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 Jan 2015 Honna Root
Samantha Lee
I could sit here and write you a thousand poems
Millions of letters thrown across a page
In attempts for you to understand
That I'm truly and undoubtedly
In love with you.
And I know with all my heart
That you love her.
It kills me inside to listen
You trip up on your words with laughter
Because just thinking about her
Causes you to lose yourself in thought.
You scrunch up your nose a little
And a smile toys at the edge of your mouth
As your fingers twist at your clothes or hair
Usually you sigh slightly leaning forward looking off
And I watch you fall for her more and more each day.
You're beautiful when you're in love.
I just wish you had worn that dress for me to admire
Maybe then I wouldn't feel so bad about doing it anyways.
You are my favourite poem

Your words, like wonder, leave me wanting to know more. Words that capture me, make me see, that every sentence is a key. A key to your innermost feelings and desires. Inside each phrase your passion lights fires, and I can't get those words out of my mind.

You are my favourite poem

And every feeling, every rhyme, will surface up in time. Bubbling up from the bottom of your soul, you reach out and fill my heart-shaped hole. And at the start of every word, until your very last line, you've got me caught up in your moment in time, wishing that it could be mine.

You are my favourite poem

Where action and words are not enough, and "I love you"'s are simply poetic fluff. Your words allow me to express the emotion inside my heart and soul, creating the illusion that I am starting to feel whole. You have stolen the words from out of my mind and I find myself wondering all the time, the meanings behind your every rhyme. Then, with a sigh, I realize that I should not try to ponder why. These words, these feelings, they are not mine to own. Alone, I should create something as beautiful as you.

You are my favourite.**

You do so much for me, and you've given me so much to see. Between each blade of grass and each fallen leaf, I will think about the beauty of your soul, and I will take these moments and again feel whole. Thanks to you.
A freezing man like me has no right to see the majesty
found within the warm and gentle sea inside those beautiful blue eyes.
Caught in your presence, I often sigh hellos and goodbyes.
I long to be a part of the world I see in your ocean blue,
and maybe if I could be so bold, you'll share this feeling too.

Yet this feeling in me lingers, as I look at your lovely fingers.
I would take a stand and hold your hand,
if I weren't afraid you'd turn to sand.
Slipping through my tender hold, I fear I'll never fit your mold,
and I will remain forever cold.

And her smile all the while has my heart in denial,
as she shines like starlight through the dark and dreary night.
And I'll try with all my might to keep her beauty in my sight,
because when she blinks I begin to sink into the reality I'm told;
I will remain forever cold.

And finally, her hair like gold reminds me who has my hold.
With a beauty like the sun, she warms my heart
and brings me back to the start.
A freezing man like me has no right to see the majesty
found within the warm and gentle sea
inside those beautiful blue eyes.
this where my heart resides,
warmed by your lovely presence.
and maybe if I could be so bold,

you can save me from the cold
 Dec 2014 Honna Root
Daddy, why are you hitting me?
It really hurts now, can't you see?
you are putting me in pain,
these secrets I hold I can't contain.
I am only four
there goes another glass you pour.
put the bottle down,
get yourself together, stop acting like a clown.
I just wanted your love, but my heart has a different kind of beating.
The kind of beating that's physical and full of shame,
daddy I am done playing this game.
who's that girl, what happened to mommy?
as you are seducing that girl right here in front of me.
I see your done too...
you move away
to become "clean" so to say.
those new kids of yours, sure love their dad.
do they know about the past you have had?
you don't hit them like you hit me?
you don't drink or smoke like you did when I was three.
I just wanted your love and affection
but you give it to someone else, why make corrections?
Do you still remember me, rememeber us?
the wife and kids you left in the dust?
Daddy, why'd you have to leave me...
leave me with this secret I can't tell anybody.
Mommy doesn't suspect a thing,
I am keeping the secret like you told me.
but if anybody asks,  I shall tell.
about the time I lived in hell.
This is a true story about what happened to me as a child. I don't want any pitty. just don't say anyhing about it.

An idea for which I am a fool
As there is not one solid rule

Love is endless, love is blind
Inside yourself, you will find
Those who are sweet, those who are kind
Can all be equally entwined.
But our hearts are overly defined,
Made complicated by our mind.

Love cannot be captured,
just as the heart will not be fractured.
Love is free to see the world as it believes it should be.
Love is not ours to take, or to lay at mercy's sake.
Love is the reason why we lie awake,
smiling at the lives we make.
Should these bonds we build be shattered,
it is our worlds that break.

Love can move mountains.
It is the water in our fountains.
Love is anywhere you smile;
Found at every foot and mile.
Across the ocean, on every isle,
You will find love's gentle style.

Heart beating fast,
like a blast of sheer emotion,
you pray that it will last.
Cast out from reality,
you passed into a fantasy
of a world split into duality.
And although you love so much,
there is only one soul yours has touched.

And you can't stop thinking of her.

You will meet a girl who will change your world
and you will never love again.

She will change your perception,
and although you love the world,
she is your one exception.
She is your other half, another part of you.
She is your joy, your smile and laugh.
Her heart beats every time yours fleets.
Breath taken by the beauty of her soul
and for once in your life,
you feel that you are whole.
No longer is she fantasy,
and she is better than reality.
She becomes your everyday vitality
as she is fills your life with glee.

Not just one heart,
but two,
beating to synchronicity.

— The End —