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You broke my heart.
I searched for clover blooms
from which to weave chains
and crowns for the both of us.
But you with your urban sensibilities
Kept the lawn mowed too often.  You,
Hobby-like in your ankle-length socks
Bermuda tangoed, with your mower.
I eventually came under its blades.
you were once the air i breathed,
when did i become polluted, too?
Hear the steps?
Past the curfew - two feet, counting stairs,
of a drunk man, who's stiffness is eerie.
It's the sound of me climbing up to my place
where there's no one to be doing the hearing.

Hear the jingle?
It's the finger in search of a key,
of a man who's had not enough spirit.
Would my loneliness also abandon me,
if I managed to fall in love with it?
Inspired by Brendan Kennellys poem
 18h ahintofpoetry
when people are in love
they often say
they simply fell
tripped over their own two feet
face forward
and into the arms of their beloved

i did more than simply fall
onto the ground of your love

you, for me
were an ocean
and i dived
almost painfully
into the waters of “you”

i knew i could not swim
but i did so anyway
i was drowning
entangled in you
surrounded by this being of “you”
engulfed in this feeling of “you”

and i did not know what came over me
but i let myself drown
i did not try to swim back up
because if i went back to land,
releasing myself from your grasp
that would mean losing the feeling of “you”

and after
submerging into the depth
the love
the passion
of “you”

how could i ever leave?
I don’t believe in God,
but you made me pray to Aphrodite,
whisper to Venus,
call out to Rati in the dark.
Tell me-who else is left?

Your God forbids it, doesn’t He?
But I would rewrite His laws,
tear down His heavens,
if it meant I could have you.

What must I do?
Tell me-what offering is enough?
Is there a ritual beyond bowing at dawn,
a sacrifice beyond surrender?

Or is He simply deaf?
Does He turn away because He knows
He could never love you
the way I do?
If you return,
do not knock,
the door has memorized your hands.

If you leave,
do not turn back,
the wind carries only forward.
I saw you standing in the rain, hands in pockets, hiding pain.
I almost called, but turned away
what difference would it make today?
We built a love on borrowed time, on half-truths, silence, fragile lines.
And now we walk on separate streets, two strangers with unfinished grief.
When you feel like having no fear,
only then will you realize
what is that thing called life
and that your biggest fear
is leaving your mother on the other side

On the other side of the land,
in another country
She is alone there,
doing the laundry

You call her through the phone,
see her sitting there alone,
You want to touch her—
But you can’t.

And you realize that year ago you could,
but you did not

It is the reality of child trying to grow up
a child thinking that is mature enough,
but is not

They say, Oh, what it is like to be a mother?
But Oh, God,
what it is like to be a child?
Hug your mom while you can

let my tears
bloom as flowers
i will lay them
at your feet

watch their colors
fade to whispers
turn to silence
while i weep

and when the hour
comes to wither
let my sorrows
burn and bleed

like dusk dissolves
into the sea
may the silence
softly keep

the flowers born
from all i weep
and if you ever
dream alone

of tears once sown
just know they bloomed
for you
and you alone

It’s so simple to live happily,
To enjoy life, avoid misery,
Just follow the simple ways of life,
With understanding and empathy.
It’s not really very difficult,
Just leave your egoism behind.
too simple??

— The End —