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Rew 2d
The big-bang blew out this universe  
from bubblegum blown by some deity,  
huge non-existent lips were pursed  
then blew and blew with some great glee 
then quarks and electrons came to be  
from its spittle as the bubble grew  
but the thing which is chewing on me  
what did Newton's Third Law get to do?  
Coz, I've heard there's no front nor obverse,  
or insides to a singularity,  
nothing for the Third to push in reverse    
no equal and opposite reaction, see?  
But still something blows and with glee  
thick as a Plank I haven't a clue,  
my head aches now, that's reality,  
out of nothing a universe spewed?  
When I was a kid,  mother got terse  
and berated me if I chewed chewy,    
she'd not shout nor stamp and not curse  
just say " mucky stuff, waste o' money."  
But she got a laugh thought it funny    
when inevitably my bubble blew,  
and left my face gummed and clarty  
but if this bubble bursts, I guess we're *******...
Rew 4d
" On the ground! " was screamed at the man in flames  
the police were baffled at what could be done,
" get down on the ground !" was screamed yet again  

Their guns pointing as the man writhed in pain
why should they care it's not their Bro' or son
" on the ground! " was screamed at the man in flames,

I guess the policemen felt kinda lame
a burning man is no threat to anyone,  
" but, down on the ground! " was screamed yet again

Burning tendons stretched his hands up in vain
there was no way the burning man could run
" down on the ground " screamed at the man in flames,

Hands holding guns began to show the strain
as burning fats flared to outshine the sun
but, " down on the ground " was screamed yet again

Later their bosses played the old blame game
But the police were lost totally stunned,
" On the ground " was screamed at the man in flames
And " down on the ground " was screamed yet again.
5d · 44
As if?
Rew 5d
He carries round his window cleaning gear
whistling some well known bohemian air,
wears gold earrings, (street cred' is now so dear)
and runs up his ladders like bedroom stairs.

Tanned and sleek, full of self-confident wealth,
he growls, '' you're next !"  (in hope to hear a purr?)
rippling muscles, bouncing around with health,
with a chest full of lush, gorilla, fur...

He cleans windows like an athletic cat
stalks those streets, an animal on the hunt,
but I know the repertoire, all the chat,
and the ****** way he says '' back'n front ? ''

'' Shall I do your inside's, there's not a spot missed? ''
As I'm paying him I think, '' Yeah... as if! ''
Rew 6d
Though the Oomegoolie bird was well endowed      
it made its nest among sharp cacti plants    
then caws out oomegoolies very loud,    
On return to his nest ***** and proud,    
to bill and coo to find then squeak, " I can't "    
tho' the Oomegoolie bird was well endowed...    
So he lived, celibate, not on a  cloud    
no Ma to confide, no sis, Pa, or aunt      
tho' he cawed out oomegoolies very loud,    
And no mate to mate that he could've wowed    
his world lacked even a sniff of talent      
tho' the Oomegoolie bird was well endowed,    
That's why you'll not see these flock like a crowd    
and twitchers sightings are now somewhat scant    
tho' he cawed oomegoolies very loud,    
Wrap him stiff, at last, in his spiky shroud    
There was no hope for this would be gallant,    
Tho' he cawed oomegoolies very loud    
The Oomegoolie bird was well endowed.
Jul 2024 · 130
The I of the Storm
Rew Jul 2024
I regaled my land with thunderings of merriment          
lighting my dark chuckles with bright flash of wit,          
I tickled trees, seas, oceans, till my joke was spent          
then rested to gather strengths to blow my season's blitz.          
Now I blast you foul storms your puny ambitions befit,          
as I reign over you tempestuously  crack and clap          
your puny stone buildings I will blast and split          
and rend your clothes and silly flags to scraps, as they flap...          
I blame you, you blustering creatures, for downpouring of my ire          
you forever chasing seasons of ease,          
climbing up for the secret of eternal fire,        
to power your life and turn my gales to balmy breeze...    
How dare you make my clouds weep, with stormy seeds,          
I am the life spreading Storm, you cannot control,          
I view you shower as a damping turbulent disease          
but, it may be, you do have a role?          
I will blow you down to a gory smear          
across your burnt and blasted arid lands,          
till nothing remains not even a tear          
then scour you gone with my whirlwinding sands.        
Your poisoned flesh, not fit for Earth's viands,          
but your bones, your dry bleached bones        
will nourish my green and pleasant sphere,          
till then I shall weather your howling, squalid, moans.
Jul 2024 · 51
Rew Jul 2024
My life stopped when my  Mother died  
but not so much when Pa past on,  
I tried to grieve I tried and tried  
my life stopped when my Mother died,  
I harmed myself I cried and cried  
how could you do this to me... gone?  
My life stopped when my Mother died  
but not so much when Pa past on...
Jun 2024 · 101
Blueday Rising
Rew Jun 2024
Are you saying sorry now  
to all the folk inside your head,
for all the rotten stuff you did
but it's too late now, 'cause they be dead?

