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798 · Apr 2019
Someone's Mother
Alexa Apr 2019
out there
doesn't have a mom.

You say "Everyone has a mom".
Well, get this.

Someone's mother
was born in the 70's,
with bipolar disorder.
Quite the disaster.
This was before
people knew how to address
things like that,
so instead it was
hidden away.

Someone's mother
turned to drugs
to make herself feel okay
but it didn't really turn out that way.
By the time she was 22
she had two daughters,
but no source of stability.

Someone's mother
overdosed one (two? three?)too many times
and got arrested for
possession of illegal drugs.

Someone's mother
had to sing
"You Are My Sunshine"
with her hand up to glass,
instead of with her hand
in her daughter's.

forgot to give their mother
one last hug

Someone's mother's
last OD
resulted in laying
on a couch for
three days.
Someone's mother
went into
a coma.

was told
to say goodbye
to her mother,
and said
"She can't hear me.
Why should I say goodbye
if she can't hear me?"

was without a mother
at 11 years old.

had a sister that stole
*** from her mother.

grew up
not really knowing
what was going on.

out there
doesn't have a mom.
This poem is my science teacher's story. "Someone" is my science teacher. I wrote this poem to help gain the perspective that I have. That not every child grows up in the loving home that they deserve to grow up in. But you kind of need to hear the story in person, surrounded by a class of crying people to feel it.
Alexa May 2019
This morning
i came up
with the most beautiful

And then
I forgot it.
Ugh! Does this happen to anyone else?
428 · May 2019
Alexa May 2019
have you ever
had cancer?
in your brain?
did it hurt?
did you cry?
i would actually
like to know.
a girl in my grade got diagnosed w/ stage 4 brain cancer. Because I'm on student council I'm helping plan a fundraiser for her, to help pay her medical bills. And I'm supposed  to spread the word so... Here I am. Here you are. Wow.
Also, if you would like to donate to her or come to her fundraiser look up #samantha_strong on instagram.
Alexa Apr 2019
Hello Poetry is built
like a social media site
but those of us that make
the front page
have like 10 followers.

I have 2
(shout out to Perry
and Fredrick Njroge)
but it's not a big deal.
Because that's not what I'm here for.

"We write to be seen,
But we slam to be heard."
Check out Lamar Jorden's poems on Youtube. "Blink" is my favorite.
251 · May 2019
Fortune Cookie Advice
Alexa May 2019
"Never explain.
Your friends don't need it,
and your enemies won't believe you anyway"

But still, I explain.
To my friends
because they deserve
to know.

to my enemies
so that just in case
the believe me,
they don't go through life
that when they called me
I agreed.
Just my thoughts at the moment.
95 · May 2019
Alexa May 2019

Someone asked me how it feels
to be black.
No joke.
It happened.

my best friend asked me
if he could have
an "N-word pass."
No joke.

someone came up
and put their hand
in my hair
and started messing with it.
No joke.
They were like
"How do you get your hair
so curly?"
And in my head I was like
'Um... Youuu.. Ugh!?!How do you get your hair
so straight? How do you get your skin
so white?"

How do you not know
that our worlds might be very different
or closer to the same
than you might ever
want to believe?
Not actually yesterday. I wrote this poem a really long time ago. Well not really, but kind of a long time..? Is 2 years long? I don’t even know when it was, but anyway, the world still feels this way. It annoys me that even though a kind of long time has passed, it still feels this way to be black.

— The End —