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437 · Nov 2018
One More Kiss
James Foley Nov 2018
One More Kiss
by James Foley

So one more kiss and then it's over?
We'll say goodbye, goodbye forever?
Though each of us could find some other
Lover, we'd never rediscover
Those fiery hours that once were ours,
If our love ends, if it's all over.

But let our wanderlust recover:
Living to rove and loving roving,
Living to love and loving loving.
Couldn’t we set out, our hearts on fire
To reach the land of heart’s desire,
Where love won't end? It's never over?

Beyond blue seas we'd find new Floridas
Where panthers' eyes shine in the flowers.
Then go again: no bounds, no end.
Just go and go, and never know,
Like careless rivers, where we go:
In love forever, never over.

James Foley­m
Verses from the past: the love did last.
378 · Jul 2019
You're Invisible
James Foley Jul 2019
I can see the sea through a branch of green leaves,
And there's nothing else visible, nothing else green:
Like a void with no other world out there,
No other world anywhere.
And I think of you and wonder where
You are and if you wonder where
I am night now. But why should you care?
Someone dear but distant.
James Foley Aug 2019
She shunned him—hung upwhen heI'd call.
His broken heart cried, End it all!'
On a dock's edge, above the ocean
He stood and drank a poisoned potion.
Then looped a noose around his head,
And with one shot shot himself dead.

Or would have, but he missed his head
And shot th noose loop loose instead,
Then, falling, gulped the salty ocean,
Which made him puke the poisned potion.
Swimming ashore, he blamed himself
Becaause he could not slay nimself.
But then she came. He watched her fall
Into his arms, answering his call.
Crazy fantasy, but good wshes for us all.

— The End —