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Jan 2021 · 107
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
Succinctness trembles in the realm of the heart
The watchman of the Seventh Seas goes as far as the signal of light.

Unclean emotions play in a whisper
Scarcity is spreading in the arms of darkness.

Looking back here and there, it's back to the motionless speed
Arranged gardens surrounded by loneliness.

When the wealth of love is lost, it was sad
Looking forward to the glittering sky, hope to get back again.
Jan 2021 · 131
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
My mind is sitting there
by the side of the pond full of water lilly
My heart is residing there
within the row in the field of mango garden.

When it rains in the summer
we jumped altogether in the pond
roamed from trees to trees
looking for turtle nest.

On the winter day, on the date trees
taking away all the juice
With the evening falls
runaway to the village market.

Childhood memories
bewilder the mind
The good old times
still are in the memento.
Jan 2021 · 67
Pessimistic wind
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
The harp's tale sounds what a tune
That tune deepens inside the heart
Where did the thoughts go?

Whirling the mind
Here blows the hint of apathetic wind
Where are the thoughts?

The whole day got mixed in the dusk
The mind does not work in any way
That's how the time passes
With a pale breeze.
Jan 2021 · 321
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
Come to the zero, float in the zero
Return to the zero
Seeing in the zero, learning in the zero
Consuming in the zero.

Back to the zero, surrounded by the zero
Arranged in the zero
Mixing in the zero, pressing in the zero
Deletion in the zero.

Walking in the zero, talking in the zero
Passing in the zero
Playing in the zero, fairing in the zero
Ending in the zero.
Jan 2021 · 442
Night stars
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
The stars in the night sky
glow with glitter
Spreads the game of light and darkness
talk about the existence of God.

Very distant from this planet
far far away
They are many light years away
from here too far away.

Yet everyone adheres to the rules
revolve around their peripheries.

There are more stars in this universe
Whose light has not yet come
In the lap of this planet.
Jan 2021 · 79
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
In the study, come everyone
Let us develop the merit.
In the memorized studies
The deficit remains.

Must be in the syllabus
Intellectual development strategies
Students should learn about pragmatic education
Then life will be successful.

Young people have to be provided with
Technical education
It will be needful to work in the country
You have to take an oath.

When to build a better career
There is no alternative to gain knowledge
So, move towards that path
As soon as possible.
Jan 2021 · 90
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
Woman: (English)
Hakikur Rahman

Hello woman
Enfolded me in what an illusion,
What fascination you have spread-
In thrilled string, in the thirsty morning,
In the heart of mine;
Time passes by,
Gave up the helm-
Reviving the consciousness, I see an invisible oasis,
For time antiquity,
Became celibate.

নারী: (Bengali)
হাকিকুর রহমান

ওহে নারী,
কি মায়ায় জড়িয়েছিলে মোরে,
ক্ষণিকের তরে,
ছড়িয়েছিলে কিসের মোহ-
পুলকিত ডোরে, তৃষায়িত ভোরে,
মম অন্তরে;
কাটিয়া গেলোযে কাল,
ছাড়িয়া দিয়াছি হাল-
সম্বিত ফিরি হেরি অদৃশ্য মরুদ্যান,
অনাদিকালের তরে,
হলেম ব্রহ্মচারী।

Mulher: (Portuguese)
Hakikur Rahman

Olá mulher
Enfatizou-me em que ilusão,
Em breve,
Que fascinação você tem espalhado
Em cordas emocionadas, na manhã com sede,
No meu coração;
O tempo passa,
Deu o leme
Revivendo a consciência, vejo um oásis invisível
Por tempo antiguidade,
Tornou-se celibatário.

Frau: (German)
Hakikur Rahman

Hallo Frau
Umhüllte mich in was für eine Illusion,
Welche Faszination hast du verbreitet?
In einer aufgeregten Schnur am durstigen Morgen
Im Herzen von mir;
Die Zeit vergeht,
Gab den Helm auf
Das Bewusstsein wiederbeleben, sehe ich eine unsichtbare Oase,
Für die Zeit der Antike
Zölibat wurde.

Femme: (French)
Hakikur Rahman

Bonjour femme
M'enveloppa dans quelle illusion
Quelle fascination tu as répandue-
En string ravi, le matin assoiffé,
Au coeur de la mienne;
Le temps passe,
A donné la barre-
En ressuscitant la conscience, je vois une oasis invisible,
Pour l'antiquité,
Est devenu célibataire.