Sorry, sorry, to Moma
sorry, sorry, to Papa too,
saying sorry to that old neighbour  
for all the rottenness I did to you.

And the brother and the sister
god, I dare not go there,
and how the hate of self rises
up is almost too much to bear...

And when I am gone, gone far away
from all the rotten things I've said and done,
will folk say sorry to me in their heads
and will I hear, not even one?
Jun 2024 · 156
Rew Jun 2024
What are you folks to him, you maga crowd,
you duped rioters, you duped stymied gop,
just a meal ticket, for crying out loud,

You, the soldier ants, right, right, beetle-browed
you desperate sad and blank-minded lot,
what are you folks to him, you maga crowd?

You, the grifted he leeched on, you, right cowed,
as long as you pay he cares not one jot,
just a meal ticket for crying out loud,

But sometimes Freudian truths ring out loud
"This Disgusting Sham Politician!! " what?
what, are you folks to him, you maga crowd,

Do you remember the deaths this thing allowed
" Stand back and stand by " at his riot,
what are you folks to him you maga crowd,

This creature will leech till you're in your shroud
Then finally over your grave will squat,
What are you folks to him, you maga crowd,
Just a meal ticket, for crying out loud.
line 11  Vivek Ramaswamy
Feb 2024 · 221
Do Not Sigh
Rew Feb 2024
Do not sigh waiting for the words to come
the soft words the weighty words and the hard,    
but take up your pen go and search for some,    
These rhymes are not hard, your brain is not numb,    
and by musing your work may well be marred,    
do not sigh waiting for the words to come,    
The words are there this is your mother's tongue
your brain it will not shatter into shards,    
but take up your pen go and search for some,    
Take your thoughts, weave and spin your song, till sung    
for there are no words from which you are barred    
do not sigh waiting for the words to come,    
A lazy pen will never get work done    
from idleness, you must be on your guard,    
but take up your pen, go and search for some    
Get out from under boredoms heavy thumb  
and if needs be invent words, like the bard,    
do not sigh waiting for the words to come  
but take up your pen go and search for some.
Feb 2024 · 121
Crime & Punishment
Rew Feb 2024
A guilty verdict a heinous crime
the jury advised " keep your name secret "
I may see trump jailed, doing some hard time,

The boss of a crime family in his prime
Vince Gigente was jailed to pay his debt
a guilty verdict a heinous crime,

A gangster who blagged to top of the pile
with conspiracies and murderous threats,
I may see trump jailed, doing some hard time,

There's no change between these two, in my mind
except the fool's coxcomb of his barnet
(a guilty verdict a hideous crime),

who thinks when he crows the sun rise and shines
I like to think he's now started to sweat
I may see trump jailed, doing some hard time.

