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 Jun 2019 Pretend Poetry
 Jun 2019 Pretend Poetry
How to become a poet:
Let someone rip your soul apart.
And in the need of mending ,
You will replace it with words.
 Jun 2019 Pretend Poetry
I never knew success
I heard she was quite the celebrity
I've always wanted to dance

But she never wanted any of me

I can only fantasize
About her lovely lips
I could only dream of a passionate kiss

Success and I
A warm embrace
And staring at her beautiful face

She's just a dream I love to dream
But I've never known her

And I've heard she's the best

But I've never known success
The only girl I've ever known is

Nothing is more sad
than the Death of an illusion
don't show your cards if you see a smirk in their eyes
because doubling down might have seemed great
until you see they had two queens the whole time.
So, here's the cache:
Make sure
all & any & every
single move you make
you won’t regret

in years or even days
keeping you at 3am
in the bath wide awake

as a preventive
bound tight to this vow, I stay

say what you mean
& mean what you say

Like champange with *******,
you'll have been overcame with duende
for this phrase

& it’ll keep your subconscious feeling clean
while you continue to slay away
at just your normal hygiene for today
or maybe a few disarrayed prey
it'll even help trick it when you actually are totally aware
you’re instigating & quite quietly steering
some rather nasty foul play

but besides the fact the move’s today
and still, I attempt to cajole
and I’m now regretting not only an action
but a whole section
an entire chunk of my life spun out and
became some mangled & ******-up black hole

& the worst part is, its long past,
I mean it's looooong since slipped outta my control
& it's long past me being the one looked to for decisions
& its long past when I sorta lost
all & any & every
bit of possibly existing trust

& long past, I just now noticed it all
mid-through one of countless attempts to self-console

because when I went crazy, everyone still called me Superman

Because when Superman bumps his head,
who’s gonna get past the
Super in Superman
and ****** pick him up and put him back on solid ground?

Because that’d really **** if Superman wound up dead
Because no one thought the dude that shut down the Ku Klux ****
Could be uncrowned &
end up all bled out & drowned
i hope you mean it.
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