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11.5k · Jan 2018
A Prophecy of Love
Urmila Jan 2018
Within my soul I’ve found yours
Are they different?
They are one, they are one with the cosmos,
But our sub souls have a strong gravity acting on them,
A gravity unexplained by science,
A gravity we’ve chosen to name love,
Scientifically oxytocin creates this feeling, but oxytocin is a by product of this very gravity,
What we choose to believe is up to us
The sky is blue
Love is the fifth dimension
A day will come, far far away,
A collective surge of this gravity,
Will pull all creatures together,
There will be no anti love - no hunger no wars,
This dimension we only experienced in parts,
Will save us from our own destruction
6.4k · Apr 2016
Urmila Apr 2016
There are scars in places I haven't seen,
There are nights you wish you couldn't dream

There are things which were taken away,
There are losses that will always stay

There are moments you want to die,
There are times you're too tired to cry

There are feelings no one will understand,
There are burdens that don't let you stand

There are people that broke your faith,
There are monsters that keep you encaged

There are nights when you let yourself grieve,
There are days that don't let the nights leave

There are all these unhappy things and sorrow,
But my love, there's also  tomorrow
4.4k · Sep 2014
Friendship 2.0
Urmila Sep 2014
We were more than friends,

Then we were less than friends,

And now we're finally *friends
For a friend I almost lost, because of that foolish heart, but luckily, we found each other back
3.4k · Nov 2014
Urmila Nov 2014
My shadows disappeared,
When I stepped into your light,
Little did I know,
It was just another night...
2.9k · Nov 2015
Lost Tooth
Urmila Nov 2015
I lost a friend and I lost a tooth,
The tooth had to go; the friend I couldn't lose
It was a wisdom tooth, with some decay,
It was a wise friendship, its strings began to fray,
The tooth couldn't be salvaged; the friendship stood a chance,
I chose to cut loose the tooth; cutting the friendship wasn't my stance
Like my tongue wiggles, at the place the tooth would be,
So mind tumbles, at all things my friend used to be
2.6k · Mar 2016
Coffee Coldplay Rumi You
Urmila Mar 2016
Sipping coffee,
A break from the books,
Coldplay's Gravity playing on loop,
Peacefully lonesome,
Read a Rumi quote, "don't feel lonely, the whole universe is inside you",
Last sip of coffee,
Didn't find you inside,
Oh wait, you're there,
Just a little deeper
2.3k · Sep 2014
Urmila Sep 2014
The sky is full of stars;
You made one person your moon;
The moon is bound to eclipse
2.2k · Apr 2016
Today Is About Missing You
Urmila Apr 2016
Today is about missing you,
About missing your spicy fresh perfume, that I'd begun to love,
About missing your plump fat nose, that I never managed to pinch,
About missing your intense and sometimes senseless banter, that I'd never get enough of,
About missing your attempts to reduce the amount of coffee I drink, that I unwillingly adhered to,
About missing the quarter piece of a jam toast, that you always saved for me,
About missing the way you calmed me down, when we faced storms together,
About missing how you took note of everything, a new hair clip, that I knew you'd like on me,
About missing your watch, which you never took off, because of what it meant to you,
About missing your stories, and the zest with which you narrated them,
About missing your photography, how you captured my best and worst moments, when I wasn't looking,
About missing our shared love for yogurt drinks, and how we analysed each one we drank,
About missing how you screamt 'Mogu Mogu' when you found your favourite drink, in my favourite café,
About missing your big hands, that were strong and gentle at the same time,
About missing those few drives with you, talking about everything and nothing,
About missing how you surprised me on my birthday, with chocolates and a scarf, that feels warmer than any other,
About missing your silly quirks, like carrying your backpack around everywhere, which only I understood,
Today is about missing you
I had to stop, I'd probably reach the max length if I went on.
1.8k · Aug 2014
We Were Lost
Urmila Aug 2014
We were lost, but it was a good time
Only because we were lost, did we each other find

Kids thrown into the big world, a whole new one for you,
We were looking for a foothold of sanity
And bumped into a common ground of promises new