I've no forgiveness, let him beg for dimes,
he can share a pitch with Guilliani, yet
I may see trump jailed, doing some hard time
a guilty verdict a heinous crime...
the fools coxcomb in King Lear.

conspiracies & murderous threats
for eg " hang Mike Pence. "

Vincent Gagente story by Weissman
and told to Huff Post " Gagente who's
guilty verdict prompted the trial judge
to advise the jury to stay anonymous."

same as in this $83.3 million verdict
and for the same reasons

barnet= Barnet fair, hair
Feb 2024 · 127
Wilted Daisies
Rew Feb 2024
You're not allowed to be wilted daisies
Adolf trump is gunning for woke lib'ral hacks
make like killer Triffids sting like blazes,

This grifting abuser of old ladies
be sticky Venus flytraps catch this rat,
you're not allowed to be wilted daisies

How can you take on these fascist crazies
no chance by being bumbling weedy crap
make like killer Triffids sting like blazes.

This narcissi projects his dark places
make like badass snapdragons snap them back
you're not allowed to be wilted daisies.

There's time for tumbling tumble-**** lazy
when this beast is well and truly zapped
make like killer Triffids sting like blazes,

This orange beast who intones " obey me "
Vote and vote and vote against him, he'll snap
You're not allowed to be wilted daisies
Make like killer Triffids sting like blazes.
Feb 2024 · 122
I'll tell! I'll tell!
Rew Feb 2024
When his Pa gets told he'll bash his *****      
when he hears what his little ***** did,
cause he rives at stuff all *****-nilly  

He won't try with Bertha's sister Lily      
and she is such an helpful little kid,      
when his Pa gets told he'll bash his *****      
He nagged and nagged till his voice rose shrilly      
then went red an' I thought he'd blow his lid,    
cause he rives at stuff all *****-nilly    
I said I might but for little Jimmy      
that got *****'s goat he's gone real livid,      
when his Pa gets told he'll bash his *****,    
I got scared and said it's far too chilly      
I said I'd tell and tell and tell, I did,    
cause he rives at stuff all *****-nilly  
And then I said I can't, Ma would **** me    
and raced on but come off when bike skidded,
when his Pa gets told he'll bash his *****    
cause he rives at stuff all *****-nilly ...
Feb 2024 · 110
Crazy Jack Smith
Rew Feb 2024
That crazy Jack Smith is gunning for trump
and me, for one, is sure cheering Jack on
Jack's gonna deliver the knockout thump

And knock him flat on his fat orange ****
then flush him away down some public john,
that crazy Jack Smith is gunning for trump.

Serve grifter trump right for being a chump
the world will sure cheer when this thing is gone
Jack's gonna deliver the knockout thump,

He'll make sure trump's for the highest of jumps
when he jail's his man Jack should get a gong
that crazy Jack Smith is gunning for trump

Jack's revving up for one hell of a dump
then *** offender trump will truly pong
Jack's gonna deliver the knockout thump

I hope trump's biz is heading for a slump
then let  bells peal out ding **** *** long gone
trump, crazy Jack Smith is gunning for trump
Jack's gonna deliver the knockout thump
Feb 2024 · 152
My Devil Man
Rew Feb 2024
I have no time for Mr Newman
those washed up washeruppers,
give me the troubling tough Tarzan
trembling me with the screams he utters,
swinging from curtains, this brute ape-man,
come to make me his woman...

Modesty forbids me to be kissed and tell
when in the arms of my cave-man lover,
or how, even, he would be like a devil from hell
as he burns me beyond being a blusher,
and the neighbors would know from my yells
that master was home quelling his rebel...

And later when we both are satiated
and sunrise begins to dry the dew,
my Tarzan would know that he'd really mated
for I'd leave him, of course, black and blue,
my marks would show his boasts not inflated
his Rewd Jane really is, X rated...
Jan 2024 · 148
Rew Jan 2024
When i was young, naïve but kind,
I met a chap, the rotten cad,
who made me be his loving child,
(being ruined, it ain't so bad.)

I can't say I was wined and dined
just lemonade, some greasy chips,
he'd say that, '' being ruined is fine ''
as he clutched me in an owners grip.

He taught me how to pleasure him
and said " I'm teaching you a trade "
then made me practice on his kin
till he said " there, you've made the grade.

