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The wall between us
Makes me insane
Cause I can't hold you with my arms
And make you stay

You're the saddest thing that happened to me
But i have our best moments
That i can hold on forever

I will always say the three words
  behind your back
I love you
To the moon and back.
If I only ever inspire
One person throughout my life,
Well that's one more inspired
Than there's ever been before.

And if in life I can only aspire
To do one great thing with my life,
It'd be to urge all the other people
To aspire to inspire one too.
I’ve been wrestling this since last fall,
peeling my socks off around 2a.m.
and crawling into my nightmares
like a child on her hands and knees.
I’ve tossed my hair in the towel,
examined the scratches on my back
or the bite mark on my shoulder,
juxtaposing them to my flaws,
prying myself open and watching
the little memories flood
from my arteries like insects.
I’ve ******

the energy from my cheeks and given it
to my bones so they may carry
the weight of last year into this year,
the heavy balance between leaving your room
and sitting myself against the frame,
legs to my chest, listening to the unheard voices
telling me to stop loving you.
I’ve cut

you out like bruises on a strawberry,
throwing the bad parts into the black hole
to be grinded and deposited as to be rightfully
grown into something new. But this time,

after we made love on your floor
and counted the stars that left my mouth
every time you touched me like that,

I let myself cling to the light.
I stuffed the empty parts with your remnants,
and latched onto the goodbye kiss.
I’ve been wrestling with you

our bodies so close

since the summer ended and we rejoined
the feelings we spared just to pretend
that we didn’t hear the kettle roar
when we were finished.
On the surface, all typical answers,

Stay in shape, and keep the weight off,

I enjoy, and love the competitive spirit,

I want to beat you at the finish line,
and then shake your hand,

I want to be your friend and wish you good luck

I want to stand next to you on the podium

But I run deep,

I run because I have to replenish the blood loss,
From the heart I keep cutting open,

I run because I hurt you,

I run because I broke so many promises,

I run from a past which haunts me,

I run like the wind needing to escape,

I run for my future,

I run for my life

you didn’t like the way i answered the phone,
and you thought it was gross that i liked mushrooms on my pizza,
and you told me i was weird-looking when i was a kid,
and once i sent you a tattoo and you said you didn’t like it, you didn’t know they were my words that were written on her body
you told me what “too much damage” meant on halloween after all the trick-or-treaters had fallen asleep
and when i kept silent for three days after,
and winced at every kissing scene on television, because they flooded the insides of my eyelids with images that made me feel very small,
you said i was being unfair
because i was the one who decided we were just friends,
and i told you we weren’t, you knew we weren’t
we couldn’t be after what we used to be

i told you i still had feelings that hadn’t gone away yet,
you said they hadn’t gone away for you either

i pictured you holding my hand

but then you said,
“that’s why it’s easier to run from them
and hide in other girls beds.”

you always told me every thought
that popped into your head, and i used to find it endearing,
i kept telling myself that you deserved my ear,
but i really hope you have nothing more to say
because, i promise, i’m done listening

so clear off your bedside table, and cut the
blue string that’s wrapped around your wrist if you’ve yet to do so,
and stop asking me if i miss you,
because this is me saying
i don’t.
Don't form an opinion, based on someone else's perception
Into the fire on my own,
I know I won't see your face again,
Are you sitting there alone?
Are you thinking like me
of the laughing times,
of all the sad and loving times?
Everything that's left of us
is fading away
Promise me to think of us
as a time so wonderful
Promise me to think of us
still bright, still colorful
Promise me to look back at us
as a time in your life you enjoyed
Can you promise me?
promise me, promise me....
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