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  Dec 2024 brandychanning
Nat Lipstadt
begin this life in a wordy
but wordly habit, daily,
father-gifted, though different,
in form and language selected,
‘tis the one and ‘tis the same

tally, a counting combination
of all that has been done, for both
better & worse, blessing/curse,
the key: revamp review reset
this day upcoming and welcome
all the major tasks, minor miracles,
that one can effect,  select, elect!
by choice, a freedom so great it
tenderly rips joy thoroughly into
and from my cells, and my body
is enlightened, uplifted in this,
now a preposition, a conjugation, a

state of composition,

for the tasks given, the granted,
those that must be taken, those most
difficult, when knowing their choice,
entails pain, untempered, and
requires establishing a two edged
position of composure…

this is a hard and an easy
new proposition I create,
hard for I write on a tiny
phone screen, in letters so
small. it keeps me humbled,
a reminder of having
lived a span well
beyond belief,
for one took\gave body a
careless comfort,
giving little
of the differring
kind of nutrition in order
to live life, well and purposed

hard too, for my body has wept,
a steady stream of silent tears.
unceasing as I scribe,
making vision difficult, the
insight salty but clear and the
words contained within them,
flood for easy laying-down

for this AM workout of counting,
lists up and down, so many items,
of differring nature, even now
noticing for the very fitting first time,
the subtle hint within
for it possesses a doubling
of the enormity, the division
of what has been already
accumulated and what yet,
needs accomplishing, the tally
needy for resolving looking past,
for seeing with yet more tears

the tally never ends, paused only
for a quick question/happy deletion
of, and a resolute immediate, moving on:

Where do I stand,
what is my position?

keep on keeping on,
tallying has no finale,
no sunning/summing up,
for another day
will yet follow,
for you, and
your own
tallying must
goes on, on
not even,
nor even,
when mine,
mine no long,
and the
and yets,
no longer
646am dec 18 2024
of what would we write?
of ourselves,
each other,
would that be sufficient?

cannot imagine the
absence of these essences?

that reassures
our places in the universe,
gifts to us each,
to preach hallelujah

rue that day,
and your only choice
of smiling or crying,
or both,
for the world’s clothing
is an invitation to
begin creating
  Dec 2024 brandychanning
Nat Lipstadt
one more critique, too slowly realized,
no poet him,
unamong those who sea the world,
in metaphors and auroras,
in skeins and skins,
from brown Earth to Red planets,
worthy word weavers of
tapestries, imaginary life forms extant,
green skies, bluing floral gifts,

+that jes that ain’t me

more a working wordsmith,
telling stories in a workmanlike fashion,
medieval scribing, copying downloads of
what might mine eyes seen, believed,
recorded for all for
your accompanied precision tooled pleasuring

no pretensions left, the doc reports,
I’m a technically a heart failure, and
laugh~reply, that’s no surprise to me,
in matters of the heart,
luck ain’t been
overly kind,
(till recently)
and you can flunk that
test just so many times, before you no
longer get~set sir-prised, just reprised,
and that’s when you get clarity,
you “don’t think twice, its alright,”
plug those words in a nice combo
ain’t exacting poetry, but I don’t mind,
you can only do,
for what you got an affinity,
that’s not sinning if light/life is dimming,
and that’s got to be satirical, ironically, both entirely dissing and satisfying

anyhoo, it’s just about 646am,
coffee is made but not yet served,
the kitchen needs some fussing and tending,
bring in the paper,
dishwasher and dryer overnight whining,
pleading for closure finale
from their *** night time
**** wet escapades
organize them riffraff,
those upending draft detritus that
constitutes a working man’s load, and

a wordsmith,
lights the forge,
forges words,
in the unlikeliest
to turn a phrase from a
dark brazen haze taken,
into a semi-polished stone blade
sculpted by,
heat and hammer and

always tears

maybe a miracle,
into useful shapes, and hope some
tourists stop by, thinking that if framed,
it might look good in their kitchen,
and give me 5 bucks even tho that
don’t keep one in smokes no more

yup, that’s about it,
says the wordsmithy,
no mystery ‘cept them
that one can let mmm,
egotistical notions fool
ya for far too long…
and that’s
entire your own fault…

and yet, always,
always and yet,

gave the best of me,
met my own standard,
and that!
is all any poet can say
when employing
two prime cooling colors,
black in white,
with the oddity of a
clashing but dashing
modicum elicited,
but not solicited,
pride and modesty
early morn Dec 9-10
the lyrics intimate, me inside recognized,
and I find it hard to believe,
not to recall my chest actual
aching from a lost love, a busted
heart,that my family physician told
me not a thing  to be done, and time
the only known cure and that was
only twenty five years,
a just short “long time ago”