I play my trade on cold kerbstones
counting pennies, in my thin purse,
hearing february's cold wind moan
being ruined ain't bad, could be worse...
Jan 2024 · 328
Lunatics Moon
Rew Jan 2024
Lunatic's Moon...
Those forever days of the past    
it lay quiet in tranquil sleep,    
save for visitor's noiseless blasts    
of meteor's falls from the deep,    
raising silent dust's slow, slow, leaps    
in dance, gift of ghost's ballet shoes    
Ad agio A cappella,    
hypnotized my eyes, seek the moon...    
I see Hekate through my glass    
of spirits, as I start to dream,    
a ****** god, did she think, alas?    
I hear her hounds, Hades guards supreme,    
I fear beast dogs awake, griping claw, tearing teeth,
my fear of dog mounts higher inside...
grossly male, trembling knees, knock
under his hot glare I drop my eyes,
I burn, tremble dreaming see gleam    
hot eyes, click of claw come to choose...    
nails pierce my clenched palms like claws, I...    
moth I, pinned by crazed magic moons...    
Constricted chest, sweat drowns my Sass,    
smell of wet dog fur make me freeze,    
my drink or some Satanic Mass    
make these demented visions stream    
across my glazing eyes, two-dog-teams    
of Hekate's hell-hounds stiff stalk move    
nip heels, thighs, herds me hell bound, I      
cowed, bare throat to lunatic's moon...
Jan 2024 · 93
Sorry Joe
Rew Jan 2024
Sorry Joe, you're asking the wrong folk this;
" Who on earth could vote for this lying chump "
try *** offenders bullies and rapists,

Anarchists and jailed insurrectionists
the immature who's hero dubbed them dum
sorry Joe, you're asking the wrong folk this,

Ask ragged trousered philanthropists
and the dictators who've become his chums,
try *** offenders bullies and rapists,

And those antidemocratic fascists
shameless GOPers queueing to kiss his ***,
sorry Joe, you're asking the wrong folk this,

Ask his sad insecure apologists
all these unblushingly will come up trumps
try *** offenders, bullies and rapists,

and twisted insecure rabid racists
a mutual courtship for a closet  ****
sorry Joe, you're asking the wrong folk this,
try *** offenders, bullies and rapists...
Jan 2024 · 159
Rew Jan 2024
The fickle luck of my sweet cunning stunt  
as my tutor says " you're a shining wit    
the prime frier tuck of all cunning runts  
a stabbit Rew, the cooking flue, of linguists..."  
I picked Lucy my furry ***** cat  
she who once had the name of Mary Hinge  
her dam was Betty Swallocks she said duck fat  
would get me cobbing throcked and Grapes by the rinch
But that weren't so muk'n fuch till sigging fruck  
gross Pat Fenis was a right witch banker  
full of featy sweet and featy swannies  
from Penistone not Scunthorpe, a bush whacker?
Dec 2023 · 145
Fundamentally Speaking
Rew Dec 2023
We must fight and fight against this Fourth-*****      
of Adolph trump and mike Goebbels johnson,
as I strive to voice some preemptive strike,
Before they breach our democracy's ****      
and flush down history's drain our freedom,
we must fight and fight against this Fourth-*****.      
*** offending-leech trump, with his, "N" gibes,
the lawless insurrection he begun,
as I strive to voice some preemptive strike.      
They'll bring in restraints ayatollah like      
using as fact the web of lies trump spun,
we must fight and fight against this Fourth-*****,
The steel veils crash down even as I type      
anti-gay zealot? Speaker johnson is one,
as I strive to voice some preemptive strike...    
Treat them with derision, Roar " Take a hike!"      
use your vote get 'em, without question, slung.      
We must fight and fight against this Fourth-*****,
as I strive to voice some preemptive strike.
Nov 2022 · 743
Rew Nov 2022
My springtime's never ending suns
I carry sunglow from window to bed,
planning, when the next day has come,
just as soon as the pets are fed,
and I've tidied up my empty head,
walked the dog, give cat the cream,
to run and jump and skip and play
not laze around and sleep and dream...
Too late! my pet's wet chomping jaws
send my dreams to damp moist earthy days
of screaming pterodactyls & dinosaurs...