We held hands in theory,
2 blind people helping each other through,
But we thought the world was blind,
And sight was just for me and you
An unknown minute apart,
Would turn our lives upside down
We were tourists finding our way,
In a strange strange town

Our dreams seemed to shatter before our eyes,
But we gave ourselves hope
We took solace in the fact,
That 'least we were at the same end of the rope

We prayed, that the light at the tunnel may appear
We insisted we're brave, even when we were crippled with fear
Those fits of laughter that we shared,
Seemed like oxygen on a mountaintop
We were warmth,
When below freeze point the temperature dropped

So you see,
We were lost, but it was a good time
Now we're lost again,
And I just want that old time
When 2 people are lost, but just one finds their way...
1.7k · Sep 2014
Shattered Glass and Clay
Urmila Sep 2014
They were shattered pieces of glass,
In a jar I had kept away,
I thought I'd use them,
To create an artefact some day,
You found the jar in my closet,
I told you with this jar don't play,
You said you could make something beautiful,
With my shattered glass and your clay,
Then you made a masterpiece,
Your art had a metamorphic way
And although you broke your own creation,
Thank you, is all I could say
1.4k · Sep 2016
You are My World
Urmila Sep 2016
The planets bend between us,
Stars sparkle in your eyes,
A great gravity pulls me to you,
Your smile becomes sunrise
There is no sense of time,
No space in between,
Just a world of possibilities,
Magic we've never seen
1.4k · Sep 2014
Carefree Ink
Urmila Sep 2014
The ink will leak,
To manifest to beautiful design,
Or simply blotch on available canvas,
It does not matter;
The pen is broken,
**The ink will leak
1.3k · Aug 2015
I Fell in Love with You
Urmila Aug 2015
And when you told me about all the things you love,
With mad passion in your eyes,
I fell in love with you

And when you shared your thoughts,
Too private for small talk,
I fell in love with you

And when you placed your responsibilities over your self,
Too demanding for anyone to fulfil,
I fell in love with you

And when you loved,
Loved a stray dog, affectionately working your fingers on his neck,
I fell in love with you

And when you hid your pain,
Masked brilliantly in your laugh, for no naked eye to suspect,
I fell in love with you

And when you sang Chasing Cars,
Humming, unconcerned with the passing traffic,
I fell in love with you

And when you told me about your day,
From the big accomplishments, to the tiny, gorgeous observations,
I fell in love with you

And when Ed Sheeran sang All of the Stars,
Thinking all I wanted was nothing more, than to see you walking in that door,
I fell in love with you

And when they told me how amazing you are,
People unexposed to even a fifth of your brilliance;
I fell in love with you

And a million other times,
In a thousand other moments,
Irrespective of intent,
Forever more,
I fell in love with you
1.3k · Jan 2015
Let Me In
Urmila Jan 2015
Let me in
Let me in,
This maze of your mind,
Let me in now,
Don't leave me behind

Those dark corners,
Where your demons reside,
Let me in there,
I don't want them to hide

Let me in and stand by your fight,
Let me in, when you scream at night
Let me in, don't think I won't take it,
Let me in, I know you will make it

That hellish ordeal, that is your every day
Let me in it, let me in every way
Let me in, to know all that's true,
Let me in,
Let me in *you
1.3k · Sep 2014
A Grain of Sand
Urmila Sep 2014
A grain of sand,
Once part of a desert dune,
Taken away by a windstorm,
Parted too soon

Regal was the life,
In the dune where I was born,
Unearthed now,
From my existence torn

A wandering gypsy,
I'm one with the wind,
From all my attachments,
Unhinged, unhinged
The subject, "A Grain of Sand", inspired by Joe Cole's challenge this week.
Thank you, Mr. Cole. Enjoyed writing with such a subject in mind.
1.2k · Sep 2014
You're No Swimmer
Urmila Sep 2014
Pour your heart out to me
I can't
*You'd drown in the very first drop
1.1k · Jun 2015
Urmila Jun 2015
Your experience justifies your disbelief in miracles;
Your existence justifies my belief in them.
1.1k · Jul 2016
Beautiful Things
Urmila Jul 2016
There are beautiful things around,
If you'd stop to take a look,
Not chirping birds, not pretty flowers,
Not mountains, not flowing brooks

