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Robyn Taylor May 2020
His eyes were dark and lost in a stormy sea
In his gasping breath, he asked me to leave him be
During that moment I chose to be his beacon of light
So silently he could know, he wasn’t alone in this fight
His eyes flickering between lost and found
In the darkness, His heartbeat was the only sound
He tried to close himself inside those walls
Believing he wouldn’t fall....
I stood in front of him, silently reassuring his fears
No matter the speed, I let him know this was his wheel to steer
Whether he be my next chapter or just a paragraph
I allowed him to know, at this cruel world, he would need to laugh
Don’t shut down to the winter days
Through each season... I would be here to stay
I didn’t want to fix him or evoke change
In my eyes he wasn’t broken but maybe a little strange
He saw the world in colour during the darkest of nights
Today... he accepted me as his beacon of light
Written: 2020
Robyn Taylor Apr 2020
Let’s scoop up our memories in perfume bottles
Leave them on the shelf, until our love throttles
When life whisks you away, pour out a drop
Reminding you, to take a second to stop
Reminisce on the smell of long Sunday mornings
And the wreckage left behind from when it was storming
As time keeps you from me
Look at that perfume bottle & let your soul see
Written : 2020
  Apr 2020 Robyn Taylor
i want to tell you.
i really do.
i'd love to spill my secrets, my issues to you.
yet i can't comprehend it.
i can't communicate it to you.
and the fact you could leave me.
it makes my heart a tearful blue.
you already look at me as if i'm broken.
what do i have to lose?
i want to tell you.
i really do.
yet i can't cope with the fact.
the fact your presence may fade.
vanish without a trace.
except you'd still have that key.
the key that can unlock the darkness in my brain.
this poem is in honour of my teacher who wants me to know that i can talk to him. but it's nearing the end of the year and he may not be my teacher next year. i fear that if i tell him too much i won't be able to cope that next year he might be wandering around with the burden of my thoughts i selfishly put on him without being able to do much to help me. and that i won't be able to connect with another teacher like i have with him. so, in general, this poem isn't really about telling him about my issues. it's about the fact that i might lose his presence in my life and that he's one of the last things that's keeping me sane. this poem is about loss. XD sorry for the mini rant i just needed to get this out there y'know.
Robyn Taylor Apr 2020
He spoke softly to her whilst drowning in candle light
His eyes lost and his Soul surrendering to the fight
She didn’t know where he had gone
In that moment of silence, her heart found its song
His eyes fluttered back up to find hers
The indigo in her was his lure
Written : 2020
  Apr 2020 Robyn Taylor
You were always loving me "despite"
I needed you to love me "because"
Robyn Taylor Apr 2020
It creeps in with the dead of the night
Every thought, every emotion throughout the day she silently fights
Some one once said “it comes in waves”
Memories mixed with self inflicting voices, leave her in a daze
Ritualistically tossing & turning throughout the witching hour
Nothing left, but her own heart to empower
Written: 2020
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