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He loses grip of reality.
Loses morality.
Gets bitter taste of insanity.

No ability to bring himself back together, in time.
In his head, he hears beautiful chimes.

The clock inside his chest ticks on every step that he takes.
Right foot in front of the left...
dragging himself slowly back home.
Pondering  and viciously swears at the wind.
Making up excuses for the things that he did.
Deep down beneath the skin, he is dying from within.

Stupefied from all the grievance and regrets.
Suddenly,his eyes go backward from shock and distress

His feet begin to soften.
Legs begin shaking.
No stableness.  

Crisped nails and pruned at the fingertips. .
His hair converts to grey.
I called out for him stay.
But it was too late

The man is turning liquescent before my eyes.
He no longer can hear my cries.
Hardly recognizable by the disfigurement of his face.
I am amazed.

He gets down on both knees.
Dissolving in earth’s soil.
His heart then recoils…

I woke up and I screamed.
It was not just a dream.
Daddy has left me.
Cold heartedly.
☓IG: Asteriart
I'll not bother with the trivialities.
I'll forgo the lingering, longing stares
nix the stuttered words and long-departed trains of thought
skip the goofy, giddy smiles and tangential conversations
and I'll never utter the words,
"I think you're truly beautiful"
because you are,
and because you are
you've heard it all before.
Late night histrionics have got the better of me and my mind, and out came words. Briefly breaking my hiatus. I'll be back now and then and again but life is kind of not conducive to writing or thought at the moment. Not cool. Ah, well. Hope you all are doing fantastically. =)
 Jun 2014 Anonymous
 Jun 2014 Anonymous
Once told make good the promises of youth
I said **** that, let's see what this baby can do.
I read grasp by wing the empty sky
Said alright, now I'm flyin'.
Learned take to task the soil of earth
Worked my *** off, now I'm tired.
Overheard Sail by sea tho waves be high
Puked my guts out when I tried.
Preacher man said I should harvest the bounty of friendly ways
Uncle Sam taught me to shoot first and make friends when they are dead.
Poets say love requiting all your days
I've loved and learned a thing or two, then got left blue (can you blame 'em)
Philosophy 101 lesson learned Let age grace you with humility
Marlboro Red says that I'm the hottest cowboy in hell
Life's golden rule Grace this place with your tranquility
I've rocked and rolled my way all through.
One thing I've learned: life can be zen but zen is boring.
Zen's for old age, now's for roaring.

r ~ 6/1/14
   |.    Rockin' in a free world.
  / \
 Jun 2014 Anonymous
 Jun 2014 Anonymous
Whenever I try to heal my scars
I get one more
and happiness gets too far
 Jun 2014 Anonymous
Us !
 Jun 2014 Anonymous
I think about us
and can't close my eyes
Sun knocks in the horizon
Stars start to see off the moon
I  wander from eternity to eternity
vying for solace
then i reach you starting from you
the city lights wait for us
From the silent corner  I watch you rise like a phoenix
coming out in different shapes
sometimes I wish I could cage you
for I don't  like the world to see you and nature to feel you
Every night I promise  myself to own you like you own me
The ghosts of reality starts to haunt me
please tell me you are haunted too
they say there is another life in death
wish I could believe
and I can't fool you either
every jiffy I make myself learn
'sadness is beautiful'
masking my true self
then my words become immortal
touched by your lips
and we swim far away in fringes through the sea of  ink!
 Jun 2014 Anonymous
If I Was
 Jun 2014 Anonymous
If I were naked
it would be different
flaunting my body
being naughty
a being
only physical
people would see me
and drop to their knees
just because I am beautiful
let me capture your eyes
but not your love
for I am only physical

I am mental
a dreamer inside a dream
the hero to the story
a beauty when the outside is boring
the subtle collapse of darkness
tears when the rain is pouring
killer stalking your heels
a sunburst laughing
the one who catches you
faceless I hold you
caressing your hand
I am the love
your light
the one who matters
when the world goes blind.
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