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10.2k · Aug 2020
Leave me alone, I will prove them wrong.
In the absence of the best, I am the best.
I am the last resort, in the worst I am the best.
Leave me alone, I will prove them wrong.
Leave me alone, it will not take so long.
I will not sleep, I am the best in the absence of the rest;
I will not sleep, nightmares encourages me to do the best.
Turn on that music and go, I will prove them wrong.

Extrovert dude when you are with an introvert say the deal and go.
Extrovert dude, introvert creativity is on the darkness.
Introvert dude let us in, do not keep the door locked.
Some say together we work, introvert says yes but go.
Staying together is not team work, sorry for leaving you in the darkness.
Introvert dude turn on that music, it’s time to keep my senses locked.

Written By: The Senior 5/08/2020
4.1k · Feb 2020
Misunderstanding II
Let a man call misunderstanding bad luck.
God of Mercy, is it misunderstanding or bad luck.
Devil say is a bad luck and they trust.
I say is a misunderstanding but they do not trust.
Any training is a bad luck to you
Any tough moment is a bad luck to you
Is it not misunderstanding, this is misunderstanding.
Is it a bad luck or misunderstanding?

Is it fair for an unrecognized entrepreneur to search for a job?
If yes that is misunderstanding, pray for him/her to understand.
Is it fair for one man to get a Job and ten become jobless?
Is it fair for an unrecognized entrepreneur to search for a job?
If yes that is misunderstanding, pray for him/her to understand.
Is it fair for one man to get a Job and ten become jobless?

Written - undefined
-The Senior
3.6k · Oct 2019
Life of Misunderstanding
Misunderstanding is everywhere, let’s forgive one another.
Mistakes are everywhere, let’s forgive one another.
We are living in an incomprehensible world.
We are living in a what next I do not know world;
Respect and forgive any human kind.
Forgive any misunderstanding of any kind.
No one will understand your feelings, better than you.
No one will understand your world, better than you.

Misunderstanding is in her, misunderstanding is in him.
Misunderstanding is in you, misunderstanding is in me.
Yeyi Yeyi, this is life of misunderstanding!
Yeyi yeyi, this is life of misunderstanding!
Yeyi yeyi, stop pointing fingers, forgive one another!
Yeyi yeyi, stop pointing fingers, love one another!

-Written by: The Senior 04/10/2018
-The Difference appetizer
2.9k · Oct 2019
Corruption & Sin
Corruption is an earthly sin.
Sin is heaven's corruption.
Heaven is against corruption;
Earth is against sin.
Is corruption a child of sin?
Is sin a brother or mother of corruption?
What is going on with sin and corruption?
Where is the conjunction of corruption and sin?

Intro of corruption and sin is a short term successful goal.
Body of sin and corruption are paragraphs of confusion.
Devil writer where is the body of the novel intro?
Devil authors excel in their intro with your short term goal.
Beware of devil authors in this game of life with corruption.
Beware of pigeons, let’s hope Noah’s dove will be back with the body of the intro.

Written by: The Senior 02/10/2019
-The Difference appetizer
2.1k · Nov 2021
Modern Fairytale
You can say what you say.
But all they perceive is a modern fairytale.
Yes, all they want are the actions of our fairytale.
You can say what you say.
Yes, you can say what you say.
All they want are the actions of our fairytale.
Let us implement our so-called modern fairytale.
Indeed, you can say what you say.

Software developer, your clients want what they want.
I can imagine that program, together celebrating in harmony.
Computer programmer, your clients what want they want.
I can imagine that app, together celebrating in harmony.
Everybody singing, it wasn't a modern fairytale.
Thank you, Lord, (yes) it wasn't a modern fairytale.

Written By: The Senior Date: 12/04/2020
-The 28yrs (First Cycle)
2.1k · Oct 2019
Forgiving Heart II
Forgiving heart, precious gift from our father God
Image of the lord, can you be like your father God
Image of the lord, forgiving one another is your health in this world.
Painful heart, source of devil words, what a cruel world.
Please, please, learn to forgive and stay away from the devil.
I tend to think long and snoring nights are caused by this devil.
Are you a brethren or a church goer where is your forgiving heart?
Are you a child of God or child of the devil where is your forgiving heart?

Many people give a smile with a lot of grudges.
What a beautiful church with a lot of church goers?
Truth and forgiving one another is something of the past.
Please teacher, evangelist, nurse teach them about grudges.
Man of God, can you pray for grudges to minimize church goers?
Why truth and forgiving one another is something of the past?

-Written By: The Senior
1.8k · Oct 2019
Forgiving Heart
We are living in a dangerous world.
We are living in a crazy world.
Brethren trust a man with a forgiving heart.
Brethren be in a relationship with a forgiving heart.
Without trust and a forgiving heart, forget!
Without patience and a forgiving heart, forget!
With trust and a forgiving heart, we survive.
With patience and a forgiving heart, we survive.

