because if the heat still is with us, we need the water from the flood to cool us down

the heat is on oh yeah

oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah

we are caught up in the action we are looking up to you

oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah

hotlel califorina is sang so great

and the heat is on every day and night

oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah

caught up in the action i am looking up ro you

you see Bon Scott wants this to be a way that music can calm the savage beast from within

and everyone says to each other howdy, and i say to my recent deceased in music glenn frey and

Daeid Bowie and Lemmy, and i want to show how cool these musical artists were when they

brought their music to help save the world and now musci can save the universe and now here

is john Lennon

i know that there is no heaven, nirvana is the key

there is no hell below us, above us is the parties we have up here

there is no god up here, i wish their were

but i am sure that there is peace up here, let’s bring this peace to earth

imagine all the people dead or alive

you see people say we are dreamers

but we are not the only one

i hope one day you will join us, and the universe will be as 1

there will be space ships taking us anywhere we like

i don’t care how long it takes my friends

and the world will be as one

and now the party is on, and we are attempting to save the universe with music
I AM SCARED OF BIG NOISES, IN LIFE, but i don’t want to be scared

you see the dog barks at me i go ahhhhh, leave me alone

you see, i hate when drunken yobbos yell at me, all because i drink their beer

you see i am scared of kids treating my like phedaphile

and i am scared of getting robbed, or mucking with robbers

all getting robbers to muck with me, because i act small for my age

i am scared of getting bullied for what i say

i don’t like people yelling at me, and sometimes i be a little young dude, to stop myself from getting robbed

i am scared if my old life will come back and rip my heart

sometimes i used to be a hooligan so i feel bigger than the family teasers

i was showing dad in the 1990s how i can try to handle teasing

but sometimes i feel the teasers are going to kidnap me to tease me

and i don’t want to be strange, i want to change

i hate when people yell at me saying SHUT UP, TRYING TO BE A YOUNG DUDE ARE YA

i don’t want to get bullied or kidnapped

and when i see a dog, i yell out ahhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhh

ahhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhh

same as if someone looked dangerous, you say ahhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhh

ahhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhh

if someone treats me like a hooligan i go annnnnnn i am a family person

i am a family person ahhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhh
The Dedpoet Jun 2016
The night is dead,
       A million cells dispersed
Into the atomic universes.

   (Pieces of me)

She turns over,
       Takes the smoke out my hand.....
    " You can leave now"

Everything is nothing,
    And in the mathematical juggernaut
Of life making life,
     One in a million will make it,
I will die 999,000 times:

And it is 65,000,000
Years ago,
A single asteroid with an asterisk
Kills all life to set free life,
       I am a root carnal
Subjective interlude of the lustrous desire,
     The **** of my *****
With no humanity,
    Come and go,
One night standing
    On a galactic precipice of infinite
      But what separates the animal
Is heartbreaking,
Because the animalistic nature
Takes me to the moon
And I am just a man,
      I leave behind what?

" Nice meeting you"

A fatherless angel 9 months into
I’m tired I wanna go to bed
And cuddle my beautiful beautiful Ted
I take my meds
And Athena sends me up to outer space
So she can work on my legs
And help my toes
In bed for friends fighting the foes
I am tired I wanna go to bed
And cuddle my beautiful wonderful adorable Ted
I am very tired very very tired
I might have another yawn
Have another yawn
Ahhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhh
I meet my dad and Aunty Pam
They are sitting there eating strawberry jam
I see uncle Dennis and Aunty daphne
I also see uncle Stan  and granny and nanny
The medication is pushing me
To be nice to family
Which is fine but I have my own interests
I want to go to bed
And cuddle my Ted
And see my friends miles Blackburn
And Steven Papps and Nicholas roots
I want to talk about bowling back then
But I don’t do it anymore I am just too tired
I am tired I wanna go to bed
And cuddle my beautiful wonderful lovely ted
Make me feel comfy in my comfy comfy bed
I might have another yawn
I might have another yawn
Just for you my cool little dude
I fly around in outer space
Drinking smoothies as I go
One planer is as hot as hell
One planet is plainly just snow
I have spoken to Johnny cash
Who told me he is sonny French
And spoken with slim dusty
Who is Hayley Leblanc
I was jamming with them
Making me feel too tired for normality
On planet earth
But I am tired I wanna go to bed
Cuddling each teddy bear that I own
Suas unhas penetram os corações corrompidos. Me deixa rasgar você. Me deixa matar você. Ela aparece como um delírio. Me deixa provar o seu sangue. Me deixa comer você. Seu corpo alto e esguio. Sua pele feita de látex preto. Me deixa mutilar você. Sua pélvis curvada para frente e suas costas arqueadas para trás. Me deixa estuprar você. Sua longa calda que se projeta por vezes parecendo um pênis gigante. Me deixa destruir tudo o que você já construiu. Carne, eu quero carne. Seus olhos são como tontura. Sua língua é uma navalha. Seus cabelos fumaça tóxica. Matar, matar. Eu quero matar.

