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 Nov 2020 Napolis
the knife in my back was

the fingerprints

the blood
 Nov 2020 Napolis
the sun and the stars
are technically one
in the same—
they all give you light

but only one gives you life
sure, she’s a star...
but so are a lot of people

i’m the sun
to your world

when are you going
to realize it?
 Nov 2020 Napolis
Grace E
 Nov 2020 Napolis
Grace E
I’ve died so many times.

The ghosts of all the girls I’ve been, linger in photographs and her writing is still inked in diary’s and journals from the past.

I know she is proud of who I am now.

And I look forward to who I will become one day.
 Nov 2020 Napolis
 Nov 2020 Napolis
When she's happy,
she writes
When she's sad,
she writes
When she's hurt,
she writes
When she misses,
she writes
When there is no wink of sleep in the middle of the night,
she still get in touch with her ink and a paper

She has found her hiding palace,
in the hands of her beautiful black diary
She has found comfort,
in the fascinating creation of her pen
That exquisite glance she get everytime she get in touch with her writings,
gives her a new breeze out of nature
The feeling of having to express her feeling without judgement,
gives her new outlook on life
Words are her chariots
Inks are her swords
Writting is the stain in her veins
 Oct 2020 Napolis
Mia Mcdaniel
Across the forest of dreams my desperate eyes catch a glimmer of light
A glimpse of sun that beams against a path of sweet music that plays my smile
A road I have never seen before
A path I have never felt beneath my feat
The time beneath my feet flys across the forest of dreams to catch my lustful wishes
Ever road touched beneath my feat noise evaporates into singing of birds
Moisture of rain drip of instrument into splash of puddles
Tree leaves rattle of joy
Sunshine cracks through kissing trees
A road I’ve never walk
The weight of my barren shoulders that slides off like a drop of rain on a leaf
Though the roads is cement my feet felt of grass beneath my feet
Though my heart heavy of pain, the weight evaporates into moist of happiness
A road so mysterious but so beautiful that I’ve never pictured within my eyes
A road so painful though filled with happiness tears walks across my cheek
Road of peace I wish I could walk
Road of silence that I wish wasn’t just a dream
A never ending of happiness I wish I felt underneath my feet
A road I wish for to wipe my pain though it was never there
But reality is so cruel against my wishes
 Oct 2020 Napolis
Mia Mcdaniel
I’d hold my breath, I bit my lips, I stayed strong, I didn’t shed a tear, I didn’t break,
You beat me with the power you stood in
The words you said kills my kindness
The lies you told made my hatred
The love one you took from me killed my blooming buds
Though I stayed strong and I wiped my sadness like an umbrella protecting rain from my shoulders
I stayed strong, how long I hold until you broke me,
My tears flooded the city of my kindness
My hatred killed my love
My sadness shattered me into pieces that I can’t count
I picked myself up but my finger tips bleeded
The lies you told to take my love
To take my life
To break me in pieces
To **** my dreams
To take what I worked for in life
You took without a thought
Without a care
Without a blink
The lie you told that made me break
That made me a monster
The monster that started the games you played
The game you thought you won
A game you should have never started
But you didn’t care of what you’ve done. You didn’t care
 Oct 2020 Napolis
An empty chest
A stomach of pain
Swirling thoughts
Around in my brain

Countless hours
No time to live
Everything I am
I have to give

There's no point
Unless there's love
An endless equation
No one can solve

Day by day
It's all the same
Misery and sarrow
With someone to blame

Are you living?
Finding happiness
Or are you surviving?
Combatting mental illness

No courage to get help
Independence is key
Aid is unaffordable
Never free

Kindness of the innocent
A beacon of light
Someone to follow
Out of the black night
 Oct 2020 Napolis
a moment
 Oct 2020 Napolis
As we sat in the car and the sun declined, the world turned to a peach hue and dimmed. The pouring rain from not only an hour before still felt as if it lingered in the air, sticking to my skin. A car joined us in the parking lot and started staring to the East, we both turned our gaze to align with theirs and saw a perfect rainbow accompanied by a faded second. And as we sat there and reflected on the topic of the human perseption of light, I found a moment to ask, "Can I kiss you so we can remember this moment forever?"
They replied, "of course".
Romantic or cheesy? I see no difference
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