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Jul 2020 · 93
About you
Arty Jul 2020
What is it about You
My heart and mind ticks
One chance meeting and
Now my head is in clouds

These eyes
This smile
That air
What is it about You
Jul 2020 · 110
Reading the News
Arty Jul 2020
In tidbits of news and views
I know not what I seek
Each moment that I read
I loose the faith I need

Mosttimes it makes mind weary
Each piece passes its own theory
Like Reader becomes the jury
My belief becomes scarce

As mind grows more deprecating
Superficial focused and yet isolated
There is no light in such knowing
There is but doubt and despair

Wanting to be know-it-all
becoming doubt-it-all
Still Inhaling the every word of
The Poison that feels like Elixir
Jul 2020 · 234
The wait
Arty Jul 2020
Wait in your eyes
Looking out of window
Few minutes seem like forever

That restless walk
That slight nod of head
The noisy and the sensitive

The nearing footsteps
The wait is over
Door opens and you're in my arms

"My four legged friend
Your treats are here
And yes I love you too!"
Jul 2020 · 120
In next life
Arty Jul 2020
The youth wants to grow up
And old wants to be young again

And so please GOD
Next life let me live reverse
And go from #80 to #18
Jul 2020 · 125
Your life is your own
Arty Jul 2020
You Life is your own

You choose to live
You choose the air you breath
You choose what to see
You choose your thoughts

You are Your mind
You are Your heart
You are Your soul
You are not one but All

You make your choices everytime
You decide for yourself everytime
You have the will, you know the way
You have the courage to believe

Love yourself
Love your heart and soul
There is burning fire
There is eternal joy
There is freedom
There is grace
There is god

You are alive & your life is your own
Jul 2020 · 115
Arty Jul 2020
The tree outside my window
The squirrel that runs amock
The fallen dry leaves
I am not alone

The sun hiding in clouds
The wind that blows in evening
The butterfly that comes often
I am not alone
Jun 2020 · 77
My Adventure
Arty Jun 2020
In this adventure
I lost some and got some

Your eyes are my precious
You make me rich
When you lavish these smiles
my heart swells

In you I found what I lost
My sorrows  and joys
The sea in your eyes and the winds in your breath
You are my life long adventure!
Jun 2020 · 123
Wild fire
Arty Jun 2020
Wild fire

Is it a dream…or a illusion

The wind and the creeping fire….slow and fast

Burning and relishing

Reigning supreme but.... chaos in heart

Come in darkness.... burn bright

So true and yet so Unreal
Jun 2020 · 108
Arty Jun 2020
I smile so I must be happy
Or is it I am happy and so I smile
The me that lives in my brain
If that me could just train the brain
Can that me reverse the grain
And make this me happy when I smile
This me smiles and thinks that me is vile!

— The End —