A rua está escura. Alguém se aproxima. Mate-o!!! Está passando ao meu lado. Não olhou, não olhou. Bata na cabeça dele! A faca! A faca! O sangue jorrando pela nuca. O corpo em convulsão dita o ritmo do gozo. Assim! Delícia!!! Quase!!! Está vindo!!! Ahhhhhhhh! O corpo inerte caído na rua. Me deixa dilacerar a carne. Me deixa rasgar a carne. Sangue, eu quero sangue! Me deixa provar. Minha faca corta freneticamente. A Avulvva está comendo. Está gostoso? Prove a carne!!!! Venha, prove.

A faca está no fundo do rio. As roupas estão queimando. O sangue já tinha secado. O fogo é atraente. Não é? Coloque sua mão no fogo! Vá, coloque! Isso eu não quero! Quer, eu sei que quer. Vamos, queime! Não vou! Ela está rindo de mim. Está me chamando de fraco. Merda, estou atrasado. Lavo meu corpo, o sangue escorrendo pelo ralo. A Avulvva está me olhando. Seus olhos são como tontura. Acho que vou vomitar! Que merda! Que nojo! Ela está rindo. Que merda... Sangue, eu quero matar! Me deixa matar! Hahahahahahaha.

Há um verme se alimentando das minhas entranhas, tomando o controle deste hospedeiro,  me fala aos ouvidos como a serpente sussurrou a Eva, provei o fruto proibido da carne crua, viva, sangrenta, provei o metálico sabor do líquido que jorra das artérias e nele me banhei, infinitamente gozei e a voz gritava ao mundo a ópera de sua ruína. Fui aos confins da lógica e ultrapassei a linha, nada significa nada, impulso: isso me faz existir.

Hoje quero amar a vida, quero que cantem os rouxinóis ao alvorecer, vou atravessar os sonhos encantados das noites de verão, gincanas e cirandas, CRIANCINHAS. Adoro criancinhas. Vinde a mim as criancinhas. Tão inocentes. Corpinhos tão pequenos. Tão macios... e cheirosos. A Avulvva gosta de crianças, ela gosta de machucar as crianças. Criança levada, cuidado cuidado que a Avulvva te pega, cuidado cuidado que a Avulvva te leva. Olá quem é o senhor? Eu sou um amiguinho e tem um lugar cheio de jogos e doces que eu posso te mostrar. É mesmo? É mesmo! Cuidado cuidado que a Avulvva te pega, cuidado cuidado que a Avulvva te leva. Carne de vitela é a mais suculenta, é porque o mundo ainda não corrompeu o filhote. A princípio  geralmente eles não entendem o que está acontecendo, mas depois... Depois é possível contemplar o pavor genuíno, um pavor que não sabe conscientemente o que está acontecendo, mas o impulso grita que é algo muito ruim, então eles berram e choram. A Avulvva sempre bebe as lágrimas primeiro, ela escorrega sua língua de navalha pelas bochechas até os olhos. Se farta das lágrimas, escorre o sangue, se farta de sangue, dilacera a carne, a carne é macia, delícia delícia, Avulvva te COME, cuidado cuidado.. As garras te apertam, você fica preso. Os olhos te fitam, você vê o medo. Cuidado cuidado, criança levada.