Forgiving heart is a tablet, of this crazy world.
Forgiving heart is an injection of this cruel relationships of this world
Brethren where is your forgiving heart
Neighbor where is your forgiving heart.
Enough is enough must be something of the past
I divorce him, I divorce her, must be something of the past

-Written by: The Senior
1.5k · Aug 2019
This Life is Titanic.
Only haters rather study a rich man.
Poor minds used for the sake of the money.
Spear eyes and fake friends around any wise man.

Lot of rich people starve with their great future skills.
Devil is now destroying us from the root! At the top parent’s kills.
How a women can carry a future star for nine months and decide,
To throw this future star in a dust bin, is her stomach a dust bin? (Jesus).

This Life is titanic, I wonder how we go back to nineteen twelve.
Nowadays, every second is a final (Jesus.) Serve yourself otherwise you will drown.
In our Titanic, no Jack to trust for my little female soul, no sympathy for the children.
(Lord! how is this titanic?) Most people are brutal, I know it sound pathetic. Lord help us!

Lot of people are chasing heart desires and not forgetting to mention the world gold.
Lot of people does go to their building so called church and I wonder if they will see the Lord?
I’m just a useless guy at the backseat to judge. Praying every hour God keep me on your books (Lord!)
I'm Responsible (The 14)
1.4k · Sep 2020
What A Day Of Praise
Thank you, Lord, another chance to praise.
Thank you, God, Look at me, this is how I praise.
Yes, I am the heaven type, and here is my dance for my Lord.
Yes, I look upon the sky and smile for my creator and my God.
Thank, Lord, hold on and look at my woofer heart while I praise.
Thank, guitar man, hold on, and touch your heart and praise.
What a praise from the bottommost of my heart, come on guitar man.
What a day of praise, let me tell you, my lord, hold on guitar man.

God of David and God of Elijah, I love you!
God of mercy and God of love, I know you adore me too.
Guitar man, come on, lets praise like this praise-praise.
Yes, praise-praise, thank you lord of mercy-mercy!
Yes Lord, keeps me on your lane as I praise (What a Day).
Hello Devil, are you ashamed, what praise indeed what a day!

Written By: The Senior Date: undefined
-The Survivor
1.2k · Sep 2020
Another cold day, shouting getaway!
Blanket warm, rent saying getaway!
Getaway is written inside my fridge!
Covid-19 adverts against my rent and fridge.
Let me pull up, wear a mask like a robber.
Let me pull up at my office like a gangster.
Take care of yourself and your crack.
Think like a gangster, your business is your crack.

Mask yourself gangster and getaway.
My sanitizer is my pistol, my finger easy on the trigger.
I distance myself from a man like a mobster seeing police.
Life is all about getting the way forward (getaway)!
My sanitizer is my pistol, my finger easy on the trigger.
I distance myself from a man like a goon seeing police.

-Written By: The Senior Date undefined
The Survivor
1.2k · Sep 2021
I'll Rather Die Trying.
They'll rather die complaining.
They'll rather die hurting.
I'll rather die, trying.

I'll rather die trying.
This is the life of a hustler.
This is the life of an entrepreneur.

I'll rather die trying!
Backward never, forward ever hustler!
Backward never, forward ever entrepreneur!

They'll rather die hurting!
They'll rather die complaining.
Forward ever, backward never hustler!
Forward ever, backward never entrepreneur.
I'll rather die trying.

-Written by the Senior Date: 22/08/2021
-The Vision
1.2k · Nov 2020
Baby Mama Call
Daddy your phone is ringing.
Baby pick up the phone, pick up the call!
What a voice from my baby, straight to my heart.
What a baby mama burglar, straight to my white sheets.
Baby mama what you need, this is my white gown?
Baby mama what you need, I will never go back!
This is a **** informative sign, tell your lover the truth.
Baby mama what you need, I will never go back!

Baby pick up the phone, this phone is vibrating.
Daddy this phone is vibrating, pick up the phone it might fall.
What a baby mama pain, straight to my heart.
What a pain, the government passed the statute on white pieces of sheets.
Baby mama what you need, these are games on my white gown?
Baby mama what you need, I will never go back!
This is a **** stop sign, tell your lover the truth.
Baby mama what you need, I will never go back!

Daddy picks up the call, this phone is constantly blinking.
Baby this phone is ringing, the baby picks up your silent phone call.
What a baby mama blinking call, disturbing my marriage night.
What pain of baby mama’s phone call on your lover’s white sheets.
Baby mama what you need, these are games on my white gown?
Baby mama what you need, I will never go back!
This is a **** caution sign, tell your lover the truth.
Baby mama what you need, I will never go back!

Baby mama, my **** is war-ready continue calling!
Baby mama pick up the Jewelry shop phone call!
What a shame on a baby mama, who used to disturb my **** night!
What a shame on an irresponsible male, while he sleeps on white sheets!
Baby mama what you need, this is my **** white gown?
Baby mama what you need, my Paul will never go back!
This is a **** stop sign, tell your lover the truth.
Baby mama what you need, my son Paul will never go back!

