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 Feb 2019 Robert Marshall
Sometimes peaceful
Sometimes loud
Sometimes sad
Sometimes good
Lonely is different
Lonely is bad
And scary
Can’t see, can’t hear, can’t breathe,
Loneliness suffocates
 Feb 2019 Robert Marshall
I am quiet, still
A body of water at rest
Waiting to be disturbed
 Feb 2019 Robert Marshall
late at night, i lie awake
thinking of things i should have said
all the mistakes i've made
and signs i should've read

then think about what i can't live without
you, front and center in my mind
sometimes it feels like halfway love
almost, but not quite

still, parts of you make me whole
who i am and who i need to be
i think of love letters that weren't torn up
feelings of blue and green

when i'm without you
blank page, artless innocence
i realize how dependent i've grown to you
and feel the need to create a distance

sometimes i look up at the purple sky
and wonder if you're looking too
i gaze at the colors and the beauty of it all
though its beauty would never compare to you
 Feb 2019 Robert Marshall
I’m screaming
And no one on Earth can hear me
Sometimes it feels like I am screaming so loud, and no one hears me. No one gets me.
I heard her
screaming out
for love,
she thinks
she deserves--

she was
to the wind
 Feb 2019 Robert Marshall
pretty girl,
the boys are out to get you
they'll take away your flower
they want what's only yours

pretty girl,
blossom slowly,
stay in your cocoon for now
for summer can only last so long
and soon it will be over
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