Já trepou com a morte? A morte tem os lábios frios, um hálito quase podre que se prolifera pelo corpo. Imóvel. Inanimada. A morte tem a boceta seca. O pau amolecido. E o cú cheio de bosta. Ó morte, amante perversa. Amante passiva e voraz. Me deixa provar a carne podre. Me deixa sugar o sangue frio. A Avulvva está vindo. Ela caminha velozmente. Ela é o trovão e a tempestade. Me deixa enfiar a cauda neste cú. Me deixa comer as fezes mortas. A Avulvva nunca se sacia. O horror pulsa em seus olhos de tontura. Me deixa brincar um pouquinho. Ela está quase sempre rindo. Suas gargalhadas perversas. Não há nada além de prazer. Nada além da maldade. Me deixa estuprar a morte.
Sonhei com a Avulvva ontem. Anteontem. E antes mais. Meu sonho é Avulvva. Ela é a voz que guia minhas visões. Terríveis. Maliciosas. Deliciosas. O que há além da carne? Se algum dia houve algo, já não existe mais . Ó Carne, és minha única e verdadeira deusa, a qual posso provar, a ti devoro toda minha paixão, a ti devoto todo meu rancor.
nate mattson Jul 2013
why? Why are you in my dreams every night every day I can't stop thinking of you you're always there,  I opean my eyes and your'e gone I close my eyes and there you are making me the happiest person alive but then again I wake up and you're not there and it kills me , I feel lonely sad , depressed,  and confused  I don't know what to do all these thoughts in my head, these memories,  I'm just lost I miss everything about you everything we had  , it hasn't even been a week and I'm still a mess it's almost a week one day shy,  just like tomorrow's  night sky it will be beautiful I guarantee , just like you , and that's all I see , eveywhere I look I see you , I'm hypnotize like biggie smalls , and confused like jimmy Hendrix  , I don't know what to do, all I can do is think about you  , what am I going to do when your gone 2000 miles away on the west coast  , am I gonna be okay or will this keep happening, you haunting me in my dreams  , me thinking of you so that happens, why does this happen?  everyone says I can do better  , but there is no better to me you are the best , you understand me , I understand you what's better than that when we don't argue , maybe once or twice and 10 half months that's pretty solid if you ask me, no love can never be as strong as we were once meant to be , but we are different and we stuck through so much I don't understand  what happend to us , we were strong and then weak and we lost each other in less than a week , that's all it took 10 months so strong as one week to break it down so we are no longer  one.  But. Two seperate for now like the west and east, so far , but as friend we are as close as ever before , so what is to come in this journy of life ,  ... Love ? ....Happiness ?.... A new beginning  ..? Who knows except you ... You don't even know , .. time knows , but time can't speak only the people can , and that's what makes time , time is voice , not silence  and that's why you haunt my , dreams well .... So I think , how long will I be haunted ?? I guess as long as I think of it ,,, how long will that last ahhhhhhhh I hate time I wish I could just know, but I can't do for now i still love you , and that's all I can do as long as you haunt my dreams
Shanice C Sep 2016
I heard a knock on the door as I opened it he began kissing me,then he picked me up and walked over to the bed
I pulled him down on me and pushed him over on its back, I got on top and immediately start sinking my nails in his chest
He stripes me slowly while kissing on my neck and ******* on my breast, my underwear was soaking wet
He got up and pushed me against the wall and start kissing and licking my neck, I wet myself as I tried putting my hand in my underwear I realize it was already off
I turned and pushed him against the wall as I bite down on his neck he lifts me up I could see the stars I could even touch the moon, up and down we went as I shout out  "Marry Me!!!"
Out of breath he whispered in my ear "Back to the bed it's time to cry baby voice"
So grecfully I fell to the bed, as I look up in his face we began at it, we both were in pain but we didn't stop
He turned me around while I bent on my knees with my back arch "Princess my waist hurts"he said yet he wasn't going to stop
He then went for my hands and pull them back as I gently raised a bit to feel everything in my tummy, I began to cry for something that hurts so bad feels so good a the same time
Around i turned to lay on my back once more,he then gripped my waist and pulled me with a force, I could feel his hands shaking for me been at this for hours
"Ahhhhhhhh!!!" I heard him moaned as I saw the Beast inside of him,he then fell on his back right next to me with a kiss to my cheek......
Karisa Brown Dec 2016
I can't even pinpoint
When it begins
All I realize
Is that I'm somewhere else
Far away from here
Inside of loves layer
Built in my core