My summer sun's they always shone
so brightly that they hurt my eyes,
and I hid and wished it, Begone!
with my false exasperated sighs...
I lazed around and fantasied,
conjured darkness for my needs,
and willed self toy for troglodytes
so dreamily these beasts use my hands on me
on dark cave floor's breed in me, such dreams...
Of Hekate's hounds entering... in my mind
behind the private door's of my eyes.

Now my Autumn comes crashing down
there's earlier settings of darker suns,
troglodytes and hell's hounds keep me bound
on stiff stalking legs ***** one-eyed proud
as creeping winters begin to run...
My pale face mirrored as I count my sum,
of my omniverse to find it finally means,
of my dreams this whole world wide,
dream leads to this... Whereof? I cannot dream...
Jul 2022 · 129
Rew Jul 2022
I say " But, I'm not your Mom"
rapt, around his fingers...
Jan 2022 · 118
We'll Never Know
Rew Jan 2022
Who knows the names of his land now
of when Neanderthaler roamed,
the track, the trails  the beasts tracked down,
the valleys, forests, he called home
the fondness for the place he'd grown,
or even how great his delight
from hunt's return, perhaps alone
he sights his families fire light.

We'll never know when Deer or Sow
was slain for food was respect shown,
I'd like to think, to believe, somehow
that they had a great sacred stone,
to give the beast a swift death groan,
before feasting throughout the night
telling, before the beast fell prone,
how brave it fought, with such great might.

We'll never know if, with calm brow,
as all around, dark insects droned,
through glow of coals from burning boughs
as lips ****** sweet, sweet, honeycombs,
or cracked and snacked on marrow bones,
did they ponder the moon's pale light,
and contemplate the life they owned
as owls whoo, whoo, through their long night.
Sep 2021 · 108
Behind the Mask
Rew Sep 2021
Behind the mask lay healthy fear
of politicians she hears jeer
and false pundits who's view can ****
she wishes these would keep tongue still
and never batter at her ear.

Their words 'bout freedoms, insincere
they don't uplift just bring death near
she's weary of these, had her fill
behind the mask...

She knows her duty, will adhere,
keeps her distance doesn't go near
the mask-less with their weaker will
but hears the folk up on the hill
who cherish her they know she's dear
behind the mask...
" dear" something or someone which has value...
Sep 2021 · 185
No.No. No. No!
Rew Sep 2021
I wondered where the scream came from
later I found out, from me,
I'd eaten lots of chocolate bon-bons
till the pain knocked me to my knees.

The sweat stood on my brow, you know
Now sweets are a No, No, No, No!
Rew Sep 2021
Smoking at work is now a no-no
You wanna smoke *** outta the dooro
An smoking near kids
We hadda get ridz
But to refuse vaccine & mask? Well' I dunno...
Sep 2021 · 242
A Limerick
Rew Sep 2021
We'll the wife's dead an' me'n the kids are ill
And i wonder if they'll live to read my will
But for vaccines and masks
I just tut-tut an say " don't ask
To kowtow them fools, on the hill.
Rew Sep 2021
She has a quite pride in self
as Autumn strews her path with gold
these trees bestow bronzed silver wealth
on these who are the wealth of worlds.

One can see in her prideful strides
this proclamation " I am woman!"
a sisterhood the whole world wide
reaching back to their birth of man.

And so it was across the veldt
ten times ten thousand years ago
those yesterdays the claimed and owned
a vastly gleaming womb of gold.

They walked their way to Bethlehem
gave lowly birthing for a king
a thousand years with each small step
I see them all here, still, walking.

We've composed a myriad hymns
to sing their praises, for their dance,
we never met I never knew
but they all kissed me, with her glance.
Sep 2021 · 533
Red Ruby Lip
Rew Sep 2021
I kissed my friend's red ruby lip
as I vowed we'd never part
and stroked her neck and took a sip
to warm my belly and my heart.

I caressed her shoulder all dewy eyed
as on her lip I gift another kiss
her smoothness soothed me nigh to cry
such sweetness I had long long missed.