Beautiful things in the mirror,
Beautiful things in your head,
When you smile at yourself to go on,
A choice you choose not to regret

Beautiful things like you,
Beautiful like your eyes,
Beautiful things like your thoughts,
Beauty you can't despise

Beautiful things are a collection of you,
Your nuances filled with light,
Beautiful like your laughter,
Beautifully making things alright
1.1k · Apr 2017
To my Sister
Urmila Apr 2017
I always seem to miss you,
When I am a little sad
I don't always tell you this,
For fear it'll sound bad

But I miss you in sadness,
Not for cheering up,
I miss you in sadness,
For we drink from the same cup

These lines don't make much sense,
As most of life does not,
I'm just missing you right now,
Knowing you'd understand my thought
1.1k · Sep 2014
Be Not Deceived
Urmila Sep 2014
Be not deceived,
Words are known devils,
But sometimes even actions lie

Be not deceived,
When your intellect cautions,
Against what your heart tends to hide

Be not deceived,
**What appears to be your salvation,
May well be your damnation in disguise
1.1k · Sep 2014
Urmila Sep 2014
Life is like dark chocolate;
Rich if you appreciate it,
Bitter if you don't
1.1k · May 2015
Slutty Creature (10w)
Urmila May 2015
Unfortunately your heart has been touched,
Now it wants more
1.0k · May 2016
See You Soon
Urmila May 2016
My love,
You are in pain,
You can't hear me through the glass doors,
Nor does my hand touch yours,
- To comfort you (and me), momentarily, in vain
Thankfully, thoughts are not bound,
By these physical dependencies of expression,
You are with me,
In these thoughts,
In all the music,
Your gorgeous smile, like the wallpaper of my head,
Keeping me going,
My darling, your body hurts,
As does your mind,
There's not much I can do,
Except hope that you'll find,
My thoughts and love,
Ever present,
A warm blanket over you,
- I hope you feel,
Just a little longer,
And I won't have to steal,
Your smile from photographs,
Your laugh unreal,
A little longer,
A little longer,
Vacant eyes will shine,
Empty hearts will overflow,
Just a little longer, my love,
Through the clouds we'll see a rainbow
1.0k · May 2017
Why Can't I Lie (10w)
Urmila May 2017
An inconvenient life,
A commitment to being honest,
Bad idea
1.0k · Aug 2016
Urmila Aug 2016
A whirlwind of emotions -
I'm feeling cold,
I'm feeling warm,
Maybe it's the insomnia talking,
But all I want right now,
Is a cyclone -
A whirlpool that takes us both away,
To a quiet place,
Where it's only you and me,
While we're young and wild and free
981 · Mar 2016
End of the World
Urmila Mar 2016
The seas could freeze,
The mountain caps could melt,
Who knows how the world could end?
Except for the love lost -
The world ends every night,
And begins again every morning
972 · May 2015
Urmila May 2015
There is nothing romantic,
Nothing beautiful,
Nothing insightful,
Nothing strengthening,
Nothing poetic,
About missing you
It plain *****.
Urmila Sep 2014
They guided her,
They were friends since she made their acquaintance,
She didn't know all of them,
But the ones she did, she knew them well,
And guarded them fiercely,
For in the times they lived in,
They were abused, brutally abused,
Stripped off their meaning, bastardized
And she couldn't stand it
To her, they represented so much more than a space filling sound,
And using them inappropriately, would just not do
They were her comrades,
Her support system,
They answered questions,
- She couldn't ask,
They questioned ideas,
- She thought unquestionable,
They fooled her some times,
But never by their intention,
She played with them,
Weaved one of a kind garments out of them,
And gifted them to the ones she really loved, like a specially knit sweater,
They kept her warm,
They kept her content,
They kept her hungry,
~ Words
Only words,
Are all that she had...
To do so much more,
Than take your heart away
Some times we say as an expression, "words failed me", but more often than not, we're the ones failing words. Use them wisely.
965 · Jul 2016
Because I Love You
Urmila Jul 2016
With no hope of reciprocation,
With no desire for appreciation,
I say I love you,
Because it is true,
Because there's no other way to exist,
Because I love you