Written By: The Senior Date: undefined
1.2k · Apr 2020
Roommates Not Couple
Horror after horror
Fear after fear
Tenants after tenants, owners after owners, what a horror.
Teachers, doctors why this life is horror after horror.
I am so deep sad, I am in a roommate marriage certs issue fear.
I am, I am afraid, I am confused, and I am in strong fear.
Lovers killing one another, horror after horror.
I’m so deep sad, why are you abusing these kids in your horror.

Case after case, horror after horror, where is forgiveness.
Divorce after divorce, ****** after abuse, torture after torture.
Distress, suffering, I am so deep sad for those roommates.
You roommates not couple where is forgiveness.
I am craving to torn your paper as there is torture after torture.
Pastors please, learn to differentiate a couple and roommates.

-Written By: The Senior Date: Undefined
This Era is mine
816 · Aug 2019
Devil In Church
From churches, cathedrals to mosques in search of the Lord.
From Asia, Australia, to North America.
From Antarctica, Africa, Europe back to South America.
Only to find mosques, cathedrals, and churches, where is the Lord.
Only to find God dwells in everyone’s pure heart, that is the Lord.
Back to Asia, Australia, to North America.
Back to Antarctica, Africa, Europe to South America.
Telling them, God dwells in everyone's heart that is the Lord.

I had been surprised to find the devil in mosques, cathedrals, and churches.
Why the devil is in the house of the highest (The Lord);
Only to find the devil is out researching to get more members.
Do not worry when you hear bad news from mosques, cathedrals, and churches;
What a war, in a mosque, cathedral, and church we are all soldiers fighting for the Lord.
The lord is in everyone's heart, do not forget the devil needs members.

-Written by: The Senior 31/08/2019
Single release
730 · Sep 2019
God Success
I was thinking it is over;
Jesus made a way for me.
God took it over for me.
I was thinking it is over;
In him, every challenge is a walkover.
I am ready to give this one to him.
I am ready to give my life to him.
I am ready to live for him until it is over.

God Almighty never fails;
He always conquers.
My life success is not personal.
I trust him, he never fails.
I know him, he always conquers.
This is God's success, it’s not personal.

Written by: The Senior 07/09/2019
single release
684 · Nov 2020
Stack Of Sheets
Sometimes in life, you have to cope with your challenges.
Some of our challenges are flammable challenges.
When you try to burn them, they burn you too!
When you try to bury them, they bury you too!
You end up asking yourself, what kind of challenge is this?
Indeed, you end up asking yourself, what kind of sheet is this?
Unstoppable stack of sheets, until they slap you with a docket.
Indeed, an unstoppable stack of sheets, until they slap you with a blanket.

Now is fun, because even marriages have their secrete stack of sheets.
Never mind, most of them have their secrete stack of sheets.
A man with no flammable challenges is the man you do not know.
Better trust a man, with flammable challenges you know.
Lord of Joseph, be my savior in this game of flammable challenges.
Lord of David, be my conqueror in this life of flammable challenges.

Written By: The Senior Date: undefined
644 · Aug 2019
Passion is what keeps a man going, in tough times.
All the things we had achieve boy, it was through passion.
Stress strike even a business or a man of simple mission and vision.
Simple rule of life do easy things first anytime,
Investment start from an individual, it is just a matter of time.
Only a man who works in the absence of the rest is the best.
Never wait for the better or delay, the only precious thing is time.
Never say never in this game of life, just pantomime.
Oil of any career in this game of life my grandson is passion.
Investing smart in your early age is your early passion success.
Steve Jobs the founder of Apple used to mention passion in his
Success stories, I can also say invest much in your passion.
All this tall building around you, were started by one brick to be this progress.
Please make sure to attain and maintain your passion.

Written by –The Senior 28/08/2017
I'm Responsible (The 14) The special stanza first letters 180 degrees of PASSION
531 · Dec 2020
Some are happy while others are in pain.
What a cryptic of life.
There is a natural mystery in this life.
Some belief in God, some don't, and others feign.
Never ask them why, because they are also in fain.
There is too much cryptic in this life!
There is too much misunderstanding in this life!
Never fail and give up, there is a lesson behind any pain.

Never try to find an answer, never ask why?
Better looks for the blessing on that disguise.
This mysterious world is old with its cryptic of life.
Never rush to talk, wait a moment before you lie.
Let wait a moment, there is a blessing in disguise.
Let us give the best we can towards this cryptic of life.

Written By: The Senior Date: 12/11/2020
488 · Mar 2023
King Solomon Company
Thank you Lord, I am still alive!
Thank you Lord, I met king Solomon!
I tried and tried, until I met king Solomon!
The more you help, the more we live!
Thanks Lord, I am still alive and giving love!
His puppets shouting "help king Solomon"
King Solomon company help your Solomon!
Thank you Lord, keeps on giving love!
Thank You God, Keeps on giving Love!