but there is no such a thing as time
when the wounded heart is pierced fierce, there is no round the bend visible to tell
you, love will come again; and you’re so
cautious,  won’t trust, to open, but irony it’s
the only way to find it one mo’ time, to
give yourself up in whole, not just parts,
and you “discover” writing poetry helps,
and a new life long habit is forming that is a kind of meds that you disburse to oneself

later be
this song below, Bonnie Raitt
makes you ache with her rendition
keeping no secret she’s been there truly

used to look to ascribe fault, but learned,
t’was a time waster, more accurate, each
of us had our own fault lines, dormant,
till not, and when the lines touched and connect, it was an earthquake off the scale,
and the tremors just keep on coming

but the chest ache was so intense, close
my eyes, and relive it,  and makes me
feel kinder, more human, less angry? more forgiving cause there is no mark of Cain
on someone’s forehead to indicate that
one is suffering the aftermath, the aftershocks, of this loss, so be patient
when encountering a human who sighs
out loud often, as often as as
every breath

listen to the song, it will untie your chords,
maybe making some memories resurface,
for better as it is part of writing
only love poetry
Wounded Heart
Wounded heart I cannot save you from yourself
Though I wanted to be brave it never helped
'Cause your trouble's like a flood ragin' through your veins
No amount of love's enough to end the pain
Tenderness and time can heal a right gone wrong
But the anger that you feel goes on and on
And it's not enough to know that I love you still
So I'll take my heart and go for I've had my fill
If you listen you can hear the angel's wings
Up above our heads so near they are hovering
Waiting to reach out for love when it falls apart
When it cannot rise above a wounded heart
When it cannot rise above a wounded heart

Songwriters: Jude Johnstone
  Dec 2024 brandychanning
On the wicked turn, that sour slant angle
Of my face that slipped
Beyond the veil of hair: everything I am.

I fumble, my hands contort, the hinges
Of my fingers know no tandem
They work only to dissolve
The slip into conversation. But
Your gaze moved - just enough.

And all the buzzing hum, you heard too well
And however firm I steer the sea
I cannot stop the sinking
You rush within from the little crack
Perhaps without wanting to, perhaps
Even with pity, and then I am full

Bursting, heavy with intrusion
And all day long, my heart drums itself
And I can sense the strong Incoming,
Slinking through to inspect
What my stubby hands could not correct

Then the night, then the dawn,
And then day day day.
Then something lets loose and
The plank unravels from plank and
Then there is nothing to fear

However stark the spotlight of shame
How sweet it is to have sinned
How sweet to flirt with flaw
And to push it little, little. To push it
Vain and bare, past the edge, down
Through nothing and then

Firework: shards are glittery with grief
The wine stretches its limbs to the world
And the ground drinks it up.
the best time to realize
causes one to experience
the meaning of to be
deathly afraid
you are not

joy purifying
enfolds you, envelops, indeed,
are subsumed, a sense of being
to the unusual flooding of the
dry riverbed in your head that’s
been dry since you can’t remember


when you understand
that one cannot truly
write only love poetry
to precise excess
admittedly you love
to excess,
you are incapable of making
love poems


you are not
within that
rare off the beaten yes trackless meniscus curve,
of first love
true love
537 pm deez 6
  Nov 2024 brandychanning
Short Term Memory Loser
the joke on you,
with foolish hobgoblins hobbled,
them youse~peeps whom to themselves
think “oh, I’ll never forget this precise
precious momentary

haha ha on you!

more fragging(1) of our minds
into piecemeal shards

claiming, boasting, that it will
live forever
within this rented
storage unit, leased
& renewed analy,

haha ha on me,

the ironic ticking pricking of
my brain, when least expected,
in my kitchen sinking awaning,
days, the poem potions potentials,
fly to mind with the fast and furious,
with missile accuracy entering, gleaming,
but explode before I can script the scribble,
and the notional dissipates into ****** ashy,
left with a title, no body, a perma-headless ***
mulish poet hapless, sap~less, sticky stuck
with no idea what my intended writ
was to be it, and I consign that.title
to death by draft, never to be
credited created or crafted,

cause that’s how bad my
short term memory has

or more dimply put,
slam, bam, thank you man,
the whole blows up faster
than one can utter our
American anthem,

with the Dallas Cowgirls?
(1) Fragging in the military is when a soldier kills a superior officer. It is called fragging because the term was coined in the Vietnam War when many of these murders were committed using fragmentation grenades (nicknamed frag grenades).
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