I'd loved her from my very first
when her spirit suffused through me
such pleasure I thought I would burst
and for a time she set me free.

She was gone sometime that lonely night
when I awoke I cursed her near dead
with throbbing head and bleary sight
to find her lying emptiness by my bed.
Feb 2021 · 345
Rew Feb 2021
Are you being prepared for bed, when kist
will you resist an insistence of he
to quicken his lust, will he grip a wrist
and the daddy be to undress his she?

He strips of your clothing, in ownership,
and in doing so is he owning you
perhaps in this ownership clothes are ripped
but, of course, this is love, and his love is true.

After these few, preliminary, acts
a bruise or two, well' 'tis foreplay
and a loving man will bestow love's smacks
to keep his interest for one more day.

And later, if both be satiated,
if love be love, can there be some, hatred?
Feb 2021 · 123
Rew Feb 2021
is it sat'day today mother
is it sat'day again today
is it sat'day today mother
is it still long long way away?

i need a play day my mother
i need a day to play away
i need a day to play mother
to play horrid cares away.
Feb 2021 · 115
the Mouth-organ
Rew Feb 2021
the mouth-***** plays, such sweet tunes
under nimble lip and quick tongue,
so skilfully it's made to croon
the mouth-***** plays such sweet tunes,

the sound it makes can fill a room
twould make the deaf angels to come
to hear, it calms all Bedlam's loons
the mouth-***** plays, such sweet tunes.
a triolet
Feb 2021 · 132
5-7-5 erect
Rew Feb 2021
men ***** the world
men ***** society
women? ***** men...
Feb 2021 · 127
a Brief fantasy
Rew Feb 2021
i see only woman's faces
stretching back to our birth by Eve,
of the men I find no traces
and breath a great sigh, of relief,

I'm not sorry father, brother
i am not sorry uncle, son
cos I am here with all our mothers
are you, with that, Devilish one?
Feb 2021 · 228
Rew Feb 2021
He doesn't say much
but, takes all day to say it
so tediously.
Feb 2021 · 114
I remember the sea
Rew Feb 2021
I remember the aroma left by the sea
when the tide ebbed out left seaweed about
and little creatures scuttled away from me,
I remember the aroma left by the sea.

and the salt and fish of the sea,
and the shallow pools among the rocks
and the deep ones and the deep green pool of your eyes
and the fish of your sea and the rock stains the green stains

the quick blue veins of the sea anemones,
I remember the aroma left by the sea,
and I remember the vision of yourself
alluring self  expensiveness of your own scent temptingly,
and your good sense in your sense of me
(remembering) this aroma of we, left behind by the sea
the saltiness and O how I do, love thee.
Jan 2021 · 304
5-7-2 x3
Rew Jan 2021
i'm with the old folks
it's very quiet, round here,
just false teeth, clacking...

crocadiles shed tears
my pet one does, anyway
such a cry baby...

''i can't bear it now''
that's my bruin, always shy
he's such a bug bear...
Jan 2021 · 105
Rew Jan 2021
don't hear cuckoos now,
I wonder if they are mad?
just asking, is all.
Jan 2021 · 140
a brief
Rew Jan 2021
I am, poetic,
I write things which pleaseth me
your ****, pleaseth me...
Jan 2021 · 121
The Cavalry
Rew Jan 2021
A plague on all your houses sir
and so it was it came to pass
even the plague has concurred
a plague on all your houses sir,

I can not speak but I have heard
death's silent rattle to the past
this plague on all our houses sir
and so it is, it came, they pass.


I stretch my mind for future words
saying '' all is well in this time ''
I strain, '' new strains '' is all I've heard
I stretch my mind for future words,

with futile pen I write my words
so impotent and so absurd
I stretch my mind to find the words
but say, '' all will be well, in time.''