I'm lost in you

My mind spaces
What I was doing
Is now done
And I can't remember
Any of it
Cause I was there not here


I don't even ask
For a ride
On loves wheels

It's like an alien invasion
Ur ****** up from the planet
Exsist in an open galaxy
Made of intoxicating inhales
And even better exhales
There is no other place
I'd think to be!
Lyn Stebbins Apr 2021
I was once a romantic,  still love the sound of a babbling brook,
nature still thrills me, but a cynic ahhhhhhhh a cynic Ive become. A Disillusioned romantic. I would greet a stranger walking down the lonely street.
but many  do not smile or greet you back, people walk bye with faces like  stone. I too am  turning to stone , I don't smile at strangers any more. Inside I cry, inside I'm  sensitive. Have
I given up on Love? the violence out there  troubles me, Why do people fight when it would be so much more pleasant to smile and hug and shake hands in the sunshine.. A cynic is but a disillusioned
Idealist. A cynic sees all. knowing nothing of life. they just spout there  strife.
L.S. March 2nd 2021
victoria Sep 2022
Poem, The old wheelbarrow

"She felt forgotten, antiquated, awkward
Ill-fitted, incapable, unsuitable, worthless, barren, meaningless, mediocre, unessential and trivial.

Her capacity for anything and everything dwindling as an over ripened apple loses its juice, any strength drained, sapped, starved and strained each time a new **** began it's desperate life, each flower that bloomed before her, somehow rendered her invisible.

Held together by the rust that life eventually bestows upon us all.
Tyres deflated, wheels that no longer held hunger for new adventures.
Nuts and bolts that had long since argued and permanently fallen out with one another, the rust settled between them enduringly as the woodworm to its dinner.

She was a sorry excuse for a once beautiful, strong and hard working wheelbarrow and she had almost given up................

✨️Ahhhhhhhh, but her wisdom!!!! All those years.......What of that?????✨️

She'd always listened,
but never knowingly spoke of this
What she had yet to learn,
Was that she had housed each tiny living organism.
She'd provided honey for the bees, and in doing so, life for the world.
She hadn't set any world records,

She hadn't knowingly saved any lives,
but she'd protected,
given out her wisdom freely
and all with so much love.

Absorbed carbon dioxide and fizzed out oxygen.
Given love in abundance and rarely asked for any in return
She had given a safe space for the thoughts, secrets and words of her sapling flowers

She'd been self sufficient, self reliable, independent, indestructible, valuable, knowledgeable, needed, wanted, desired, capable.... Oh. So. Capable.

The rust, the flat tires, the weakness of strength both in body and in mind, is just a part of being the best version that you can be.
To carry on regardless for yourself and for your flowers."

***It's taken me all **** day, but I no longer see a worn out and batteted wheelbarrow.
I see a vessel of immense strength, determination and an abundance of love ❤️
Jane Harper Apr 2016
My heart is curious
And my mind has many questions.
Maybe it's time to explore.

I see an abandoned house.
Creepy spider webs and
Creaky floors, but I
Decide to explore.

I take one step and it's
Immediately two back again.
This place is too scary.

I turn around and
Find myself lost.
But it's super fun here.

I'm on a rollercoaster heading up.
But this thing is going down.

I'm frightened again.
I start seeing spider webs and
Hear the coaster creek.

What's going on?

Just one more question in my mind...
camps Aug 2024
something akin to virtuous
but all too virtual

it's the **** pixels boxing in my mind

sheriff sir i'm seeing squares

crying out for help
ghost queen Dec 2022
make it stop

the loneliness
and grief
Harry May 2020
Years after we've been separated form each other, I still remember.............
I can still feel the sweet burns of her lips onto mine.............
The melting body of hers into my arms and the fire that she'd always carry with her, like she was about to put every little thing on fire, mercilessly.
I've seen a thousands of women smoking cigarette  but the way it slouched on her lips was good enough to put any men onto a deathbed.
By:- Harry
Delton Peele Oct 2020
Hot pink .........swollen
No con...sole...ation prize  
Slow to focus
Eye liner max factor recall
Cherry red vermillion