With a chance of misunderstanding,
With the fear of becoming a burden,
I don't say I love you,
Because love doesn't compel,
Because you're my best friend,
Because I love you
946 · Aug 2014
Urmila Aug 2014
Avoidance of human contact, is the best way to remain human

If there are no ties, what will be severed?
If there's no attachment, there will be no burden of holding on  

"But you promised!", you beg,
"Well things change with time!", they dictate
I remind myself of what John Green said, "Sometimes people  don't understand the promises they make when they're making them"

I am not capable of contemporary human relations
Shallow connections aren't connections at all  

Everyone is interchangeable,
Why hold anyone to a pedestal?
It's about being at the right place at the right time,
So what if it's the wrong person?

Let them call you an anti social monster,
You know it is them that are the true monsters relishing your heart's meat  

*Avoidance, of human contact, I have thus learned, is the best way to remain human.
943 · Aug 2014
And When We Finally Spoke
Urmila Aug 2014
You counter argued everything I said;

I took you off the hook and said no more;

What I meant was said between the lines,

A space you no longer looked for...
Of conversations that don't go nearly as planned
930 · Nov 2015
My Eternal Sunshine
Urmila Nov 2015
At one moment in time,
You loved me,
I could feel it,
For this lifetime,
That will be enough,
For me

*For you,
I wish the whole world in all its glory,
Basking under your sunshine
I hope you're happy at this very moment, and always.
923 · Mar 2017
Nobody Won
Urmila Mar 2017
And in the end,
It didn't matter,
How much I love you,
How much you love me,
Heck it didn't even matter how I love you,
Or how you love me,
You're fighting your battles,
I'm playing with my demons,
And it doesn't matter how much I want to throw it all away,
to hold you close,
You are an unyielding force,
I'm a relentless addict,
And in the end,
Nobody wins
914 · Jul 2014
Glass Shard
Urmila Jul 2014
I fought long, and I fought hard,
But deep lodged was the glass shard

It tore the three layers of my dermis, broke a vein too,
And when I finally pulled it out, it looked a lot like you
902 · Apr 2016
Hey Ass hole
Urmila Apr 2016
You speak to them like they're ****,
Address them with adjectives I wouldn't like to take,
Mock their misery, and laugh at their pain,
Act like you're their God,
When really all you are is vain,
And I wouldn't care,
Except fate has me associated with you,
Which is more of a shame than pride, most times,
And I'm a little more sensitive to people's emotions than your self centered, ugly heart ever could be,
I'd correct you, teach you right from wrong,
But I'm afraid you're going to sing your own song,
And fanned with my disgust,
Be even more rude to them,
The only thing you are capable of.
The most disgusting kind of people are the ones who judge others based on their economic status. They make me want to puke all over them.
864 · Sep 2014
Urmila Sep 2014
It's hard to understand,
Where exactly we stand,
Feel the ground beneath... shaking,
Somewhere, something... breaking,
It has happened in the past,
Before you were around,
It's happening again,
With a louder, deafening sound
Do you feel it?
Does it scare you?
Let's talk,
Let me prepare you
857 · May 2015
Maybe You're Forgetting
Urmila May 2015
Maybe I remind you, of the love you once had
Maybe I remind you, how vulnerable you once were,
Maybe I remind you, of things you forgot you could feel,
Maybe I remind you, of a wound you thought had healed,
Maybe I remind you, of the pain you ignore,
Maybe I remind you, of the insanity you escape,
Maybe I remind you,
Maybe I remind you, of everything you want to forget,
Maybe I remind you, of an old regret,
Maybe I remind you,
You are human
857 · Jul 2015
She Never Learns
Urmila Jul 2015
I've never learned how to let go,
And I probably never will,
I gave you the key to my soul,
You probably did too,
And while you waited for the perfect moment to unlock the door,
I jammed the key in too soon,
So I don't blame you for walking away,
Do whatever you must,
But don't expect me to let go,
Un-gracefully, let us self destruct
850 · Oct 2014
Urmila Oct 2014
It was the night of the crimson moon,
Maybe that explains,
The stir in the sea of emotions,
A wave of fear,
Then one of courage,
A wave of love,
Then one of indifference,
Crashing on the shore of the heart,
Logic threw boulders,
To avoid another crash,
But the waves, stronger,
Strengthened by the moon,
842 · Sep 2014
Urmila Sep 2014
That anchor you hold onto for dear life?
It may keep you from drowning,
But it's also keeping you from exploring the vast
840 · Aug 2014
Why, Ocean, Why?
Urmila Aug 2014
You're going to retreat back to your infinity, oh ocean,
Why do you then, keep crashing your waves towards me?
Each time they appear, I shimmer bright,
Just as the sunshine's reflection on your chest,
I rejoice in your arrival,
And within moments, you take away my lustre*

