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 Jan 24 Mishty
King symonie
He said
Take me back in time
When dreams were bigger than fears
When laughter was real and deep
When Friends were siblings

Back when 'face masks' never existed

just ...
take me back in time .
 Dec 2024 Mishty
David P Carroll
The sun is
Shining so bright in the sky
And the sunset's warm embrace
Soothing kiss on my face and it
Brings a calmness to my soul
In it's peaceful bliss.
Sunset πŸŒ‡ πŸŒ…
 Nov 2024 Mishty
Michael Leo
I never regret meeting you,
nor do I regret loving you.
I admit,
I dream of being with you,
but fate only allows me to love you,
not to possess you.
Thank you for the endless joy you brought me,
May happiness forever be yours, you see.
No matter the distance, the years that may pass,
as long as you remember me,
whether it be love or friendship,
I will always be here.
This promise will never expire.
For 576
 Aug 2024 Mishty
far beyond
 Aug 2024 Mishty
i'm lying to everyone
rather be drunk than loved
yeah sure i've been taking my meds
i've been getting to bed
and there's not as many
voices in my head
 Feb 2024 Mishty
 Feb 2024 Mishty
It may look like I'm silent
But don't let it fool you
I'm holding back the will
To say that I love you
 Feb 2024 Mishty
 Feb 2024 Mishty
As she runs off to the sunset
Filled with glee as she gazes at it
Little did she know it was a duet
A beautiful view and her captivating hue
 Dec 2023 Mishty
 Dec 2023 Mishty
I sit very still in bed
staring at the duvet.
Not really thinking,
just staring.
It’s like I am a piece of furniture
in this quiet house.
Time drips by as families
everywhere are celebrating.
I am grieving.
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