I hate to sit and whine and curse
surrounded by such misery
indeed to be out but I durst
I hate to sit and whine and curse,

so long before it gets much worse
I need to hear and also see
the dust of fast galloping horse
and hear this shout, '' The Cavalry! ''
trio of topical triolets
Jan 2021 · 129
steam train (a villanelle)
Rew Jan 2021
I'd love to hear a steam train in the night
captivating with its unseen romance
in the deepest dark or fast fading light,

raising my slumbers to wondering heights
darkness and silence by magic enhanced
I'd love to hear a train steam in the night,

to marvel at its smooth rocketing might
majestic and stately unseen advance
in the deepest dark or fast fading light,

what destinations such movements delight
my thoughts in childhood such sounds these enhance
I'd love to hear again trains steam at night,

imaged it speeding my thoughts to free flight
delivering mail to cottage and manse
in the deepest dark or fast fading light,

carrying me to within childhood's sight
steaming receding into time distant,
I'd love to hear again trains steam at night
in this near dark of my fast fading light.
a villanelle.
Jan 2021 · 117
P's'nQ's. (3xtriolet)
Rew Jan 2021
i'll gain my birth through pen'n ink
perhaps with paper as midwife
my birth may raise a triffick stink
i'll gain my birth through pen'n ink,

i will i will i'm sure...i think,
some where i've been write to life
i'll gain my birth through pen'n ink
with paper perhaps as midwife.


I see a dot above my eye
feel crosses cross my little tees
will he pen me now with slim thighs
i see a dot above my eye,

a buxom lass he's penned he sighs
he writes '' skirt pulled above her knees''
i see a dot above my eye
feel crosses cross my little tees.


He never minds his p's'n q's
just dots my eye crosses his tees
and gazes on these words he drew
he never minds his p's'n q's,

he'll never mind his p's'n q's
he writes his words now with great glee
perhaps my wish for life i'll rue
he blots my eyes to stroke his tees.
Jan 2021 · 219
Rew Jan 2021
i didn't exist for ages, you know
then, all of a sudden, this brief glow.
Jan 2021 · 236
Insane rage
Rew Jan 2021
I've insane rage inside it kills
O comfort me with Mother love
its wills will me to do self ills
i've insane rage inside it kills,

O Mother mine please hold me still
gently gentle me free from fear
i've insane rage inside it kills
O comfort me my Mother dear.


This rage will will me underground
dear gentle me with Mother love
down on Earth i am so hell bound
this rage will will me underground,

i might reach peace, deep underground
i'm teetering just one shove,
this rage will will me underground
dear gentle me with mother love.


I called you came, you comfort me
though rage still wills me underground
you gentled me to let it be
i called you came you comfort me,

those future years i feared, you see
i wasn't shoved i just jumped down
you called i came you comfort me
together now, deep underground.
Triolet X 3.
Jan 2021 · 128
a triolet
Rew Jan 2021
This thing, that i am doing now
showing a universal need,
a need to communicate, somehow
this thing, that i am doing now,

neanderthalers did it, wow!
perhaps down time they've sown the seeds
for these things we are doing now
it shows a universal need.
Jan 2021 · 108
a Villanelle inovation
Rew Jan 2021
I guess most inventions come from the child mind
the bow'n arrow, from the fire-stick?
fueling progress of the human kind,

a map, for sure, showing where dinner hides,
pat-a-cake, pat- Say' I made me a brick!''
I guess most inventions come from the child mind,

hey, Maw'n Paw, let's buil a cave, outside
the Catalhoyuk way (neolithic)
to fuel progress of the human kind,

James Watt and others, anyone can find
had their ideas young when the mind's quick
most inventions come from the childlike mind,

I guess the adults then got on the grind
after the child has given it a lick
this fuels progress of the human kind,

maybe the kids grew something on which they dined
perhaps hand-rearing a lamb or a chick
most inventions come from the childlike mind
not so very far from the poet's mind.
Param *****, Robert Patch  Abbey Fleck, Ritchie Stachowski, George Nissen, K. K. Gregory, Christopher Cockerel, Hart Main, Frank Epperson, Kelly Reinhart, Jesus Christ, Chester Greenwood, Philo Farnsworth, Cyrus McCormick, Louis Braille, Frank Whittle, Mattie Knight etc, etc, etc...
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