महिला: (Hindi)
हकीकुर रहमान

हेलो महिला
मुझे भ्रम में डाल दिया,
शीघ्र ही,
आप किस मोह में फैले हैं-
रोमांचित तार में, प्यासे सुबह,
मेरे दिल में;
समय गुजरता है,
हेलम दिया-
चेतना को पुनर्जीवित करते हुए, मैं एक अदृश्य नखलिस्तान देखता हूं,
समय की प्राचीनता के लिए,
ब्रह्मचारी हो गया।

(In memory of my beloved one)
Jan 2021 · 116
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
No more cry, my friend
Stand up straight
Step to the front
There is no time to stop.

Do not let all go back
Do not mess with memories
With new consciousness
Inspired by the encouragement
Get started on the way again.

Let the obstacles come as much as possible
As far as someone calls from the back
With a new hope
Deep into the heart
Let's face it
There is no time to go back again.
Jan 2021 · 83
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
One question remains in the mind
Why come to the earth
What causes life, when you die?
Just float in the dream?

Time passes with the same thought
Yet, the answer to the question is not found
As much as I think and do the ratio of numbers.
Jan 2021 · 494
Life on the riverbed
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
The river does not know how to stop
The movement does not have any border.

It breaks one side and builds the other side
The river goes on to the sea
It breaks down as it wishes
Whatever the dam you built.

Yet this is the life of the riverside
Beloved to many people
They are the witnesses of the breaking and building
The river has taken their own.

The river is filled up
Hits both the sides
Here comes the tidal waves
Wake up everyone!
Jan 2021 · 94
Earthly affair
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
Sailing in the Earthly affair
No one will come with you.

As you came on that day
Likewise, you will be gone.

As much as you do, illusion here
With children, property, wife.

So do not weep, no result
Only Karma will be with you.

If you have a fall with the delusion
There is no gain in the soul.
Jan 2021 · 116
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
The apathetic king just sat and think
Will there be a day?
No one else in this state
Will not remain in starvation.

Calling Minister, calling Scholar
Calling all the Courtiers
Must have to make a master plan
So that all the people of the state get to eat.

More of the state treasury
Has to be enriched
So that someone is in the next day
Does not live in inadequacy.

Wherever you see flood, drought, famine
Stretch your  hands
So that no one remains starving
Do not spend night without sleep.

Food, clothes, shelter
These three are the original
If you can afford, then give then education
There will be lack of inadequacy from the country.

In this way, his kingdom is ruled by his kingship
No one else in the state has ever cried.
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
Sitting on the window of the lane
The boy does not be seen any more
So when with him
Was last seen.

He was suffering from a difficult illness
No one did not know
He left the world in silence
Filled with the cry of the tears.

He was quite in touch with the conversation
It was with everyone
No matter whether pedestrians, peddlers are going
Whoever have passed the path.

I remember the boy very much, when I pass through this way
Hope one day, the boy will again appear by holding the window.

(From a childhood memory)
Jan 2021 · 115
Rainy day
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
Rain fall in the canals and ditches
Peacock dances with floating wings,
Myna becomes wet in the tree
Rain falls with melodious sound.

The sky becomes black with clouds
Wind speed increases,
Cloud clashes and flashes
Watering sound becomes more loud.

In this full rain
Who wants to go outside,
I see the rain sitting in the porch
And write poetry about rain.
Jan 2021 · 147
Rickshaw puller
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
The wheel rolls around
Drops the sweating of the body
The whole day struggles on
Does he gets what is the real price?

He goes from here to there
Under the sun and rain
Life comes to the throat
Does not remain in the heart.

Yet he runs along the path
With the inspiration to survive
Going along the way
In no one's mercy.
Jan 2021 · 87
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
In the bend of life’s wave
The tears and laughter are hidden
Someone can see, someone cannot see
No one knows.

Life is going on like this
World is roaming around the clock
When and where to stop
No one knows.

Cut out unnecessary time
Walk in the opposite direction
Which way to walk
No one knows.

Chest is filled up with empty hopes
Life is shattered somehow
Where to sail down
No one knows.
Jan 2021 · 301
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
In the heat of the summer
all body sweats
Get a little peace
when it rains.

It's happening around the world
due to the change of environment
In third world countries, especially
increasing irritation intensifies.

All of the us together
will have to take the step
If the balance is in the environment
Eventually disaster will decrease.
Jan 2021 · 162
Inundated Jamuna
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
Waves of water flutters
The Jamuna is inundated
The waves stuck towards
Rahim Miah's house courtyard.

