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 Oct 2014 Visionary2020
Why is it that now half past twelev at night I'm thinking about you,
About your smile and laugh,
The way your eyes Krinkle,
The softness of your hands and fingers,
Every detail of your face,
Of you,
I just can't stop,
And yet I know you don't think of me like that,
I'm sure sooner or later you'll stop texting,
You'll stop caring,
You'll forget me I'm sure,
I'll never forget you tho and the way you laugh and smile,
The way you sleep,
Or how you sigh at what I've said,

Maybe it's just me clinging onto what's already gone.
I miss her and right now midnight she's all I can thinking about.
What is the word acknowledgement, to someone
Who never does anything about what they acknowledge?
What good is acknowledging a problem,
If you choose not to act upon it?

It's almost as if acknowledgement helps us believe
We are better people if we are aware of the bad within or around us
As if acknowledgement taints our minds
With a false sense of enlightenment
That being aware, is better than being there
To actually change what it is we acknowledge to be wrong

But if people only talked about their words, with no actions
We would only need to acknowledge, never having to change our ways
For acknowledgement can sometimes be, the golden word we need
That justifies an ignorance to our false sense of bliss
Haven't you heard
it's raining fireflies
better catch it
before it burns this mountain down
if it helps you sleep
I wouldn't mind

Maybe it won't be enough
in this land of
sleeping giants and
burning skies turning into
star spun blurs
wrapping your arms around me
I am confused
It's been a while
since my heart danced like this
teach my skin
in dreams
in every breath
you breathe
and I take
just another moment of
after another
after all
it's raining fireflies tonight

Close your eyes
and tell me
in sleep
I'm waiting all night
for Something
because it's not enough
or is it
we fit like
just because
it's raining fireflies tonight

And you hold me
like you'd never let go
when you think
I'd never remember
Why don't you and I
burn together
and set this place on fire
just because we
want to
never last long
in the mornings
and I really like
waking up
next to you
When given the choice to change something,
Most would choose something physical.
I would choose mental.

I struggle with self-confidence
I struggle with depression and anxiety
I don't wish for a new self.
I wish for a new light to look at myself under.
 Oct 2014 Visionary2020
 Oct 2014 Visionary2020
there                isn't one
                     and there never
 Oct 2014 Visionary2020
 Oct 2014 Visionary2020
I’m stubborn, I know
So don’t try to change me

Oh baby, those blue eyes
They see right through me

I just need some oxi from my baby
You’re so far away
It’s driving me crazy

I think I’m fallin’ for you
Oh yes, I’ve fallen hard for you
We don’t know how to trust the same
But it’s okay

If we get into a fight
Let’***** pause and never hit play

Don’t make this a game
Please talk to me the same

Oh how is this going to work
We both can be such jerks

But I love it, it’s so amazing
Yes, we’re going to be misunderstood

I think I’m fallin’ for you
Oh yes, I’ve fallen hard for you
We don’t know how to trust the same
But it’s okay

I’m loving you
I think you feel the same too

I promise
I promise
To cherish you
Protect you
Love you
Hold you
If you would
Treat me like it’s understood
By a friend, in her honor.
 Oct 2014 Visionary2020
 Oct 2014 Visionary2020
You belong among the wildflowers
You belong in a boat out at sea
You belong with your love on your arm
You belong somewhere you feel free

--Tom Petty
 Oct 2014 Visionary2020
you deserve flowers on your doorstep
and coffee in the morning

you deserve notes left on your dashboard

and ice cream sundaes at 3am

you deserve honesty every day

and to be kissed every hour

you deserve to be reminded

how beautiful you are
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