Aquifers linked starting from stunning vistas
atop  glacier laden pain peaks
Over heating..... melting
Epoch jarring sounds
From the darkest deepest unreachs
fissures releasing stress
Mind tearing
from the never regions
Echos ricocheting
Off walls outside our concieving
frequencies so low its physically sickening ...upsetting equanimity actually feel and
See them as each wave rolls through ......
Reality slows to a crawl frustration turbidity everything opposing you
Nothing goes right
Slowly getting better till half the way through and its
Allright and then you rest find piece everythings more than right
Nice now i can handle this
Close youre eyes in bliss
Ahhhhhhhh quietness .
7nth day coming to a close .
Kiss happiness goodby
While you sleep chaos wrestless like a pervert creepin in you window.before you wake
Next wave sets in
Inducing a mantra  of
mountainous emotional
Upheavals. .....each one increasing one  hertz.....if the damm
The mega ice dam fractures and the mountains erupt.
Massive utterly. ...........jaw dropping.then running
Ohhhhh. No. Whats that soouuuuCRAP I GOTTA GO TO THE

Wait what ....todays a holiday .awe great. I mean yeah!!!.
I know i got the baby
Thats just great oh ggoody
Who wants pancakes..
Cassius quit pickin on Deon .
Deon HAY !!! I saw that...knock that crap off ....oh no shhhh
Here comes mom hide me!!!
Hes in the closet
..thanks guys
A week in love and strife
Struggling anxiety depression
A small lesson while we try focusing on the highs
Seems like so far out of reach
From the valleys below.....
We miss all the beauty in life .
Living i a state of meritocracy
May seem mundane.  
But its where youre safety zone is.
Its not so hard to get high
And its not too too painfull fall
A little easier to stand back up.  
And an arena you can appreciate love
An love sweet love is what its all
Donall Dempsey Mar 2021

There is a tap
on my shoulder.

I turn around and
face Reality.

"Well, well..."
smirks Reality

meeting you here!"

I smile inside my self
keeping a poker face.

Reality always insists
on calling me by that name.

"The name's...Imagination."
I remind it.

giving it a Bondian spin.

"So, still keeping the poems coming
...I see!"

it smiles facetiously.

"How could I not...?" I answer
giving nothing away.

I do not ask Reality
to sit down.

It shifts from foot to foot
embarrassed that it knows me

and who may see it
talking to me.

" seeing you!"
it smirks yet again

seething with anger
that I and not it

is Donall's little pet.

I nod.
Say nothing.

I say to its retreating back.

Trap it
in this poem.
Michael John Jun 2024

it is hard to judge your
own creation
ask any mother or god

(i am neither)
and i write and forget
or to forget

that i might write
another-something that
means something

or might change the
cosmos and everything in it
or just go-do-ray-mi..


this is the fun-never knowing
but using my thumb and
middle can create

indifference puzzlement
love and hate
in some ambigousness-

left handed fate..
or a play with words
some loch ness


monster at the gate
when it turns absurd

but keep on going
regardless-what might occur
something of interest

like art or wait..
life is short
and death is long..


try not to say
what is the point
(cause it´s an oblong)

pointless questions
a dirge or some long lost song
that has no effing ending

but goes ding-****
but makes millions

or why bother?
long long the flow
of tiny little things..!


once i dreamed of
fame and fortune..
lily, are you listening?

why,she says marking
her page-what is she reading-
her own´s one-


i wanted money
so i could eff off
the factory

(or office..)
the time piece
like a ***** or rack

-the monster of
silver and black
that nailed

into my head and
so lost but accurate...

(i might rise late
and drink good coffee
yawn and be happy..)


fame seems a bit
of an oversight
who to trust..

when it´s lost
something indefinable
the strangers babble..

i was me
now,what to say
what is it i

thought it was
things change
but to what..


what is she reading
her own poems still
here is another one..

it is called

just to
**** time:
in the mind
if you stick pins in mine-

a second hand..stretching
on a rack never to come
back..elongating and breaking
(thumbs *******)

you see me
in the factory
looking up at three
and again at five..

— The End —