- Seashore
838 · Jul 2014
Not an Even Playing Field
Urmila Jul 2014
It's not an even playing field, my heart,
It's my arena,
But you've had the home court advantage from the start  

It's not an even playing field, my heart,
You score every goal,
And I barely hit the crossbar  

It's not an even playing field, my heart,
Its defence was always strong,
But your tackling skills are a different art  

It's not an even playing field, my heart,
It let's you foul,
And gives me your red card  

It's not an even playing field, my heart,
And you knew all along,
Your tactics have always been smart

It's not an even playing field, my heart,
It's my arena,
But you've had the home court advantage from the start
829 · Aug 2014
Urmila Aug 2014
Exhausted all my change calling you,
Didn't get through
Only to realise, *your line was dead
824 · Sep 2014
Untimely Pause
Urmila Sep 2014
How did we end up here?
This is not remotely what we planned
Young adults with once starry eyes,
Watching our dreams slip away like sand

There were goals and ambitions,
There were some mighty plans,
We knew their magnanimity,
But they seemed just in the reach of our hands

The hustle was always part of the deal,
We knew that from the start,
We hustled and sweat all we could,
We even gave it our heart

Do we accept defeat then?
And call it a lost cause,
Surely this can't be the way our lives end,
Let's just call it an untimely pause
817 · Sep 2014
A Good Run
Urmila Sep 2014
Hurry up!
No, you slow down
You were always faster than me, what has happened to you?
Things change
Catch up, I'll wait
Why don't you just go ahead?*
Because, my love,
We started this together,
And the finish-line without you,
Would just be my *finish
805 · Jul 2016
Urmila Jul 2016
A vacuum inside the chest,
I feel everything ****** into it,
Depression, that's what they call it,
I'm not sure this is what it is,
I'll visit a shrink,
Maybe that'll help,
Maybe there will be a label to this,
Because that's all anyone seems to look for,
I've never cared for labels,
So it's fine if shrinky can't figure one,
But something to fill up the void,
Just something,
To feed the vacuum,
Will help
804 · May 2015
Urmila May 2015
It has two kinds,
One, does not end - a perennial wait for you;
One, bound in a moment - wrapped in your embrace
794 · Feb 2016
Good Night
Urmila Feb 2016
I wrote you a lullaby, listen,
Go to sleep, my dear,
Tomorrow's another day,
Another fight,
I just want you to sleep well tonight,
I'll softly sing you a song,
I know it won't right any wrong,
Maybe it'll comfort your dreams,
I'll work my hand through your hair,
Fall asleep,
For a few hours, have no care,
Close those eyes now, I'm always near,
And when morning comes,
I'll still be here
770 · Jul 2017
Urmila Jul 2017
Cannot overemphasise the importance of never giving up,
If you believe in a cause, a person, an idea, with every cell in your body,
No matter what logic and books and your friends and the internet may say,
If you have faith in something,
You owe it to yourself, and the object of your belief,
To fight -
Every hurdle in your way,
And if that hope and belief survives every hurdle...

So will you
It's not time to give up; it will never be.
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