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Veronica Jul 2017
I feel unwanted by everyone
Useless and hopeless
Just wanting to run into the woods
And get lost.
Everyone treats me bad.
Stop treating me like this.
I deserve to be treated right!
If you only felt how i feel when you treat  me like this .. yes im talking about you roger.
Veronica May 2017
This bad luck keeps following me
I try to stay away from it
But it comes back
It comes in whatever it can
Wether is humans or objects
Weather or luck
It stays close to me
Everyday i feel weaker
I just want to give up
It seems like it uses the ones i love more
To push my down that hole
They abuse me in there own way
Some verbally some physically
Some harm me so bad
I cant take another day like this
I want to run out and dissapear
Where no one can harm me or make me feel like ****
But i still havent got the courage
The day i do i hope they regret the way have treated me
It'll be late but i hope they blame eachother
When im gone
Veronica May 2017
This life i live is a joke
Im not ever taken seriously
I have suffer from my childhood
And from what i see im going to keep
Suffering the same
Maybe not is the same way
But i will still feel kind of the same pain
My path was meant to be black
And lonely
With pain and always getting put down
No one ever helping me in any kimd of way
Veronica May 2017
Havent been in this for a while
I tried to let my feelings and thoughts locked inside.
Thinking everything would change
Maybe its just me seeing this people and world the wrong way.
Boy, was i wrong?
Today is my birthday an instead of celebrating im inside this room crying in silence
My so call boyfriend was planning to take me out and ended up cancelling.
He told me he would take me here and then changed his thought to another.
Then told me he didmt have money to take me there.
He said if you really want to go why dont you take out money and we'll go there.
Im just sitting here thinking i cant believe he woke me up and told me to get ready for this type of ****.
I wish i could say i had a good birthday with my family and my little baby whose on the way.
I guess my life was meant to be a living hell.
Veronica Sep 2016
Nobody likes me
Im fat
Im skinny
Im ugly
Im unattractive
Im stupid
Im dumb
Im short
Wether i wear make up or not
Whether when i was kid or adult
Wether is my boyfriend
Co workers
Or anyone
Wether is strangers
Or not
Im unwanted
By everyone
Veronica Aug 2016
I ask for kids wether they are boy or girls babies or toddlers
To please be protected
But everytime i turn on my tv i see a new poor baby being abused in a certain way
And i ask myself is there really a god?
If so why do you ignore my prayers?
Why do you let this poor baby suffer?
Are you with us or against us?
They say to get closer to you
That you hear our prayers
That you will help us
But honestly all i hear is my echo
I ask for you to protect this kids to see if you do
Because thats my sign to see if you hear me
But honestly i dont see anything good coming along
You make me start questioning
All this questions
Are you real or not?
I know i should never question you
But cant help to pray and not get a good response
Am i asking for the impossible?
Is it hard for you to protect the same little angels you sent to this heartless people?
Why do you let this monster keep having babies?
Why would you sent this little ones to this harmful people?
Can you hear me?
Can you please listen to me?
All im asking for is no more violence against this poor little ones
Veronica Aug 2016
I hate when i hear of babies and kids being abuse by their parents or step parents
It breaks my heart i pray that god protects you, you little ones
Please i'll do whatever you want god but please protect this innocent little ones
They dont deserve any harm all they deserve is love
Please no more violence against this poor babies
That dont deserve it
No more abuse
Please i'll do anything for you god to protect this kids
God please all i ask is for you to protect all this little ones
I wish for all the kids and babies to be protected by any harm from anybody that is hurting them please!
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