Enrich a fool, he will enslave many.
I tried and tried until I met king Solomon!
Thank you Lord, this world of our differences.
Enrich a wise man, he will help many.
I tried and tried until I met king Solomon!
Thank you Lord, this world of our differences.

Written By: The Senior  Date:12/03/2023
479 · Oct 2019
The opportunist, the smart, the investor, the innovator.
They improve the world, they change the world.
Together we make it happen, we build the world.
Who is the opportunist, who is the smart, who is the investor?
Who is the opportunist, who is the smart, who is the innovator?
The one with payments complying with the standard of the world?
The one who is making money or building the world?

Citizens of the future world, my name is The Senior.
Let’s me take my glasses off, and explain the difference;
They all utilize an opportunity called opportunist. we need to understand them.
Some utilize it for our best and some for our worst, I am the senior.
Some deal with the maker and some deal with the devil that is the difference.
God can not duplicate, ours is to help them while we find out who is behind them.

Written by: The Senior 14/09/2019
-The Difference
452 · Aug 2019
Listen To His Voice 2.
I know there is God In our body part.
All we got to do, is listen to his voice.
Yes, he does speak to our heart;
We will never go astray if we listen to his voice.
We are far from him, we are far from being good.
God created us in his image.
We are far from being good.
God is not a fool all the wrongs he sees, one needs to change.
We all know there is God in everyone’s heart.
All we got to do is to give him our time.
We all know there is God in a man's heart.
All we forgot to do is to give him our time.
All we have to do is listen to his voice.
We are far from being good, we have to listen to his voice.

               Written by The Senior 28/08/2017
I'm Responsible (The 14)
427 · Sep 2019
Ready For Heaven
I am ready since I was seven,
I had never seen the almighty God fails.
Indeed, he is the creator of the earth and heaven.
He always conquers, He never fails.

God almighty, he is the way maker.
Devil tried to close my way, God made a way for me.
Devil is the destroyer, God is the maker.
Through thick and thin he had been there for me.

I am ready to conquer the earth.
I am ready to go to heaven.
I am ready to take any test on this earth.
God Almighty help me, to do well for heaven.

Devil forget since I was seven,  
I had been telling you, I am ready for heaven.

Written by: The Senior 07/09/2019
Single release
374 · Oct 2019
I Am A Superstar
No matter what they can say, I am a superstar.
I was trying so many workdays to be where I am.
I was praying every day to be where I am.
No matter what they can say, I am a superstar.
No side deal with the devil, indeed I am a superstar.
No one knows where I was, let them think I claim.
From negative million to zero that what I claim.
Yes, I am, I am, I am a superstar.

No side deals with the devil, prayer, and working hard.
God gave me time to work hard, God takes care of my health.
I am doing fine with my God, I won’t work for the devil.
Indeed I am a superstar, through prayer and working hard.
Indeed I am an unrecognized legend from birth.
I am a superstar, no side deal with the devil.

-Written by: The Senior
344 · Mar 2020
Decorated Slave
Future doctor, Mummy’s daughter beware.
Fathers daughter, Future doctor beware.
Forget about this decorated slave, focus on your education.
Focus on your future goals, your success is our vision.
Stay away, Stay away from this decorated slave.
Stay away from our community shop decorated slave.
If you are also one of them, join them and stay away from me.
If you are a decorated slave, stay away- stay away from me.

Decorated slave, who said bask the sun in front of our shop?
Decorated slave, who said disturb our kids from our schools?
Decorated slave, stay away, stay away from our future generations.
We hate your expensive clothes, stay away from our shop.
We hate your cigarette, stay away, stay away from our school.
Decorated slave, stay away, stay away from our future generation

-Written By: The Senior
-This Era is Mine
340 · Aug 2019
I'm So Responsible.
I'm so responsible to beguile.
I was not joking when I took you up the aisle.
I’m so responsible to treat such a precious resource.
You keep my little angels safe, what an everlasting source.  
All I can say, the love you have for me and my family is vast;
And at the end of your life you won't regret me being your past.
You are the sun that shines brightly throughout my day.
You are the gravity that keeps me, on success fast lane.
I thought for just one moment that your voice would be the last I'd hear,
I'd listen attentively and promise not to shed a tear.
Wherever you are, I am sure you are my one and only.
Wherever you are, do not worry this couplet rhyme is your boogie.
Everything from your words, your touch, your kiss,
I feel myself on the sky, real is from the heart of bliss.

