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Weasel Apr 2014
Usually when you
Think of nights, folks
You think of a full moon
Being in the sky
But there's nothing
But total darkness

{ Weasel }
There's no full moon tonight here where I live.
Poem 16
© The Weasel.
All rights reserved.
Weasel Apr 2014
Folks, I must wish
A good night to you all

{ Weasel }
This is true!
I guess you might say I'm a tired Weasel, lol.
Poem 15
© The Weasel.
All rights reserved.
Weasel Apr 2014
Folks, I noticed a dyin' sunset today
It made me weep
Just like the raindrops
That hit my cheeks

{ Weasel }
This is true.
Thank you for reading.
Poem 14
© The Weasel
All rights reserved.
Weasel Apr 2014
Roses always wither
Before I've even had
A chance to enjoy them
Which usually makes
The Weasel feel like cryin'

{ Weasel }
This poem is true!
I have always noticed that roses wither too quickly.
Thanks for reading.
Poem 13
© The Weasel
All rights reserved.
Weasel Feb 2014
When before to sleep I go,
I pray to God.
When before to work I leave
I read God's Word.

{ Weasel }
Basically, this is true.
I may miss a day or so.
Thank you for reading.
Poem 12
© The Weasel
All rights reserved.
Weasel Feb 2014
Storms awakened me
From my sleep early this morn
Rain came pouring down.
I was scared there for a while,
Lightning flashed and thunder pealed.

{ Weasel }
This is true.
I hope you enjoy it.
Thanks for reading.
Poem 11
© The Weasel
All rights reserved.
Weasel Jan 2014
My window garden
Is all full of snow and ice
All the flowers gone.

{ Weasel }
Hope you enjoy this.
Thanks for reading.
Poem 10
© The Weasel
All rights reserved.
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