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Leo Janowick Mar 2019
Can I rest even a minute?
Can I breathe even a little?
Each morning, each day,
Is ******* with things and stuff
Oh, I have to..
take care of the clothes
do the dishes
have to cook
oh, the grocery
daughter needs this
husband needs that
and many others
but have you even think
of taking care of yourself?
I cry between showers
So they won’t notice
Or even stay long in the supermarket
The only thing I can call “me time”
Can I rest even a minute?
Can I breathe even a little?
When you’re a mom, a wife
Sometimes you feel drained
Sometimes you feel frustration
Can I rest even a minute?
Can I breathe even a little?
Can I have even a day..
for myself?
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
I have Poetry
   written in stars
      across my

You'll have to
   pull me open
      to map your way
         to my soul....
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
te he estado esperando
pensando en ti
echándote de menos
y ahora estas aqui
no perdamos un momento

Ven a mi
besos profundos y apasionados
Mantenido cerca en el abrazo del amor
lenguas bailan una samba silenciosa
y el mundo se aleja

Tranquilidad tranquila de respiraciones contenidas
susurro de te amo suavemente
tierna es el toque de anhelo
nuestro calor avivando las llamas
a medida que las pasiones se hacen más fuertes

me llevas en lujuria carnal
tu bestia despierta hambriento
devorame con gusto
Soy solo un sabroso bocado
Y quiero ser tu placer gastronómico .


I've been waiting for you
thinking about you
missing you
and now you're here
let's not waste a moment

come to me
kisses deep and passionate
held close in love's embrace
tongues dance a silent samba
and the world falls away

quiet earnest of bated breathes
whisper of I love yous softly
tender is the touch of longing
our heat fanning the flames
as passions grow stronger

you take me in carnal lust
your beast awakens hungry
devour me with relish
I am but a tasty morsel
and I want to be your dining pleasure...
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
All the words are taken,
There are no words to say.
A million write
About a wolf
Yet never
Been face to face.
Many write about the moon
Yet never dream
Of outer space.
So many write of love
Yet pass it by every day.
So I will write about life
In a few lines or less,
I stand by my right to howl
With only all the best.
Show the moon
It's cherished
Each and every day
Stop to glance at love
And watch it
Walk away.
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
Cherished are the memories that
Brought us to this day,
For yesterday, was just a dream ...
A wish to contemplate.

A fantasy where in my mind,
A fleeting glimpse I would see ...
A vision of the true desires
I longed for endlessly.

And when I dreamed, I did not know
The love I would feel today;
The height of my true feelings,
And the depths they would portray.

And if I had one wish today,
A simple wish that would be ...
Is that the love we feel this moment,
Lasts eternally.

Reality has merged now
As you stand here by my side;
And as I join your hand in mine,
My heart does fill with pride.

For as I pledge my love to you,
I see in many ways,
Reflections of my love for you
Are mirrored in your gaze.

And by our presence here today,
And for the love we share,
I thank you for our yesterdays
That brought us to be here.

But more than this, I vow to you,
My wishes yet to come ...
Tomorrow's dreams and fantasies,
This day that we are one.

Tomorrow's an adventure
That we will share together now;
Our future's intertwined forever,
Through this holy vow.

I promise to remember
In the future years and days,
The love I feel for you this moment ...
Dreams fulfilled today.

For in the coming years as we
Move on, and reminisce,
Back to the day, I stood with you
And promised with a kiss ...

That blessed are the days that
I have looked into your eyes,
And felt the warmth and love reflect,
The essence of our lives.


Yesterday we dreamed of what might be;
Today we validate our love;
And tomorrow we will cherish the life we have shared as one.
Leo Janowick Mar 2019
My fingers fly
  across the keys

trying to compose
  my thoughts to please

For you, my dear,
  my lovely Wife

The woman I chose
to call my Wife.

My heart is yours
to have and to hold

forever dear,
  as we grow old.

I Love You.
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