                Written by –The Senior 28/08/2017
I'm Responsible (The 14)
332 · Aug 2019
Forest Cry.
Dark forest cry must come to an end,
Lighter of the world, you see even in a dark forest.
I wonder what is going on, in a killer’s world.
I wonder what he/she experience at rest.
Heavenly Father, please teach us to love one another.
Children and women are being killed for the killer’s selfishness.
Family members are killing one another.
Orphans, grandparents, and widows are living homelessness.
Respect and care from our youth are things of the past.
Love and lust are the same in the eyes of our generation.
We are ghosts, we act, speak, and chat with no touch.
Live fast and die young is our era, where life is fast.
Lust is destroying our youth, successfully ones follow their passion.
I'm never into faking love to lie, I have nothing much.
         Written by – The Senior 24/08/ 2017.
I'm Responsible (The 14)
330 · Dec 2020
Can you run a black market business?
Can you run it and make it your business.
Run the street my ****, run the code my ****.
Few thugs can run their businesses like you, my ****.
Never hesitate, run it fast like Mr.Robot.
Can you boot and run the ubuntu shell, like Mr.Robot.
Run it, and stop running to work like Michael K. Williams.
Run it, and stop running to work like my uncle Ryan Williams!

I am talking about William's run ambiguity in this piece of sheet.
I am running your mind crazy with the word run in a piece of sheet.
Never be limited the word run and many others can mean a lot.
Never be offended by words like run in my God world or plot.
I am confusing big with the word run in a piece of sheet.
Life is confusing big like my poem run in a piece of sheet!

Written By: The Senior Date: undefined
328 · Sep 2019
Truth And Love
Truth and love are free or expensive?
Expensive things are not easy to find.
Indeed, truth and love are not easy to find;
Surely, truth and love are expensive.
Some say truth and love are neither expensive nor inexpensive;
But truth and love were made to be free,
The Challenge comes when one expects a fee.
Indeed this is confusion, they are expensive.

Do I need to expect truth and love where there is a fee?
Some say expect terms and conditions for that truth and love.
Indeed truth and love is the hardest thing to find.
Truth and love are you coming for a fee or for free?
Some say give trust and expect truth and love.
Well, well, truth and love are for free but hard to find.

-Written by: The Senior 01/09/2019
single release
320 · Aug 2019
Hater or Lover.
The choice is yours to hate or to love.
Happiness is yours.
Stress is yours.
Give happiness to get back love.
You are free to love.
Give hate, stress is yours.
You are free to choose, the choice is yours.
I do not give stress but only love.

I think you have to think twice before you do!
In life most things are grouped into two;
Heaven or hell, Hater or lover.
I encourage thinking twice before you do.
This life is yours, nobody to live it for you.
Are you a hater or a lover?

          Written by:  The Senior 30/08/2019
Bonus of I'm Responsible (The 14) released by The Senior
318 · Aug 2019
To The Wise.
This is from the worst to the wise;
Strictly, under 18 are not allowed.
I will be talking in tongues until Jesus rise;
Yes, let’s start, why the man of God is being betrayed.
Are we growing to misunderstand, elders please tell the facts.
Why there are churches, why there are schools?
For teaching this, or we turn to think less than ants?
Ants are busy with their future and we turn to be fools;
We are busy stealing honey for one bee, we quote verses for fame.
Is it a valid reason to get heavenly fathers mercy?
Surely, our judgement day, will be a stinging game!
Surely, we will cry in hell, for our own man made grace.
This is suicide Pact, man of mind saying my Rihanna to a teen in our land.
Oh Lord, stop before they think there is marijuana in this hand.

              Written by – The Senior 24/08/ 2017.
I'm Responsible (The 14)
307 · Aug 2019
Listen To His Voice.
Sometimes in life, we do things headlong.
Somehow in life, accidental we do bad and good.
God speak in different ways, but utmost we misunderstood.
God created us in his own image, and we are strong.
Let’s listen and talk to him, he nightlong.
Let’s fight the devil and show him our manhood.
God is not a fool to leave us, we are far from being good.
All we got to do, is to listen to his voice to avoid what is wrong.
Yes he does speak into our heart.
Yes he does speak into our dream.
Listen, we will never go astray if we listen to his voice.
Listen, faith and the scripture is our body part.
Yes forgive, yes give, Yes no more nightmares only clear dream.
(Thank you lord), may we stop and listen to his voice.

Written by - The Senior Chain 24/08/2019
I'm Responsible (The 14)
301 · Dec 2019
Lord Knows
I dream big, I stumble and Fall!
I think big, I hustle and fail!
Take your case on another level, do you pray?
Every day is an opportunity to humble yourself and pray.
Lord knows, humble yourself and pray, no time to waste;
No time to think bad, dream big, praise him, no time to waste.
Lord knows this is the God of day one, what an experienced man.
Beware of these people with their herbs, trust the many calendars man.

No side deal with the devil (indeed), humble yourself and pray.
I’m talking to you as a prophet, success without prayer;
Is nothing before the eyes of the Lord, humble yourself and pray.
Any success must grow your spiritual life, do you hear me!
Lord knows (indeed), thank God for seeing another day.
He is a great God, he thinks big, humble yourself, and praise him.

