Looking across the purple plain
Swallowing scents of violets
They fill my soul, lift my brain
My grandfather’s smile takes my hand
Leading me into an unknown land
Fear drips away like poison from a vein
I can breathe in the future possibilities
He is showing me. I can live again
Mistakes are like a pointed stick
You can’t escape as they **** and *****
You tell yourself that school is out
Hard to relearn a new life skill
Fighting against the smothering doubt
But my grandfather is my steadfast critic
My moral compass, my super heroic
His calming tone speaks quiet and clear
Don’t dwell on the past, its gone and done
The future awaits, so be brave, don’t fear
He died on a Tuesday, the sky was a heavy grey
My tears never dried, so it rains each day
But I can still smell the purple of the violets,
His garden was filled with the delicate blooms
Times spent talking, watching golden dusted sunsets
And if I could choose the scent of heaven and floral plume
Then it will be clouds of purple and a violet perfume