The house is in the river bank
Passes his life by catching fish
Seeing the tide and web
He keeps all of his family in the house.

However, there is heavy fear is his mind
When the house would be washed away by the wave
Yet, he was bound to the chest
Hoping for life.
Jan 2021 · 527
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
In the life of tears and laughter
What is left to see?
It may seem like this life
Entire entity is empty.

In the bend of river life
The memories are hidden
Never let to catch, never let to see
There is no limit to its perimeter.

So on the pages of life
Let's all write them down
All the makers of all events
And, become a mute witness.
Jan 2021 · 292
Traveler (2)
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
Seeing it unimaginable
keeping everything
out on the way.

Time of the day
unevenly mixed
what I would say.

One could say that
whatever to say
seen more obstacles
on the way.

Who knows what will happen.

The passer-by seeing the front
forwards the legs right.
You can try to get to see
and, even get it right on the river’s coast.
Jan 2021 · 168
Mother's lap
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
Baby tears in the mother's lap
It cannot be beard in any way
Mother's lap brings peace
In the hearts of all the children.

The child waddle in the mother's lap
Forget to cry all the way.

Come to the mother's lap
We all take shelter.
Jan 2021 · 221
Walking on path (2)
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
Fair of weeping- laugh
It's been around the whole day
Looking at this side, looking at the other side
Let's see the same game.

By this way, you go or by that way
The swiftly swirl the wheel
This is the same as walking on the old way
Renewal of walking.

Of this walking
has no end
nor it has
special fatigue.

So, it has to be walking on the way
And, it is not a child’s play.
Jan 2021 · 189
The Earth
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
Ask the wind that stopped-
Why are you stalling?
I can not be overwhelmed as before
It is the pollution at the source.

Ask the tree which is trending downwards -
How this has happened to you?
She answered, as she is ill,
In the absence of water I am in the big trouble
This is how we remain alive.

Ask the fountain that is flowing lifeless,
Why you do not flow like before?
I'm in great trouble being harmed by the environment
No one shows any sympathy.

Let's talk about the slow-moving river-
Where are your excited waves?
Due to lack of navigability, I am dry now
There is no one to see it.

Ask the bird sitting in the shade -
Why are you so depressed
The canals are all filled up
Can not get food properly when I am hungry.

I ask the dusk on the horizon-
Why do not have gold color as before?
The world's back is gray now
Cannot get immersed in the boundaries.

Ask the people who are half awake
This is the way the world should run?

To protect the environment around the world
Everyone should be gathered together and claim.
Jan 2021 · 168
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
Inside twenty-two yards
Twenty-two players
The game is very exciting
It's been around the whole day.

Sometimes in white ball
Sometimes this game is going to be on red ball
It's not a play of force
They say that they only need intellectualism.

Test, one-day, T-Twenty
These three ways can be played in this game
Types of variations in over
Play this game on the field.

If the ball touches the fence touching the ground
Then there are fours
And if the ball does not touch the boundary liner
It's six, and how nice it is to see.

Let's play around the whole world
Let's play the game of bat and ball
Let's stay throughout the year
In all the playgrounds.
Jan 2021 · 104
Buddy of good time
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
Now you have
Lots of money, wealth
There are happiness around
With happy mind.

How many friends are there?
How many there are flattering people?
The time passes very well
It can not be understood morning and afternoon.

When will the wealth of you are gone
Only then can everyone be known to be friends
No one else will be there again
Do not see anyone getting in with.

They become friends at good time
There are many
All become strangers in times of trouble
No one is there for you.
Jan 2021 · 60
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
I could not match the calculations;
Now and then
when do the time
has gone away
did not think.

I did not learn to write words;
When I remember the words
I write them unheeding
meaning of those words
I did not see.

I did not find the road boundary;
By this way, that way
how many ways I have passed
the boundary of the route
I did not see.
Dec 2020 · 85
On the shore of river
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2020
On the shore of the river
I'm standing alone
When the boat arrives on the shore

The boat is mine
not visible yet
But, thinking about it
seeing the future
that occurs in all scenes.

It flows by itself, however
one has to drive
so is it your own boat.

On the way forward
you have to go on your own
no more fatigue.
Dec 2020 · 109
Auspicious gag
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2020
Auspicious gag
Where to place it
Which is the real, which is the fake
Just left to recognize
All auspicious gag.

In the fair of real and fake
Nothing can be known
The real and fake mixes
Leaving the riddle
All auspicious gag.