Written By: The Senior 06/12/2019
-The Difference
258 · Apr 2023
Confusion II
Hi Ladies and Gentlemen!
Aho, ohooh, umhhh!
Let's Me introduce myself!
My name is The Senior;
AkA The World old citizen!

Let me, carry-on
People of our forefathers world,
and our Mighty God of this world;
I'm here to say I'm confused!
A lot has been done and said!
We are trying to fight inequality;
But we are still having lunatic
and barbaric people in this world of 2's meaning two thousands!
I hope by 0ne nine nine (1999)
We will all realise this?
Schools are there!
Churches are there!
For what!
For published knowledge about our world!
Let me take my glasses-off!
But that man and that man
Are letting us down!
Busy slaughtering one another!
They want money, to be feared,
Fallacy respect, high positions!
My brothers and sisters?
You see me!
I understood since day one that we are all equally and the same!
Male or female!
Yes, female or male
I do not care!
But money judge us by abilities;
Meaning young ones, disabled,  our grandmothers and grandfathers are undermined!
By who?
By Money government!
So, good people I'm confused!
Are we still fighting inequality
In the presence of these model tools our forefathers and our brothers had developed or we are using it to destroy our future!
I'm confused and now, you see now in this era of 2's I call it
Confusion II.
My brothers and sisters to me, good humanity is fighting inequality in our world;
Regardless, in our own man made and nature deferences.
Let us all Say No to confusion II

Written By: The Senior
Date: unknown
-The Fallacy
256 · Dec 2019
God Success II
Thanks God, Thanks Lord here is my God success two.
I trust in God even on dark days, this is God success two.
Indeed no side deal with the devil, I trust on the Lord.
Never lose faith, this life sometimes is a gravel road;
My heart was still in deep pain, my mind full of questions.
This child is a blessing, no more pains, no more questions.
I am so deep sad to take you back on that tragic of losing a child;
Tears after tears, thoughts after thoughts of my child.

I am so deep sad if you are on this, but one day it will be over.
The first thing is to forgive yourself, trust in God, it will be over.
The wrong thing, is to think it is over with life, I know is the situation.
I am so deep sad to tell you that devil got heaven permission;
God of love trusted me and you, that we will pass this devil course.
God success two, is an award that I got after passing that devil course.

-Written by: The Senior
-The Difference
239 · Mar 2022
You Never Harm Anyone
The Senior, The Senior
Man with the words of wisdom
They thought you were a fool
They said you were not good

Cause you never harm anyone
The Senior, The Senior
It was hard to forgive
It's still hard to forget

They cheated you several times
They cheated you many times
But you never harm anyone
You never insulted anyone.

Man with words of wisdom
You just said "Love issues"
Love issues, I still mean it
Love issues, love issues.

The Senior, The Senior
You just take it easy and say
Let me vacate from their love
Let me leave their love.

The Senior, The Senior
I wish you can talk to us
I wish you can explain it to us
We see a lot of love partners killing now

The Senior, The Senior
Can you just tell us
The secrete of forgiving
and even the secrete of pain.

Love is a gift from the most-high
Killing one another has never
sorted any love issues
Love issues, I say  love issues
231 · Aug 2022
My friend, friend, friend!
Wake up, wake, wake, wake up!
Let us go and amaze the world
Let us go and innovate the world!
Let me forget about friends!
Yes, let me forget about friends!
Oh My God, alone I came.
Oh My Lord, alone I will go.
Yes, Yes, Let me focus on my talent.
Thank you, Lord, let me shine my talent.
No matter what, my talent is mine.
No matter what my talent is mine.
Let them lie, maybe is their talent.
Let them sin, maybe is their talent.

-Written By The Senior Date: undefined
-The Feeling
228 · Aug 2019
Drink & Drive.
Do not drink and drive for the beauty day.
I say no to drink and drive, reach home Safe.
I say no to drink and drive, reach them Safe.
I ‘m so responsible, l say no to DD for the beautiful day.
I wish you a happy day, do not drink and drive for the beauty day.
You will be lucky if your journey will end up in jail.
Make it happen (arrive alive), I wish there will be no bail.
(Let’s auction the car), l say no to DD for the beautiful day.
Friends don’t let friends drink and drive for the beauty day.
Better drive home to drink, but to DD I say no in our lane.
Please let’s be responsible, let’s reach them safe.
Let’s respect each other for the beautiful day.
Do not make our day too bad, there will be no room to explain.
Let’s all celebrate for the beauty day, let’s all end the day safe.
                       Written by –The Senior 28/08/2017
I'm Responsible (The 14)
226 · Oct 2019
God of love, help teach us to love one another.
God soul, can we learn to help and to love.
God is known of love, where is our love?
What is our mission, is to betray one another?
Let us love one another, we are all from the same father.
Let us support one another, God give’s love, let us love.
Orphans, widows and disable people needs’ our love.
God soul can we help these souls, they are also from our father.

