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102 · May 2020
TheWitheredSoul May 2020
I love you there is no bound for it interms of time ,length , breadth , area or size
All i know is that i love you.
101 · Jun 2020
Another day
TheWitheredSoul Jun 2020
I dont love to live.
I just live to love you another day.
love life death all binds me to you inevitably.
I am imprisoned in my own thoughts.
Will i ever recite my love to you, I don't know, i don't think i am worthy of you but i will love you.
99 · Mar 2020
TheWitheredSoul Mar 2020
How do you convince yourself to stop loving someone?

It's simple you can't. Love might even fade you may stop thinking about them, stop talking to them, stop dreaming about them but the feeling it will always reside no matter. They are your cornerstones whether you like it or not.
98 · Jul 2020
TheWitheredSoul Jul 2020
For all that i wonder i wished we meant all the songs we send for each other.
I wish people knew what goes on each other hearts because the words they utter dont really express everything they would want to convey.
96 · Mar 2020
Severance in Solidarity
TheWitheredSoul Mar 2020
Sometimes I stay angry and quiet for losing my happiness but then I wonder how could someone ever get angry about losing something they never had then I end up being a lot quiet as like ,

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•́  ‿ ,•̀
92 · Jan 2020
Love ain't Choosy
TheWitheredSoul Jan 2020
We don't choose the one we love ,
it's a spark a feeling something like probability of our existence.

One mere atom falling out of line...... One out of a trillion ways to go wrong, yet  it went wrong in one specific way that resulted in our existence.

The moment you feel the spark will be the moment that LL be etched into your soul, .. that one moment in all of your existence will be the one where you feel the actuality and veracity of love.
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90 · Mar 2020
Another lost pearl
TheWitheredSoul Mar 2020
What happens when you hurt the women you loved the most?

You cry till your eyes dry
You whim till there's no voice left
Most of all you realize the fact that you lost your light to reach the end of the tunnel and you know you're stuck with the dark forever without a glimmer of hope.
Dedicated to the one women I never wanted to hurt. I know a even thousand sorries will never make up for the mistakes I made.

I love you with all my heart no matter what
Forever your dear brother friend and well wisher.
89 · May 2020
TheWitheredSoul May 2020
The word cringe is the ultimate metaphor that could be used to describe love and personify life.
It seems like my perception of love is bewildered
87 · Dec 2020
TheWitheredSoul Dec 2020
You can be a person with good intentions
You can be a person with generosity
You can be a person with Kindness
You can be a person with always others best interests at heart
but none of it really matters people see what they choose to see, and theres nothing you can do about it
86 · Jun 2020
Rosy reds.
TheWitheredSoul Jun 2020
Love isnt the same for everyone.
76 · Apr 2020
TheWitheredSoul Apr 2020
Cringe and vile being
Sad and Sarcastic. No one will ever fathom whats beneath my skin for i exist without a soul.
69 · Apr 2020
TheWitheredSoul Apr 2020
Never would have lived through the time where the stars that aligned above the shades with none to watch if it wasnt for the enigma of love.
Love prospers hope.
69 · Jun 2020
Mind and Heart
TheWitheredSoul Jun 2020
You can settle your mind with compromises but the heart,
The heart always wants what it wants.

— The End —