Do as much as cry
Think as much as you want
Nothing works at all
As much as keep in a shelf
All auspicious gag.
Dec 2020 · 42
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2020
Swim through the entire life
Still standing on the sand bed
There was a lot of things to know
But it was not known in this small arena.

Life goes on in its own way
Which does not account where who losses or wins
This is how the ebb and tide runs
Throughout life.

Whatever supposed to be obtained was lost
Everything is for all of a sudden.
Dec 2020 · 315
Each year
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2020
Three hundred and sixty five days
become one year
In every human life
this is an unexpected tour.

No one knows the destination
What it is written?
Everyone is in restricted
to one’s destiny.

This is how the life goes on
filled with hope
That's how the time goes on
the world filled with trust.
Dec 2020 · 29
Wheel of life (2)
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2020
Day after day
Time is endless
The way after the way
Path is endless.

Error after error
We have to live inside that
Month after month
Life seems to be a joke.

Pain after pain
No happiness there
Hurt after hurt
Just filled with sorrow.

Game after game
It's been around the whole day
Word after word
But can’t say it.

Night after night
There is no sleep in the eye
That's how it goes
The wheel of life.
Dec 2020 · 33
New sensation (2)
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2020
The fair will grow again
Under the banyan tree, on the market place
Wake up singing life’s victory

Again float the boat
In the filled up Ganges, in the middle
Wake up partners in the sea.

And no more staying idle in the house
And no more defeat in the life
There is hope in the chest
Do not forget it.

New light can be seen
Let's move on in front of everyone.
In the new day of sensation
Everyone come out.
Dec 2020 · 120
Evening star
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2020
Evening star is the sister of the world
Name of her is Venus
She is the closest to the world
She does not have any secondary planet.

In 225 days surrounding the sun
She circles around
If one stands on the Venus will see
that Sun wake up in the west and sets at the east.

In the evening along the western sky
in the early morning, and in the eastern sky she glows
That's how her existence is being told
to the universe.
Dec 2020 · 45
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2020
From when I am watching
The wrestling of Kane, Undertaker
Steve Austin and Goldberg.

There are also the boxing of the world famous
Mohammed Ali.

Who does not know the football game of Pele?
They were so shocking
The goal of Maradona still is the best.

Sachin Tendulkar's cricket game
Who does not remember
The storm of sixes of Chris Gayle
Everybody called it as the world record.

By doing so they are adorable
Their performances in the form
Will be remembered by everyone.
Dec 2020 · 40
Find back
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2020
Past, present, future
All mixed together in a mess
In the expanse of the eternity
Find again and find again.

Getting the immediate
Have lost gone before long
Trying to find in hopeless mind
Here, there, in all the areas there.

Looking for this that has no end
When will the get together be broken
No one can ever predict
Just will remain the relish.
Dec 2020 · 30
Front path
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2020
No more in the dark
open the eye
No more sitting idle
follow the path of light.

Perhaps it is not easy
still do not end up running.
The path may have ups and downs
but effort should be there to reach out.

Get out on the way with bold step
go ahead in front
Barriers are all around
yet they have to be crossed.

That's how it will be done
all the paths have to be passed
Only then will it be seen in the coming days
the door to all possibilities.
Dec 2020 · 53
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2020
Tacit, silent, calm
Midnight time
There is no response anywhere
Only sky is filled with stars.

Somewhere in the field
The foxes have called out
Suddenly the wind blows
The light of fireflies glow.

Birds fall asleep at all
With haphazard wings
Dreams come and go
In the courtyard of the heart.
Dec 2020 · 51
End of the day
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2020
Day by day how much is the debt?
Remains unknown
Day by day how much water flowed in the river Jamuna?
Remains unknown.

On the pages of debit-credit
Everything was wrong?

While doing the accounting
Got to see
Nothing is extraordinary.

Then this is how
Everything ends
There will be no more in hand
No relish will be there.

So sit at the end of day
On the sand bed
Life, such a treasure of accomplishment
Yet becomes instantaneous.
Dec 2020 · 37
Migratory birds
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2020
Migratory birds fly
Stretching feathers in the air
Depart from the country to country
In winter, summer and rain.

They go from one country to another country
Away, far way along the horizon
In due time comes back again
They come back at home in that distant.

They know when and where to stop
They rightly know the path
They know when and where to return
When time come they come back to their own tree.