God soul is homeless or abused by another soul.
Where is sympathy, where is love in this world!
God soul where is good humanity, where is love?
I am an abusing soul to abuse another soul, I am a careless soul?
We get tall and forget, some of us were like them, what a world!
We need to change, God can you bless us with wisdom and love.

Written By: The Senior 22/09/2019
-The Difference Appetizer
221 · Aug 2019
No Way Back.
Born for this, success is my destination.
I am already born, naked, no way back.
Suicide is hell, better shine your passion;
Have courage, and get started to keep it in track.
To survive you have to work hard, every goal is possible;
I’m speaking to you as a prophet, I speak the way it come.
I’m dealing with the maker, in God nothing is impossible.
I’m using my mind as my weapon, in fact is my farm.  
Now we are high, lets me drop this before you lie;
I am from the hood, where everyone is an orphan.
Education was my red carpet, to the suburb!
Even if climate change can comes, I will never goes dry;
I will pray to God, until he dress me his gold gown.
Thanks Lord, keep it up, you are the greatest bulb.
        Written by – The Senior 24/08/ 2017.
I'm Responsible (The 14)
217 · Nov 2019
What's Going On?
What’s going on, there is too much business?
What is going on, there is too much fake love?
What’s going on, in nowadays love?
There is too much money involved, is it business?
What’s going on in this church, is it business?
There is too much money involved, where are the truths and God's love.
Truth and love are things of the past, there is no truth and love.
There is too much business in our life, no time for truth and love.

Giving and forgiving are things of the past in this generation.
Only money talks, in this world of business;
Truth and love are the hardest things to find in this world.
There is so much business, what’s going on with this generation;
Only money talks to this generation, full of business.
Thank you for forgiving and giving truth and love in this business world.

Written by: The Senior 15/11/2018
-The Difference
211 · Sep 2021
I'll Rather Die Trying II
I'll never bow to any pessimism on my vision.
I'll never tolerate any nonsense on my vision.
I'll never surrender to haters.
I'm such a hustler, that 'll never bow to haters.
I'm such a train that 'll rather crush nonsense on it's way.
I'll rather die, I'll never bow to pessimist's on my way.

Yes, the number one dreamer.
Yes, I'll rather be the number one dreamer.
I'll rather die, trying to achieve the best of myself.
Yes, I'll rather die, investing the best on myself.
This is the life, where we have to invest better than yesterday.
This is the life, where we live to be better than yesterday.
I'll rather die trying, this is the life of clear mission.
I'll rather die trying, no hater can stop my clear vision.

Written By: The Senior Date:22/08/2021
-The Vision
208 · Apr 2023
He Fell
Hi ladies and gentlemen
Let me public backbite this one.
Yes, yes this one, this one!
Do you know him!
My God, one day I video called him!
Yes, two second his phone was off!
Yes, they said he fell and his phone was off!
I asked them why?
They said "he saw your wife and think is Beyonce"
Ladies and gentlemen do not think this one is Jayz.
(Yes, Yes, yes is Jayz woooh Jayz!)
No guys let me tell you guys!
Me, you see me!
I do not know how to backbite!
Yes, I do not know how to backbite!
You see, I am forced to tell you the truth!
My God, My God this people!
My God, My God your people!
The guy, the guy who fell is is ....
No, I say, ya I say the guy who fell
Is m-y my, no the greed guy.
Living next to me, my neighbour!
Yes, he used to stay somewhere somewhere at Magic City...
And cheated with my girlfriend.
And this day he was shocked he is my neighbour.
Let me warn all the people of magi city.
Me, you see me, I am a native doctor!
I say, I say I am a classic doctor!
Him, he is a western doctor!
And, and that guy who witch us
He is a traditional and outdated doctor!
So, this guy he once worked as a western doctor!
Where, at the capital city;
And later he resigned, why because of his calling!
You know where, I am going!
This guy, he was once a prophet!
What happened, he failed to be patient!
You know what he did!
He started killing people, why?
He wanted to be rich; and me yes, I!
I started calling him an outdated doctor!
And her colleagues decided to call him a traditional doctor!
You know where I am going!
I do not know to back bite!
Some people have shrines, from where, from the devil!
Are they real shrines, no!
But what?
just coven's!
Are they called covens, no!
But what?
Churches and so forth!
Lord forgive me, for my sins
Thank you Lord!

Written By: The Senior
Date: Undefined
-The Fallacy
183 · Oct 2019
God Or Money
What an important decision to make.
Man of vision help me in this T-junction.
Wise Man, show me the wise direction?
What a T-junction, which direction to take?
What about God, What about money, which I can fake?
When I will die, what a life T-junction?
When I will enjoy life, is money the right direction?
God or money, think twice God or money, do not fake.

Earth want money, Heaven need God.
What if I choose money and die after a second?
God or money, never trust a man in this T-junction.
Most drivers turn to the money, while they are flicking to God.
Message to these superstars drivers of this second.
Money short live, God long live. I choose God

Written by: The Senior 27/09/2019
The Difference appetizer
181 · Apr 2022
Cheers (Civilized Bastard)
Thank you, Lord, I’m a civilized *******.
Wow, what a **** civilized *******’ bar!
Let me chill in this civilized ******* bar.
Thank you, Lord, Cheers civilized *******.
Yes, (Thank you, Lord, Cheers civilized *******).
Let us worship our God, on their so-called *******'s bar.
Let us practice good humanity on their so-called *******'s bar.
Thank you, Lord, for making me a civilized *******.

Civilized ******* prove these foolish chosen ones wrong.
Civilized ******* turns this hell to heaven, I say, I say do it now.
They say action speaks louder than words.
Yes, Cheers (civilized *******) let us prove them wrong.
Yes, glasses up (Cheers), we say, we say do it now.
Thank you, Lord, We are your civilized *******.  

-Written By:  The Senior 12 April 2022
-The Feeling
175 · Oct 2022
The Peaceful Son
Every day I give the best, I can give!
Every year I give the best, I can give!
Where ever I come, they say we know The #1!
Where ever I go, they say we know the #1!
I am just the #1 in the absence of the rest!
I am just the best in the absence of the best!
No matter what you can say, we know The #1!
No matter what you can do, we know the #1
Yes, we know the peaceful son of Eswatini.
Yes, we know the African peaceful son of Eswatini.
No matter how life can be, just give love.
No matter what, I will pray for peace and love!
The Senior is just the World Peace Sign!
The Senior is just the World's peaceful son!

Written By: The Senior Date: undefined
-The Feeling
Indeed, software development is my sport.
My passion looks posh, but it’s not classy for real.
My craving looks classy, but it’s not stylish for real.
Design, coding, testing, and maintaining code is my sport.
Yes, coding is fun, yes debugging code is my sport.
Yes, how I make it, I google it, I download it for real.
Stackoverflow, the problem solver, I love you for real.
Stackoverflow, the wiser- ******* of my sport.

Again and again, this business is cool to run.
Just a computer, internet, and electricity, I get started.
Just business information technology is my department.
Bring those headphones and that laptop bag for my project runs.
Just a business-minded introvert, that’s how I get started.
Just mathematics makes me excel in my web backend department.

Written By: The Senior Date: 12/11/2021
-The Vision
174 · Aug 2019
Flower Girl.
You are still my number one lady.
Every day when I wake up I still feel the same about you.
No one is comparable to you all the days I‘m living for you.
Nobody will ever win my heart, you still my number one lady.
You are the only queen of my heart, no air without you, baby.
You are the oxygen and water, I cannot live without you.
I’m the fish and you are the water, I cannot live without you.
You are my flower girl, you still my number one lady.
You are my flower girl, you are my one and only girl.
All eyes on us, our love is a published film.
All eyes on us, our love is a published novel.
You are my one and only girl, you are my flower girl.
All your eyes on me, our love is a published film.
All my eyes on you, our love is a published novel.
On-street they call me Mr. Responsible.
Meaning everyone knows you are Mrs. Responsible.

         Written by –The Senior 28/08/2017
I'm Responsible (The 14)
169 · Sep 2019
They Pretend So Strong.
Thank You, for being there for me all along.
I feel so strong when I’m with you.
I feel so sorry when I’m not with you.
You know my story, with you I feel so strong.
When I’m weak, you make me feel so strong.
I feel so weak when I’m far from you.
I feel so strong when I’m next to you.
You made me feel so strong all oh o along.

Every day of my life, I will live it for you.
Without you, nobody I can trust and love.
People of this world, flow with the cash flow.
People of this world pretend to be there for you.
They pretend so strong to give trust and love.
I feel so sorry if I don’t have the cash they foreknow.

-Written by: The Senior 02/09/2019
single release
169 · Jan 2023
Lord I am Your Child
Lord of mercy, Lord of old!
Yes Lord of old, yes, yes, yes!
Oh My God, yes, my Sweet Lord!
Thank you Lord, Thank you my Sweet Lord!
People of this World, answer me!
People of this world, answer him!
How many times, I must win!
How many days, I must win?
How many years, I must win?
Before you call him a child of God!
How many months, I must win?
How many weeks, I must Win?
Before you call him a child of God!
Thank you Lord, Lord I am your child!

Written By: The Senior Date: 01/01/2023
-The Indisputable
166 · Aug 2019
God For me.
God calm me.
Devil is responsible to obsess me.
God encourage me.
The devil discourage me.
God bless me.
Devil steal for me.
God leads me.
Devil pushes me.
I am so responsible, I am so responsible.
Devil I will act upon you, Devil I will react upon you,
I am the one who supposed to take a side.
I am so responsible, I am so responsible.
Devil I will react upon you, Devil I will act upon you,
I am the one who supposed to take a side.
God care and still for me.
I am so responsible, (God for me).

     Written by –The Senior 28/08/2017
I'm Responsible (The 14)
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