This is how the migratory birds
Fly around the earth in their own way
Through which sign they fly
As if the world in under their wings.
Dec 2020 · 32
Rice of harvest-festival
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2020
The boat is embanked on the river side
Filled with golden rice
Harvested rice is coming home
The heart will be filled with joy.

Happiness filled the house of the farmer
Laughing is abundant in his chest
Let this way overwhelmed the mind and soul
Have a happy life all the time.
This is the moth of rice harvesting in our part. All the best to our farmers.
Dec 2020 · 28
Wheel of life
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2020
The boat is tied by the river side
Water is coming down to the ebb
In this game of ebb and tide
Life passes by the side of the sea
Sometimes fierce, sometimes frigid
The flow of river is very strange
In this way passes the wheel of life
Everything has been arranged in stages.
Dec 2020 · 32
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2020
Every planet, secondary planet, stars in the universe
Whichever ones turn in their own orbits
It never happens without it
No one can go before or nobody after.

Everybody complied with a compulsive rule
Have their own way
That's the way each-other revolves by measuring their directions
Moves by a pointer.

The earth revolves around the sun
Year comes
The moon surrounds the earth
Month comes
The Earth revolves around her own orbit
Brings a new day.

This way time is tide up to its own time
Yet, the time is unlimited.
Dec 2020 · 30
First sight
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2020
To bring water from the river bank
Somehow the light flashes
Prince's heart becomes excited.

The sky was blue
Air was limpid
The giving and taking of hearts started at the river bank.

The eyes are in the eyes
exchanging hearts
With the little maiden girl
A prince of another village
has the first introduction.

Love at first sight
Finding one’s mind in other’s mind
That is how the two hearts
combine with tune within tunes.
Dec 2020 · 21
Walking on the path
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2020
Today again in the same way
The movement started
In which border that I go
Dust clogged on the legs.

To what address do I have to go
I do not know
In which courtyard I have to stop
I have not heard before.

If walking, in this way
The destination remains unknown
Never there will be any stop on the path
At the bent of the nameless village.
Dec 2020 · 64
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2020
In which allusion of light
Who is that?
Calling me
Come back, come back.

In the dark the birds in all groups
fly in the direction of the light unfurling their wings
with millions of hope is in the chest
Who is that?
Calling me
Come back, come back.

Look back at midnight towards the direction of the light
Sailless boat in the middle of the river
The way days pass by on hoping for hope
Awaken the addiction of receiving
Who is that?
Calling me
Come back, come back.
Dec 2020 · 28
Unspoken words
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2020
What was to say, was not said
What was the way to go on, was not gone
What song was to listen, was not listened
What was to awake in the world, was not awakened.

In this way aimlessly, the days have gone
While passing by, said something in the ear
I think that always, and it makes me sad.

What was to see, was not seen
What was to learn, was not learned
What was to understand, was not understood
What was to search, was not found.
Dec 2020 · 35
My village
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2020
Everyone is welcome
to my little golden village.

Where sing cuckoos and peacocks
where you can see magpie-robin
The water of the small river flows
towards its own address towards the sea.

Where shepherd play his flute
The mind becomes sad a little
The water drains down during ebb
Calling by gesture.

Where the water-lily filled the ponds
Children swim in the water
All the groups of farmers
go to the boundaries of the field.

Where silk-cotton, Bakul, Palash flowers flourish
Seeing that mind becomes cheerful
Fishermen go to the river to catch fishes
On the edge of the small river.

Everyone is welcome
to my little golden village.
Dec 2020 · 50
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2020
Suddenly the light flashes in the central sky
With palpitating heart I listen to speech of someone
The appeal comes to go forward
Somehow from the very distant.

Exiting towards the path I proceed
Looking back from the first
This is a new feeling
Hope to find something.

Like the river, she has her way
Somewhere straight, somewhere bent
Likewise, when will life be at the termination
There will be the end of all the calculations.
Dec 2020 · 107
Walking on path
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2020
Lost the path on the way
trying to find alone
Looking this way, that way
cannot glimpse it.

The morning went to the afternoon
the night arrived
In which corner I should find
pain of my mind.

The day went by like that
somewhere in the borders
Still the mind tries to find
the gesture of life.
Dec 2020 · 24
Hakikur Rahman Dec 2020
Traveler with lost target
Just walking around the path
Disappointment of not getting anywhere
Beats inside the heart.

Little sign of light
if seen somewhere
the whole day run to that pathway
So run and run.

When this walking will end
nobody knows
maybe it's probably possible someday
and, then he will stop there.
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